3 ;; Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Jaime E. Villate <villate@fe.up.pt>
5 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 ;; (at your option) any later version.
10 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
18 ;; MA 02110-1301, USA.
23 ;; translates Maxima scene object's option values into Xmaxima input syntax
24 (defun tcl-vtk-option-value (name values
25 (when ($listp
(car values
)) (setq values
(cdar values
26 (with-output-to-string (st)
27 (format st
"{~a" name
31 (format st
"~{ ~d~}" (hexrgb-to-decimal (rgb-color num
32 ((integerp num
) (format st
" ~d" num
33 ((floatp num
) (format st
" ~f" num
34 (($numberp num
) (format st
" ~f " (coerce-float num
35 ((and ($constantp num
) ($freeof
'$%i num
) (not (member num
'(t nil
37 (format st
" ~f " (coerce-float num
38 (($listp num
) (format st
"~a" (tcl-output-number-list num
41 (intl:gettext
"scene: Wrong value for option ~M~%Expecting a number; found: ~M")
45 ;; converts a Maxima list into a floating-point Tcl list string
46 (defun tcl-output-number-list (maxlist)
47 (with-output-to-string (st)
49 (dolist (num (rest maxlist
51 ((floatp num
) (format st
"~f " num
52 (($numberp num
) (format st
"~f " (coerce-float num
53 ((and ($constantp num
) ($freeof
'$%i num
) (not (member num
'(t nil
55 (format st
"~f " (coerce-float num
56 (($listp num
) (format st
"~a" (tcl-output-number-list num
59 (intl:gettext
"scene: Wrong value in animation list: ~M")
63 ;; converts a hexadecimal rgb color string into list of numbers from 0 to 1
64 (defun hexrgb-to-decimal (color)
65 (list (/ (parse-integer (subseq color
1 3) :radix
16) 255.0)
66 (/ (parse-integer (subseq color
3 5) :radix
16) 255.0)
67 (/ (parse-integer (subseq color
5) :radix
16) 255.0)))
69 ;; parses a scene option into a command-line option passed to Xmaxima
70 (defun scene-option-to-tcl (option)
71 (let (v vv
(name (car option
73 ($azimuth
(if (cadr option
74 (setf (cadr option
) (parse-azimuth (cadr option
75 (setq v
(check-option option
"a real number" 1)))
76 ($elevation
(if (cadr option
77 (setf (cadr option
) (parse-elevation (cadr option
78 (setq v
(check-option option
"a real number" 1)))
80 (setq v
(check-option option
"a real number" 1))
81 (setq option
(list name v
83 (setq v
(check-option option
"a natural number" 1))
84 (setq option
(list name v
86 (setq v
(check-option-boole option
87 (setq option
(list name
(if v
1 0))))
89 (setq v
(check-option option
"a color"))
90 (setq option
(cons name
(hexrgb-to-decimal (rgb-color v
91 (($windowtitle $windowname
92 (setq v
(check-option option
"a string" 1))
93 (setq option
(list name v
94 (t (merror (intl:gettext
"scene: Unknown option ~M") name
95 (setq vv
(mapcar #'(lambda (a) (if (symbolp a
) (ensure-string a
) a
)) option
96 (with-output-to-string (st)
97 (format st
"-~(~a~) " (first vv
98 (format st
"{~{~a~^ ~}}" (rest vv
100 (defun $scene
(&rest arguments
101 (let (objects options file
(objs "") (opts " ") vtkname
102 (lf (format NIL
103 (classes '(($cube .
"Cube") ($sphere .
104 ($cylinder .
"Cylinder") ($cone .
105 ;; VTK methods for the objects in classes
106 (cmethods '(($center .
"Center") ($radius .
107 ($height .
"Height") ($resolution .
108 ($latlongtessellation .
109 ($thetaresolution .
110 ($phiresolution .
111 ($starttheta .
"StartTheta") ($endtheta .
112 ($startphi .
"StartTheta") ($endphi .
113 ($capping .
"Capping") ($direction .
114 ($xlength .
"XLength") ($ylength .
115 ($zlength .
"ZLength") ($bounds .
117 ;; VTK methods for properties
118 (pmethods '(($color .
"Color") ($opacity .
119 ($ambient .
"Ambient") ($ambientcolor .
120 ($specular .
"Specular") ($specularcolor .
121 ($diffuse .
"Diffuse") ($diffusecolor .
122 ($edgevisibility .
123 ($edgecolor .
"EdgeColor") ($linewidth .
124 ($pointsize .
"PointSize") ($lightning .
125 ($shading .
"Shading") ($texture .
126 ($representation .
127 ($points .
128 ($wireframe .
129 ($surface .
130 ($interpolation .
131 ($flat .
132 ($gourand .
133 ($phong .
134 ($stipplepattern .
135 ($stipplerepeat .
136 ($frontculling .
137 ($backculling .
138 ;; VTK methods for actors
139 (amethods '(($origin .
"Origin") ($scale .
140 ($position .
"Position") ($orientation .
141 ($usertransform .
142 ;; separates arguments between objects and options
143 (dolist (v arguments
144 (if (listp v
) (setq v
(cdr v
)) (setq v
(list v
145 (if (assoc (car v
) classes
146 (setq objects
(append objects
(list v
147 (setq options
(append options
(list v
148 ;; sets up output file name to pass to Xmaxima
149 (setq file
(plot-temp-file (format nil
"maxout~d.xmaxima" (getpid))))
153 (let ((copts "") (popts "") (aopts "") animate prop
154 (setq vtkname
(cdr (assoc (car v
) classes
155 ;; parses object properties
159 (intl:gettext
"scene: Wrong option; expecting a list; found: ~M")
162 ((setq prop
(cdr (assoc (second w
) cmethods
164 (concatenate 'string copts
165 (tcl-vtk-option-value prop
(cddr w
166 ((setq prop
(cdr (assoc (second w
) pmethods
168 (concatenate 'string popts
169 (tcl-vtk-option-value prop
(cddr w
170 ((setq prop
(cdr (assoc (second w
) amethods
172 (concatenate 'string aopts
173 (tcl-vtk-option-value prop
(cddr w
174 ((eql (second w
) '$animate
175 (unless (setq prop
(cdr (assoc (third w
) amethods
176 (merror (intl:gettext
"scene: ~M cannot be animated.")
179 (concatenate 'string
"{" prop
" 0 "
180 (tcl-output-number-list (fourth w
)) "}")))
181 ((eql (second w
) '$track
183 (concatenate 'string
"{Position 1 "
184 (tcl-output-number-list (third w
)) "}")))
185 (t (mtell (intl:gettext
"scene: Ignored option: ~M")
187 ;; save object name and properties in string objs
189 (concatenate 'string objs
"{" vtkname lf
"{" copts
"}" lf
190 "{" popts
"}" lf
"{" aopts
"}" lf animate
"}" lf
192 ;; parse scene options and copy them to string opts
195 (setq opts
(concatenate 'string opts
" "
196 (scene-option-to-tcl v
198 (with-output-to-string (st)
199 (cond ($show_openplot
200 (format st
"scene ~a -objects {~a}~%" opts objs
201 (t (format st
"{scene ~a -objects {~a}}" opts objs