PIC16 does allow colon after MBB labels, simplify EmitBasicBlockStart.
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6 <title>Kaleidoscope: Tutorial Introduction and the Lexer</title>
7 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
8 <meta name="author" content="Chris Lattner">
9 <meta name="author" content="Erick Tryzelaar">
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15 <div class="doc_title">Kaleidoscope: Tutorial Introduction and the Lexer</div>
17 <ul>
18 <li><a href="index.html">Up to Tutorial Index</a></li>
19 <li>Chapter 1
20 <ol>
21 <li><a href="#intro">Tutorial Introduction</a></li>
22 <li><a href="#language">The Basic Language</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#lexer">The Lexer</a></li>
24 </ol>
25 </li>
26 <li><a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html">Chapter 2</a>: Implementing a Parser and
27 AST</li>
28 </ul>
30 <div class="doc_author">
31 <p>
32 Written by <a href="mailto:sabre@nondot.org">Chris Lattner</a>
33 and <a href="mailto:idadesub@users.sourceforge.net">Erick Tryzelaar</a>
34 </p>
35 </div>
37 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
38 <div class="doc_section"><a name="intro">Tutorial Introduction</a></div>
39 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
41 <div class="doc_text">
43 <p>Welcome to the "Implementing a language with LLVM" tutorial. This tutorial
44 runs through the implementation of a simple language, showing how fun and
45 easy it can be. This tutorial will get you up and started as well as help to
46 build a framework you can extend to other languages. The code in this tutorial
47 can also be used as a playground to hack on other LLVM specific things.
48 </p>
50 <p>
51 The goal of this tutorial is to progressively unveil our language, describing
52 how it is built up over time. This will let us cover a fairly broad range of
53 language design and LLVM-specific usage issues, showing and explaining the code
54 for it all along the way, without overwhelming you with tons of details up
55 front.</p>
57 <p>It is useful to point out ahead of time that this tutorial is really about
58 teaching compiler techniques and LLVM specifically, <em>not</em> about teaching
59 modern and sane software engineering principles. In practice, this means that
60 we'll take a number of shortcuts to simplify the exposition. For example, the
61 code leaks memory, uses global variables all over the place, doesn't use nice
62 design patterns like <a
63 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern">visitors</a>, etc... but it
64 is very simple. If you dig in and use the code as a basis for future projects,
65 fixing these deficiencies shouldn't be hard.</p>
67 <p>I've tried to put this tutorial together in a way that makes chapters easy to
68 skip over if you are already familiar with or are uninterested in the various
69 pieces. The structure of the tutorial is:
70 </p>
72 <ul>
73 <li><b><a href="#language">Chapter #1</a>: Introduction to the Kaleidoscope
74 language, and the definition of its Lexer</b> - This shows where we are going
75 and the basic functionality that we want it to do. In order to make this
76 tutorial maximally understandable and hackable, we choose to implement
77 everything in Objective Caml instead of using lexer and parser generators.
78 LLVM obviously works just fine with such tools, feel free to use one if you
79 prefer.</li>
80 <li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html">Chapter #2</a>: Implementing a Parser and
81 AST</b> - With the lexer in place, we can talk about parsing techniques and
82 basic AST construction. This tutorial describes recursive descent parsing and
83 operator precedence parsing. Nothing in Chapters 1 or 2 is LLVM-specific,
84 the code doesn't even link in LLVM at this point. :)</li>
85 <li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl3.html">Chapter #3</a>: Code generation to LLVM
86 IR</b> - With the AST ready, we can show off how easy generation of LLVM IR
87 really is.</li>
88 <li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl4.html">Chapter #4</a>: Adding JIT and Optimizer
89 Support</b> - Because a lot of people are interested in using LLVM as a JIT,
90 we'll dive right into it and show you the 3 lines it takes to add JIT support.
91 LLVM is also useful in many other ways, but this is one simple and "sexy" way
92 to shows off its power. :)</li>
93 <li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl5.html">Chapter #5</a>: Extending the Language:
94 Control Flow</b> - With the language up and running, we show how to extend it
95 with control flow operations (if/then/else and a 'for' loop). This gives us a
96 chance to talk about simple SSA construction and control flow.</li>
97 <li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl6.html">Chapter #6</a>: Extending the Language:
98 User-defined Operators</b> - This is a silly but fun chapter that talks about
99 extending the language to let the user program define their own arbitrary
100 unary and binary operators (with assignable precedence!). This lets us build a
101 significant piece of the "language" as library routines.</li>
102 <li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl7.html">Chapter #7</a>: Extending the Language:
103 Mutable Variables</b> - This chapter talks about adding user-defined local
104 variables along with an assignment operator. The interesting part about this
105 is how easy and trivial it is to construct SSA form in LLVM: no, LLVM does
106 <em>not</em> require your front-end to construct SSA form!</li>
107 <li><b><a href="OCamlLangImpl8.html">Chapter #8</a>: Conclusion and other
108 useful LLVM tidbits</b> - This chapter wraps up the series by talking about
109 potential ways to extend the language, but also includes a bunch of pointers to
110 info about "special topics" like adding garbage collection support, exceptions,
111 debugging, support for "spaghetti stacks", and a bunch of other tips and
112 tricks.</li>
114 </ul>
116 <p>By the end of the tutorial, we'll have written a bit less than 700 lines of
117 non-comment, non-blank, lines of code. With this small amount of code, we'll
118 have built up a very reasonable compiler for a non-trivial language including
119 a hand-written lexer, parser, AST, as well as code generation support with a JIT
120 compiler. While other systems may have interesting "hello world" tutorials,
121 I think the breadth of this tutorial is a great testament to the strengths of
122 LLVM and why you should consider it if you're interested in language or compiler
123 design.</p>
125 <p>A note about this tutorial: we expect you to extend the language and play
126 with it on your own. Take the code and go crazy hacking away at it, compilers
127 don't need to be scary creatures - it can be a lot of fun to play with
128 languages!</p>
130 </div>
132 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
133 <div class="doc_section"><a name="language">The Basic Language</a></div>
134 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
136 <div class="doc_text">
138 <p>This tutorial will be illustrated with a toy language that we'll call
139 "<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaleidoscope">Kaleidoscope</a>" (derived
140 from "meaning beautiful, form, and view").
141 Kaleidoscope is a procedural language that allows you to define functions, use
142 conditionals, math, etc. Over the course of the tutorial, we'll extend
143 Kaleidoscope to support the if/then/else construct, a for loop, user defined
144 operators, JIT compilation with a simple command line interface, etc.</p>
146 <p>Because we want to keep things simple, the only datatype in Kaleidoscope is a
147 64-bit floating point type (aka 'float' in O'Caml parlance). As such, all
148 values are implicitly double precision and the language doesn't require type
149 declarations. This gives the language a very nice and simple syntax. For
150 example, the following simple example computes <a
151 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number">Fibonacci numbers:</a></p>
153 <div class="doc_code">
154 <pre>
155 # Compute the x'th fibonacci number.
156 def fib(x)
157 if x &lt; 3 then
159 else
160 fib(x-1)+fib(x-2)
162 # This expression will compute the 40th number.
163 fib(40)
164 </pre>
165 </div>
167 <p>We also allow Kaleidoscope to call into standard library functions (the LLVM
168 JIT makes this completely trivial). This means that you can use the 'extern'
169 keyword to define a function before you use it (this is also useful for mutually
170 recursive functions). For example:</p>
172 <div class="doc_code">
173 <pre>
174 extern sin(arg);
175 extern cos(arg);
176 extern atan2(arg1 arg2);
178 atan2(sin(.4), cos(42))
179 </pre>
180 </div>
182 <p>A more interesting example is included in Chapter 6 where we write a little
183 Kaleidoscope application that <a href="OCamlLangImpl6.html#example">displays
184 a Mandelbrot Set</a> at various levels of magnification.</p>
186 <p>Lets dive into the implementation of this language!</p>
188 </div>
190 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
191 <div class="doc_section"><a name="lexer">The Lexer</a></div>
192 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
194 <div class="doc_text">
196 <p>When it comes to implementing a language, the first thing needed is
197 the ability to process a text file and recognize what it says. The traditional
198 way to do this is to use a "<a
199 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexical_analysis">lexer</a>" (aka 'scanner')
200 to break the input up into "tokens". Each token returned by the lexer includes
201 a token code and potentially some metadata (e.g. the numeric value of a number).
202 First, we define the possibilities:
203 </p>
205 <div class="doc_code">
206 <pre>
207 (* The lexer returns these 'Kwd' if it is an unknown character, otherwise one of
208 * these others for known things. *)
209 type token =
210 (* commands *)
211 | Def | Extern
213 (* primary *)
214 | Ident of string | Number of float
216 (* unknown *)
217 | Kwd of char
218 </pre>
219 </div>
221 <p>Each token returned by our lexer will be one of the token variant values.
222 An unknown character like '+' will be returned as <tt>Token.Kwd '+'</tt>. If
223 the curr token is an identifier, the value will be <tt>Token.Ident s</tt>. If
224 the current token is a numeric literal (like 1.0), the value will be
225 <tt>Token.Number 1.0</tt>.
226 </p>
228 <p>The actual implementation of the lexer is a collection of functions driven
229 by a function named <tt>Lexer.lex</tt>. The <tt>Lexer.lex</tt> function is
230 called to return the next token from standard input. We will use
231 <a href="http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-camlp4/index.html">Camlp4</a>
232 to simplify the tokenization of the standard input. Its definition starts
233 as:</p>
235 <div class="doc_code">
236 <pre>
237 (*===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
238 * Lexer
239 *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
241 let rec lex = parser
242 (* Skip any whitespace. *)
243 | [&lt; ' (' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t'); stream &gt;] -&gt; lex stream
244 </pre>
245 </div>
248 <tt>Lexer.lex</tt> works by recursing over a <tt>char Stream.t</tt> to read
249 characters one at a time from the standard input. It eats them as it recognizes
250 them and stores them in in a <tt>Token.token</tt> variant. The first thing that
251 it has to do is ignore whitespace between tokens. This is accomplished with the
252 recursive call above.</p>
254 <p>The next thing <tt>Lexer.lex</tt> needs to do is recognize identifiers and
255 specific keywords like "def". Kaleidoscope does this with a pattern match
256 and a helper function.<p>
258 <div class="doc_code">
259 <pre>
260 (* identifier: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9] *)
261 | [&lt; ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' as c); stream &gt;] -&gt;
262 let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
263 Buffer.add_char buffer c;
264 lex_ident buffer stream
268 and lex_ident buffer = parser
269 | [&lt; ' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '0' .. '9' as c); stream &gt;] -&gt;
270 Buffer.add_char buffer c;
271 lex_ident buffer stream
272 | [&lt; stream=lex &gt;] -&gt;
273 match Buffer.contents buffer with
274 | "def" -&gt; [&lt; 'Token.Def; stream &gt;]
275 | "extern" -&gt; [&lt; 'Token.Extern; stream &gt;]
276 | id -&gt; [&lt; 'Token.Ident id; stream &gt;]
277 </pre>
278 </div>
280 <p>Numeric values are similar:</p>
282 <div class="doc_code">
283 <pre>
284 (* number: [0-9.]+ *)
285 | [&lt; ' ('0' .. '9' as c); stream &gt;] -&gt;
286 let buffer = Buffer.create 1 in
287 Buffer.add_char buffer c;
288 lex_number buffer stream
292 and lex_number buffer = parser
293 | [&lt; ' ('0' .. '9' | '.' as c); stream &gt;] -&gt;
294 Buffer.add_char buffer c;
295 lex_number buffer stream
296 | [&lt; stream=lex &gt;] -&gt;
297 [&lt; 'Token.Number (float_of_string (Buffer.contents buffer)); stream &gt;]
298 </pre>
299 </div>
301 <p>This is all pretty straight-forward code for processing input. When reading
302 a numeric value from input, we use the ocaml <tt>float_of_string</tt> function
303 to convert it to a numeric value that we store in <tt>Token.Number</tt>. Note
304 that this isn't doing sufficient error checking: it will raise <tt>Failure</tt>
305 if the string "". Feel free to extend it :). Next we handle
307 </p>
309 <div class="doc_code">
310 <pre>
311 (* Comment until end of line. *)
312 | [&lt; ' ('#'); stream &gt;] -&gt;
313 lex_comment stream
317 and lex_comment = parser
318 | [&lt; ' ('\n'); stream=lex &gt;] -&gt; stream
319 | [&lt; 'c; e=lex_comment &gt;] -&gt; e
320 | [&lt; &gt;] -&gt; [&lt; &gt;]
321 </pre>
322 </div>
324 <p>We handle comments by skipping to the end of the line and then return the
325 next token. Finally, if the input doesn't match one of the above cases, it is
326 either an operator character like '+' or the end of the file. These are handled
327 with this code:</p>
329 <div class="doc_code">
330 <pre>
331 (* Otherwise, just return the character as its ascii value. *)
332 | [&lt; 'c; stream &gt;] -&gt;
333 [&lt; 'Token.Kwd c; lex stream &gt;]
335 (* end of stream. *)
336 | [&lt; &gt;] -&gt; [&lt; &gt;]
337 </pre>
338 </div>
340 <p>With this, we have the complete lexer for the basic Kaleidoscope language
341 (the <a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html#code">full code listing</a> for the Lexer is
342 available in the <a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html">next chapter</a> of the
343 tutorial). Next we'll <a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html">build a simple parser that
344 uses this to build an Abstract Syntax Tree</a>. When we have that, we'll
345 include a driver so that you can use the lexer and parser together.
346 </p>
348 <a href="OCamlLangImpl2.html">Next: Implementing a Parser and AST</a>
349 </div>
351 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
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359 <a href="mailto:sabre@nondot.org">Chris Lattner</a><br>
360 <a href="mailto:idadesub@users.sourceforge.net">Erick Tryzelaar</a><br>
361 <a href="http://llvm.org">The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a><br>
362 Last modified: $Date: 2007-10-17 11:05:13 -0700 (Wed, 17 Oct 2007) $
363 </address>
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