4 This is the input file for SWIG, to create the appropriate C++ wrappers and
5 functions for various scripting languages, to enable them to call the
6 liblldb Script Bridge functions.
11 %include <std_string.i>
12 %include "lua-typemaps.swig"
13 %include "macros.swig"
14 %include "headers.swig"
17 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
18 #include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
19 #include "../bindings/lua/lua-swigsafecast.swig"
20 #include "../source/Plugins/ScriptInterpreter/Lua/SWIGLuaBridge.h"
22 // required headers for typemaps
23 #include "lldb/Host/File.h"
25 using namespace lldb_private;
29 %include "interfaces.swig"
30 %include "lua-wrapper.swig"