Give names to all utility processes.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / drive /
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/drive/drive_notification_manager.h"
7 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
8 #include "chrome/browser/drive/drive_notification_observer.h"
9 #include "components/invalidation/invalidation_service.h"
10 #include "components/invalidation/object_id_invalidation_map.h"
11 #include "google/cacheinvalidation/types.pb.h"
13 namespace drive {
15 namespace {
17 // The polling interval time is used when XMPP is disabled.
18 const int kFastPollingIntervalInSecs = 60;
20 // The polling interval time is used when XMPP is enabled. Theoretically
21 // polling should be unnecessary if XMPP is enabled, but just in case.
22 const int kSlowPollingIntervalInSecs = 300;
24 // The sync invalidation object ID for Google Drive.
25 const char kDriveInvalidationObjectId[] = "CHANGELOG";
27 } // namespace
29 DriveNotificationManager::DriveNotificationManager(
30 invalidation::InvalidationService* invalidation_service)
31 : invalidation_service_(invalidation_service),
32 push_notification_registered_(false),
33 push_notification_enabled_(false),
34 observers_notified_(false),
35 polling_timer_(true /* retain_user_task */, false /* is_repeating */),
36 weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
37 DCHECK(invalidation_service_);
38 RegisterDriveNotifications();
39 RestartPollingTimer();
42 DriveNotificationManager::~DriveNotificationManager() {}
44 void DriveNotificationManager::Shutdown() {
45 // Unregister for Drive notifications.
46 if (!invalidation_service_ || !push_notification_registered_)
47 return;
49 // We unregister the handler without updating unregistering our IDs on
50 // purpose. See the class comment on the InvalidationService interface for
51 // more information.
52 invalidation_service_->UnregisterInvalidationHandler(this);
53 invalidation_service_ = NULL;
56 void DriveNotificationManager::OnInvalidatorStateChange(
57 syncer::InvalidatorState state) {
58 push_notification_enabled_ = (state == syncer::INVALIDATIONS_ENABLED);
59 if (push_notification_enabled_) {
60 DVLOG(1) << "XMPP Notifications enabled";
61 } else {
62 DVLOG(1) << "XMPP Notifications disabled (state=" << state << ")";
64 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(DriveNotificationObserver, observers_,
65 OnPushNotificationEnabled(push_notification_enabled_));
68 void DriveNotificationManager::OnIncomingInvalidation(
69 const syncer::ObjectIdInvalidationMap& invalidation_map) {
70 DVLOG(2) << "XMPP Drive Notification Received";
71 syncer::ObjectIdSet ids = invalidation_map.GetObjectIds();
72 DCHECK_EQ(1U, ids.size());
73 const invalidation::ObjectId object_id(
74 ipc::invalidation::ObjectSource::COSMO_CHANGELOG,
75 kDriveInvalidationObjectId);
76 DCHECK_EQ(1U, ids.count(object_id));
78 // This effectively disables 'local acks'. It tells the invalidations system
79 // to not bother saving invalidations across restarts for us.
80 // See
81 invalidation_map.AcknowledgeAll();
82 NotifyObserversToUpdate(NOTIFICATION_XMPP);
85 std::string DriveNotificationManager::GetOwnerName() const { return "Drive"; }
87 void DriveNotificationManager::AddObserver(
88 DriveNotificationObserver* observer) {
89 observers_.AddObserver(observer);
92 void DriveNotificationManager::RemoveObserver(
93 DriveNotificationObserver* observer) {
94 observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
97 void DriveNotificationManager::RestartPollingTimer() {
98 const int interval_secs = (push_notification_enabled_ ?
99 kSlowPollingIntervalInSecs :
100 kFastPollingIntervalInSecs);
101 polling_timer_.Stop();
102 polling_timer_.Start(
104 base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(interval_secs),
105 base::Bind(&DriveNotificationManager::NotifyObserversToUpdate,
106 weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
110 void DriveNotificationManager::NotifyObserversToUpdate(
111 NotificationSource source) {
112 DVLOG(1) << "Notifying observers: " << NotificationSourceToString(source);
113 FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(DriveNotificationObserver, observers_,
114 OnNotificationReceived());
115 if (!observers_notified_) {
116 UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Drive.PushNotificationInitiallyEnabled",
117 push_notification_enabled_);
119 observers_notified_ = true;
121 // Note that polling_timer_ is not a repeating timer. Restarting manually
122 // here is better as XMPP may be received right before the polling timer is
123 // fired (i.e. we don't notify observers twice in a row).
124 RestartPollingTimer();
127 void DriveNotificationManager::RegisterDriveNotifications() {
128 DCHECK(!push_notification_enabled_);
130 if (!invalidation_service_)
131 return;
133 invalidation_service_->RegisterInvalidationHandler(this);
134 syncer::ObjectIdSet ids;
135 ids.insert(invalidation::ObjectId(
136 ipc::invalidation::ObjectSource::COSMO_CHANGELOG,
137 kDriveInvalidationObjectId));
138 invalidation_service_->UpdateRegisteredInvalidationIds(this, ids);
139 push_notification_registered_ = true;
140 OnInvalidatorStateChange(invalidation_service_->GetInvalidatorState());
142 UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Drive.PushNotificationRegistered",
143 push_notification_registered_);
146 // static
147 std::string DriveNotificationManager::NotificationSourceToString(
148 NotificationSource source) {
149 switch (source) {
157 return "";
160 } // namespace drive