first commit. dokuwiki.
[h2N7SspZmY.git] / inc / lang / ko / stopwords.txt
1 # 색인이 만들어 지지 않는 단어 목록입니다.(한줄에 한단어)
2 # 이 파일을 편집한다면 UNIX줄 종료문자를 사용해야합니다.(단일 개행문자)
3 # 3문자이하 단어는 자동으로 무시되므로 3문자보다 짧은 단어는 포함시킬 필요가 없습니다.
4 #을 기준으로 만들어진 목록입니다.
5 about
6 are
7 and
8 you
9 your
10 them
11 their
12 com
13 for
14 from
15 into
16 how
17 that
18 the
19 this
20 was
21 what
22 when
23 where
24 who
25 will
26 with
27 und
28 the
29 www