1 function [route, totalDistance] = ltspsGreedyHeuristic (distanceMatrix, closestNeighbour)
3 % description: a greedy algorithm that usually finds decent solutions for
4 % the TSP (travelling salesman problem) based on the closest (or optionally
5 % the farthest) neighbour heuristic.
6 % author: Laurens Van Houtven <lvh@laurensvh.be>
10 % Start at a random vertex?
11 % if true: Pick a random vertex to start from.
12 % if false: Start at the first vertex (ie order as given by distanceMatrix)
15 if closestNeighbour==1
23 matrixDims = size(distanceMatrix);
24 setSize = matrixDims(2);
25 % The route (vector of vertex indices). Preallocating means avoiding
26 % in-looop growth. One city (the first one) occurs twice, hence n+1.
27 route = zeros(1,setSize+1);
28 % Unvisited cities. 1 if the city at that index is unvisited, 0 otherwise.
29 unvisited = ones(setSize,1);
32 % What vertex do we start at?
34 currentVertex = unidrnd(setSize);
42 unvisited(currentVertex) = 0;
44 % Add it to the route.
45 route(i) = currentVertex;
47 % Get the source distance vector.
48 % We assume that the distance matrix should be interpreted as follows:
49 % rows are where you're coming from (source)
50 % colums are where you're going (destination)
51 sourceDistances = distanceMatrix(currentVertex,:);
53 % Make the distances to nodes we've already visited zero.
54 % unvisited is a column vector, sourceDistances is a row, it's slightly
55 % more logical to have sourceDistances have the same dims as distances.
56 distances = sourceDistances .* unvisited';
58 % Find index of the the closest city.
60 % Make the distances to each node we've already visited *really*
61 % big. Motivation: interpret "distance" as "cost to get there", so
62 % going back to a node where one has been already should be almost
63 % infinitely expensive. In this case, the biggest real number
66 distances(distances==0)=realmax;
67 [distance, distanceIndex] = min(distances); % closest
69 [distance, distanceIndex] = max(distances); % farthest
72 % Travel the distance to the next city.
73 if distance ~= realmax
74 totalDistance = totalDistance + distance;
77 % Set the currentVertex to point to the next city.
78 currentVertex = distanceIndex;
81 % Make the route cyclic:
82 route(end) = route(1);