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[cl-ipmsg.git] / protocol.lisp
2 (in-package cl-ipmsg)
4 (defclass protocol ()
5 ((udp-socket :initform nil :accessor protocol-udp-socket)
6 (command-to-ncommand-table :initform (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
7 :accessor cmd-table)
8 (ncommand-table :initform (make-hash-table :test #'eql)
9 :accessor ncmd-table))
12 (defmethod call-command-handler ((this protocol) srcaddr srcport &rest arguments)
13 (let* ((command (getf arguments :cmd))
14 (handler (gethash command (ncmd-table this))))
15 (if (not handler)
16 (format t "~&Warning: Try to execute unknown command: ~a~&arguments=~a~%"
17 command arguments))
18 (when handler
19 (apply handler (list* :hostaddr srcaddr :port srcport arguments)))))
21 (defgeneric broadcast-addr (protocol))
22 (defgeneric analyze-message (protocol buffer))
23 (defgeneric make-message (protocol &rest arguments))
25 (defmethod send-command-message ((this protocol) dest port &rest arguments)
26 (let* ((buffer (apply #'make-message (list* this arguments)))
27 (buffer-size (length buffer)))
28 (when (not (protocol-udp-socket this))
29 (format t "~2& Error: socket not initialized!~2%")
30 (return-from send-command-message nil))
31 #+nil(warn "DBG: ~a~&~a~&~a" port (octets-to-string buffer) buffer-size)
32 (socket-send (protocol-udp-socket this) buffer buffer-size :port port :host dest)))
34 (defmethod broadcast-command-message ((this protocol) port &rest arguments)
35 #+sbcl (progn (setf (sb-bsd-sockets::sockopt-broadcast
36 (usocket::socket (protocol-udp-socket this))) t)
37 (apply #'send-command-message
38 (list* this (broadcast-addr this) port arguments))
39 (setf (sb-bsd-sockets::sockopt-broadcast
40 (usocket::socket (protocol-udp-socket this))) nil))
43 (defmacro define-protocol-command-recipient
44 (protocol name-and-aliases value param-list &body body)
45 (let ((method-fn (gensym))
46 (protocol-object (gensym)))
47 `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
48 (let ((,method-fn (lambda ,param-list ,@body))
49 (,protocol-object (get-protocol-singleton ',protocol)))
50 ,@(loop for cmd-name in (if (listp name-and-aliases) name-and-aliases (list name-and-aliases))
51 collecting `(setf (gethash ,cmd-name (cmd-table ,protocol-object)) ,value))
52 (setf (gethash ,value (ncmd-table ,protocol-object)) ,method-fn)))))
54 (defvar *protocol-singleton-table* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
56 (defun get-protocol-singleton (class-name)
57 (or (gethash class-name *protocol-singleton-table*)
58 (setf (gethash class-name *protocol-singleton-table*)
59 (make-instance class-name))))