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"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;background-color:#ffffff;"><div>no more items
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"2" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(87.5,355.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;"><div>get next
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<br />env
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"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;"><div>pass to
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"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
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"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">get next option
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"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(360.5,634.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"M 368 676 L 429 726 L 368 776 L 307 726 Z" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" stroke-miterlimit=
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"none"/><g transform=
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"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
<br />Recycler
<br />on the same filesystem
<br />as file?
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"59" y=
"41" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"12px" font-family=
"Helvetica">[Not supported by viewer]
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"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
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"10" pointer-events=
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"#000000" stroke-width=
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"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(537.5,709.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">within the
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"12px" font-family=
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"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
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"none"/><path d=
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"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(759.5,633.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"Helvetica">[Not supported by viewer]
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"M 772 676 L 833 726 L 772 776 L 711 726 Z" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(712.5,709.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">exclude pattern matched?
</div></div></foreignObject><text x=
"59" y=
"20" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"12px" font-family=
"Helvetica">exclude pattern matched?
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"M 772 901 L 772 995.9" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
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"M 772 1002.65 L 767.5 993.65 L 772 995.9 L 776.5 993.65 Z" fill=
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"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><rect x=
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"45" rx=
"2.7" ry=
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"2" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(712.5,855.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">copy file's path to Recycler (recursive mkdir)
</div></div></foreignObject><text x=
"59" y=
"27" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"12px" font-family=
"Helvetica">copy file's path to Recycler (recursive mkdir)
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"M 772 1051 L 772 1140.9" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 772 1147.65 L 767.5 1138.65 L 772 1140.9 L 776.5 1138.65 Z" fill=
"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><rect x=
"711" y=
"1006" width=
"122" height=
"45" rx=
"2.7" ry=
"2.7" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(712.5,1012.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"all" width=
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"27" requiredFeatures=
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"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">move file to Recycler keeping path
</div></div></foreignObject><text x=
"59" y=
"20" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"12px" font-family=
"Helvetica">move file to Recycler keeping path
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"M 772 1196 L 772 1250.9" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 772 1257.65 L 767.5 1248.65 L 772 1250.9 L 776.5 1248.65 Z" fill=
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"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><rect x=
"722" y=
"1151" width=
"100" height=
"45" rx=
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"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 736 1151 L 736 1196 M 808 1151 L 808 1196" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(741.5,1164.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
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"11" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"11px" font-family=
"Helvetica">[Not supported by viewer]
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"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 131 987.65 L 126.5 978.65 L 131 980.9 L 135.5 978.65 Z" fill=
"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(119.5,943.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"M 131 841 L 172 876 L 131 911 L 90 876 Z" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(102.5,859.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"all" width=
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"http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns=
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"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">is it a
<br />size limit?
</div></div></foreignObject><text x=
"28" y=
"20" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"12px" font-family=
"Helvetica">is it a
>size limit?
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"M 131 1061 L 131 1130.9" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
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"M 131 1137.65 L 126.5 1128.65 L 131 1130.9 L 135.5 1128.65 Z" fill=
"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(119.5,1093.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"3" stroke-miterlimit=
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"none"/><path d=
"M 236.65 1026 L 227.65 1030.5 L 229.9 1026 L 227.65 1021.5 Z" fill=
"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(197.5,1009.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"M 131 991 L 172 1026 L 131 1061 L 90 1026 Z" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(101.5,1017.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
"overflow:visible;" pointer-events=
"all" width=
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"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">is it sane?
</div></div></foreignObject><text x=
"29" y=
"12" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"12px" font-family=
"Helvetica">is it sane?
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"M 279 1051 L 279 1096 L 279 1140.9" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 279 1147.65 L 274.5 1138.65 L 279 1140.9 L 283.5 1138.65 Z" fill=
"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 240 1026 C 246.44 1013.4 257.71 1004.3 270.96 1001 L 302.72 1001 C 312.03 1005.48 318 1015.25 318 1026 C 318 1036.75 312.03 1046.52 302.72 1051 L 270.96 1051 C 257.71 1047.7 246.44 1038.6 240 1026 Z" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(257.5,1017.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"12" fill=
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"M 261.55 1151 L 296.45 1151 C 311.66 1151 324 1162.19 324 1176 C 324 1189.81 311.66 1201 296.45 1201 L 261.55 1201 C 246.34 1201 234 1189.81 234 1176 C 234 1162.19 246.34 1151 261.55 1151 Z" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(235.5,1159.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
"overflow:visible;" pointer-events=
"all" width=
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"27" requiredFeatures=
"http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns=
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"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">return ECANCELED
</div></div></foreignObject><text x=
"43" y=
"20" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"12px" font-family=
"Helvetica">return ECANCELED
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"M 131 1211 L 131 1270.9" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 131 1277.65 L 126.5 1268.65 L 131 1270.9 L 135.5 1268.65 Z" fill=
"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 115.36 1141 L 146.64 1141 L 165 1176 L 146.64 1211 L 115.36 1211 L 97 1176 Z" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(117.5,1152.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"all" width=
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"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
<br />size
<br />limit
</div></div></foreignObject><text x=
"13" y=
"27" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"12px" font-family=
"Helvetica">[Not supported by viewer]
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"M 116 1296 L 8 1296 L 8 596 L 105.9 596" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 112.65 596 L 103.65 600.5 L 105.9 596 L 103.65 591.5 Z" fill=
"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><ellipse cx=
"131" cy=
"1296" rx=
"15" ry=
"15" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 424 911 L 424 995.9" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 424 1002.65 L 419.5 993.65 L 424 995.9 L 428.5 993.65 Z" fill=
"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(412.5,951.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
"overflow:visible;" pointer-events=
"all" width=
"22" height=
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"http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns=
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"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
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"11" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
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"M 424 841 L 465 876 L 424 911 L 383 876 Z" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(384.5,852.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
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"all" width=
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"http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns=
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"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">is it an
<br />exclude pattern?
</div></div></foreignObject><text x=
"39" y=
"27" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"12px" font-family=
"Helvetica">is it an
>exclude pattern?
</text></switch></g><path d=
"M 424 1046 L 424 1130.9" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 424 1137.65 L 419.5 1128.65 L 424 1130.9 L 428.5 1128.65 Z" fill=
"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><rect x=
"383" y=
"1006" width=
"82" height=
"40" rx=
"2.4" ry=
"2.4" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(391.5,1017.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
"overflow:visible;" pointer-events=
"all" width=
"64" height=
"12" requiredFeatures=
"http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns=
"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
"display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; vertical-align: top; width: 65px; white-space: nowrap; overflow-wrap: normal; text-align: center;"><div xmlns=
"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
"display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">apply regex
</div></div></foreignObject><text x=
"32" y=
"12" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"12px" font-family=
"Helvetica">apply regex
</text></switch></g><path d=
"M 424 1211 L 424 1296 L 156.1 1296" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 149.35 1296 L 158.35 1291.5 L 156.1 1296 L 158.35 1300.5 Z" fill=
"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 408.36 1141 L 439.64 1141 L 458 1176 L 439.64 1211 L 408.36 1211 L 390 1176 Z" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><g transform=
"translate(406.5,1152.5)"><switch><foreignObject style=
"overflow:visible;" pointer-events=
"all" width=
"34" height=
"41" requiredFeatures=
"http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Extensibility"><div xmlns=
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"display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap; text-align: center;"><div xmlns=
"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style=
<br />match
<br />result
</div></div></foreignObject><text x=
"17" y=
"27" fill=
"#000000" text-anchor=
"middle" font-size=
"12px" font-family=
"Helvetica">[Not supported by viewer]
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"M 590 901 L 590 946 L 590 990.9" fill=
"none" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 590 997.65 L 585.5 988.65 L 590 990.9 L 594.5 988.65 Z" fill=
"#000000" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"3" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
"none"/><path d=
"M 551 876 C 557.44 863.4 568.71 854.3 581.96 851 L 613.72 851 C 623.03 855.48 629 865.25 629 876 C 629 886.75 623.03 896.52 613.72 901 L 581.96 901 C 568.71 897.7 557.44 888.6 551 876 Z" fill=
"#ffffff" stroke=
"#000000" stroke-width=
"2" stroke-miterlimit=
"10" pointer-events=
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