Bug 1943761 - Add class alignment to the mozsearch analysis file. r=asuth
[gecko.git] / dom / svg / test / bounds-helper.svg
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="750"
3 xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1">
4 <style type="text/css">
5 text { font: 20px monospace; }
6 #css-trans-rect-2 { transform: scaleX(2) }
7 </style>
9 <g id="g">
10 <svg id="svg1" x="10" y="10" width="25" height="30"/>
11 <svg id="svg2" width="1" height="1" overflow="visible">
12 <rect width="2" height="2" fill="yellow"/>
13 </svg>
14 <svg id="svg3" width="1" height="1" overflow="hidden">
15 <rect width="2" height="2" fill="yellow"/>
16 </svg>
17 <symbol>
18 <rect id="use-test" width="50" height="10"/>
19 </symbol>
20 <use id="use1" href="#use-test" x="100" y="50" fill="yellow"/>
21 <a id="a-use">
22 <use href="#use-test" x="100" y="50" fill="yellow"/>
23 </a>
24 <text id="text1" x="25" y="25">abc</text>
25 <text id="text1a" x="85" y="25" stroke="black" stroke-width="4">abc</text>
26 <text id="text1b" x="25" y="25" style="text-shadow: 5px 5px 3em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.98);">abc</text>
27 <rect id="rect1" x="50" y="50" width="50" height="50" fill="green"/>
28 <rect id="rect1a" x="50" y="50" width="50" height="50" fill="none" stroke-width="4" stroke="yellow"/>
29 <text id="text2" x="125" y="25">abc</text>
30 <text id="text2a" x="185" y="25" stroke="black" stroke-width="10">abc</text>
31 <g transform="rotate(45 175 75)">
32 <rect id="rect2" x="150" y="50" width="50" height="50" fill="yellow"/>
33 <rect id="rect2a" x="150" y="50" width="50" height="50" fill="none" stroke-width="4" stroke="blue"/>
34 <text id="text3" x="150" y="50" text-anchor="middle">abc</text>
35 </g>
36 <g transform="scale(2)">
37 <rect id="rect3" x="25" y="80" width="50" height="50" fill="green"/>
38 <rect id="rect3a" x="25" y="80" width="50" height="50" fill="none" stroke-width="4" stroke="blue"/>
39 <rect id="rect3b" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" x="100" y="100" width="25" height="25" fill="orange" stroke-width="4" stroke="yellow"/>
40 <image id="i" x="10" y="10" width="100" height="100"/>
41 </g>
42 <g transform="scale(2) rotate(45 175 75)">
43 <rect id="rect4" x="150" y="50" width="50" height="50" fill="yellow"/>
44 <rect id="rect4a" x="150" y="50" width="50" height="50" fill="none" stroke-width="4" stroke="blue"/>
45 </g>
46 <text id="text4" x="185" y="25"/>
47 <g id="g2">
48 <rect x="100" y="100" width="50" height="50" fill="pink"/>
49 <text x="200" y="200"/>
50 </g>
51 <circle id="nonScalingStrokedCircle1" cx="0" cy="0" r="10"
52 transform="translate(45 130) scale(3 -2)"
53 fill="none" stroke="gray" stroke-width="10"
54 vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"/>
55 <ellipse id="nonScalingStrokedEllipse1" cx="20" cy="-10" rx="5" ry="5"
56 transform="matrix(0 3 -2 0 0 0)"
57 fill="none" stroke="steelblue" stroke-width="10"
58 vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />
59 <line id="nonScalingStrokedLine1" x1="120" y1="5" x2="120" y2="10"
60 transform="scale(2 3)"
61 stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke="orange"
62 vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />
63 <line id="nonScalingStrokedLine2" x1="130" y1="5" x2="140" y2="5"
64 transform="rotate(45 260 15) scale(2 3)"
65 stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="square" stroke="crimson"
66 vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />
67 <line id="nonScalingStrokedLine3" x1="140" y1="5" x2="150" y2="5"
68 transform="rotate(45 280 15) scale(2 3)"
69 stroke-width="10" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke="indigo"
70 vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" />
72 <marker id="marker1" markerWidth="100" markerHeight="100"
73 refX="0" refY="50" markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
74 <line x1="0" y1="50" x2="50" y2="100" stroke="aqua" stroke-width="20"
75 transform="rotate(-45 0 50)" />
76 </marker>
77 <line id="shapeWithMarker1" x1="160" y1="130" x2="170" y2="130"
78 stroke="black" stroke-width="3" marker-end="url(#marker1)"/>
80 <line id="rotatedLine1" x1="160" y1="150" x2="180" y2="170"
81 stroke="darkmagenta" stroke-width="10"
82 transform="rotate(-45 160 150)" />
84 <rect id="css-trans-rect-2" x="5" y="5" width="6" height="6"></rect>
85 </g>
86 </svg>