2 Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
4 The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
5 The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
6 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
7 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
11 `core-icon-button` is an icon with button behaviors.
13 <core-icon-button src="star.png"></core-icon-button>
15 `core-icon-button` includes a default icon set. Use `icon` to specify
16 which icon from the icon set to use.
18 <core-icon-button icon="menu"></core-icon-button>
20 See [`core-iconset`](#core-iconset) for more information about
21 how to use a custom icon set.
23 @group Polymer Core Elements
24 @element core-icon-button
28 <link rel=
"import" href=
29 <link rel=
"import" href=
31 <polymer-element name=
"core-icon-button" attributes=
"src icon active">
34 <link rel=
"stylesheet" href=
35 <core-icon src=
"{{src}}" icon=
40 Polymer('core-icon-button', {
43 * The URL of an image for the icon. Should not use `icon` property
44 * if you are using this property.
53 * If true, border is placed around the button to indicate it's
63 * Specifies the icon name or index in the set of icons available in
64 * the icon set. Should not use `src` property if you are using this
73 activeChanged: function() {
74 this.classList
.toggle('selected', this.active