commenting out the inflector bits. It's moved to the correct location, however I...
[kwestie.git] / doc / plugins.svg
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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57 style="font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
58 x="8.5714283"
59 y="35.933609"
60 id="text2160"><tspan
61 sodipodi:role="line"
62 id="tspan2162"
63 x="8.5714283"
64 y="35.933609">Plugins:</tspan><tspan
65 sodipodi:role="line"
66 x="8.5714283"
67 y="55.933609"
68 id="tspan2168">Most plugins can be just simple formatted tag extensions. But they</tspan><tspan
69 sodipodi:role="line"
70 x="8.5714283"
71 y="75.933609"
72 id="tspan2174">also may want mailer support and what not.</tspan><tspan
73 sodipodi:role="line"
74 x="8.5714283"
75 y="95.933609"
76 id="tspan2176" /><tspan
77 sodipodi:role="line"
78 x="8.5714283"
79 y="115.93361"
80 id="tspan2178">CVE Plugin</tspan><tspan
81 sodipodi:role="line"
82 x="8.5714283"
83 y="135.93361"
84 id="tspan2180"> creates a standard tag <tspan
85 style="font-weight:bold"
86 id="tspan2182">cve:XXXX-XXXX</tspan></tspan><tspan
87 sodipodi:role="line"
88 x="8.5714283"
89 y="155.93361"
90 id="tspan2184"> which also creates a tag listing of cve and then the ID</tspan><tspan
91 sodipodi:role="line"
92 x="8.5714283"
93 y="175.93361"
94 id="tspan2186" /><tspan
95 sodipodi:role="line"
96 x="8.5714283"
97 y="195.93361"
98 id="tspan2188" /><tspan
99 sodipodi:role="line"
100 x="8.5714283"
101 y="215.93361"
102 id="tspan2190">Privacy Plugin</tspan><tspan
103 sodipodi:role="line"
104 x="8.5714283"
105 y="235.93361"
106 id="tspan2192"> sets a privacy flag, only allowing registered users to view the bug</tspan><tspan
107 sodipodi:role="line"
108 x="8.5714283"
109 y="255.93361"
110 id="tspan2194" /><tspan
111 sodipodi:role="line"
112 x="8.5714283"
113 y="275.93361"
114 id="tspan2198">Security Embargo Plugin</tspan><tspan
115 sodipodi:role="line"
116 x="8.5714283"
117 y="295.93361"
118 id="tspan2210"> sets an embargo flag that only allows registered users to view the bug</tspan></text>
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