[flang] Accept polymorphic component element in storage_size
[llvm-project.git] / flang / test / Transforms / stack-arrays.f90
1 ! RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-fir %s -o - | fir-opt --array-value-copy | fir-opt --stack-arrays | FileCheck %s
3 ! In order to verify the whole MLIR pipeline, make the driver generate LLVM IR.
4 ! This is only to check that -fstack-arrays enables the stack-arrays pass so
5 ! only check the first example
6 ! RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-llvm -o - -fstack-arrays %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=LLVM-IR %s
8 ! check simple array value copy case
9 subroutine array_value_copy_simple(arr)
10 integer, intent(inout) :: arr(4)
11 arr(3:4) = arr(1:2)
12 end subroutine
13 ! CHECK-LABEL: func.func @_QParray_value_copy_simple(%arg0: !fir.ref<!fir.array<4xi32>>
14 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.allocmem
15 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.freemem
16 ! CHECK: fir.alloca !fir.array<4xi32>
17 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.allocmem
18 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.freemem
19 ! CHECK: return
20 ! CHECK-NEXT: }
22 ! LLVM-IR: array_value_copy_simple
23 ! LLVM-IR-NOT: malloc
24 ! LLVM-IR-NOT: free
25 ! LLVM-IR: alloca [4 x i32]
26 ! LLVM-IR-NOT: malloc
27 ! LLVM-IR-NOT: free
28 ! LLVM-IR: ret void
29 ! LLVM-IR-NEXT: }
31 ! check complex array value copy case
32 module stuff
33 type DerivedWithAllocatable
34 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: dat
35 end type
37 contains
38 subroutine array_value_copy_complex(arr)
39 type(DerivedWithAllocatable), intent(inout) :: arr(:)
40 arr(3:4) = arr(1:2)
41 end subroutine
42 end module
43 ! CHECK: func.func
44 ! CHECK-SAME: array_value_copy_complex
45 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.allocmem
46 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.freemem
47 ! CHECK: fir.alloca !fir.array<?x!fir.type<_QMstuffTderivedwithallocatable
48 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.allocmem
49 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.freemem
50 ! CHECK: return
51 ! CHECK-NEXT: }
53 subroutine parameter_array_init
54 integer, parameter :: p(100) = 42
55 call use_p(p)
56 end subroutine
57 ! CHECK: func.func
58 ! CHECK-SAME: parameter_array_init
59 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.allocmem
60 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.freemem
61 ! CHECK: fir.alloca !fir.array<100xi32>
62 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.allocmem
63 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.freemem
64 ! CHECK: return
65 ! CHECK-NEXT: }
67 subroutine test_vector_subscripted_section_to_box(v, x)
68 interface
69 subroutine takes_box(y)
70 real :: y(:)
71 end subroutine
72 end interface
74 integer :: v(:)
75 real :: x(:)
76 call takes_box(x(v))
77 end subroutine
78 ! CHECK: func.func
79 ! CHECK-SAME: test_vector_subscripted_section_to_box
80 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.allocmem
81 ! CHECK: fir.alloca !fir.array<?xf32>
82 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.allocmem
83 ! CHECK: fir.call @_QPtakes_box
84 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.freemem
85 ! CHECK: return
86 ! CHECK-NEXT: }
88 subroutine call_parenthesized_arg(x)
89 integer :: x(100)
90 call bar((x))
91 end subroutine
92 ! CHECK: func.func
93 ! CHECK-SAME: call_parenthesized_arg
94 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.allocmem
95 ! CHECK: fir.alloca !fir.array<100xi32>
96 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.allocmem
97 ! CHECK: fir.call @_QPbar
98 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.freemem
99 ! CHECK: return
100 ! CHECK-NEXT: }
102 subroutine where_allocatable_assignments(a, b)
103 integer :: a(:)
104 integer, allocatable :: b(:)
105 where(b > 0)
106 b = a
107 elsewhere
108 b(:) = 0
109 end where
110 end subroutine
111 ! TODO: broken: passing allocation through fir.result
112 ! CHECK: func.func
113 ! CHECK-SAME: where_allocatable_assignments
114 ! CHECK: return
115 ! CHECK-NEXT: }
117 subroutine array_constructor(a, b)
118 real :: a(5), b
119 real, external :: f
120 a = [f(b), f(b+1), f(b+2), f(b+5), f(b+11)]
121 end subroutine
122 ! TODO: broken: realloc
123 ! CHECK: func.func
124 ! CHECK-SAME: array_constructor
125 ! CHECK: return
126 ! CHECK-NEXT: }
128 subroutine sequence(seq, n)
129 integer :: n, seq(n)
130 seq = [(i,i=1,n)]
131 end subroutine
132 ! TODO: broken: realloc
133 ! CHECK: func.func
134 ! CHECK-SAME: sequence
135 ! CHECK: return
136 ! CHECK-NEXT: }
138 subroutine CFGLoop(x)
139 integer, parameter :: k = 100, m=1000000, n = k*m
140 integer :: x(n)
141 logical :: has_error
143 do i=0,m-1
144 x(k*i+1:k*(i+1)) = x(k*(i+1):k*i+1:-1)
145 if (has_error(x, k)) stop
146 end do
147 end subroutine
148 ! CHECK: func.func
149 ! CHECK-SAME: cfgloop
150 ! CHECK-NEXT: %[[MEM:.*]] = fir.alloca !fir.array<100000000xi32>
151 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.allocmem
152 ! CHECK-NOT: fir.freemem
153 ! CHECK: return
154 ! CHECK-NEXT: }