Merge tag 'usb-5.11-rc3' of git://
[linux/fpc-iii.git] / arch / arm / boot / dts / socfpga_cyclone5_sockit.dts
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
2 /*
3  * Copyright (C) 2013 Steffen Trumtrar <>
4  */
6 #include "socfpga_cyclone5.dtsi"
8 / {
9         model = "Terasic SoCkit";
10         compatible = "terasic,socfpga-cyclone5-sockit", "altr,socfpga-cyclone5", "altr,socfpga";
12         chosen {
13                 bootargs = "earlyprintk";
14                 stdout-path = "serial0:115200n8";
15         };
17         memory@0 {
18                 name = "memory";
19                 device_type = "memory";
20                 reg = <0x0 0x40000000>; /* 1GB */
21         };
23         aliases {
24                 /* this allow the ethaddr uboot environmnet variable contents
25                  * to be added to the gmac1 device tree blob.
26                  */
27                 ethernet0 = &gmac1;
28         };
30         leds {
31                 compatible = "gpio-leds";
33                 hps_led0 {
34                         label = "hps:blue:led0";
35                         gpios = <&portb 24 0>;  /* HPS_GPIO53 */
36                         linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
37                 };
39                 hps_led1 {
40                         label = "hps:blue:led1";
41                         gpios = <&portb 25 0>;  /* HPS_GPIO54 */
42                         linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
43                 };
45                 hps_led2 {
46                         label = "hps:blue:led2";
47                         gpios = <&portb 26 0>;  /* HPS_GPIO55 */
48                         linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
49                 };
51                 hps_led3 {
52                         label = "hps:blue:led3";
53                         gpios = <&portb 27 0>;  /* HPS_GPIO56 */
54                         linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
55                 };
56         };
58         gpio-keys {
59                 compatible = "gpio-keys";
61                 hps_sw0 {
62                         label = "hps_sw0";
63                         gpios = <&portc 20 0>;  /* HPS_GPI7 */
64                         linux,input-type = <5>; /* EV_SW */
65                         linux,code = <0x0>;     /* SW_LID */
66                 };
68                 hps_sw1 {
69                         label = "hps_sw1";
70                         gpios = <&portc 19 0>;  /* HPS_GPI6 */
71                         linux,input-type = <5>; /* EV_SW */
72                         linux,code = <0x5>;     /* SW_DOCK */
73                 };
75                 hps_sw2 {
76                         label = "hps_sw2";
77                         gpios = <&portc 18 0>;  /* HPS_GPI5 */
78                         linux,input-type = <5>; /* EV_SW */
79                         linux,code = <0xa>;     /* SW_KEYPAD_SLIDE */
80                 };
82                 hps_sw3 {
83                         label = "hps_sw3";
84                         gpios = <&portc 17 0>;  /* HPS_GPI4 */
85                         linux,input-type = <5>; /* EV_SW */
86                         linux,code = <0xc>;     /* SW_ROTATE_LOCK */
87                 };
89                 hps_hkey0 {
90                         label = "hps_hkey0";
91                         gpios = <&portc 21 1>;  /* HPS_GPI8 */
92                         linux,code = <187>;     /* KEY_F17 */
93                 };
95                 hps_hkey1 {
96                         label = "hps_hkey1";
97                         gpios = <&portc 22 1>;  /* HPS_GPI9 */
98                         linux,code = <188>;     /* KEY_F18 */
99                 };
101                 hps_hkey2 {
102                         label = "hps_hkey2";
103                         gpios = <&portc 23 1>;  /* HPS_GPI10 */
104                         linux,code = <189>;     /* KEY_F19 */
105                 };
107                 hps_hkey3 {
108                         label = "hps_hkey3";
109                         gpios = <&portc 24 1>;  /* HPS_GPI11 */
110                         linux,code = <190>;     /* KEY_F20 */
111                 };
112         };
114         regulator_3_3v: vcc3p3-regulator {
115                 compatible = "regulator-fixed";
116                 regulator-name = "VCC3P3";
117                 regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
118                 regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
119         };
122 &gmac1 {
123         status = "okay";
124         phy-mode = "rgmii";
126         rxd0-skew-ps = <0>;
127         rxd1-skew-ps = <0>;
128         rxd2-skew-ps = <0>;
129         rxd3-skew-ps = <0>;
130         txen-skew-ps = <0>;
131         txc-skew-ps = <2600>;
132         rxdv-skew-ps = <0>;
133         rxc-skew-ps = <2000>;
136 &gpio0 {        /* GPIO 0..29 */
137         status = "okay";
140 &gpio1 {        /* GPIO 30..57 */
141         status = "okay";
144 &gpio2 {        /* GPIO 58..66 (HLGPI 0..13 at offset 13) */
145         status = "okay";
148 &i2c1 {
149         status = "okay";
151         accel1: accelerometer@53 {
152                 compatible = "adi,adxl345";
153                 reg = <0x53>;
155                 interrupt-parent = <&portc>;
156                 interrupts = <3 2>;
157         };
160 &mmc0 {
161         vmmc-supply = <&regulator_3_3v>;
162         vqmmc-supply = <&regulator_3_3v>;
163         status = "okay";
166 &qspi {
167         status = "okay";
169         flash: flash@0 {
170                 #address-cells = <1>;
171                 #size-cells = <1>;
172                 compatible = "n25q00";
173                 reg = <0>;
174                 spi-max-frequency = <100000000>;
176                 m25p,fast-read;
177                 cdns,page-size = <256>;
178                 cdns,block-size = <16>;
179                 cdns,read-delay = <4>;
180                 cdns,tshsl-ns = <50>;
181                 cdns,tsd2d-ns = <50>;
182                 cdns,tchsh-ns = <4>;
183                 cdns,tslch-ns = <4>;
184         };
187 &usb1 {
188         status = "okay";