3 * English language file for the countdown plugin.
5 * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
7 * @author Roman Šilar <roman.silar [at] gmail.com>
9 * @version 2.5rc (2009-12-18)
10 * adapted for getLang() usage <Luis Machuca B.>
12 * @version 2.1 (2008-03-04)
13 * bugfix: no newline after "?>"
15 * @version 2.0 (2008-02-18)
16 * enhanced functionality
20 * Attention: the last characters of the file have to be "?>", no newline or something else
23 $lang['desc'] = 'Tento plugin zobrazuje dny do určité data.';
24 $lang['wrongformat'] = 'Datum nelze zpracovat: ';
25 $lang['nodesc'] = 'bez popisku';
26 $lang['until'] = 'do';
27 $lang['since'] = 'od';
28 $lang['today'] = 'Dnes je';
29 $lang['oneday'] = 'den';
30 $lang['days'] = 'dny(í)';
31 $lang['outputformat'] = '%d/%m/%Y';