Version 0.10.0
- sentence BEC added
- sentence MOB added
- improve to use units in sentences
- naive implementation of locale independent string/double conversions
- remove deprecated type talker_id
- render time with milliseconds, if non-zero
- improve to use units in messages
- more consistent interface of messages
- use vessel dimension instead of individual lengths
- checks with clang-tidy improved
- consistency of member functions
- reorganization of header files
- floating point comparison function added
- project version to contain git hash if not building a tagged commit
- add Clang-5.0.2, Clang-9.0.0, Clang-10.0.0 to docker build
- add clang-9.0.0 to docker build, degraded boost from 1.71.0 to 1.70.0
- add docker container with clang, fix minor issues
- add GCC-4.9.4, GCC-9.2.0, GCC-9.3.0 to docker builds
- add build config for GCC-9, GCC-10, Clang-10
- deprecation of Clang-3.x, no longer supported
- update docker image cmake 3.15.3 and boost 1.71.0
- using docker containers
- add Clang-9 to the CI build
- improve testing on Travis-CI
- cxxopts upgrade to v2.2.0
- fmtlib upgrade to 6.2.0
- upgrade googletest to v1.10.0
- vim local gutentags settings