1 SubDir HAIKU_TOP src apps webpositive ;
3 SubDirC++Flags $(defines) -Wno-error=sequence-point --std=c++11 ;
4 SubDirCcFlags $(defines) -Wno-error=sequence-point ;
16 AutoCompleterDefaultImpl.cpp
31 AuthenticationPanel.cpp
37 CredentialsStorage.cpp
38 DownloadProgressView.cpp
45 # We build WebPositive only for one architecture -- the first architecture for
46 # which it is possible.
47 local architectureObject ;
48 for architectureObject in [ MultiArchSubDirSetup ] {
49 on $(architectureObject) {
50 if ! [ FIsBuildFeatureEnabled webkit ] {
54 UseBuildFeatureHeaders webkit ;
57 for sourceDir in $(sourceDirs) {
59 += [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) src apps webpositive $(sourceDir) ] ;
62 Includes [ FGristFiles $(sources) ]
63 : [ BuildFeatureAttribute webkit : headers ] ;
64 # Dependency needed to trigger downloading/unzipping the package
65 # before compiling the files.
68 UseLibraryHeaders icon ;
69 UsePrivateHeaders interface shared tracker ;
70 SubDirHdrs $(HAIKU_TOP) src kits tracker ;
72 Application WebPositive :
75 [ BuildFeatureAttribute webkit : libraries ]
76 [ TargetLibstdc++ ] localestub shared
77 [ MultiArchDefaultGristFiles libcolumnlistview.a ]
78 be network bnetapi tracker translation
83 DoCatalogs WebPositive :
84 x-vnd.Haiku-WebPositive
89 EnableBuildFeatures webpositive ;