2 (c) 2005, 2006, 2007 Eugene K. Ressler
4 Sketch is a simple system for producing line drawings of
5 three-dimensional objects and scenes. It began as a way to make
6 illustrations for a textbook after we could find no suitable tool
7 for this purpose. Existing scene processors emphasized GUIs and/or
8 photo-realism, both un-useful to us. We wanted to produce finely
9 wrought, mathematically-based illustrations with no extraneous
10 detail and be able to easily overlay TeX math and text. The input
11 language is reminiscent of PSTricks, so will be easy to learn for
12 current PSTricks users. It generates either PSTricks or TikZ/PGF
13 code as output. See http://www.frontiernet.net/~eugene.ressler .