Fix error when sorting Job list by object.
[ganeti_webmgr.git] / ganeti_web / static / js / jquery.progressbar_config.js
2 /*
3  * jQuery Progress Bar Config Plugin
4  *
5  * This is a plugin for generating a configuration that can be used in
6  * with the jQuery ProgressBar plugin.  This generates an intuitive widget for
7  * choosing where color ranges start/end.
8  *
9  * Copyright (c) 2011 Open Source Lab
12 (function($) {
13         $.extend({
14                 progressBarConfig: new function() {
16                         this.defaults = {
17                 'width': 400,
18                             'colors': [
19                         ['green',0],
20                         ['yellow',50],
21                         ['orange',60],
22                         ['red',75]]
23                         };
25                         /* public methods */
26                         this.construct = function(arg1) {
27                                 var arg_config  = null;
29                                 if (arg1 != null) {
30                                         arg_config = arg1;
31                                 }
33                                 return this.each(function() {
34                                         var control = this;
35                     var input = $(this);
36                     var config = undefined;
38                     // create configuration
39                     if (arg_config==null) {
40                         config = $.extend({}, $.progressBarConfig.defaults, arg_config);
41                     } else {
42                         config = $.extend(this.config, arg_config);
43                     }
44                     if (input.val() != '') {
45                         config.colors =  $.parseJSON(input.val());
46                     }
48                     //get config values
49                     var colors = config.colors;
50                     var width = config.width;
51                     var slider = undefined;
53                     this._init = function() {
54                         // Process color information, also resize divs to fit the slider.
55                         slider = $("<div class='slider'></div>");
56                         for (var i in colors){
57                             i = parseInt(i);
58                             var div = $("<div class='section'></div>");
59                             var color = colors[i][0];
60                             var start = colors[i][1];
62                             div.attr('id',color);
64                             if (i < colors.length-1) {
65                                 div.append("<div class='handle right'></div>");
66                                 div.width((colors[i+1][1]-start)/100*width);
67                             } else {
68                                 div.width((100-start)/100*width);
69                             }
71                             if (i > 0) {
72                                 div.append("<div class='handle left'></div>");
73                             }
74                             slider.append(div);
75                         }
77                         slider.find('.handle').mousedown(control._mousedown);
78                         input.hide();
79                         input.after(slider);
80                     };
82                     var origin = undefined;
83                     var moving = undefined;
84                     var other = undefined;
85                     var moving_origin = undefined;
86                     var other_origin = undefined;
87                     var reverse = undefined;
89                     control._mousedown = function(event){
90                         var bound = $(this);
91                         origin = event.pageX;
92                         moving = bound.parent();
93                         if (bound.hasClass('left')) {
94                             other = moving.prev();
95                             reverse = true;
96                         } else {
97                             other =;
98                             reverse = false;
99                         }
100                         moving_origin = moving.width();
101                         other_origin = other.width();
103                         $('html')
104                             .mouseup(control._mouseup)
105                             .mousemove(control._slide_react);
106                     };
108                     control._mouseup = function(event) {
109                         event.preventDefault();
110                         slider.unbind('mousemove');
111                         origin = undefined;
112                         moving = undefined;
113                         other = undefined;
114                         $('html')
115                             .unbind('mouseup')
116                             .unbind('mousemove');
118                         // process bar sizes
119                         // XXX no JSON encoder so just manually encode array
120                         var sections = slider.find('.section');
121                         var data = "[";
122                         var acc = 0;
123                         for (var i in colors) {
124                             if (i!=0) {
125                                 data += ",";
126                             }
127                             data += '["' + [colors[i][0]] + '",' + acc + ']';
128                             acc += $(sections[i]).width()/width*100;
129                         }
130                         data += "]";
131                         input.val(data);
132                     };
134                     this._slide_react = function(event) {
135                         var offset = event.pageX - origin;
137                         if (reverse) {
138                             if (offset > 1 && moving_origin-offset < 0) {
139                                 offset = moving_origin;
140                             } else if (other_origin+offset < 0) {
141                                 offset = -1*other_origin;
142                             }
143                             moving.width(moving_origin-offset);
144                             other.width(other_origin+offset);
145                         } else {
146                             if (offset > 1 && other_origin-offset < 0) {
147                                 offset = other_origin;
148                             } else if (moving_origin+offset < 0) {
149                                 offset = -1*moving_origin;
150                             }
151                             moving.width(moving_origin+offset);
152                             other.width(other_origin-offset);
153                         }
154                     };
156                     this._init();
157                                 });
158                         };
159                 }
160     });
162         $.fn.extend({
163         progressBarConfig: $.progressBarConfig.construct
164         });
166 })(jQuery);