move python/src/a/*.pxi to python/src/a.pyx
[liba.git] / include / a / pid_fuzzy.h
1 /*!
2 @file pid_fuzzy.h
3 @brief fuzzy proportional integral derivative controller
4 */
6 #ifndef LIBA_PID_FUZZY_H
7 #define LIBA_PID_FUZZY_H
9 #include "pid.h"
10 #include "fuzzy.h"
12 /*!
13 @ingroup A
14 @addtogroup A_PID_FUZZY fuzzy proportional integral derivative controller
18 typedef struct a_pid_fuzzy a_pid_fuzzy;
20 /*!
21 @brief enumeration for fuzzy PID controller operator
23 enum
25 A_PID_FUZZY_EQU, //!< sqrt(a,b)*sqrt(1-(1-a)*(1-b))
26 A_PID_FUZZY_CAP, //!< min(a,b)
28 A_PID_FUZZY_CAP_BOUNDED, //!< max(a+b-1,0)
29 A_PID_FUZZY_CUP, //!< max(a,b)
30 A_PID_FUZZY_CUP_ALGEBRA, //!< a+b-a*b
31 A_PID_FUZZY_CUP_BOUNDED //!< min(a+b,1)
34 #if defined(__cplusplus)
35 extern "C" {
36 #endif /* __cplusplus */
38 /*!
39 @brief initialize for fuzzy PID controller
40 @param[in,out] ctx points to an instance of fuzzy PID controller
42 #define a_pid_fuzzy_init(ctx) a_pid_fuzzy_zero(ctx)
44 /*!
45 @brief get fuzzy relational operator for fuzzy PID controller
46 @param[in] op enumeration for fuzzy PID controller operator
47 @return fuzzy relational operator for fuzzy PID controller
49 A_EXTERN a_float (*a_pid_fuzzy_op(unsigned int op))(a_float, a_float);
51 /*!
52 @brief set fuzzy relational operator for fuzzy PID controller
53 @param[in,out] ctx points to an instance of fuzzy PID controller
54 @param[in] op enumeration for fuzzy PID controller operator
56 A_EXTERN void a_pid_fuzzy_set_op(a_pid_fuzzy *ctx, unsigned int op);
58 /*!
59 @brief set rule base for fuzzy PID controller
60 @param[in,out] ctx points to an instance of fuzzy PID controller
61 @param[in] order number of order in the square matrix
62 @param[in] me points to e's membership function parameter table
63 @param[in] mec points to ec's membership function parameter table
64 @param[in] mkp points to Kp's rule base table which must be a square matrix
65 @param[in] mki points to Ki's rule base table which must be a square matrix
66 @param[in] mkd points to Kd's rule base table which must be a square matrix
68 A_EXTERN void a_pid_fuzzy_rule(a_pid_fuzzy *ctx, unsigned int order, a_float const *me, a_float const *mec,
69 a_float const *mkp, a_float const *mki, a_float const *mkd);
71 /*!
72 @brief compute size of memory block for fuzzy PID controller
73 @param[in] n the maximum number triggered by the rule
75 #define A_PID_FUZZY_BLOCK(n) (sizeof(unsigned int) * (n) * 2 + sizeof(a_float) * (n) * (2 + (n)))
77 /*!
78 @brief set memory block for fuzzy PID controller
79 @param[in,out] ctx points to an instance of fuzzy PID controller
80 @param[in] ptr points to a buffer at least A_PID_FUZZY_BLOCK(num)
81 @param[in] num the maximum number triggered by the rule
83 A_EXTERN void a_pid_fuzzy_set_block(a_pid_fuzzy *ctx, void *ptr, a_size num);
85 /*!
86 @brief get memory block for fuzzy PID controller
87 @param[in,out] ctx points to an instance of fuzzy PID controller
88 @return memory block for fuzzy PID controller
90 A_EXTERN void *a_pid_fuzzy_block(a_pid_fuzzy *ctx);
92 /*!
93 @brief set proportional integral derivative constant for fuzzy PID controller
94 @param[in,out] ctx points to an instance of fuzzy PID controller
95 @param[in] kp proportional constant
96 @param[in] ki integral constant
97 @param[in] kd derivative constant
99 A_EXTERN void a_pid_fuzzy_kpid(a_pid_fuzzy *ctx, a_float kp, a_float ki, a_float kd);
102 @brief calculate for fuzzy PID controller
103 @param[in,out] ctx points to an instance of fuzzy PID controller
104 @param[in] set setpoint value
105 @param[in] fdb feedback value
106 @return setpoint value
108 A_EXTERN a_float a_pid_fuzzy_run(a_pid_fuzzy *ctx, a_float set, a_float fdb);
111 @brief calculate for positional fuzzy PID controller
112 @param[in,out] ctx points to an instance of fuzzy PID controller
113 @param[in] set setpoint value
114 @param[in] fdb feedback value
115 @return output value
117 A_EXTERN a_float a_pid_fuzzy_pos(a_pid_fuzzy *ctx, a_float set, a_float fdb);
120 @brief calculate for incremental fuzzy PID controller
121 @param[in,out] ctx points to an instance of fuzzy PID controller
122 @param[in] set setpoint value
123 @param[in] fdb feedback value
124 @return output value
126 A_EXTERN a_float a_pid_fuzzy_inc(a_pid_fuzzy *ctx, a_float set, a_float fdb);
129 @brief zeroing for fuzzy PID controller
130 @param[in,out] ctx points to an instance of fuzzy PID controller
132 A_EXTERN void a_pid_fuzzy_zero(a_pid_fuzzy *ctx);
134 #if defined(__cplusplus)
135 } /* extern "C" */
136 namespace a
138 typedef struct a_pid_fuzzy pid_fuzzy;
139 } /* namespace a */
140 #endif /* __cplusplus */
143 @brief instance structure for fuzzy PID controller
145 struct a_pid_fuzzy
147 a_pid pid; //!< instance structure for PID controller
149 a_float const *me; //!< points to e's membership function parameter table
150 a_float const *mec; //!< points to ec's membership function parameter table
151 a_float const *mkp; //!< points to Kp's rule base, which must be a square matrix
152 a_float const *mki; //!< points to Ki's rule base, which must be a square matrix
153 a_float const *mkd; //!< points to Kd's rule base, which must be a square matrix
155 unsigned int *idx; //!< the memory block for membership index, >= 2N
156 a_float *val; //!< the memory block for membership value and membership outer product of e and ec, >= (2+N)N
158 a_float (*op)(a_float, a_float); //!< fuzzy relational operator
160 a_float kp; //!< base proportional constant
161 a_float ki; //!< base integral constant
162 a_float kd; //!< base derivative constant
164 unsigned int order; //!< number of order in the square matrix
165 unsigned int block; //!< maximum number triggered by the rule
166 #if defined(__cplusplus)
167 A_INLINE void init() { a_pid_fuzzy_init(this); }
168 A_INLINE void set_op(unsigned int _op)
170 a_pid_fuzzy_set_op(this, _op);
172 A_INLINE void set_block(void *ptr, a_size num)
174 a_pid_fuzzy_set_block(this, ptr, num);
176 A_INLINE void rule(unsigned int _order, a_float const *_me, a_float const *_mec,
177 a_float const *_mkp, a_float const *_mki, a_float const *_mkd)
179 a_pid_fuzzy_rule(this, _order, _me, _mec, _mkp, _mki, _mkd);
181 A_INLINE void kpid(a_float _kp, a_float _ki, a_float _kd)
183 a_pid_fuzzy_kpid(this, _kp, _ki, _kd);
185 A_INLINE a_float run(a_float set, a_float fdb)
187 return a_pid_fuzzy_run(this, set, fdb);
189 A_INLINE a_float pos(a_float set, a_float fdb)
191 return a_pid_fuzzy_pos(this, set, fdb);
193 A_INLINE a_float inc(a_float set, a_float fdb)
195 return a_pid_fuzzy_inc(this, set, fdb);
197 A_INLINE void zero() { a_pid_fuzzy_zero(this); }
198 #endif /* __cplusplus */
201 /*! @} A_PID_FUZZY */
203 #endif /* a/pid_fuzzy.h */