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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / resources / net_internals / timeline_view.js
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 /**
6  * TimelineView displays a zoomable and scrollable graph of a number of values
7  * over time.  The TimelineView class itself is responsible primarily for
8  * updating the TimelineDataSeries its GraphView displays.
9  */
10 var TimelineView = (function() {
11   'use strict';
13   // We inherit from HorizontalSplitView.
14   var superClass = HorizontalSplitView;
16   /**
17    * @constructor
18    */
19   function TimelineView() {
20     assertFirstConstructorCall(TimelineView);
22     this.graphView_ = new TimelineGraphView(
23         TimelineView.GRAPH_DIV_ID,
24         TimelineView.GRAPH_CANVAS_ID,
25         TimelineView.SCROLLBAR_DIV_ID,
26         TimelineView.SCROLLBAR_INNER_DIV_ID);
28     // Call superclass's constructor.
30     var selectionView = new DivView(TimelineView.SELECTION_DIV_ID);
31     superClass.call(this, selectionView, this.graphView_);
33     this.selectionDivFullWidth_ = selectionView.getWidth();
34     $(TimelineView.SELECTION_TOGGLE_ID).onclick =
35         this.toggleSelectionDiv_.bind(this);
37     // Interval id returned by window.setInterval for update timer.
38     this.updateIntervalId_ = null;
40     // List of DataSeries.  These are shared with the TimelineGraphView.  The
41     // TimelineView updates their state, the TimelineGraphView reads their
42     // state and draws them.
43     this.dataSeries_ = [];
45     // DataSeries depend on some of the global constants, so they're only
46     // created once constants have been received.  We also use this message to
47     // recreate DataSeries when log files are being loaded.
48     g_browser.addConstantsObserver(this);
50     // We observe new log entries to determine the range of the graph, and pass
51     // them on to each DataSource.  We initialize the graph range to initially
52     // include all events, but after that, we only update it to be the current
53     // time on a timer.
54     EventsTracker.getInstance().addLogEntryObserver(this);
55     this.graphRangeInitialized_ = false;
56   }
58   TimelineView.TAB_ID = 'tab-handle-timeline';
59   TimelineView.TAB_NAME = 'Timeline';
60   TimelineView.TAB_HASH = '#timeline';
62   // IDs for special HTML elements in timeline_view.html
63   TimelineView.GRAPH_DIV_ID = 'timeline-view-graph-div';
64   TimelineView.GRAPH_CANVAS_ID = 'timeline-view-graph-canvas';
65   TimelineView.SELECTION_DIV_ID = 'timeline-view-selection-div';
66   TimelineView.SELECTION_TOGGLE_ID = 'timeline-view-selection-toggle';
67   TimelineView.SELECTION_UL_ID = 'timeline-view-selection-ul';
68   TimelineView.SCROLLBAR_DIV_ID = 'timeline-view-scrollbar-div';
69   TimelineView.SCROLLBAR_INNER_DIV_ID = 'timeline-view-scrollbar-inner-div';
71   TimelineView.OPEN_SOCKETS_ID = 'timeline-view-open-sockets';
72   TimelineView.IN_USE_SOCKETS_ID = 'timeline-view-in-use-sockets';
73   TimelineView.URL_REQUESTS_ID = 'timeline-view-url-requests';
74   TimelineView.DNS_JOBS_ID = 'timeline-view-dns-jobs';
75   TimelineView.BYTES_RECEIVED_ID = 'timeline-view-bytes-received';
76   TimelineView.BYTES_SENT_ID = 'timeline-view-bytes-sent';
77   TimelineView.DISK_CACHE_BYTES_READ_ID =
78       'timeline-view-disk-cache-bytes-read';
80       'timeline-view-disk-cache-bytes-written';
82   // Class used for hiding the colored squares next to the labels for the
83   // lines.
84   TimelineView.HIDDEN_CLASS = 'timeline-view-hidden';
86   cr.addSingletonGetter(TimelineView);
88   // Frequency with which we increase update the end date to be the current
89   // time, when actively capturing events.
90   var UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 2000;
92   TimelineView.prototype = {
93     // Inherit the superclass's methods.
94     __proto__: superClass.prototype,
96     setGeometry: function(left, top, width, height) {
97       superClass.prototype.setGeometry.call(this, left, top, width, height);
98     },
100     show: function(isVisible) {
101       superClass.prototype.show.call(this, isVisible);
102       // If we're hidden or not capturing events, we don't want to update the
103       // graph's range.
104       if (!isVisible || g_browser.isDisabled()) {
105         this.setUpdateEndDateInterval_(0);
106         return;
107       }
109       // Otherwise, update the visible range on a timer.
110       this.setUpdateEndDateInterval_(UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS);
111       this.updateEndDate_();
112     },
114     /**
115      * Starts calling the GraphView's updateEndDate function every |intervalMs|
116      * milliseconds.  If |intervalMs| is 0, stops calling the function.
117      */
118     setUpdateEndDateInterval_: function(intervalMs) {
119       if (this.updateIntervalId_ !== null) {
120         window.clearInterval(this.updateIntervalId_);
121         this.updateIntervalId_ = null;
122       }
123       if (intervalMs > 0) {
124         this.updateIntervalId_ =
125             window.setInterval(this.updateEndDate_.bind(this), intervalMs);
126       }
127     },
129     /**
130      * Updates the end date of graph to be the current time, unless the
131      * BrowserBridge is disabled.
132      */
133     updateEndDate_: function() {
134       // If we loaded a log file or capturing data was stopped, stop the timer.
135       if (g_browser.isDisabled()) {
136         this.setUpdateEndDateInterval_(0);
137         return;
138       }
139       this.graphView_.updateEndDate();
140     },
142     onLoadLogFinish: function(data) {
143       this.setUpdateEndDateInterval_(0);
144       return true;
145     },
147     /**
148      * Updates the visibility state of |dataSeries| to correspond to the
149      * current checked state of |checkBox|.  Also updates the class of
150      * |listItem| based on the new visibility state.
151      */
152     updateDataSeriesVisibility_: function(dataSeries, listItem, checkBox) {
153       dataSeries.show(checkBox.checked);
154       if (checkBox.checked)
155         listItem.classList.remove(TimelineView.HIDDEN_CLASS);
156       else
157         listItem.classList.add(TimelineView.HIDDEN_CLASS);
158     },
160     dataSeriesClicked_: function(dataSeries, listItem, checkBox) {
161       this.updateDataSeriesVisibility_(dataSeries, listItem, checkBox);
162       this.graphView_.repaint();
163     },
165     /**
166      * Adds the specified DataSeries to |dataSeries_|, and hooks up
167      * |listItemId|'s checkbox and color to correspond to the current state
168      * of the given DataSeries.
169      */
170     addDataSeries_: function(dataSeries, listItemId) {
171       this.dataSeries_.push(dataSeries);
172       var listItem = $(listItemId);
173       var checkBox = $(listItemId).querySelector('input');
175       // Make sure |listItem| is visible, and then use its color for the
176       // DataSource.
177       listItem.classList.remove(TimelineView.HIDDEN_CLASS);
178       dataSeries.setColor(getComputedStyle(listItem).color);
180       this.updateDataSeriesVisibility_(dataSeries, listItem, checkBox);
181       checkBox.onclick = this.dataSeriesClicked_.bind(this, dataSeries,
182                                                       listItem, checkBox);
183     },
185     /**
186      * Recreate all DataSeries.  Global constants must have been set before
187      * this is called.
188      */
189     createDataSeries_: function() {
190       this.graphRangeInitialized_ = false;
191       this.dataSeries_ = [];
193       this.addDataSeries_(new SourceCountDataSeries(
194                               EventSourceType.SOCKET,
195                               EventType.SOCKET_ALIVE),
196                           TimelineView.OPEN_SOCKETS_ID);
198       this.addDataSeries_(new SocketsInUseDataSeries(),
199                           TimelineView.IN_USE_SOCKETS_ID);
201       this.addDataSeries_(new SourceCountDataSeries(
202                               EventSourceType.URL_REQUEST,
203                               EventType.REQUEST_ALIVE),
204                           TimelineView.URL_REQUESTS_ID);
206       this.addDataSeries_(new SourceCountDataSeries(
207                               EventSourceType.HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_JOB,
208                               EventType.HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_JOB),
209                           TimelineView.DNS_JOBS_ID);
211       this.addDataSeries_(new NetworkTransferRateDataSeries(
212                               EventType.SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED,
213                               EventType.UDP_BYTES_RECEIVED),
214                           TimelineView.BYTES_RECEIVED_ID);
216       this.addDataSeries_(new NetworkTransferRateDataSeries(
217                               EventType.SOCKET_BYTES_SENT,
218                               EventType.UDP_BYTES_SENT),
219                           TimelineView.BYTES_SENT_ID);
221       this.addDataSeries_(new DiskCacheTransferRateDataSeries(
222                               EventType.ENTRY_READ_DATA),
223                           TimelineView.DISK_CACHE_BYTES_READ_ID);
225       this.addDataSeries_(new DiskCacheTransferRateDataSeries(
226                               EventType.ENTRY_WRITE_DATA),
227                           TimelineView.DISK_CACHE_BYTES_WRITTEN_ID);
229       this.graphView_.setDataSeries(this.dataSeries_);
230     },
232     /**
233      * When we receive the constants, create or recreate the DataSeries.
234      */
235     onReceivedConstants: function(constants) {
236       this.createDataSeries_();
237     },
239     /**
240      * When all log entries are deleted, recreate the DataSeries.
241      */
242     onAllLogEntriesDeleted: function() {
243       this.graphRangeInitialized_ = false;
244       this.createDataSeries_();
245     },
247     onReceivedLogEntries: function(entries) {
248       // Pass each entry to every DataSeries, one at a time.  Not having each
249       // data series get data directly from the EventsTracker saves us from
250       // having very un-Javascript-like destructors for when we load new,
251       // constants and slightly simplifies DataSeries objects.
252       for (var entry = 0; entry < entries.length; ++entry) {
253         for (var i = 0; i < this.dataSeries_.length; ++i)
254           this.dataSeries_[i].onReceivedLogEntry(entries[entry]);
255       }
257       // If this is the first non-empty set of entries we've received, or we're
258       // viewing a loaded log file, we will need to update the date range.
259       if (this.graphRangeInitialized_ && !MainView.isViewingLoadedLog())
260         return;
261       if (entries.length == 0)
262         return;
264       // Update the date range.
265       var startDate;
266       if (!this.graphRangeInitialized_) {
267         startDate = timeutil.convertTimeTicksToDate(entries[0].time);
268       } else {
269         startDate = this.graphView_.getStartDate();
270       }
271       var endDate =
272           timeutil.convertTimeTicksToDate(entries[entries.length - 1].time);
273       this.graphView_.setDateRange(startDate, endDate);
274       this.graphRangeInitialized_ = true;
275     },
277     toggleSelectionDiv_: function() {
278       var toggle = $(TimelineView.SELECTION_TOGGLE_ID);
279       var shouldCollapse = toggle.className == 'timeline-view-rotateleft';
281       setNodeDisplay($(TimelineView.SELECTION_UL_ID), !shouldCollapse);
282       toggle.className = shouldCollapse ?
283           'timeline-view-rotateright' : 'timeline-view-rotateleft';
285       // Figure out the appropriate width for the selection div.
286       var newWidth;
287       if (shouldCollapse) {
288         newWidth = toggle.offsetWidth;
289       } else {
290         newWidth = this.selectionDivFullWidth_;
291       }
293       // Change the width on the selection view (doesn't matter what we
294       // set the other values to, since we will re-layout in the next line).
295       this.leftView_.setGeometry(0, 0, newWidth, 100);
297       // Force a re-layout now that the left view has changed width.
298       this.setGeometry(this.getLeft(), this.getTop(), this.getWidth(),
299                        this.getHeight());
300     }
301   };
303   return TimelineView;
304 })();