mm: fix exec activate_mm vs TLB shootdown and lazy tlb switching race
[linux/fpc-iii.git] / arch / arm / boot / dts / pm9g45.dts
1 /*
2  * pm9g45.dts - Device Tree file for Ronetix pm9g45 board
3  *
4  *  Copyright (C) 2012 Jean-Christophe PLAGNIOL-VILLARD <>
5  *
6  * Licensed under GPLv2.
7  */
8 /dts-v1/;
9 #include "at91sam9g45.dtsi"
11 / {
12         model = "Ronetix pm9g45";
13         compatible = "ronetix,pm9g45", "atmel,at91sam9g45", "atmel,at91sam9";
15         chosen {
16                 bootargs = "console=ttyS0,115200";
17         };
19         memory {
20                 reg = <0x70000000 0x8000000>;
21         };
23         clocks {
24                 slow_xtal {
25                       clock-frequency = <32768>;
26                 };
28                 main_xtal {
29                       clock-frequency = <12000000>;
30                 };
31         };
33         ahb {
34                 apb {
35                         dbgu: serial@ffffee00 {
36                                 status = "okay";
37                         };
39                         pinctrl@fffff200 {
40                                 nand {
41                                         pinctrl_nand_rb: nand-rb-0 {
42                                                 atmel,pins =
43                                                         <AT91_PIOD 3 AT91_PERIPH_GPIO AT91_PINCTRL_PULL_UP>;
44                                         };
45                                 };
47                                 mmc {
48                                         pinctrl_board_mmc: mmc0-board {
49                                                 atmel,pins =
50                                                         <AT91_PIOD 6 AT91_PERIPH_GPIO AT91_PINCTRL_PULL_UP_DEGLITCH>;   /* PD6 gpio CD pin pull_up and deglitch */
51                                         };
52                                 };
53                         };
55                         mmc0: mmc@fff80000 {
56                                 pinctrl-0 = <
57                                         &pinctrl_board_mmc
58                                         &pinctrl_mmc0_slot0_clk_cmd_dat0
59                                         &pinctrl_mmc0_slot0_dat1_3>;
60                                 status = "okay";
61                                 slot@0 {
62                                         reg = <0>;
63                                         bus-width = <4>;
64                                         cd-gpios = <&pioD 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
65                                 };
66                         };
68                         macb0: ethernet@fffbc000 {
69                                 phy-mode = "rmii";
70                                 status = "okay";
71                         };
72                 };
74                 ebi: ebi@10000000 {
75                         status = "okay";
77                         nand_controller: nand-controller {
78                                 status = "okay";
79                                 pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_nand_cs &pinctrl_nand_rb>;
80                                 pinctrl-names = "default";
82                                 nand@3 {
83                                         reg = <0x3 0x0 0x800000>;
84                                         rb-gpios = <&pioD 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
85                                         cs-gpios = <&pioC 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
86                                         nand-bus-width = <8>;
87                                         nand-ecc-mode = "soft";
88                                         nand-on-flash-bbt;
89                                         label = "atmel_nand";
91                                         partitions {
92                                                 compatible = "fixed-partitions";
93                                                 #address-cells = <1>;
94                                                 #size-cells = <1>;
96                                                 at91bootstrap@0 {
97                                                         label = "at91bootstrap";
98                                                         reg = <0x0 0x20000>;
99                                                 };
101                                                 barebox@20000 {
102                                                         label = "barebox";
103                                                         reg = <0x20000 0x40000>;
104                                                 };
106                                                 bareboxenv@60000 {
107                                                         label = "bareboxenv";
108                                                         reg = <0x60000 0x1A0000>;
109                                                 };
111                                                 kernel@200000 {
112                                                         label = "bareboxenv2";
113                                                         reg = <0x200000 0x300000>;
114                                                 };
116                                                 kernel@500000 {
117                                                         label = "root";
118                                                         reg = <0x500000 0x400000>;
119                                                 };
121                                                 data@900000 {
122                                                         label = "data";
123                                                         reg = <0x900000 0x8340000>;
124                                                 };
125                                         };
126                                 };
127                         };
128                 };
130                 usb0: ohci@00700000 {
131                         status = "okay";
132                         num-ports = <2>;
133                 };
135                 usb1: ehci@00800000 {
136                         status = "okay";
137                 };
138         };
140         leds {
141                 compatible = "gpio-leds";
143                 led0 {
144                         label = "led0";
145                         gpios = <&pioD 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
146                         linux,default-trigger = "nand-disk";
147                 };
149                 led1 {
150                         label = "led1";
151                         gpios = <&pioD 31 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
152                         linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
153                 };
154         };
156         gpio_keys {
157                 compatible = "gpio-keys";
158                 #address-cells = <1>;
159                 #size-cells = <0>;
161                 right {
162                         label = "SW4";
163                         gpios = <&pioE 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
164                         linux,code = <106>;
165                 };
167                 up {
168                         label = "SW3";
169                         gpios = <&pioE 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
170                         linux,code = <103>;
171                 };
172         };