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1 <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Introduction</TITLE>
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5 <A href="index.html"> Contents </A> <br>
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7 <P>
8 <A NAME="intro.html"> <H1>Introduction </H1></A>
10 <a name="sect1.1"> <H2>1.1 General description</H2></A>
12 Gpiv (<a href="#fig1.1">Figure 1.1</A>) is a program to record and
13 interrogating images for <a href="piv_intro.html">Particle Image
14 Velocimetry (PIV)</A>. It also includes algorithms for validation of
15 the PIV estimators and post-processing that result into derived
16 (scalar) flow quantities. It gives an overview of the parameters in a
17 logical and organized way, allows to run the processes individually or
18 in a pipeline process and visualizes the results. Gpiv displays the
19 images, interrogation area's, piv estimators, outliers, excessive
20 velocity gradients and post processing results in a single window
21 frame. The resulting estimator values may be displayed interactively. The
22 graphical user interface of Gpiv has been written with the GTK/GNOME
23 libraries.
24 <P>
26 Gpiv is one of the end-user programs that makes extensively use of
27 Libgpiv. Libgpiv includes the main algorithms for interrogation,
28 validation, post-processing, memory (de)allocation, in-and output
29 handling, etc. Other end-user programs may be found in the Gpivtools
30 package. Gpivtools contains command line programs that may be invoked
31 from a shell or from scripts. Some PERL scripts are found in the
32 Gpivtools package, as well. All codes have been written in ANSI-C and
33 have been developed on a LINUX box.
34 <P>
35 <P>
37 <IMG SRC = "figures/gpiv-desk.png"> <br>
38 <A NAME="fig1.1" id="fig1.1">Figure 1.1 Screenshot of Gpiv with PIV estimators
39 (vectors) from an artificial, computer generated image pair
40 <a href="ref1">[1]</a>
41 and the derived
42 vorticity field (background color) </A>
43 <P>
45 <a name="sect1.2"> <H2>1.2 License </H2></A>
46 Gpiv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
47 the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
48 Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
49 version.
50 <P>
51 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
52 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
54 General Public License for more details.
55 <P>
56 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
57 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
58 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
59 USA.
62 <a name="sect1.3"> <H2> 1.3 Final remarks</H2></A>
63 <P>
64 I kindly ask to acknowledge the use of the software in articles,
65 reports etc. in case the software has considerably contributed to the
66 work presented. I hope you'll enjoy Gpiv. Suggestions for
67 improvements and additions are welcome.
68 <P>
69 Gerber van der Graaf<br>
70 e-mail: <a href=mailto:gerber_graaf@users.sourceforge.net>gerber_graaf@users.sourceforge.net</a>
71 <P>
72 <a name="ref1"> <H2> References</H2></A>
73 [1] Okamoto, K., Nishio, S., Saga, T. and Kobayashi, T., 2000, "Standard images
74 for particle-image velocimetry," Meas. Sci. Technol., 11, 685-691.
75 <a href="http://www.vsj.or.jp/piv/"> vsj.or.jp/piv/ </a>
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