Script and makefile adjustments for updating extlib
[larjonas-mediagoblin.git] / extlib / leaflet / src / layer / vector / CircleMarker.js
1 /*
2 * L.CircleMarker is a circle overlay with a permanent pixel radius.
3 */
5 L.CircleMarker = L.Circle.extend({
6 options: {
7 radius: 10,
8 weight: 2
9 },
11 initialize: function(latlng, options) {
12, latlng, null, options);
13 this._radius = this.options.radius;
16 projectLatlngs: function() {
17 this._point = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._latlng);
20 setRadius: function(radius) {
21 this._radius = radius;
22 this._redraw();
23 return this;
25 });