Texinfo compatibility fix
[maxima.git] / interfaces / emacs / imaxima / imaxima.lisp
1 ;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Jesper Harder
2 ;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Yasuaki Honda
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022 Leo Butler
4 ;;
5 ;; Plotting support section of this file is the copy of the same
6 ;; section of wxmathml.lisp with very small modification. The file
7 ;; wxmathml.lisp is a part of the distribution of wxMaxima.
9 ;; Created: 14 Nov 2001
10 ;; Version: See version.texi
11 ;; Keywords: maxima
12 ;; Time-stamp: <16-05-2022 10:50:32 Leo Butler>
14 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
15 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
16 ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
17 ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
19 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
20 ;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
22 ;; PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
24 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
25 ;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
26 ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
28 ;;; History:
29 ;;; Putting prefix package name to the variable does cause
30 ;;; error when the file is loaded into older clisp, e.g. 2.29.
31 ;;; I changed it so that it checks the existence of the symbol
32 ;;; in the custom package prior to accessing it.
33 ;;; by yasuaki honda 2006/02/26
34 ;;;
35 ;;; When imaxima-setup bug in imaxima.el was fixed,
36 ;;; it became clear that the following code does not work
37 ;;; when imaxima.lisp is loaded by:
38 ;;; %i1 load("/xxx/imaxima.lisp");
39 ;;; Putting prefix package name to the variable solves the
40 ;;; issue.
41 ;;; by yasuaki honda
43 (in-package :maxima)
45 (setq $maxima_frontend "imaxima")
46 (setq $maxima_frontend_version *autoconf-version*)
47 (setq $maxima_frontend_bugreportinfo "imaxima is part of maxima.")
49 (defvar *windows-OS* (string= *autoconf-windows* "true"))
50 (defmvar $wxplot_size '((mlist simp) 400 250))
51 (defmvar $wxplot_old_gnuplot nil)
52 (defvar *image-counter* 0)
54 (defun wx-gnuplot-installation-check ()
55 ;; The function check-gnuplot-process is defined in
56 ;; maxima/src/plot.lisp since at least 5.12.0.
57 (flet ((wx-gnuplot-installed-p ()
58 (ignore-errors (check-gnuplot-process) t)))
59 (unless (wx-gnuplot-installed-p)
60 (merror (format t "Gnuplot error: Gnuplot is not installed,
61 nor Gnuplot is not recognized by maxima")))))
63 (declare-top (special lop rop $gcprint $inchar *autoconf-version*))
65 ;;;
66 ;;; Very unfortunately, the following code does not work in
67 ;;; SBCL.
68 ;;; by yasuaki honda
69 #-sbcl
70 (unless (fboundp 'maxima::print-invert-case)
71 (defun print-invert-case (obj)
72 (princ-to-string obj)))
74 (defun print-case-sensitive (obj)
75 (if obj
76 (print-invert-case obj)
77 nil))
79 (defun diff-symbol () '$d)
81 (defun main-prompt ()
82 (format () (concatenate 'string (string (code-char 3)) "(~A~D) " (string (code-char 4)))
83 (stripdollar (print-case-sensitive $inchar)) $linenum))
85 (defun break-dbm-loop (at)
86 (let* (
87 (*quit-tags* (cons (cons *break-level* *quit-tag*) *quit-tags*))
88 (*break-level* (if (not at) *break-level* (cons t *break-level*)))
89 (*quit-tag* (cons nil nil))
90 (*break-env* *break-env*)
91 (*mread-prompt* "")
92 (*diff-bindlist* nil)
93 (*diff-mspeclist* nil)
94 val
96 (declare (special *mread-prompt* ))
97 (and (consp at) (set-env at))
98 (cond ((null at)
99 (break-frame 0 nil)))
100 (catch 'step-continue
101 (catch *quit-tag*
102 (unwind-protect
103 (do () (())
104 (format *debug-io*
105 (concatenate 'string
106 (string (code-char 3))
107 "~&~@[(~a:~a) ~]"
108 (string (code-char 4)))
109 (unless (stringp at) "dbm")
110 (length *quit-tags*))
111 (setq val
112 (catch 'macsyma-quit
113 (let ((res (dbm-read *debug-io* nil *top-eof* t)))
114 (declare (special *mread-prompt*))
115 (cond ((and (consp res) (keywordp (car res)))
116 (let ((value (break-call (car res)
117 (cdr res) 'break-command)))
118 (cond ((eq value :resume) (return)))
121 (setq $__ (nth 2 res))
122 (setq $% (meval* $__))
123 (setq $_ $__)
124 (displa $%)
128 (and (eql val 'top)
129 (throw-macsyma-top))
131 (restore-bindings)
132 )))))
134 (setq $display2d '$imaxima)
136 ;; TeX-printing
137 ;; (c) copyright 1987, Richard J. Fateman
138 ;; Small changes for interfacing with TeXmacs: Andrey Grozin, 2001
139 ;; Yet more small changes for interfacing with imaxima: Jesper Harder 2001
141 ;; (defun tex (... is removed
143 (defun unquote-%-internal (str c)
144 (let* ((qstr (format nil "~A~A" #\\ c))
145 (pos (search qstr str)))
146 (if pos
147 (concatenate 'string (subseq str 0 pos) (format nil "~A" c)
148 (unquote-%-internal (subseq str (+ pos 2)) c))
149 str)))
151 (defun unquote-% (str)
152 (setq str (unquote-%-internal str #\$))
153 (setq str (unquote-%-internal str #\%))
154 (setq str (unquote-%-internal str #\&))
155 (setq str (unquote-%-internal str #\_))
156 (setq str (unquote-%-internal str #\#))
157 str)
159 (defun verb-quote (str)
160 (let ((var "") (charlist
161 '((#\Newline . "| \\\\ \\verb| "))))
162 (dotimes (i (length str))
163 (let ((chari (elt str i)))
164 (setq var (concatenate 'string var
165 (or (cdr (assoc chari charlist :test #'eql))
166 (string chari))))))
167 var))
169 (defun tex-string (x)
170 (let ((sym-name
171 (if (symbolp x)
172 (print-case-sensitive x)
173 x)))
174 (cond ((equal sym-name "") "")
175 ((eql (elt sym-name 0) #\\) sym-name)
176 ((member (elt sym-name 0) '(#\$ #\&))
177 (setq sym-name (unquote-% (subseq sym-name 1)))
178 (concatenate 'string "\\verb| " (verb-quote sym-name) "|"))
179 (t (setq sym-name (unquote-% sym-name))
180 (concatenate 'string "\\verb|" (verb-quote sym-name) "|")))))
182 (defun tex-char (x)
183 (if (eql x #\|) "\\verb/|/"
184 (concatenate 'string "\\verb|" (string x) "|")))
186 (defun myquote (str)
187 (let ((var "") (charlist
188 '((#\{ . "\\left\\{\\right.")
189 (#\} . "\\left\\}\\right.")
190 (#\space . "\\ ")
191 (#\Newline . "} \\\\ \\mathrm{ ")
192 (#\# . "\\#")
193 (#\$ . "\\$")
194 (#\% . "\\%")
195 (#\& . "\\&")
196 (#\_ . "\\_"))))
197 (dotimes (i (length str))
198 (let ((chari (elt str i)))
199 (setq var (concatenate 'string var
200 (or (cdr (assoc chari charlist :test #'eql))
201 (string chari))))))
202 var))
204 (defun ascii-char-p (c)
205 "Helper function for IMAXIMA-ACCUMULATE."
206 (if (listp c)
207 (every #'identity (mapcar #'ascii-char-p c))
208 (and (characterp c) (< (char-code c) 127.))))
209 (defun imaxima-accumulate (l &optional (result '()) (state 'other))
210 "L is a list of characters of length >1. Wrap each sublist of ascii
211 characters in \\mathrm{}, leave others alone."
212 (if (null l)
213 (if (eq state 'ascii)
214 (append result '(#\}))
215 result)
216 (let ((c (list (car l))))
217 (cond ((eq state 'other)
218 (if (ascii-char-p c)
219 (setq c (append (coerce "\\mathrm{" 'list) c) state 'ascii)))
220 ((eq state 'ascii)
221 (unless (ascii-char-p c)
222 (setq c (append (list #\}) c) state 'other)))
224 (merror "imaxima-accumulate")))
225 (setq result (append result c))
226 (imaxima-accumulate (cdr l) result state))))
228 (defun tex-stripdollar (sym)
229 "TEX-STRIPDOLLAR strips a leading `$' or `&' from symbol SYM. If the
230 length of the NAME of SYM is 1, return that string; otherwise, wrap
231 NAME in \\mathrm{} (but see IMAXIMA-ACCUMULATE for handling of
232 non-ascii characters."
233 (or (symbolp sym) (return-from tex-stripdollar sym))
234 (let* ((name (print-case-sensitive sym))
235 (pname (if (member (elt name 0) '(#\$ #\&)) (subseq name 1) name))
236 (mname (myquote pname))
237 (lname (coerce mname 'list))
238 (len (length pname)))
239 (cond
240 ((eql len 1) mname)
241 (t (coerce (imaxima-accumulate lname) 'string)))))
243 ;; (defun strcat (... is removed
245 ;; 10/14/87 RJF convert 1.2e20 to 1.2 \cdot 10^{20}
246 ;; 03/30/01 RLT make that 1.2 \times 10^{20}
247 ;; (defun texnumformat(atom) is removed
249 ;; (defun tex-paren (x l r) is removed
252 ;;; The definition of tex-array is modified to fix bug #30, reported by Thomas Weidner.
253 ;;; The following definition is provided by Thomas.
254 ;;; Dec.6, 2006
257 (defun tex-array (x l r)
258 (let ((f))
259 (if (eq 'mqapply (caar x))
260 (setq f (cadr x)
261 x (cdr x))
262 (setq f (caar x)))
263 (if (and (atom (cadr x)) (atom f))
264 ;; subscript is an atom -- don't use \isubscript
265 (progn
266 (setq l (tex f l nil lop 'mfunction)
267 r (nconc (tex-list (cdr x) nil (list "}") ",") r))
268 (nconc l (list "_{") r))
269 (progn
270 (setq l (tex f (append l (list "\\isubscript{")) nil lop 'mfunction)
271 r (nconc (tex-list (cdr x) nil (list "}") ",") r))
272 (nconc l (list "}{") r )))))
274 ;; set up a list , separated by symbols (, * ...) and then tack on the
275 ;; ending item (e.g. "]" or perhaps ")"
277 (defun tex-list (x l r sym)
278 (if (null x) r
279 (do ((nl))
280 ((null (cdr x))
281 (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car x) l r 'mparen 'mparen)))
283 ;; (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car x) l (list sym) 'mparen 'mparen))
284 (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car x) l (list (concatenate 'string sym "\\linebreak[0]")) 'mparen 'mparen))
285 x (cdr x)
286 l nil))))
288 ;; (defun tex-prefix (x l r) is removed
290 ;; (defun tex-infix (x l r) is removed
292 ;; (defun tex-postfix (x l r) is removed
294 ;; (defun tex-nary (x l r) is removed
296 (defun tex-nary (x l r)
297 (let* ((op (caar x)) (sym (texsym op)) (y (cdr x)) (ext-lop lop) (ext-rop rop))
298 (cond ((null y) (tex-function x l r t)) ; this should not happen
299 ((null (cdr y)) (tex-function x l r t)) ; this should not happen, too
300 (t (do ((nl) (lop ext-lop op) (rop op (if (null (cdr y)) ext-rop op)))
301 ((null (cdr y)) (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car y) l r lop rop))) nl)
302 (setq nl (nconc nl (tex (car y) l (list sym) lop rop))
303 y (cdr y)
304 l nil))))))
306 ;; (defun tex-nofix (x l r) is removed
308 ;; (defun tex-matchfix (x l r) is removed
310 ;; (defun texsym (x) is removed
312 ;; (defun texword (x) is removed
314 ;; (defprop bigfloat tex-bigfloat tex) is removed
317 ;;; Fixed to treat big float correctly.
319 (defun tex-bigfloat (x l r) (tex-list (fpformat x) l r nil))
321 ;;absolute value
322 (defprop $%phi "\\phi" texword) ;; yhonda
324 ;; reported conjugate treatment in imaxima be fixed.
325 (defprop $conjugate ("^{\\star}") texsym)
327 (defprop mquote 201. tex-rbp)
329 (defprop msetq 180. tex-rbp)
330 (defprop msetq 20. tex-rbp)
332 (defprop mset 180. tex-lbp)
333 (defprop mset 20. tex-rbp)
335 (defprop mdefine 180. tex-lbp)
336 (defprop mdefine 20. tex-rbp)
338 (defprop mdefmacro 180. tex-lbp)
339 (defprop mdefmacro 20. tex-rbp)
341 (defprop marrow 25 tex-lbp)
342 (defprop marrow 25 tex-rbp)
344 (defprop mfactorial 160. tex-lbp)
346 (defprop mexpt 140. tex-lbp)
347 (defprop mexpt 139. tex-rbp)
350 (defprop mncexpt 135. tex-lbp)
351 (defprop mncexpt 134. tex-rbp)
353 (defprop mnctimes 110. tex-lbp)
354 (defprop mnctimes 109. tex-rbp)
356 ;;(defprop mtimes tex-nary tex)
357 ;;(defprop mtimes "\\*" texsym)
358 (defprop mtimes 120. tex-lbp)
359 (defprop mtimes 120. tex-rbp)
361 (defprop %sqrt tex-sqrt tex)
363 (defun tex-sqrt(x l r)
364 ;; format as \\sqrt { } assuming implicit parens for sqr grouping
365 (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\isqrt{")) (append '("}") r) 'mparen 'mparen))
367 (defprop mquotient 122. tex-lbp) ;;dunno about this
368 (defprop mquotient 123. tex-rbp)
370 (defun tex-mquotient (x l r)
371 (if (or (null (cddr x)) (cdddr x)) (wna-err (caar x)))
372 (cond ((and (atom (cadr x)) (atom (caddr x)))
373 ;; both denom and numerator are atoms
374 (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\frac{")) nil nil nil) ;;fixme
375 r (tex (caddr x) (list "}{") (append '("}")r) 'mparen 'mparen)))
376 ((atom (cadr x))
377 ;; numerator is an atom
378 (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\ifracd{")) nil 'mparen 'mparen)
379 r (tex (caddr x) (list "}{") (append '("}")r) 'mparen 'mparen)))
380 ((atom (caddr x))
381 ;; denom is an atom
382 (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\ifracn{")) nil 'mparen 'mparen)
383 r (tex (caddr x) (list "}{") (append '("}")r) 'mparen 'mparen)))
385 ;; neither are atoms
386 (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\ifrac{")) nil 'mparen 'mparen)
387 r (tex (caddr x) (list "}{") (append '("}")r) 'mparen 'mparen))))
388 (append l r))
390 ;; easily extended to union, intersect, otherops
392 ;; (defun tex-limit(x l r) is removed. mactex.lisp version considers direction.
394 ;;binomial coefficients
396 (defprop %binomial tex-choose tex)
398 ;; (defun tex-choose (x l r) is removed
400 (defprop rat 120. tex-lbp)
401 (defprop rat 121. tex-rbp)
403 (defprop mplus 100. tex-lbp)
404 (defprop mplus 100. tex-rbp)
406 ;; (defun tex-mplus (x l r) is removed
408 (defprop mminus 100. tex-rbp)
409 (defprop mminus 100. tex-lbp)
411 (defprop mequal 80. tex-lbp)
412 (defprop mequal 80. tex-rbp)
414 (defprop mnotequal 80. tex-lbp)
415 (defprop mnotequal 80. tex-rbp)
417 (defprop mgreaterp 80. tex-lbp)
418 (defprop mgreaterp 80. tex-rbp)
420 (defprop mgeqp 80. tex-lbp)
421 (defprop mgeqp 80. tex-rbp)
423 (defprop mlessp 80. tex-lbp)
424 (defprop mlessp 80. tex-rbp)
426 (defprop mleqp 80. tex-lbp)
427 (defprop mleqp 80. tex-rbp)
429 (defprop mnot 70. tex-rbp)
431 (defprop mand 80. tex-lbp)
432 (defprop mand 80. tex-rbp)
434 (defprop mor 50. tex-lbp)
435 (defprop mor 50. tex-rbp)
437 ;; make sin(x) display as sin x , but sin(x+y) as sin(x+y)
438 ;; etc
440 (mapc #'tex-setup
442 (%acot "\\operatorname{arccot}")
443 (%asec "\\operatorname{arcsec}")
444 (%acsc "\\operatorname{arccsc}")
445 (%sech "\\operatorname{sech}")
446 (%csch "\\operatorname{csch}")
447 (%asinh "\\operatorname{arcsinh}")
448 (%acosh "\\operatorname{arccosh}")
449 (%atanh "\\operatorname{arctanh}")
450 (%acoth "\\operatorname{arccoth}")
451 (%asech "\\operatorname{arcsech}")
452 (%acsch "\\operatorname{arccsch}")
453 )) ;; etc
455 (defprop mcond 25. tex-lbp)
456 (defprop mcond 25. tex-rbp)
457 (defprop %derivative tex-derivative tex)
459 (defprop mdo 30. tex-lbp)
460 (defprop mdo 30. tex-rbp)
461 (defprop mdoin 30. tex-rbp)
463 ;; these aren't quite right
466 ;; Undone and trickier:
467 ;; handle reserved symbols stuff, just in case someone
468 ;; has a macsyma variable named (yuck!!) \over or has a name with
469 ;; {} in it.
470 ;; Maybe do some special hacking for standard notations for
471 ;; hypergeometric fns, alternative summation notations 0<=n<=inf, etc.
473 ;;Undone and really pretty hard: line breaking
476 (defun tex-mtext (x l r) (tex-list (cdr x) l r ""))
478 (defun tex-mlabel (x l r)
479 (tex (caddr x)
480 (append l
481 (if (cadr x)
482 (list (format nil (concatenate 'string (string (code-char 23))
483 "~A"
484 (string (code-char 23)))
485 (myquote (print-case-sensitive (stripdollar (cadr x))))))
486 nil))
487 r 'mparen 'mparen))
489 (defun tex-spaceout (x l r)
490 (append l (list "\\verb|" (make-string (cadr x) :initial-element #\space) "|") r))
492 ; jh: verb & mbox
494 (defun input-label-p (label)
495 (if (symbolp label)
496 (let ((name (symbol-name label)))
497 (and (> (length name) 3)
498 (string= "$%I" (subseq name 0 3))))))
500 (defun latex (x)
501 ; (princ x) ;; uncomment to debug.
502 (if (and (listp x) (car x) (listp (car x)) (caar x)
503 (equal (caar x) 'mlabel)
504 (cdr x)
505 (cadr x)
506 (input-label-p (cadr x)))
507 (let (($display2d nil))
508 (declare (special $display2d))
509 (displa x)
510 (return-from latex)))
511 (mapc #'princ
512 (cond ((and (listp x) (cdr x) (stringp (cadr x))
513 (equal (string-right-trim '(#\Space) (cadr x)) "Is"))
514 (tex x (list (string (code-char 21)))
515 (list (string (code-char 22))) 'mparen 'mparen))
516 ((and (listp x) (cdr x) (stringp (caddr x))
517 (equal (string-right-trim '(#\Space) (caddr x)) ""))
518 (tex (reverse (cons "\\ " (rest (reverse x)))) (list (string (code-char 2)))
519 (list (string (code-char 5))) 'mparen 'mparen))
521 (tex x (list (string (code-char 2)))
522 (list (string (code-char 5))) 'mparen 'mparen)))))
524 (let ((old-displa (symbol-function 'displa)))
525 (defun displa (form)
526 (if (eq $display2d '$imaxima)
527 (latex form)
528 (funcall old-displa form))))
530 (defun ask-prop (object property fun-or-number)
531 (if fun-or-number (setq fun-or-number (list '| | fun-or-number)))
532 ;;; Asks the user a question about the property of an object.
533 ;;; Returns only $yes, $no or $unknown.
534 (if (symbolp property)
535 (setq property (print-case-sensitive property)))
536 (do ((end-flag) (answer))
537 (end-flag (cond ((memq answer '($yes |$Y| |$y|)) '$yes)
538 ((memq answer '($no |$N| |$n|)) '$no)
539 ((memq answer '($unknown $uk)) '$unknown)))
540 (setq answer (retrieve
541 `((mtext) "Is " ,object
542 ,(if (member (get-first-char property) '(#\a #\e #\i #\o #\u)
543 :test #'char-equal)
544 '" an "
545 '" a ")
546 ,property ,@fun-or-number "?")
547 nil))
548 (cond
549 ((memq answer '($yes |$Y| |$y| |$N| |$n| $no $unknown $uk))
550 (setq end-flag t))
551 (t (mtell
552 "~%Acceptable answers are Yes, Y, No, N, Unknown, Uk~%")))))
555 ;; Plotting support
558 (defvar $imaxima_tmp_subdir nil "Bound to the value of `imaxima-tmp-subdir' in `imaxima-mode'.")
559 (defun imaxima-apply (fun args)
560 "Binds `*maxima-tempdir*' to `$imaxima_tmp_subdir' before `apply'."
561 (declare (special *maxima-tempdir* $imaxima_tmp_subdir))
562 (let ((*maxima-tempdir* $imaxima_tmp_subdir))
563 (apply fun args)))
565 (defun wxxml-tag (x l r)
566 (let ((name (cadr x))
567 (tag (caddr x)))
568 (append l (list (format nil "<~a>~a</~a>" tag name tag)) r)))
570 (defun wxplot-filename (&optional (suff t))
571 (declare (special *image-counter*))
572 (incf *image-counter*)
573 (let* ((name (format nil "maxout_~d~a" *image-counter* (if suff ".eps" "")))
574 (filename (imaxima-apply #'plot-temp-file (list name))))
575 (if (probe-file filename)
576 (delete-file filename))
577 filename))
579 (defvar $wx_data_file "data_~a.gnuplot" "A FORMAT string that takes exactly one argument, *image-counter*; or a MAXIMA function.")
580 (defvar $wx_gnuplot_file "maxout_~a.gnuplot" "A FORMAT string that takes exactly one argument, *image-counter*; or a MAXIMA function.")
582 (defun wxplot-data+maxout ()
583 (declare (special *image-counter* $wx_data_file $wx_gnuplot_file))
584 (let ((datafile (if (stringp $wx_data_file) (format nil $wx_data_file *image-counter*) (mfuncall $wx_data_file *image-counter*)))
585 (gnpltfile (if (stringp $wx_data_file) (format nil $wx_gnuplot_file *image-counter*) (mfuncall $wx_gnuplot_file *image-counter*))))
586 (cons datafile gnpltfile)))
588 (defun $range (i j)
589 (let ((x (gensym)))
590 (mfuncall '$makelist x x i j)))
592 (defun maybe-load-package-for (wx-fun)
593 (let ((fun ($get wx-fun '$function))
594 (pkg ($get wx-fun '$load_package)))
595 (if (and pkg (not (fboundp fun))) ($load pkg))))
597 (defun wxplot (wx-fun &rest args)
598 ;; if gnuplot is not installed, this will terminate the
599 ;; further execution.
600 (wx-gnuplot-installation-check)
601 (let ((filename (wxplot-filename))
602 (data+maxout (wxplot-data+maxout))
603 (fun ($get wx-fun '$function)))
604 (maybe-load-package-for wx-fun)
605 (imaxima-apply fun
606 `(,@args
607 ((mlist simp) $plot_format $gnuplot)
608 ((mlist simp) $gnuplot_term $ps)
609 ((mlist simp) $ps_file ,filename)
610 ((mlist simp) $gnuplot_script_file ,(cdr data+maxout))))
611 ($ldisp `((wxxmltag simp) ,filename "img"))
612 fun))
614 (defun wxdraw (wx-fun &rest args)
615 (declare (special *image-counter*))
616 ;; if gnuplot is not installed, this will terminate the
617 ;; further execution.
618 (wx-gnuplot-installation-check)
619 (let* ((filename (wxplot-filename nil))
620 (datafile (format nil "data_~a.gnuplot" *image-counter*))
621 (gnpltfile (format nil "maxout_~a.gnuplot" *image-counter*))
622 (fun ($get wx-fun '$function))
623 (*windows-OS* t))
624 (maybe-load-package-for wx-fun)
625 (prog1
626 (imaxima-apply fun
627 (append
628 `(((mequal simp) $terminal $eps_color)
629 ((mequal simp) $dimensions
630 ((mlist simp)
631 ;; convert points to 1/100 of cm
632 ,(* 3.53 ($first $wxplot_size))
633 ,(* 3.53 ($second $wxplot_size))))
634 ((mequal simp) $file_name ,filename)
635 ((mequal simp) $data_file_name ,datafile)
636 ((mequal simp) $gnuplot_file_name ,gnpltfile))
637 args))
638 ($ldisp `((wxxmltag simp) ,(format nil "~a.eps" filename) "img")))))
640 (defmacro wx-def-plot/draw (fun pkg parent &optional init &rest body)
641 (let ((wx-fun (intern (format nil "$WX~a" (stripdollar fun)))))
642 `(progn
643 ,init
644 ($put ',wx-fun ',pkg '$load_package)
645 ($put ',wx-fun ',fun '$function)
646 (defun ,wx-fun (&rest args)
647 ,body
648 (imaxima-apply ',parent (cons ',wx-fun args))))))
650 (wx-def-plot/draw $draw $draw wxdraw)
651 (wx-def-plot/draw $draw2d $draw wxdraw)
652 (wx-def-plot/draw $draw3d $draw wxdraw)
653 (wx-def-plot/draw $plot2d nil wxplot)
654 (wx-def-plot/draw $plot3d nil wxplot)
655 (wx-def-plot/draw $implicit_plot $implicit_plot wxplot)
656 (wx-def-plot/draw $contour_plot nil wxplot)
657 (wx-def-plot/draw $julia $dynamics wxplot)
658 (wx-def-plot/draw $mandelbrot $dynamics wxplot)
660 ;; We could load drawdf package, because we want to overwrite wxdrawdf.
661 ;; However, we do not need to, because wxdrawdf is a wrapper for wxdraw.
662 ;; The following will load drawdf, then overwrite wxdrawdf with our own:
663 ;; (wx-def-plot/draw $drawdf $drawdf wxdraw ($load '$drawdf))
666 ;; end of imaxima.lisp