Revert "[LoongArch] Eliminate the redundant sign extension of division (#107971)"
[llvm-project.git] / lldb / test / API / functionalities / signal /
1 """Test that lldb command 'process signal SIGUSR1' to send a signal to the inferior works."""
4 import lldb
5 from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
6 from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
7 from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
10 class SendSignalTestCase(TestBase):
11 def setUp(self):
12 # Call super's setUp().
13 TestBase.setUp(self)
14 # Find the line number to break inside main().
15 self.line = line_number("main.c", "Put breakpoint here")
17 @expectedFailureNetBSD(bugnumber="")
18 @skipIfWindows # Windows does not support signals
19 def test_with_run_command(self):
20 """Test that lldb command 'process signal SIGUSR1' sends a signal to the inferior process."""
22 exe = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
24 # Create a target by the debugger.
25 target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe)
26 self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET)
28 # Now create a breakpoint on main.c by name 'c'.
29 breakpoint = target.BreakpointCreateByLocation("main.c", self.line)
30 self.assertTrue(
31 breakpoint and breakpoint.GetNumLocations() == 1, VALID_BREAKPOINT
34 # Get the breakpoint location from breakpoint after we verified that,
35 # indeed, it has one location.
36 location = breakpoint.GetLocationAtIndex(0)
37 self.assertTrue(location and location.IsEnabled(), VALID_BREAKPOINT_LOCATION)
39 # Now launch the process, no arguments & do not stop at entry point.
40 launch_info = target.GetLaunchInfo()
41 launch_info.SetWorkingDirectory(self.get_process_working_directory())
43 process_listener = lldb.SBListener("signal_test_listener")
44 launch_info.SetListener(process_listener)
45 error = lldb.SBError()
46 process = target.Launch(launch_info, error)
47 self.assertTrue(process, PROCESS_IS_VALID)
49 self.runCmd("process handle -n False -p True -s True SIGUSR1")
51 thread = lldbutil.get_stopped_thread(process, lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint)
52 self.assertTrue(thread.IsValid(), "We hit the first breakpoint.")
54 # After resuming the process, send it a SIGUSR1 signal.
56 self.setAsync(True)
58 self.assertTrue(process_listener.IsValid(), "Got a good process listener")
60 # Disable our breakpoint, we don't want to hit it anymore...
61 breakpoint.SetEnabled(False)
63 # Now continue:
64 process.Continue()
66 self.match_state(process_listener, lldb.eStateRunning)
68 # Now signal the process, and make sure it stops:
69 process.Signal(lldbutil.get_signal_number("SIGUSR1"))
71 self.match_state(process_listener, lldb.eStateStopped)
73 # Now make sure the thread was stopped with a SIGUSR1:
74 threads = lldbutil.get_stopped_threads(process, lldb.eStopReasonSignal)
75 self.assertEqual(len(threads), 1, "One thread stopped for a signal.")
76 thread = threads[0]
78 self.assertGreaterEqual(
79 thread.GetStopReasonDataCount(), 1, "There was data in the event."
81 self.assertEqual(
82 thread.GetStopReasonDataAtIndex(0),
83 lldbutil.get_signal_number("SIGUSR1"),
84 "The stop signal was SIGUSR1",
87 self.match("statistics dump", [r'"signals": \[', r'"SIGUSR1": 1'])
89 def match_state(self, process_listener, expected_state):
90 num_seconds = 5
91 broadcaster = self.process().GetBroadcaster()
92 event_type_mask = lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitStateChanged
93 event = lldb.SBEvent()
94 got_event = process_listener.WaitForEventForBroadcasterWithType(
95 num_seconds, broadcaster, event_type_mask, event
97 self.assertTrue(got_event, "Got an event")
98 state = lldb.SBProcess.GetStateFromEvent(event)
99 self.assertEqual(
100 state,
101 expected_state,
102 "It was the %s state." % lldb.SBDebugger.StateAsCString(expected_state),