Merge branch 'hotfix/21.56.9' into master
[gitter.git] / public / js / views / modals / delete-account-view.js
1 'use strict';
3 var Marionette = require('backbone.marionette');
4 var log = require('../../utils/log');
5 var context = require('gitter-web-client-context');
6 var appEvents = require('../../utils/appevents');
7 var ModalView = require('./modal');
8 var apiClient = require('../../components/api-client');
9 var DelayLock = require('../../models/delay-lock-model');
10 var template = require('./tmpl/delete-account-view.hbs');
12 var View = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
13   tagName: 'p',
14   attributes: { style: '' },
15   ui: {
16     ghostUserCheckbox: '.js-delete-account-ghost-user-checkbox'
17   },
18   events: {
19     'input @ui.ghostUserCheckbox': 'onGhostCheckboxChanged'
20   },
21   modelEvents: {
22     change: 'render'
23   },
24   initialize: function() {
25     this.model.set('ghostUsername', `ghost~${context.getUserId()}`);
26   },
27   template: template,
28   onGhostCheckboxChanged: function() {
29     this.model.set('ghost',':checked'));
30   }
31 });
33 var Modal = ModalView.extend({
34   initialize: function(options) {
35     options = options || {};
36     options.title = 'Careful Now...';
37     var username = context.user().get('username');
38     options.menuItems = [
39       {
40         disabled: true,
41         action: 'delete',
42         text: `Delete ${username}`,
43         className: 'modal--default__footer__btn--negative'
44       }
45     ];
47     this.lockModel = new DelayLock();
49     this.listenTo(this.lockModel, 'change:locked', function() {
50       this.setButtonState('delete', true);
51     });
53, options);
54     this.view = new View({
55       model: this.lockModel
56     });
58     this.listenTo(this, 'menuItemClicked', this.menuItemClicked);
59   },
60   menuItemClicked: function(button) {
61     switch (button) {
62       case 'delete':
63         // Notify others, that they shouldn't redirect while we are trying to logout
64         appEvents.trigger('account.delete-start');
66         // Disable the button so they can't click it again
67         this.setButtonState('delete', false);
69         this.lockModel.set('deletionRequestLoading', true);
70         this.lockModel.set('deletionRequestSucceeded', false);
71         this.lockModel.set('deletionRequestError', undefined);
73         apiClient.user
74           .delete('/', {
75             ghost: this.lockModel.get('ghost') || false
76           })
77           .then(() => {
78             this.lockModel.set('deletionRequestSucceeded', true);
79             // Redirect back to the homepage
80             window.location.href = '/';
81           })
82           .catch(err => {
83             log.error('Error while deleting account', { exception: err });
85             if (err.statusText === 'timeout') {
86               this.lockModel.set(
87                 'deletionRequestError',
88                 `The request timed out but your account is probably still in the process of being deleted on our end (especially if you joined a lot of rooms). Please wait a couple hours before trying again : ${err} (status: ${err.status})`
89               );
90             } else {
91               this.lockModel.set(
92                 'deletionRequestError',
93                 `Error while deleting account: ${err} (status: ${err.status})`
94               );
95             }
97             // We only trigger a stop on error as they could decide to not delete
98             // their account after they see an error and continue using the app
99             //
100             // Otherwise, the delete flow redirect should continue
101             appEvents.trigger('account.delete-stop');
102           })
103           .then(() => {
104             this.lockModel.set('deletionRequestLoading', false);
105           });
106         break;
108       case 'cancel':
109         this.dialog.hide();
110         break;
111     }
112   }
115 module.exports = Modal;