[obj2yaml] - Fix a comment. NFC.
[llvm-complete.git] / utils / release / findRegressions-nightly.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 from __future__ import print_function
4 import re, string, sys, os, time
6 DEBUG = 0
7 testDirName = 'llvm-test'
8 test = ['compile', 'llc', 'jit', 'cbe']
9 exectime = ['llc-time', 'jit-time', 'cbe-time',]
10 comptime = ['llc', 'jit-comptime', 'compile']
12 (tp, exp) = ('compileTime_', 'executeTime_')
14 def parse(file):
15 f=open(file, 'r')
16 d = f.read()
18 #Cleanup weird stuff
19 d = re.sub(r',\d+:\d','', d)
21 r = re.findall(r'TEST-(PASS|FAIL|RESULT.*?):\s+(.*?)\s+(.*?)\r*\n', d)
23 test = {}
24 fname = ''
25 for t in r:
26 if DEBUG:
27 print(t)
28 if t[0] == 'PASS' or t[0] == 'FAIL' :
29 tmp = t[2].split(testDirName)
31 if DEBUG:
32 print(tmp)
34 if len(tmp) == 2:
35 fname = tmp[1].strip('\r\n')
36 else:
37 fname = tmp[0].strip('\r\n')
39 if fname not in test :
40 test[fname] = {}
42 for k in test:
43 test[fname][k] = 'NA'
44 test[fname][t[1]] = t[0]
45 if DEBUG:
46 print(test[fname][t[1]])
47 else :
48 try:
49 n = t[0].split('RESULT-')[1]
51 if DEBUG:
52 print(n);
54 if n == 'llc' or n == 'jit-comptime' or n == 'compile':
55 test[fname][tp + n] = float(t[2].split(' ')[2])
56 if DEBUG:
57 print(test[fname][tp + n])
59 elif n.endswith('-time') :
60 test[fname][exp + n] = float(t[2].strip('\r\n'))
61 if DEBUG:
62 print(test[fname][exp + n])
64 else :
65 print("ERROR!")
66 sys.exit(1)
68 except:
69 continue
71 return test
73 # Diff results and look for regressions.
74 def diffResults(d_old, d_new):
76 for t in sorted(d_old.keys()) :
77 if DEBUG:
78 print(t)
80 if t in d_new :
82 # Check if the test passed or failed.
83 for x in test:
84 if x in d_old[t]:
85 if x in d_new[t]:
86 if d_old[t][x] == 'PASS':
87 if d_new[t][x] != 'PASS':
88 print(t + " *** REGRESSION (" + x + ")\n")
89 else:
90 if d_new[t][x] == 'PASS':
91 print(t + " * NEW PASS (" + x + ")\n")
93 else :
94 print(t + "*** REGRESSION (" + x + ")\n")
96 # For execution time, if there is no result, its a fail.
97 for x in exectime:
98 if tp + x in d_old[t]:
99 if tp + x not in d_new[t]:
100 print(t + " *** REGRESSION (" + tp + x + ")\n")
102 else :
103 if tp + x in d_new[t]:
104 print(t + " * NEW PASS (" + tp + x + ")\n")
107 for x in comptime:
108 if exp + x in d_old[t]:
109 if exp + x not in d_new[t]:
110 print(t + " *** REGRESSION (" + exp + x + ")\n")
112 else :
113 if exp + x in d_new[t]:
114 print(t + " * NEW PASS (" + exp + x + ")\n")
116 else :
117 print(t + ": Removed from test-suite.\n")
120 #Main
121 if len(sys.argv) < 3 :
122 print('Usage:', sys.argv[0], \
123 '<old log> <new log>')
124 sys.exit(-1)
126 d_old = parse(sys.argv[1])
127 d_new = parse(sys.argv[2])
130 diffResults(d_old, d_new)