Build: replace CRLF with LF during minify
[jquery.git] / test / unit / css.js
1 if ( includesModule( "css" ) ) {
3 QUnit.module( "css", { afterEach: moduleTeardown } );
5 QUnit.test( "css(String|Hash)", function( assert ) {
6 assert.expect( 42 );
8 assert.equal( jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" ).css( "display" ), "block", "Check for css property \"display\"" );
10 var $child, div, div2, width, height, child, prctval, checkval, old;
12 $child = jQuery( "#nothiddendivchild" ).css( { "width": "20%", "height": "20%" } );
13 assert.notEqual( $child.css( "width" ), "20px", "Retrieving a width percentage on the child of a hidden div returns percentage" );
14 assert.notEqual( $child.css( "height" ), "20px", "Retrieving a height percentage on the child of a hidden div returns percentage" );
16 div = jQuery( "<div></div>" );
18 // These should be "auto" (or some better value)
19 // temporarily provide "0px" for backwards compat
20 assert.equal( div.css( "width" ), "0px", "Width on disconnected node." );
21 assert.equal( div.css( "height" ), "0px", "Height on disconnected node." );
23 div.css( { "width": 4, "height": 4 } );
25 assert.equal( div.css( "width" ), "4px", "Width on disconnected node." );
26 assert.equal( div.css( "height" ), "4px", "Height on disconnected node." );
28 div2 = jQuery( "<div style='display:none;'><input type='text' style='height:20px;'/><textarea style='height:20px;'></textarea><div style='height:20px;'></div></div>" ).appendTo( "body" );
30 assert.equal( div2.find( "input" ).css( "height" ), "20px", "Height on hidden input." );
31 assert.equal( div2.find( "textarea" ).css( "height" ), "20px", "Height on hidden textarea." );
32 assert.equal( div2.find( "div" ).css( "height" ), "20px", "Height on hidden div." );
34 div2.remove();
36 // handle negative numbers by setting to zero trac-11604
37 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( { "width": 1, "height": 1 } );
39 width = parseFloat( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "width" ) );
40 height = parseFloat( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "height" ) );
41 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( { "overflow":"hidden", "width": -1, "height": -1 } );
42 assert.equal( parseFloat( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "width" ) ), 0, "Test negative width set to 0" );
43 assert.equal( parseFloat( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "height" ) ), 0, "Test negative height set to 0" );
45 assert.equal( jQuery( "<div style='display: none;'></div>" ).css( "display" ), "none", "Styles on disconnected nodes" );
47 jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( { "float": "right" } );
48 assert.equal( jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "float" ), "right", "Modified CSS float using \"float\": Assert float is right" );
49 jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( { "font-size": "30px" } );
50 assert.equal( jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "font-size" ), "30px", "Modified CSS font-size: Assert font-size is 30px" );
51 jQuery.each( "0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1".split( "," ), function( i, n ) {
52 jQuery( "#foo" ).css( { "opacity": n } );
54 assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), parseFloat( n ), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat( n ) + " as a String" );
55 jQuery( "#foo" ).css( { "opacity": parseFloat( n ) } );
56 assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), parseFloat( n ), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat( n ) + " as a Number" );
57 } );
58 jQuery( "#foo" ).css( { "opacity": "" } );
59 assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), "1", "Assert opacity is 1 when set to an empty String" );
61 assert.equal( jQuery( "#empty" ).css( "opacity" ), "0", "Assert opacity is accessible" );
62 jQuery( "#empty" ).css( { "opacity": "1" } );
63 assert.equal( jQuery( "#empty" ).css( "opacity" ), "1", "Assert opacity is taken from style attribute when set" );
65 div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
66 child = jQuery( "#nothiddendivchild" );
68 assert.equal( parseInt( div.css( "fontSize" ), 10 ), 16, "Verify fontSize px set." );
69 assert.equal( parseInt( div.css( "font-size" ), 10 ), 16, "Verify fontSize px set." );
70 assert.equal( parseInt( child.css( "fontSize" ), 10 ), 16, "Verify fontSize px set." );
71 assert.equal( parseInt( child.css( "font-size" ), 10 ), 16, "Verify fontSize px set." );
73 child.css( "height", "100%" );
74 assert.equal( child[ 0 ].style.height, "100%", "Make sure the height is being set correctly." );
76 child.attr( "class", "em" );
77 assert.equal( parseInt( child.css( "fontSize" ), 10 ), 32, "Verify fontSize em set." );
79 // Have to verify this as the result depends upon the browser's CSS
80 // support for font-size percentages
81 child.attr( "class", "prct" );
82 prctval = parseInt( child.css( "fontSize" ), 10 );
83 checkval = 0;
84 if ( prctval === 16 || prctval === 24 ) {
85 checkval = prctval;
88 assert.equal( prctval, checkval, "Verify fontSize % set." );
90 assert.equal( typeof child.css( "width" ), "string", "Make sure that a string width is returned from css('width')." );
92 old = child[ 0 ].style.height;
94 // Test NaN
95 child.css( "height", parseFloat( "zoo" ) );
96 assert.equal( child[ 0 ].style.height, old, "Make sure height isn't changed on NaN." );
98 // Test null
99 child.css( "height", null );
100 assert.equal( child[ 0 ].style.height, old, "Make sure height isn't changed on null." );
102 old = child[ 0 ].style.fontSize;
104 // Test NaN
105 child.css( "font-size", parseFloat( "zoo" ) );
106 assert.equal( child[ 0 ].style.fontSize, old, "Make sure font-size isn't changed on NaN." );
108 // Test null
109 child.css( "font-size", null );
110 assert.equal( child[ 0 ].style.fontSize, old, "Make sure font-size isn't changed on null." );
112 assert.strictEqual( child.css( "x-fake" ), undefined, "Make sure undefined is returned from css(nonexistent)." );
114 div = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).css( { position: "absolute", "z-index": 1000 } ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
115 assert.strictEqual( div.css( "z-index" ), "1000",
116 "Make sure that a string z-index is returned from css('z-index') (trac-14432)." );
117 } );
119 QUnit.test( "css() explicit and relative values", function( assert ) {
120 assert.expect( 29 );
122 var $elem = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
124 $elem.css( { "width": 1, "height": 1, "paddingLeft": "1px", "opacity": 1 } );
125 assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "Initial css set or width/height works (hash)" );
126 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "Initial css set of paddingLeft works (hash)" );
127 assert.equal( $elem.css( "opacity" ), "1", "Initial css set of opacity works (hash)" );
129 $elem.css( { width: "+=9" } );
130 assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "10px", "'+=9' on width (hash)" );
132 $elem.css( { "width": "-=9" } );
133 assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "'-=9' on width (hash)" );
135 $elem.css( { "width": "+=9px" } );
136 assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "10px", "'+=9px' on width (hash)" );
138 $elem.css( { "width": "-=9px" } );
139 assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "'-=9px' on width (hash)" );
141 $elem.css( "width", "+=9" );
142 assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "10px", "'+=9' on width (params)" );
144 $elem.css( "width", "-=9" );
145 assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "'-=9' on width (params)" );
147 $elem.css( "width", "+=9px" );
148 assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "10px", "'+=9px' on width (params)" );
150 $elem.css( "width", "-=9px" );
151 assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "'-=9px' on width (params)" );
153 $elem.css( "width", "-=-9px" );
154 assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "10px", "'-=-9px' on width (params)" );
156 $elem.css( "width", "+=-9px" );
157 assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "'+=-9px' on width (params)" );
159 $elem.css( { "paddingLeft": "+=4" } );
160 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4' on paddingLeft (hash)" );
162 $elem.css( { "paddingLeft": "-=4" } );
163 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4' on paddingLeft (hash)" );
165 $elem.css( { "paddingLeft": "+=4px" } );
166 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4px' on paddingLeft (hash)" );
168 $elem.css( { "paddingLeft": "-=4px" } );
169 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4px' on paddingLeft (hash)" );
171 $elem.css( { "padding-left": "+=4" } );
172 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4' on padding-left (hash)" );
174 $elem.css( { "padding-left": "-=4" } );
175 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4' on padding-left (hash)" );
177 $elem.css( { "padding-left": "+=4px" } );
178 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4px' on padding-left (hash)" );
180 $elem.css( { "padding-left": "-=4px" } );
181 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4px' on padding-left (hash)" );
183 $elem.css( "paddingLeft", "+=4" );
184 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4' on paddingLeft (params)" );
186 $elem.css( "paddingLeft", "-=4" );
187 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4' on paddingLeft (params)" );
189 $elem.css( "padding-left", "+=4px" );
190 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4px' on padding-left (params)" );
192 $elem.css( "padding-left", "-=4px" );
193 assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4px' on padding-left (params)" );
195 $elem.css( { "opacity": "-=0.5" } );
196 assert.equal( $elem.css( "opacity" ), "0.5", "'-=0.5' on opacity (hash)" );
198 $elem.css( { "opacity": "+=0.5" } );
199 assert.equal( $elem.css( "opacity" ), "1", "'+=0.5' on opacity (hash)" );
201 $elem.css( "opacity", "-=0.5" );
202 assert.equal( $elem.css( "opacity" ), "0.5", "'-=0.5' on opacity (params)" );
204 $elem.css( "opacity", "+=0.5" );
205 assert.equal( $elem.css( "opacity" ), "1", "'+=0.5' on opacity (params)" );
206 } );
208 QUnit.test( "css() non-px relative values (gh-1711)", function( assert ) {
209 assert.expect( 17 );
211 var cssCurrent,
212 units = {},
213 $child = jQuery( "#nothiddendivchild" ),
214 add = function( prop, val, unit ) {
215 var difference,
216 adjustment = ( val < 0 ? "-=" : "+=" ) + Math.abs( val ) + unit,
217 message = prop + ": " + adjustment,
218 cssOld = cssCurrent,
219 expected = cssOld + val * units[ prop ][ unit ];
221 // Apply change
222 $child.css( prop, adjustment );
223 cssCurrent = parseFloat( $child.css( prop ) );
224 message += " (actual " + round( cssCurrent, 2 ) + "px, expected " +
225 round( expected, 2 ) + "px)";
227 // Require a difference of no more than one pixel
228 difference = Math.abs( cssCurrent - expected );
229 assert.ok( difference <= 1, message );
231 getUnits = function( prop ) {
232 units[ prop ] = {
233 "px": 1,
234 "em": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "100em" ).css( prop ) ) / 100,
235 "pt": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "100pt" ).css( prop ) ) / 100,
236 "pc": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "100pc" ).css( prop ) ) / 100,
237 "cm": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "100cm" ).css( prop ) ) / 100,
238 "mm": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "100mm" ).css( prop ) ) / 100,
239 "%": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "500%" ).css( prop ) ) / 500
242 round = function( num, fractionDigits ) {
243 var base = Math.pow( 10, fractionDigits );
244 return Math.round( num * base ) / base;
247 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( { height: 1, padding: 0, width: 400 } );
248 $child.css( { height: 1, padding: 0 } );
250 getUnits( "width" );
251 cssCurrent = parseFloat( $child.css( "width", "50%" ).css( "width" ) );
252 add( "width", 25, "%" );
253 add( "width", -50, "%" );
254 add( "width", 10, "em" );
255 add( "width", 10, "pt" );
256 add( "width", -2.3, "pt" );
257 add( "width", 5, "pc" );
258 add( "width", -5, "em" );
259 add( "width", +2, "cm" );
260 add( "width", -15, "mm" );
261 add( "width", 21, "px" );
263 getUnits( "lineHeight" );
264 cssCurrent = parseFloat( $child.css( "lineHeight", "1em" ).css( "lineHeight" ) );
265 add( "lineHeight", 50, "%" );
266 add( "lineHeight", 2, "em" );
267 add( "lineHeight", -10, "px" );
268 add( "lineHeight", 20, "pt" );
269 add( "lineHeight", 30, "pc" );
270 add( "lineHeight", 1, "cm" );
271 add( "lineHeight", -44, "mm" );
272 } );
274 QUnit.test( "css() mismatched relative values with bounded styles (gh-2144)", function( assert ) {
275 assert.expect( 1 );
277 var right,
278 $container = jQuery( "<div></div>" )
279 .css( { position: "absolute", width: "400px", fontSize: "4px" } )
280 .appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
281 $el = jQuery( "<div></div>" )
282 .css( { position: "absolute", left: "50%", right: "50%" } )
283 .appendTo( $container );
285 $el.css( "right", "-=25em" );
286 assert.equal( Math.round( parseFloat( $el.css( "right" ) ) ), 100,
287 "Constraints do not interfere with unit conversion" );
288 } );
290 QUnit.test( "css(String, Object)", function( assert ) {
291 assert.expect( 19 );
292 var j, div, display, ret, success;
294 jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "float", "left" );
295 assert.equal( jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "float" ), "left", "Modified CSS float using \"float\": Assert float is left" );
296 jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "font-size", "20px" );
297 assert.equal( jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "font-size" ), "20px", "Modified CSS font-size: Assert font-size is 20px" );
299 jQuery.each( "0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1".split( "," ), function( i, n ) {
300 jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity", n );
301 assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), parseFloat( n ), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat( n ) + " as a String" );
302 jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity", parseFloat( n ) );
303 assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), parseFloat( n ), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat( n ) + " as a Number" );
304 } );
305 jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity", "" );
306 assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), "1", "Assert opacity is 1 when set to an empty String" );
308 // using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
309 j = jQuery( "#nonnodes" ).contents();
310 j.css( "overflow", "visible" );
311 assert.equal( j.css( "overflow" ), "visible", "Check node,textnode,comment css works" );
312 assert.equal( jQuery( "#t2037 .hidden" ).css( "display" ), "none", "Make sure browser thinks it is hidden" );
314 div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
315 display = div.css( "display" );
316 ret = div.css( "display", undefined );
318 assert.equal( ret, div, "Make sure setting undefined returns the original set." );
319 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), display, "Make sure that the display wasn't changed." );
321 success = true;
322 try {
323 jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "backgroundColor", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)" );
325 catch ( e ) {
326 success = false;
328 assert.ok( success, "Setting RGBA values does not throw Error (trac-5509)" );
330 jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "font", "7px/21px sans-serif" );
331 assert.strictEqual( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "line-height" ), "21px",
332 "Set font shorthand property (trac-14759)" );
333 } );
335 QUnit.test( "css(String, Object) with negative values", function( assert ) {
336 assert.expect( 4 );
338 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "margin-top", "-10px" );
339 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "margin-left", "-10px" );
340 assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "margin-top" ), "-10px", "Ensure negative top margins work." );
341 assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "margin-left" ), "-10px", "Ensure negative left margins work." );
343 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "position", "absolute" );
344 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "top", "-20px" );
345 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "left", "-20px" );
346 assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "top" ), "-20px", "Ensure negative top values work." );
347 assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "left" ), "-20px", "Ensure negative left values work." );
348 } );
350 QUnit.test( "css(Array)", function( assert ) {
351 assert.expect( 2 );
353 var expectedMany = {
354 "overflow": "visible",
355 "width": "16px"
357 expectedSingle = {
358 "width": "16px"
360 elem = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
362 assert.deepEqual( elem.css( expectedMany ).css( [ "overflow", "width" ] ), expectedMany, "Getting multiple element array" );
363 assert.deepEqual( elem.css( expectedSingle ).css( [ "width" ] ), expectedSingle, "Getting single element array" );
364 } );
366 QUnit.test( "css(String, Function)", function( assert ) {
367 assert.expect( 3 );
369 var index,
370 sizes = [ "10px", "20px", "30px" ];
372 jQuery( "<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
373 "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
374 "<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>" )
375 .appendTo( "body" );
377 index = 0;
379 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( "font-size", function() {
380 var size = sizes[ index ];
381 index++;
382 return size;
383 } );
385 index = 0;
387 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).each( function() {
388 var computedSize = jQuery( this ).css( "font-size" ),
389 expectedSize = sizes[ index ];
390 assert.equal( computedSize, expectedSize, "Div #" + index + " should be " + expectedSize );
391 index++;
392 } );
394 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest" ).remove();
395 } );
397 QUnit.test( "css(String, Function) with incoming value", function( assert ) {
398 assert.expect( 3 );
400 var index,
401 sizes = [ "10px", "20px", "30px" ];
403 jQuery( "<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
404 "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
405 "<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>" )
406 .appendTo( "body" );
408 index = 0;
410 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( "font-size", function() {
411 var size = sizes[ index ];
412 index++;
413 return size;
414 } );
416 index = 0;
418 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( "font-size", function( i, computedSize ) {
419 var expectedSize = sizes[ index ];
420 assert.equal( computedSize, expectedSize, "Div #" + index + " should be " + expectedSize );
421 index++;
422 return computedSize;
423 } );
425 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest" ).remove();
426 } );
428 QUnit.test( "css(Object) where values are Functions", function( assert ) {
429 assert.expect( 3 );
431 var index,
432 sizes = [ "10px", "20px", "30px" ];
434 jQuery( "<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
435 "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
436 "<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>" )
437 .appendTo( "body" );
439 index = 0;
441 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( { "fontSize": function() {
442 var size = sizes[ index ];
443 index++;
444 return size;
445 } } );
447 index = 0;
449 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).each( function() {
450 var computedSize = jQuery( this ).css( "font-size" ),
451 expectedSize = sizes[ index ];
452 assert.equal( computedSize, expectedSize, "Div #" + index + " should be " + expectedSize );
453 index++;
454 } );
456 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest" ).remove();
457 } );
459 QUnit.test( "css(Object) where values are Functions with incoming values", function( assert ) {
460 assert.expect( 3 );
462 var index,
463 sizes = [ "10px", "20px", "30px" ];
465 jQuery( "<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
466 "<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
467 "<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>" )
468 .appendTo( "body" );
470 index = 0;
472 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( { "fontSize": function() {
473 var size = sizes[ index ];
474 index++;
475 return size;
476 } } );
478 index = 0;
480 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( { "font-size": function( i, computedSize ) {
481 var expectedSize = sizes[ index ];
482 assert.equal( computedSize, expectedSize, "Div #" + index + " should be " + expectedSize );
483 index++;
484 return computedSize;
485 } } );
487 jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest" ).remove();
488 } );
490 QUnit.test( "show()", function( assert ) {
492 assert.expect( 18 );
494 var hiddendiv, div, pass, test;
495 hiddendiv = jQuery( "div.hidden" );
497 assert.equal( jQuery.css( hiddendiv[ 0 ], "display" ), "none", "hiddendiv is display: none" );
499 hiddendiv.css( "display", "block" );
500 assert.equal( jQuery.css( hiddendiv[ 0 ], "display" ), "block", "hiddendiv is display: block" );
503 assert.equal( jQuery.css( hiddendiv[ 0 ], "display" ), "block", "hiddendiv is display: block" );
505 hiddendiv.css( "display", "" );
507 pass = true;
508 div = jQuery( "#qunit-fixture div" );
509 function() {
510 if ( === "none" ) {
511 pass = false;
513 } );
514 assert.ok( pass, "Show" );
516 jQuery(
517 "<div id='show-tests'>" +
518 "<div><p><a href='#'></a></p><code></code><pre></pre><span></span></div>" +
519 "<table><thead><tr><th></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td></td></tr></tbody></table>" +
520 "<ul><li></li></ul></div>"
521 ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ).find( "*" ).css( "display", "none" );
523 test = {
524 "div": "block",
525 "p": "block",
526 "a": "inline",
527 "code": "inline",
528 "pre": "block",
529 "span": "inline",
530 "table": "table",
531 "thead": "table-header-group",
532 "tbody": "table-row-group",
533 "tr": "table-row",
534 "th": "table-cell",
535 "td": "table-cell",
536 "ul": "block",
537 "li": "list-item"
540 jQuery.each( test, function( selector, expected ) {
541 var elem = jQuery( selector, "#show-tests" ).show();
542 assert.equal( elem.css( "display" ), expected, "Show using correct display type for " + selector );
543 } );
545 // Make sure that showing or hiding a text node doesn't cause an error
546 jQuery( "<div>test</div> text <span>test</span>" ).show().remove();
547 jQuery( "<div>test</div> text <span>test</span>" ).hide().remove();
548 } );
550 QUnit.test( "show/hide detached nodes", function( assert ) {
551 assert.expect( 19 );
553 var div, span, tr;
555 div = jQuery( "<div>" ).hide();
556 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none", "hide() updates inline style of a detached div" );
557 div.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
558 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none",
559 "A hidden-while-detached div is hidden after attachment" );
561 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "block",
562 "A hidden-while-detached div can be shown after attachment" );
564 div = jQuery( "<div class='hidden'>" );
565 "#qunit-fixture" );
566 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none",
567 "A shown-while-detached div can be hidden by the CSS cascade" );
569 div = jQuery( "<div><div class='hidden'></div></div>" ).children( "div" );
570 "#qunit-fixture" );
571 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none",
572 "A shown-while-detached div inside a visible div can be hidden by the CSS cascade" );
574 span = jQuery( "<span class='hidden'></span>" );
575 "#qunit-fixture" );
576 assert.equal( span.css( "display" ), "none",
577 "A shown-while-detached span can be hidden by the CSS cascade" );
579 div = jQuery( "div.hidden" );
580 div.detach().show();
581 assert.ok( !div[ 0 ].style.display,
582 "show() does not update inline style of a cascade-hidden-before-detach div" );
583 div.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
584 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none",
585 "A shown-while-detached cascade-hidden div is hidden after attachment" );
586 div.remove();
588 span = jQuery( "<span class='hidden'></span>" );
589 span.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ).detach().show().appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
590 assert.equal( span.css( "display" ), "none",
591 "A shown-while-detached cascade-hidden span is hidden after attachment" );
592 span.remove();
594 div = jQuery( document.createElement( "div" ) );
595 "#qunit-fixture" );
596 assert.ok( !div[ 0 ].style.display, "A shown-while-detached div has no inline style" );
597 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "block",
598 "A shown-while-detached div has default display after attachment" );
599 div.remove();
601 div = jQuery( "<div style='display: none'>" );
603 assert.equal( div[ 0 ].style.display, "",
604 "show() updates inline style of a detached inline-hidden div" );
605 div.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
606 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "block",
607 "A shown-while-detached inline-hidden div has default display after attachment" );
609 div = jQuery( "<div><div style='display: none'></div></div>" ).children( "div" );
610 "#qunit-fixture" );
611 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "block",
612 "A shown-while-detached inline-hidden div inside a visible div has default display " +
613 "after attachment" );
615 span = jQuery( "<span style='display: none'></span>" );
617 assert.equal( span[ 0 ].style.display, "",
618 "show() updates inline style of a detached inline-hidden span" );
619 span.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
620 assert.equal( span.css( "display" ), "inline",
621 "A shown-while-detached inline-hidden span has default display after attachment" );
623 div = jQuery( "<div style='display: inline'></div>" );
624 "#qunit-fixture" );
625 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "inline",
626 "show() does not update inline style of a detached inline-visible div" );
627 div.remove();
629 tr = jQuery( "<tr></tr>" );
630 jQuery( "#table" ).append( tr );
631 tr.detach().hide().show();
633 assert.ok( !tr[ 0 ].style.display, "Not-hidden detached tr elements have no inline style" );
634 tr.remove();
636 span = jQuery( "<span></span>" ).hide().show();
637 assert.ok( !span[ 0 ].style.display, "Not-hidden detached span elements have no inline style" );
638 span.remove();
639 } );
641 // Support: IE 11+
642 // IE doesn't support Shadow DOM.
643 QUnit.testUnlessIE(
644 "show/hide shadow child nodes", function( assert ) {
646 assert.expect( 28 );
647 jQuery( "<div id='shadowHost'></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
648 var shadowHost = document.querySelector( "#shadowHost" );
649 var shadowRoot = shadowHost.attachShadow( { mode: "open" } );
650 shadowRoot.innerHTML = "" +
651 "<style>.hidden{display: none;}</style>" +
652 "<div class='hidden' id='shadowdiv'>" +
653 " <p class='hidden' id='shadowp'>" +
654 " <a href='#' class='hidden' id='shadowa'></a>" +
655 " </p>" +
656 " <code class='hidden' id='shadowcode'></code>" +
657 " <pre class='hidden' id='shadowpre'></pre>" +
658 " <span class='hidden' id='shadowspan'></span>" +
659 "</div>" +
660 "<table class='hidden' id='shadowtable'>" +
661 " <thead class='hidden' id='shadowthead'>" +
662 " <tr class='hidden' id='shadowtr'>" +
663 " <th class='hidden' id='shadowth'></th>" +
664 " </tr>" +
665 " </thead>" +
666 " <tbody class='hidden' id='shadowtbody'>" +
667 " <tr class='hidden'>" +
668 " <td class='hidden' id='shadowtd'></td>" +
669 " </tr>" +
670 " </tbody>" +
671 "</table>" +
672 "<ul class='hidden' id='shadowul'>" +
673 " <li class='hidden' id='shadowli'></li>" +
674 "</ul>";
676 var test = {
677 "div": "block",
678 "p": "block",
679 "a": "inline",
680 "code": "inline",
681 "pre": "block",
682 "span": "inline",
683 "table": "table",
684 "thead": "table-header-group",
685 "tbody": "table-row-group",
686 "tr": "table-row",
687 "th": "table-cell",
688 "td": "table-cell",
689 "ul": "block",
690 "li": "list-item"
693 jQuery.each( test, function( selector, expected ) {
694 var shadowChild = shadowRoot.querySelector( "#shadow" + selector );
695 var $shadowChild = jQuery( shadowChild );
696 assert.strictEqual( $shadowChild.css( "display" ), "none", "is hidden" );
697 $;
698 assert.strictEqual( $shadowChild.css( "display" ), expected, "Show using correct display type for " + selector );
699 } );
700 } );
702 QUnit.test( "hide hidden elements (bug trac-7141)", function( assert ) {
703 assert.expect( 3 );
705 var div = jQuery( "<div style='display:none'></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
706 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none", "Element is hidden by default" );
707 div.hide();
708 assert.ok( !jQuery._data( div, "olddisplay" ), "olddisplay is undefined after hiding an already-hidden element" );
710 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "block", "Show a double-hidden element" );
712 div.remove();
713 } );
715 QUnit.test( "show() after hide() should always set display to initial value (trac-14750)", function( assert ) {
716 assert.expect( 1 );
718 var div = jQuery( "<div></div>" ),
719 fixture = jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" );
721 fixture.append( div );
723 div.css( "display", "inline" ).hide().show().css( "display", "list-item" ).hide().show();
724 assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "list-item", "should get last set display value" );
725 } );
727 QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, default display", function( assert ) {
729 assert.expect( 36 );
731 var i,
732 $elems = jQuery( "<div></div>" )
733 .appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" )
734 .html( "<div data-expected-display='block'></div>" +
735 "<span data-expected-display='inline'></span>" +
736 "<ul><li data-expected-display='list-item'></li></ul>" )
737 .find( "[data-expected-display]" );
739 $elems.each( function() {
740 var $elem = jQuery( this ),
741 name = this.nodeName,
742 expected = this.getAttribute( "data-expected-display" ),
743 sequence = [];
745 if ( this.className ) {
746 name += "." + this.className;
748 if ( this.getAttribute( "style" ) ) {
749 name += "[style='" + this.getAttribute( "style" ) + "']";
751 name += " ";
753 for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
754 sequence.push( ".show()" );
755 $;
756 assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), expected,
757 name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
758 assert.equal(, "", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
760 sequence.push( ".hide()" );
761 $elem.hide();
762 assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), "none",
763 name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
764 assert.equal(, "none", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
766 } );
767 } );
769 QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, default body display", function( assert ) {
771 assert.expect( 2 );
773 var hideBody = supportjQuery( "<style>body{display:none}</style>" ).appendTo( document.head ),
774 body = jQuery( document.body );
776 assert.equal( body.css( "display" ), "none", "Correct initial display" );
780 assert.equal( body.css( "display" ), "block", "Correct display after .show()" );
782 hideBody.remove();
783 } );
785 QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, cascade display", function( assert ) {
787 assert.expect( 36 );
789 var i,
790 $elems = jQuery( "<div></div>" )
791 .appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" )
792 .html( "<span class='block'></span><div class='inline'></div><div class='list-item'></div>" )
793 .children();
795 $elems.each( function() {
796 var $elem = jQuery( this ),
797 name = this.nodeName,
798 sequence = [];
800 if ( this.className ) {
801 name += "." + this.className;
803 if ( this.getAttribute( "style" ) ) {
804 name += "[style='" + this.getAttribute( "style" ) + "']";
806 name += " ";
808 for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
809 sequence.push( ".show()" );
810 $;
811 assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), this.className,
812 name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
813 assert.equal(, "", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
815 sequence.push( ".hide()" );
816 $elem.hide();
817 assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), "none",
818 name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
819 assert.equal(, "none", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
821 } );
822 } );
824 QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, inline display", function( assert ) {
826 assert.expect( 96 );
828 var i,
829 $elems = jQuery( "<div></div>" )
830 .appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" )
831 .html( "<span data-expected-display='block' style='display:block'></span>" +
832 "<span class='list-item' data-expected-display='block' style='display:block'></span>" +
833 "<div data-expected-display='inline' style='display:inline'></div>" +
834 "<div class='list-item' data-expected-display='inline' style='display:inline'></div>" +
835 "<ul>" +
836 "<li data-expected-display='block' style='display:block'></li>" +
837 "<li class='inline' data-expected-display='block' style='display:block'></li>" +
838 "<li data-expected-display='inline' style='display:inline'></li>" +
839 "<li class='block' data-expected-display='inline' style='display:inline'></li>" +
840 "</ul>" )
841 .find( "[data-expected-display]" );
843 $elems.each( function() {
844 var $elem = jQuery( this ),
845 name = this.nodeName,
846 expected = this.getAttribute( "data-expected-display" ),
847 sequence = [];
849 if ( this.className ) {
850 name += "." + this.className;
852 if ( this.getAttribute( "style" ) ) {
853 name += "[style='" + this.getAttribute( "style" ) + "']";
855 name += " ";
857 for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
858 sequence.push( ".show()" );
859 $;
860 assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), expected,
861 name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
862 assert.equal(, expected, name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
864 sequence.push( ".hide()" );
865 $elem.hide();
866 assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), "none",
867 name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
868 assert.equal(, "none", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
870 } );
871 } );
873 QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, cascade hidden", function( assert ) {
875 assert.expect( 72 );
877 var i,
878 $elems = jQuery( "<div></div>" )
879 .appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" )
880 .html( "<div class='hidden' data-expected-display='block'></div>" +
881 "<div class='hidden' data-expected-display='block' style='display:none'></div>" +
882 "<span class='hidden' data-expected-display='inline'></span>" +
883 "<span class='hidden' data-expected-display='inline' style='display:none'></span>" +
884 "<ul>" +
885 "<li class='hidden' data-expected-display='list-item'></li>" +
886 "<li class='hidden' data-expected-display='list-item' style='display:none'></li>" +
887 "</ul>" )
888 .find( "[data-expected-display]" );
890 $elems.each( function() {
891 var $elem = jQuery( this ),
892 name = this.nodeName,
893 expected = this.getAttribute( "data-expected-display" ),
894 sequence = [];
896 if ( this.className ) {
897 name += "." + this.className;
899 if ( this.getAttribute( "style" ) ) {
900 name += "[style='" + this.getAttribute( "style" ) + "']";
902 name += " ";
904 for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
905 sequence.push( ".hide()" );
906 $elem.hide();
907 assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), "none",
908 name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
909 assert.equal(, "none", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
911 sequence.push( ".show()" );
912 $;
913 assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), expected,
914 name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
915 assert.equal(, expected, name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
917 } );
918 } );
920 QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, inline hidden", function( assert ) {
922 assert.expect( 84 );
924 var i,
925 $elems = jQuery( "<div></div>" )
926 .appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" )
927 .html( "<span data-expected-display='inline' style='display:none'></span>" +
928 "<span class='list-item' data-expected-display='list-item' style='display:none'></span>" +
929 "<div data-expected-display='block' style='display:none'></div>" +
930 "<div class='list-item' data-expected-display='list-item' style='display:none'></div>" +
931 "<ul>" +
932 "<li data-expected-display='list-item' style='display:none'></li>" +
933 "<li class='block' data-expected-display='block' style='display:none'></li>" +
934 "<li class='inline' data-expected-display='inline' style='display:none'></li>" +
935 "</ul>" )
936 .find( "[data-expected-display]" );
938 $elems.each( function() {
939 var $elem = jQuery( this ),
940 name = this.nodeName,
941 expected = this.getAttribute( "data-expected-display" ),
942 sequence = [];
944 if ( this.className ) {
945 name += "." + this.className;
947 if ( this.getAttribute( "style" ) ) {
948 name += "[style='" + this.getAttribute( "style" ) + "']";
950 name += " ";
952 for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
953 sequence.push( ".hide()" );
954 $elem.hide();
955 assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), "none",
956 name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
957 assert.equal(, "none", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
959 sequence.push( ".show()" );
960 $;
961 assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), expected,
962 name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
963 assert.equal(, "", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
965 } );
966 } );
968 QUnit[ QUnit.jQuerySelectors ? "test" : "skip" ]( "toggle()", function( assert ) {
969 assert.expect( 9 );
970 var div, oldHide,
971 x = jQuery( "#foo" );
973 assert.ok( ":visible" ), "is visible" );
974 x.toggle();
975 assert.ok( ":hidden" ), "is hidden" );
976 x.toggle();
977 assert.ok( ":visible" ), "is visible again" );
979 x.toggle( true );
980 assert.ok( ":visible" ), "is visible" );
981 x.toggle( false );
982 assert.ok( ":hidden" ), "is hidden" );
983 x.toggle( true );
984 assert.ok( ":visible" ), "is visible again" );
986 div = jQuery( "<div style='display:none'><div></div></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
987 x = div.find( "div" );
988 assert.strictEqual( x.toggle().css( "display" ), "none", "is hidden" );
989 assert.strictEqual( x.toggle().css( "display" ), "block", "is visible" );
991 // Ensure hide() is called when toggled (trac-12148)
992 oldHide = jQuery.fn.hide;
993 jQuery.fn.hide = function() {
994 assert.ok( true, name + " method called on toggle" );
995 return oldHide.apply( this, arguments );
997 x.toggle( name === "show" );
998 jQuery.fn.hide = oldHide;
999 } );
1001 QUnit[ QUnit.jQuerySelectors ? "test" : "skip" ]( "detached toggle()", function( assert ) {
1002 assert.expect( 6 );
1003 var detached = jQuery( "<p><a></a><p>" ).find( "*" ).addBack(),
1004 hiddenDetached = jQuery( "<p><a></a></p>" ).find( "*" ).addBack().css( "display", "none" ),
1005 cascadeHiddenDetached = jQuery( "<p><a></a></p>" ).find( "*" ).addBack().addClass( "hidden" );
1007 detached.toggle();
1008 detached.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1009 assert.equal( detached[ 0 ].style.display, "none", "detached element" );
1010 assert.equal( detached[ 1 ].style.display, "none", "element in detached tree" );
1012 hiddenDetached.toggle();
1013 hiddenDetached.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1014 assert.equal( hiddenDetached[ 0 ].style.display, "", "detached, hidden element" );
1015 assert.equal( hiddenDetached[ 1 ].style.display, "", "hidden element in detached tree" );
1017 cascadeHiddenDetached.toggle();
1018 cascadeHiddenDetached.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1019 assert.equal( cascadeHiddenDetached[ 0 ].style.display, "none",
1020 "detached, cascade-hidden element" );
1021 assert.equal( cascadeHiddenDetached[ 1 ].style.display, "none",
1022 "cascade-hidden element in detached tree" );
1023 } );
1025 QUnit[ QUnit.jQuerySelectors && !QUnit.isIE ? "test" : "skip" ](
1026 "shadow toggle()", function( assert ) {
1028 assert.expect( 4 );
1030 jQuery( "<div id='shadowHost'></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1031 var shadowHost = document.querySelector( "#shadowHost" );
1032 var shadowRoot = shadowHost.attachShadow( { mode: "open" } );
1033 shadowRoot.innerHTML = "" +
1034 "<style>.hidden{display: none;}</style>" +
1035 "<div id='shadowHiddenChild' class='hidden'></div>" +
1036 "<div id='shadowChild'></div>";
1037 var shadowChild = shadowRoot.querySelector( "#shadowChild" );
1038 var shadowHiddenChild = shadowRoot.querySelector( "#shadowHiddenChild" );
1040 var $shadowChild = jQuery( shadowChild );
1041 assert.strictEqual( $shadowChild.css( "display" ), "block", "is visible" );
1042 $shadowChild.toggle();
1043 assert.strictEqual( $shadowChild.css( "display" ), "none", "is hidden" );
1045 $shadowChild = jQuery( shadowHiddenChild );
1046 assert.strictEqual( $shadowChild.css( "display" ), "none", "is hidden" );
1047 $shadowChild.toggle();
1048 assert.strictEqual( $shadowChild.css( "display" ), "block", "is visible" );
1049 } );
1051 QUnit.test( "jQuery.css(elem, 'height') doesn't clear radio buttons (bug trac-1095)", function( assert ) {
1052 assert.expect( 4 );
1054 var $checkedtest = jQuery( "#checkedtest" );
1055 jQuery.css( $checkedtest[ 0 ], "height" );
1057 assert.ok( jQuery( "input[type='radio']", $checkedtest ).first().attr( "checked" ), "Check first radio still checked." );
1058 assert.ok( !jQuery( "input[type='radio']", $checkedtest ).last().attr( "checked" ), "Check last radio still NOT checked." );
1059 assert.ok( jQuery( "input[type='checkbox']", $checkedtest ).first().attr( "checked" ), "Check first checkbox still checked." );
1060 assert.ok( !jQuery( "input[type='checkbox']", $checkedtest ).last().attr( "checked" ), "Check last checkbox still NOT checked." );
1061 } );
1063 QUnit.test( "internal ref to elem.runtimeStyle (bug trac-7608)", function( assert ) {
1064 assert.expect( 1 );
1065 var result = true;
1067 try {
1068 jQuery( "#foo" ).css( { "width": "0%" } ).css( "width" );
1069 } catch ( e ) {
1070 result = false;
1073 assert.ok( result, "elem.runtimeStyle does not throw exception" );
1074 } );
1076 QUnit.test( "computed margins (trac-3333; gh-2237)", function( assert ) {
1077 assert.expect( 2 );
1079 var $div = jQuery( "#foo" ),
1080 $child = jQuery( "#en" );
1082 $div.css( {
1083 "width": "1px",
1084 "marginRight": 0
1085 } );
1086 assert.equal( $div.css( "marginRight" ), "0px",
1087 "marginRight correctly calculated with a width and display block" );
1089 $div.css( {
1090 position: "absolute",
1091 top: 0,
1092 left: 0,
1093 width: "100px"
1094 } );
1095 $child.css( {
1096 width: "50px",
1097 margin: "auto"
1098 } );
1099 assert.equal( $child.css( "marginLeft" ), "25px", "auto margins are computed to pixels" );
1100 } );
1102 QUnit.test( "box model properties incorrectly returning % instead of px, see trac-10639 and trac-12088", function( assert ) {
1103 assert.expect( 2 );
1105 var container = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).width( 400 ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
1106 el = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).css( { "width": "50%", "marginRight": "50%" } ).appendTo( container ),
1107 el2 = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).css( { "width": "50%", "minWidth": "300px", "marginLeft": "25%" } ).appendTo( container );
1109 assert.equal( el.css( "marginRight" ), "200px", "css('marginRight') returning % instead of px, see trac-10639" );
1110 assert.equal( el2.css( "marginLeft" ), "100px", "css('marginLeft') returning incorrect pixel value, see trac-12088" );
1111 } );
1113 QUnit.test( "widows & orphans trac-8936", function( assert ) {
1115 var $p = jQuery( "<p>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1117 assert.expect( 2 );
1119 $p.css( {
1120 "widows": 3,
1121 "orphans": 3
1122 } );
1124 assert.equal( $p.css( "widows" ) || $p[ 0 ], "widows" ), 3, "widows correctly set to 3" );
1125 assert.equal( $p.css( "orphans" ) || $p[ 0 ], "orphans" ), 3, "orphans correctly set to 3" );
1127 $p.remove();
1128 } );
1130 QUnit.test( "can't get css for disconnected in IE<9, see trac-10254 and trac-8388", function( assert ) {
1131 assert.expect( 2 );
1132 var span, div;
1134 span = jQuery( "<span></span>" ).css( "background-image", "url(" + baseURL + "1x1.jpg)" );
1135 assert.notEqual( span.css( "background-image" ), null, "can't get background-image in IE<9, see trac-10254" );
1137 div = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).css( "top", 10 );
1138 assert.equal( div.css( "top" ), "10px", "can't get top in IE<9, see trac-8388" );
1139 } );
1141 QUnit.test( "Ensure styles are retrieving from parsed html on document fragments", function( assert ) {
1142 assert.expect( 1 );
1144 var $span = jQuery(
1145 jQuery.parseHTML( "<span style=\"font-family: Cuprum,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #999999;\">some text</span>" )
1148 assert.equal( $span.css( "font-size" ), "14px", "Font-size retrievable on parsed HTML node" );
1149 } );
1151 QUnit.test( "can't get background-position in IE<9, see trac-10796", function( assert ) {
1152 var div = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
1153 units = [
1154 "0 0",
1155 "12px 12px",
1156 "13px 12em",
1157 "12em 13px",
1158 "12em center",
1159 "+12em center",
1160 "12.2em center",
1161 "center center"
1163 l = units.length,
1164 i = 0;
1166 assert.expect( l );
1168 for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
1169 div.css( "background-position", units [ i ] );
1170 assert.ok( div.css( "background-position" ), "can't get background-position in IE<9, see trac-10796" );
1172 } );
1174 if ( includesModule( "offset" ) ) {
1175 QUnit.test( "percentage properties for left and top should be transformed to pixels, see trac-9505", function( assert ) {
1176 assert.expect( 2 );
1177 var parent = jQuery( "<div style='position:relative;width:200px;height:200px;margin:0;padding:0;border-width:0'></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
1178 div = jQuery( "<div style='position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; top:50%; left:50%'></div>" ).appendTo( parent );
1180 assert.equal( div.css( "top" ), "100px", "position properties not transformed to pixels, see trac-9505" );
1181 assert.equal( div.css( "left" ), "100px", "position properties not transformed to pixels, see trac-9505" );
1182 } );
1185 QUnit.test( "Do not append px (trac-9548, trac-12990, gh-2792)", function( assert ) {
1186 assert.expect( 4 );
1188 var $div = jQuery( "<div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1190 $div.css( "fill-opacity", 1 );
1191 assert.equal( $div.css( "fill-opacity" ), 1, "Do not append px to 'fill-opacity'" );
1193 $div.css( "font-size", "27px" );
1194 $div.css( "line-height", 2 );
1195 assert.equal( $div.css( "line-height" ), "54px", "Do not append px to 'line-height'" );
1197 $div.css( "column-count", 1 );
1198 if ( $div.css( "column-count" ) !== undefined ) {
1199 assert.equal( $div.css( "column-count" ), 1, "Do not append px to 'column-count'" );
1200 } else {
1201 assert.ok( true, "No support for column-count CSS property" );
1204 $div.css( "animation-iteration-count", 2 );
1205 if ( $div.css( "animation-iteration-count" ) !== undefined ) {
1206 // if $div.css( "animation-iteration-count" ) return "1",
1207 // it actually return the default value of animation-iteration-count
1208 assert.equal( $div.css( "animation-iteration-count" ), 2, "Do not append px to 'animation-iteration-count'" );
1209 } else {
1210 assert.ok( true, "No support for animation-iteration-count CSS property" );
1212 } );
1215 // IE doesn't support the standard version of CSS Grid.
1216 QUnit.testUnlessIE( "Do not append px to CSS Grid-related properties (gh-4007)",
1217 function( assert ) {
1219 assert.expect( 12 );
1221 var prop, value, subProp, subValue, $div,
1222 gridProps = {
1223 "grid-area": {
1224 "grid-row-start": "2",
1225 "grid-row-end": "auto",
1226 "grid-column-start": "auto",
1227 "grid-column-end": "auto"
1229 "grid-column": {
1230 "grid-column-start": "2",
1231 "grid-column-end": "auto"
1233 "grid-column-end": true,
1234 "grid-column-start": true,
1235 "grid-row": {
1236 "grid-row-start": "2",
1237 "grid-row-end": "auto"
1239 "grid-row-end": true,
1240 "grid-row-start": true
1243 for ( prop in gridProps ) {
1244 $div = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1245 $div.css( prop, 2 );
1247 value = gridProps[ prop ];
1249 if ( typeof value === "object" ) {
1250 for ( subProp in value ) {
1251 subValue = value[ subProp ];
1252 assert.equal( $div.css( subProp ), subValue,
1253 "Do not append px to '" + prop + "' (retrieved " + subProp + ")" );
1255 } else {
1256 assert.equal( $div.css( prop ), "2", "Do not append px to '" + prop + "'" );
1259 $div.remove();
1261 } );
1263 QUnit.test( "Do not append px to most properties not accepting integer values", function( assert ) {
1264 assert.expect( 3 );
1266 var $div = jQuery( "<div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1268 $div.css( "font-size", "27px" );
1270 $div.css( "font-size", 2 );
1271 assert.equal( $div.css( "font-size" ), "27px", "Do not append px to 'font-size'" );
1273 $div.css( "fontSize", 2 );
1274 assert.equal( $div.css( "fontSize" ), "27px", "Do not append px to 'fontSize'" );
1276 $div.css( "letter-spacing", "2px" );
1277 $div.css( "letter-spacing", 3 );
1278 assert.equal( $div.css( "letter-spacing" ), "2px", "Do not append px to 'letter-spacing'" );
1279 } );
1281 QUnit.test( "Append px to whitelisted properties", function( assert ) {
1282 var prop,
1283 $div = jQuery( "<div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
1284 whitelist = {
1285 margin: "marginTop",
1286 marginTop: undefined,
1287 marginRight: undefined,
1288 marginBottom: undefined,
1289 marginLeft: undefined,
1290 padding: "paddingTop",
1291 paddingTop: undefined,
1292 paddingRight: undefined,
1293 paddingBottom: undefined,
1294 paddingLeft: undefined,
1295 top: undefined,
1296 right: undefined,
1297 bottom: undefined,
1298 left: undefined,
1299 width: undefined,
1300 height: undefined,
1301 minWidth: undefined,
1302 minHeight: undefined,
1303 maxWidth: undefined,
1304 maxHeight: undefined,
1305 border: "borderTopWidth",
1306 borderWidth: "borderTopWidth",
1307 borderTop: "borderTopWidth",
1308 borderTopWidth: undefined,
1309 borderRight: "borderRightWidth",
1310 borderRightWidth: undefined,
1311 borderBottom: "borderBottomWidth",
1312 borderBottomWidth: undefined,
1313 borderLeft: "borderLeftWidth",
1314 borderLeftWidth: undefined
1317 assert.expect( ( Object.keys( whitelist ).length ) * 2 );
1319 for ( prop in whitelist ) {
1320 var propToCheck = whitelist[ prop ] || prop,
1321 kebabProp = prop.replace( /[A-Z]/g, function( match ) {
1322 return "-" + match.toLowerCase();
1323 } ),
1324 kebabPropToCheck = propToCheck.replace( /[A-Z]/g, function( match ) {
1325 return "-" + match.toLowerCase();
1326 } );
1327 $div.css( prop, 3 )
1328 .css( "position", "absolute" )
1329 .css( "border-style", "solid" );
1330 assert.equal( $div.css( propToCheck ), "3px", "Append px to '" + prop + "'" );
1331 $div.css( kebabProp, 3 )
1332 .css( "position", "absolute" )
1333 .css( "border-style", "solid" );
1334 assert.equal( $div.css( kebabPropToCheck ), "3px", "Append px to '" + kebabProp + "'" );
1336 } );
1338 QUnit.test( "css('width') and css('height') should respect box-sizing, see trac-11004", function( assert ) {
1339 assert.expect( 4 );
1341 var el_dis = jQuery( "<div style='width:300px;height:300px;margin:2px;padding:2px;box-sizing:border-box;'>test</div>" ),
1342 el = el_dis.clone().appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1344 assert.equal( el.css( "width" ), el.css( "width", el.css( "width" ) ).css( "width" ), "css('width') is not respecting box-sizing, see trac-11004" );
1345 assert.equal( el_dis.css( "width" ), el_dis.css( "width", el_dis.css( "width" ) ).css( "width" ), "css('width') is not respecting box-sizing for disconnected element, see trac-11004" );
1346 assert.equal( el.css( "height" ), el.css( "height", el.css( "height" ) ).css( "height" ), "css('height') is not respecting box-sizing, see trac-11004" );
1347 assert.equal( el_dis.css( "height" ), el_dis.css( "height", el_dis.css( "height" ) ).css( "height" ), "css('height') is not respecting box-sizing for disconnected element, see trac-11004" );
1348 } );
1350 QUnit.test( "table rows width/height should be unaffected by inline styles", function( assert ) {
1351 assert.expect( 2 );
1353 var table = jQuery(
1354 "<table>\n" +
1355 " <tr id=\"row\" style=\"height: 1px; width: 1px;\">\n" +
1356 " <td>\n" +
1357 " <div style=\"height: 100px; width: 100px;\"></div>\n" +
1358 " </div>\n" +
1359 " </tr>\n" +
1360 "</table>"
1362 var tr = table.find( "tr" );
1364 table.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1366 assert.ok( parseInt( tr.css( "width" ) ) > 10, "tr width unaffected by inline style" );
1367 assert.ok( parseInt( tr.css( "height" ) ) > 10, "tr height unaffected by inline style" );
1368 } );
1370 testIframe(
1371 "css('width') should work correctly before document ready (trac-14084)",
1372 "css/cssWidthBeforeDocReady.html",
1373 function( assert, jQuery, window, document, cssWidthBeforeDocReady ) {
1374 assert.expect( 1 );
1375 assert.strictEqual( cssWidthBeforeDocReady, "100px", "elem.css('width') works correctly before document ready" );
1379 testIframe(
1380 "css('width') should work correctly with browser zooming",
1381 "css/cssWidthBrowserZoom.html",
1382 function( assert, jQuery, window, document, widthBeforeSet, widthAfterSet ) {
1383 assert.expect( 2 );
1384 assert.strictEqual( widthBeforeSet, "100px", "elem.css('width') works correctly with browser zoom" );
1385 assert.strictEqual( widthAfterSet, "100px", "elem.css('width', val) works correctly with browser zoom" );
1389 QUnit.testUnlessIE( "css('width') and css('height') should return fractional values for nodes in the document", function( assert ) {
1390 assert.expect( 2 );
1392 var el = jQuery( "<div class='test-div'></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1393 jQuery( "<style>.test-div { width: 33.3px; height: 88.8px; }</style>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1395 assert.equal( Number( el.css( "width" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "33.3",
1396 "css('width') should return fractional values" );
1397 assert.equal( Number( el.css( "height" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "88.8",
1398 "css('height') should return fractional values" );
1399 } );
1401 QUnit.testUnlessIE( "css('width') and css('height') should return fractional values for disconnected nodes", function( assert ) {
1402 assert.expect( 2 );
1404 var el = jQuery( "<div style='width: 33.3px; height: 88.8px;'></div>" );
1406 assert.equal( Number( el.css( "width" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "33.3",
1407 "css('width') should return fractional values" );
1408 assert.equal( Number( el.css( "height" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "88.8",
1409 "css('height') should return fractional values" );
1410 } );
1412 QUnit.test( "certain css values of 'normal' should be convertible to a number, see trac-8627", function( assert ) {
1413 assert.expect( 3 );
1415 var el = jQuery( "<div style='letter-spacing:normal;font-weight:normal;'>test</div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1417 assert.ok( !isNaN( parseFloat( el.css( "letterSpacing" ) ) ), "css('letterSpacing') not convertible to number, see trac-8627" );
1418 assert.ok( !isNaN( parseFloat( el.css( "fontWeight" ) ) ), "css('fontWeight') not convertible to number, see trac-8627" );
1419 assert.equal( typeof el.css( "fontWeight" ), "string", ".css() returns a string" );
1420 } );
1422 QUnit.test( "cssHooks - expand", function( assert ) {
1423 assert.expect( 15 );
1424 var result,
1425 properties = {
1426 margin: [ "marginTop", "marginRight", "marginBottom", "marginLeft" ],
1427 borderWidth: [ "borderTopWidth", "borderRightWidth", "borderBottomWidth", "borderLeftWidth" ],
1428 padding: [ "paddingTop", "paddingRight", "paddingBottom", "paddingLeft" ]
1431 jQuery.each( properties, function( property, keys ) {
1432 var hook = jQuery.cssHooks[ property ],
1433 expected = {};
1434 jQuery.each( keys, function( _, key ) {
1435 expected[ key ] = 10;
1436 } );
1437 result = hook.expand( 10 );
1438 assert.deepEqual( result, expected, property + " expands properly with a number" );
1440 jQuery.each( keys, function( _, key ) {
1441 expected[ key ] = "10px";
1442 } );
1443 result = hook.expand( "10px" );
1444 assert.deepEqual( result, expected, property + " expands properly with '10px'" );
1446 expected[ keys[ 1 ] ] = expected[ keys[ 3 ] ] = "20px";
1447 result = hook.expand( "10px 20px" );
1448 assert.deepEqual( result, expected, property + " expands properly with '10px 20px'" );
1450 expected[ keys[ 2 ] ] = "30px";
1451 result = hook.expand( "10px 20px 30px" );
1452 assert.deepEqual( result, expected, property + " expands properly with '10px 20px 30px'" );
1454 expected[ keys[ 3 ] ] = "40px";
1455 result = hook.expand( "10px 20px 30px 40px" );
1456 assert.deepEqual( result, expected, property + " expands properly with '10px 20px 30px 40px'" );
1458 } );
1460 } );
1462 QUnit.test( "css opacity consistency across browsers (trac-12685)", function( assert ) {
1463 assert.expect( 3 );
1465 var el,
1466 fixture = jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" );
1468 // Append style element
1469 jQuery( "<style>.opacity_t12685 { opacity: 0.1; }</style>" ).appendTo( fixture );
1471 el = jQuery( "<div class='opacity_t12685'></div>" ).appendTo( fixture );
1473 assert.equal( Math.round( el.css( "opacity" ) * 100 ), 10, "opacity from style sheet" );
1474 el.css( "opacity", 0.3 );
1475 assert.equal( Math.round( el.css( "opacity" ) * 100 ), 30, "override opacity" );
1476 el.css( "opacity", "" );
1477 assert.equal( Math.round( el.css( "opacity" ) * 100 ), 10, "remove opacity override" );
1478 } );
1480 QUnit[ QUnit.jQuerySelectors ? "test" : "skip" ]( ":visible/:hidden selectors", function( assert ) {
1481 assert.expect( 18 );
1483 var $div, $table, $a, $br;
1485 assert.ok( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modifying CSS display: Assert element is visible" );
1486 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( { display: "none" } );
1487 assert.ok( !jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modified CSS display: Assert element is hidden" );
1488 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( { "display": "block" } );
1489 assert.ok( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modified CSS display: Assert element is visible" );
1490 assert.ok( !jQuery( window ).is( ":visible" ), "Calling is(':visible') on window does not throw an exception (trac-10267)." );
1491 assert.ok( !jQuery( document ).is( ":visible" ), "Calling is(':visible') on document does not throw an exception (trac-10267)." );
1493 assert.ok( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modifying CSS display: Assert element is visible" );
1494 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "display", "none" );
1495 assert.ok( !jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modified CSS display: Assert element is hidden" );
1496 jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "display", "block" );
1497 assert.ok( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modified CSS display: Assert element is visible" );
1499 assert.ok( jQuery( "#siblingspan" ).is( ":visible" ), "Span with no content is visible" );
1500 $div = jQuery( "<div><span></span></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1501 assert.equal( $div.find( ":visible" ).length, 1, "Span with no content is visible" );
1502 $div.css( { width: 0, height: 0, overflow: "hidden" } );
1503 assert.ok( $ ":visible" ), "Div with width and height of 0 is still visible (gh-2227)" );
1505 $br = jQuery( "<br/>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1506 assert.ok( $ ":visible" ), "br element is visible" );
1508 $table = jQuery( "#table" );
1509 $table.html( "<tr><td style='display:none'>cell</td><td>cell</td></tr>" );
1510 assert.equal( jQuery( "#table td:visible" ).length, 1, "hidden cell is not perceived as visible (trac-4512). Works on table elements" );
1511 $table.css( "display", "none" ).html( "<tr><td>cell</td><td>cell</td></tr>" );
1512 assert.equal( jQuery( "#table td:visible" ).length, 0, "hidden cell children not perceived as visible (trac-4512)" );
1514 if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectorsPos ) {
1515 assert.t( "Is Visible", "#qunit-fixture div:visible:lt(2)", [ "foo", "nothiddendiv" ] );
1516 } else {
1517 assert.ok( "skip", "Positional selectors are not supported" );
1520 assert.t( "Is Not Hidden", "#qunit-fixture:hidden", [] );
1521 assert.t( "Is Hidden", "#form input:hidden", [ "hidden1", "hidden2" ] );
1523 $a = jQuery( "<a href='#'><h1>Header</h1></a>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1524 assert.ok( $ ":visible" ), "Anchor tag with flow content is visible (gh-2227)" );
1525 } );
1527 QUnit.test( "Keep the last style if the new one isn't recognized by the browser (trac-14836)", function( assert ) {
1528 assert.expect( 1 );
1530 var el = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).css( "position", "absolute" ).css( "position", "fake value" );
1531 assert.equal( el.css( "position" ), "absolute", "The old style is kept when setting an unrecognized value" );
1532 } );
1534 QUnit.test(
1535 "Keep the last style if the new one is a non-empty whitespace (gh-3204)",
1536 function( assert ) {
1537 assert.expect( 1 );
1539 var el = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).css( "position", "absolute" ).css( "position", " " );
1540 assert.equal( el.css( "position" ), "absolute", "The old style is kept when setting to a space" );
1541 } );
1543 QUnit.test( "Reset the style if set to an empty string", function( assert ) {
1544 assert.expect( 1 );
1545 var el = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).css( "position", "absolute" ).css( "position", "" );
1547 // Some browsers return an empty string; others "static". Both those cases mean the style
1548 // was reset successfully so accept them both.
1549 assert.equal( el.css( "position" ) || "static", "static",
1550 "The style can be reset by setting to an empty string" );
1551 } );
1553 QUnit.test(
1554 "Clearing a Cloned Element's Style Shouldn't Clear the Original Element's Style (trac-8908)",
1555 function( assert ) {
1556 assert.expect( 24 );
1557 var done = assert.async();
1558 var styles = [ {
1559 name: "backgroundAttachment",
1560 value: [ "fixed" ]
1561 }, {
1562 name: "backgroundColor",
1563 value: [ "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "rgb(255,0,0)", "#ff0000" ]
1564 }, {
1566 // Firefox returns auto's value
1567 name: "backgroundImage",
1568 value: [ "url('test.png')", "url(" + baseURL + "test.png)", "url(\"" + baseURL + "test.png\")" ]
1569 }, {
1570 name: "backgroundPosition",
1571 value: [ "5% 5%" ]
1572 }, {
1574 // Firefox returns no-repeat
1575 name: "backgroundRepeat",
1576 value: [ "repeat-y" ]
1577 }, {
1578 name: "backgroundClip",
1579 value: [ "padding-box" ]
1580 }, {
1581 name: "backgroundOrigin",
1582 value: [ "content-box" ]
1583 }, {
1584 name: "backgroundSize",
1585 value: [ "80px 60px" ]
1586 } ];
1588 jQuery.each( styles, function( index, style ) {
1589 var $clone, $clonedChildren,
1590 $source = jQuery( "#firstp" ),
1591 source = $source[ 0 ],
1592 $children = $source.children();
1594 if ([ ] === undefined ) {
1595 assert.ok( true, + ": style isn't supported and therefore not an issue" );
1596 assert.ok( true );
1598 return true;
1601 $source.css(, style.value[ 0 ] );
1602 $children.css(, style.value[ 0 ] );
1604 $clone = $source.clone();
1605 $clonedChildren = $clone.children();
1607 $clone.css(, "" );
1608 $clonedChildren.css(, "" );
1610 window.setTimeout( function() {
1611 assert.notEqual( $clone.css( ), style.value[ 0 ], "Cloned css was changed" );
1613 assert.ok( jQuery.inArray( $source.css( ) !== -1, style.value ),
1614 "Clearing clone.css() doesn't affect source.css(): " + +
1615 "; result: " + $source.css( ) +
1616 "; expected: " + style.value.join( "," ) );
1618 assert.ok( jQuery.inArray( $children.css( ) !== -1, style.value ),
1619 "Clearing clonedChildren.css() doesn't affect children.css(): " + +
1620 "; result: " + $children.css( ) +
1621 "; expected: " + style.value.join( "," ) );
1622 }, 100 );
1623 } );
1625 window.setTimeout( done, 1000 );
1629 QUnit.test( "Don't append px to CSS \"order\" value (trac-14049)", function( assert ) {
1630 assert.expect( 1 );
1632 var $elem = jQuery( "<div></div>" );
1634 $elem.css( "order", 2 );
1635 assert.equal( $elem.css( "order" ), "2", "2 on order" );
1636 } );
1638 QUnit.test( "Do not throw on frame elements from css method (trac-15098)", function( assert ) {
1639 assert.expect( 1 );
1641 var frameWin, frameDoc,
1642 frameElement = document.createElement( "iframe" ),
1643 frameWrapDiv = document.createElement( "div" );
1645 frameWrapDiv.appendChild( frameElement );
1646 document.body.appendChild( frameWrapDiv );
1647 frameWin = frameElement.contentWindow;
1648 frameDoc = frameWin.document;
1650 frameDoc.write( "<!doctype html><html><body><div>Hi</div></body></html>" );
1651 frameDoc.close();
1653 = "none";
1655 try {
1656 jQuery( frameDoc.body ).css( "direction" );
1657 assert.ok( true, "It didn't throw" );
1658 } catch ( _ ) {
1659 assert.ok( false, "It did throw" );
1661 } );
1663 ( function() {
1664 var vendorPrefixes = [ "Webkit", "Moz", "ms" ];
1666 QUnit.test( "Don't default to a cached previously used wrong prefixed name (gh-2015)", function( assert ) {
1668 // Note: this test needs a property we know is only supported in a prefixed version
1669 // by at least one of our main supported browsers. This may get out of date so let's
1670 // use -(webkit|moz)-appearance as well as those two are not on a standards track.
1671 var appearanceName, transformName, elem, elemStyle,
1672 transformVal = "translate(5px, 2px)",
1673 emptyStyle = document.createElement( "div" ).style;
1675 if ( "appearance" in emptyStyle ) {
1676 appearanceName = "appearance";
1677 } else {
1678 jQuery.each( vendorPrefixes, function( index, prefix ) {
1679 var prefixedProp = prefix + "Appearance";
1680 if ( prefixedProp in emptyStyle ) {
1681 appearanceName = prefixedProp;
1683 } );
1686 if ( "transform" in emptyStyle ) {
1687 transformName = "transform";
1688 } else {
1689 jQuery.each( vendorPrefixes, function( index, prefix ) {
1690 var prefixedProp = prefix + "Transform";
1691 if ( prefixedProp in emptyStyle ) {
1692 transformName = prefixedProp;
1694 } );
1697 assert.expect( !!appearanceName + !!transformName + 1 );
1699 elem = jQuery( "<div></div>" )
1700 .css( {
1701 msAppearance: "none",
1702 appearance: "none",
1704 // Only the ms prefix is used to make sure we haven't e.g. set
1705 // webkitTransform ourselves in the test.
1706 msTransform: transformVal,
1707 transform: transformVal
1708 } );
1709 elemStyle = elem[ 0 ].style;
1711 if ( appearanceName ) {
1712 assert.equal( elemStyle[ appearanceName ], "none", "setting properly-prefixed appearance" );
1714 if ( transformName ) {
1715 assert.equal( elemStyle[ transformName ], transformVal, "setting properly-prefixed transform" );
1717 assert.equal( elemStyle[ "undefined" ], undefined, "Nothing writes to" );
1718 } );
1720 QUnit.test( "Don't detect fake set properties on a node when caching the prefixed version", function( assert ) {
1721 assert.expect( 1 );
1723 var elem = jQuery( "<div></div>" ),
1724 style = elem[ 0 ].style;
1725 style.MozFakeProperty = "old value";
1726 elem.css( "fakeProperty", "new value" );
1728 assert.equal( style.MozFakeProperty, "old value", "Fake prefixed property is not cached" );
1729 } );
1731 } )();
1733 // IE doesn't support CSS variables.
1734 QUnit.testUnlessIE( "css(--customProperty)", function( assert ) {
1736 jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" ).append(
1737 "<style>\n" +
1738 " .test__customProperties {\n" +
1739 " --prop1:val1;\n" +
1740 " --prop2: val2;\n" +
1741 " --prop3: val3;\n" +
1742 " --prop4:val4 ;\n" +
1743 " --prop5:val5 ;\n" +
1744 " --prop6: val6 ;\n" +
1745 " --prop7: val7 ;\n" +
1746 " --prop8:\"val8\";\n" +
1747 " --prop9:'val9';\n" +
1748 " --prop10:\f\r\n\t val10 \f\r\n\t;\n" +
1749 " --prop11:\u000C\u000D\u000A\u0009\u0020val11\u0020\u0009\u000A\u000D\u000C;\n" +
1750 " --prop12:\u000Bval12\u000B;\n" +
1751 " --space: ;\n" +
1752 " --empty:;\n" +
1753 " }\n" +
1754 "</style>"
1757 var div = jQuery( "<div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
1758 $elem = jQuery( "<div>" ).addClass( "test__customProperties" )
1759 .appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
1760 webkitOrBlink = /\webkit\b/i.test( navigator.userAgent ),
1761 expected = 20;
1763 if ( webkitOrBlink ) {
1764 expected -= 2;
1766 assert.expect( expected );
1768 div.css( "--color", "blue" );
1769 assert.equal( div.css( "--color" ), "blue", "Modified CSS custom property using string" );
1771 div.css( "--color", "yellow" );
1772 assert.equal( div.css( "--color" ), "yellow", "Overwrite CSS custom property" );
1774 div.css( { "--color": "red" } );
1775 assert.equal( div.css( "--color" ), "red", "Modified CSS custom property using object" );
1777 div.css( { "--mixedCase": "green" } );
1778 div.css( { "--mixed-case": "red" } );
1779 assert.equal( div.css( "--mixedCase" ), "green",
1780 "Modified CSS custom property with mixed case" );
1782 div.css( { "--theme-dark": "purple" } );
1783 div.css( { "--themeDark": "red" } );
1784 assert.equal( div.css( "--theme-dark" ), "purple",
1785 "Modified CSS custom property with dashed name" );
1787 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop1" ), "val1", "Basic CSS custom property" );
1789 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop2" ), "val2", "Preceding whitespace trimmed" );
1790 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop3" ), "val3", "Multiple preceding whitespace trimmed" );
1791 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop4" ), "val4", "Following whitespace trimmed" );
1792 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop5" ), "val5", "Multiple Following whitespace trimmed" );
1793 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop6" ), "val6", "Preceding and Following whitespace trimmed" );
1794 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop7" ), "val7", "Multiple preceding and following whitespace trimmed" );
1796 // Support: Chrome <=49 - 73+, Safari <=9.1 - 12.1+
1797 // Chrome treats single quotes as double ones.
1798 // Safari treats double quotes as single ones.
1799 if ( !webkitOrBlink ) {
1800 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop8" ), "\"val8\"", "Works with double quotes" );
1801 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop9" ), "'val9'", "Works with single quotes" );
1804 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop10" ), "val10", "Multiple preceding and following escaped unicode whitespace trimmed" );
1805 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop11" ), "val11", "Multiple preceding and following unicode whitespace trimmed" );
1806 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--prop12" ), "\u000Bval12\u000B", "Multiple preceding and following non-CSS whitespace reserved" );
1807 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--space" ), undefined );
1808 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--empty" ), undefined );
1809 assert.equal( $elem.css( "--nonexistent" ), undefined );
1810 } );
1812 // IE doesn't support CSS variables.
1813 QUnit.testUnlessIE( "Don't append px to CSS vars", function( assert ) {
1815 assert.expect( 3 );
1817 var $div = jQuery( "<div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1819 $div
1820 .css( "--a", 3 )
1821 .css( "--line-height", 4 )
1822 .css( "--lineHeight", 5 );
1824 assert.equal( $div.css( "--a" ), "3", "--a: 3" );
1825 assert.equal( $div.css( "--line-height" ), "4", "--line-height: 4" );
1826 assert.equal( $div.css( "--lineHeight" ), "5", "--lineHeight: 5" );
1827 } );
1829 // Support: IE 11+
1830 // This test requires Grid to be *not supported* to work.
1831 if ( QUnit.isIE ) {
1832 // Make sure explicitly provided IE vendor prefix (`-ms-`) is not converted
1833 // to a non-working `Ms` prefix in JavaScript.
1834 QUnit.test( "IE vendor prefixes are not mangled", function( assert ) {
1835 assert.expect( 1 );
1837 var div = jQuery( "<div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
1839 div.css( "-ms-grid-row", "1" );
1841 assert.strictEqual( div.css( "-ms-grid-row" ), "1", "IE vendor prefixing" );
1842 } );