bugfix for reloading page after merging locus
[cxgn-jslib.git] / CXGN / Cookie.js
1 /** 
2 * @fileoverview This file has been modified for ease of use.  Please download the original from
3 * http://www.jaaulde.com/test_bed/cookieLib/ for the original (and latest) versions.
4 *  
5 * @author James Auldridge,  Copyright (c) 2005
6 * @version 1.2
7 */
9 /**
10 * A singleton Cookie-handling object
11 * @class Cookie
12 * Methods: get, set, del, test
15 JSAN.use("MochiKit.Logging");
17 var Cookie = window.Cookie || {};
18 Cookie = {
19         get: function(cookieName) {
20                 var cookieNameStart,valueStart,valueEnd,value;
21                 cookieNameStart = document.cookie.indexOf(cookieName+'=');
22                 if (cookieNameStart < 0) {return null;}
23                 valueStart = document.cookie.indexOf(cookieName+'=') + cookieName.length + 1;
24                 valueEnd = document.cookie.indexOf(";",valueStart);
25                 if (valueEnd == -1){valueEnd = document.cookie.length;}
26                 value = document.cookie.substring(valueStart,valueEnd );
27                 value = unescape(value);
28                 if (value == "") {return null;}
29                 return value;
30         },
31         set: function(cookieName,value,hoursToLive,path,domain,secure) {
32                 var domainRegEx = /[^.]+\.[^.]+$/;
33                 domain = window.location.hostname.match(domainRegEx);
34                 if(domain == 'cornell.edu') domain = 'sgn.cornell.edu';
35                 var expireString,timerObj,expireAt,pathString,domainString,secureString,setCookieString;
36                 if (!hoursToLive || typeof hoursToLive != 'number' || parseInt(hoursToLive)=='NaN'){
37                         expireString = "";
38                 }
39                 else {
40                         timerObj = new Date();
41                         timerObj.setTime(timerObj.getTime()+(parseInt(hoursToLive)*60*60*1000));
42                         expireAt = timerObj.toGMTString();
43                         expireString = "; expires="+expireAt;
44                 }
45                 pathString = "; path=";
46                 (!path || path=="") ? pathString += "/" : pathString += path;
47                 domainString = "; domain=";
48                 if(!domain || domain==""){
49                         domain = window.location.hostname;
50                 }
51 //              if(domain=="localhost") domain = "localhost.localdomain";
52                 domainString += domain;
54                 (secure === true) ? secureString = "; secure" : secureString = "";
55                 value = escape(value);
56                 setCookieString = cookieName+"="+value+expireString+pathString+domainString;
57                 document.cookie = setCookieString;
58         },
59         del: function(cookieName,path,domain){
60           (!path || !path.length) ? path="" : path=path;
61           (!domain || !domain.length) ? domain="" : domain=domain;
62                 Cookie.set(cookieName,"",-8760,path,domain);
63         },
64         test: function(){
65                 Cookie.set('cT','acc');
66                 var runTest = Cookie.get('cT');
67                 if (runTest == 'acc'){
68                         Cookie.del('cT');
69                         testStatus = true;
70                 }
71                 else {
72                         testStatus = false;
73                 }
74                 return testStatus;
75         }
78 var test = Cookie.test();
79 if(test){
80         MochiKit.Logging.logDebug("Javascript Cookie Setting: Works!");
82 else {
83         MochiKit.Logging.logError("Javascript Cookie Setting: Failed."); 
84         var hn = window.location.hostname;
85         if(!/\./.test(hn)){
86                 MochiKit.Logging.log(
87                         "Cookie failure: You appear to be using a one-word hostname (" + hn + ") without a domain, " +
88                         "which won't work with cookies.  Try using something like " +
89                         "localhost.localdomain, and set /etc/hosts accordingly");
90         }