3 RUN: llvm-mc -triple x86_64-windows-msvc -filetype obj -o %t-out/object.obj %S/Inputs/object.s
5 Test that /noimplib writes no .lib file
7 RUN: rm -f %t-out/library.lib
8 RUN: lld-link -dll -machine:x64 -def:%S/Inputs/named.def -out:%t-out/library.dll %t-out/object.obj -entry:f -subsystem:console /noimplib
9 RUN: not test -f %t-out/library.lib
11 Just make sure the normal stuff works and then we just add /noimplib
13 RUN: lld-link -dll -machine:x64 -def:%S/Inputs/named.def -out:%t-out/library.dll %t-out/object.obj -entry:f -subsystem:console /implib:%t-out/nolibrary.lib
14 RUN: test -f %t-out/nolibrary.lib
16 Test that it overrides /implib as well. This is how link.exe works
18 RUN: rm -f %t-out/nolibrary.lib
19 RUN: lld-link -dll -machine:x64 -def:%S/Inputs/named.def -out:%t-out/library.dll %t-out/object.obj -entry:f -subsystem:console /implib:%t-out/nolibrary.lib /noimplib
20 RUN: not test -f %t-out/nolibrary.lib