[flang] Accept polymorphic component element in storage_size
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Semantics / io12.f90
1 ! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
2 ! Tests for I/O of derived types without defined I/O procedures
3 ! but with exposed allocatable/pointer components that would fail
4 ! at run time.
6 module m1
7 type :: poison
8 real, allocatable :: allocatableComponent(:)
9 end type
10 type :: ok
11 integer :: x
12 type(poison) :: pill
13 contains
14 procedure :: wuf1
15 generic :: write(unformatted) => wuf1
16 end type
17 type :: maybeBad
18 integer :: x
19 type(poison) :: pill
20 end type
21 contains
22 subroutine wuf1(dtv, unit, iostat, iomsg)
23 class(ok), intent(in) :: dtv
24 integer, intent(in) :: unit
25 integer, intent(out) :: iostat
26 character(*), intent(in out) :: iomsg
27 write(unit) dtv%x
28 end subroutine
29 end module
31 module m2
32 use m1
33 interface write(unformatted)
34 module procedure wuf2
35 end interface
36 contains
37 subroutine wuf2(dtv, unit, iostat, iomsg)
38 class(maybeBad), intent(in) :: dtv
39 integer, intent(in) :: unit
40 integer, intent(out) :: iostat
41 character(*), intent(in out) :: iomsg
42 write(unit) dtv%x
43 end subroutine
44 end module
46 module m3
47 use m1
48 contains
49 subroutine test3(u)
50 integer, intent(in) :: u
51 type(ok) :: x
52 type(maybeBad) :: y
53 type(poison) :: z
54 write(u) x ! always ok
55 !ERROR: Derived type 'maybebad' in I/O cannot have an allocatable or pointer direct component 'allocatablecomponent' unless using defined I/O
56 write(u) y ! bad here
57 !ERROR: Derived type 'poison' in I/O cannot have an allocatable or pointer direct component 'allocatablecomponent' unless using defined I/O
58 write(u) z ! bad
59 end subroutine
60 end module
62 module m4
63 use m2
64 contains
65 subroutine test4(u)
66 integer, intent(in) :: u
67 type(ok) :: x
68 type(maybeBad) :: y
69 type(poison) :: z
70 write(u) x ! always ok
71 write(u) y ! ok here
72 !ERROR: Derived type 'poison' in I/O cannot have an allocatable or pointer direct component 'allocatablecomponent' unless using defined I/O
73 write(u) z ! bad
74 end subroutine
75 end module