In documentation for lreduce and rreduce, supply second argument as an explicit list
[maxima.git] / share / affine / sheafb.lisp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp; package: cl-maxima; syntax: common-lisp; -*-
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; ;;;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
5 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
6 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 (in-package :maxima)
10 ;;returns the I'th open of the blowup of the FIRSTK coord of ZOPEN
11 (defun iblowup (zopen i firstk &aux ichart pss qss ineq answ)
12 (setq ichart (ichart i firstk (zopen-dim zopen)))
13 (setq pss (compose-rmap (zopen-coord ichart)
14 (zopen-coord zopen)))
15 (setq qss
16 (compose-rmap
17 (zopen-inv zopen)
18 (zopen-inv ichart)))
19 (setq ineq (function-numerator (apply-rmap (zopen-inv ichart) (zopen-inequality zopen))))
20 (setq answ (zl-copy-structure zopen zopen- coord pss inv qss inequality ineq))
21 answ)
23 (defun s-blow ( simp-pls open-number component-number)
24 (multiple-value-bind
25 (pls empty-opens codim)
26 (normalize-pls simp-pls open-number component-number)
27 (show empty-opens codim)
28 (simplify-svar-ldata (blowup-sheaf pls codim :opens-not-to-blowup empty-opens))))
30 (defun high-dimensional-component (pls &aux tem ld-num)
31 (loop for open-number from 0
32 for lis-dat in (pls-data pls)
33 with min-open-number = 0
34 with prev-min = 100
35 do (loop for v in lis-dat
36 for ld-number from 0
37 when (< (setq tem (length (ldata-eqns v))) prev-min)
38 do (setq min-open-number open-number ld-num ld-number)
39 (setq prev-min tem))
40 finally (return (values (list min-open-number ld-num) prev-min))))
42 (defmacro vformat (&rest l)
43 `(cond (*verbose* (format t ,@ l))
44 (t nil)))
46 (defmacro vdes (&rest l)
47 `(cond (*verbose* (des ,@ l))
48 (t nil)))
50 (defun blowup-pls-using-high-dimensional-components (pls n &key (one-open t) already-blown-up &aux (current-pls pls) op codim)
51 (block sue
52 (loop for i from n while (pls-data current-pls)
53 with new-pls = current-pls
54 with red-pls = current-pls
55 with first-time = t
56 when (null first-time)
58 (vformat t "reduced pls:")
59 (vdes red-pls)
60 (vformat t "homogeneous simplified pls:")
61 ;;if keeping more than one open the current-pls will be simplified inside blowup
62 ;;since that way we only simplify opens blownup.
63 (cond (one-open (setq current-pls (simplify-svar-homogeneous current-pls))))
64 (vdes current-pls)
65 (cond ((null (pls-data red-pls))
66 (return (list blew-up i))))
67 (multiple-value (op codim) (high-dimensional-component red-pls))
68 (show op codim)
69 (format t "~%The ~A blowup: the ~A component of the ~A open of codimension ~A."
70 i (second op) (car op) codim)
71 (setq new-pls (blowup-pls current-pls (nth (car op) (pls-opens red-pls))
72 (ldata-eqns (nth (second op)
73 (nth (car op) (pls-data red-pls))))
74 :simplify-homogeneous (null one-open)))
76 and
77 collecting (list (format nil "Before the ~A blowup the homogeneous equations on one of the nontrivial opens looked like :" i)
78 current-pls) into blew-up
79 and
80 collecting (list (format nil "~%The ~A blowup was by the ~A ldata of the following open:" i (second op)) (open-sub-scheme red-pls (car op)))
81 into blew-up
83 (setq first-time nil)
84 (loop for ii from 0
85 for ope in (pls-opens new-pls)
87 (setq red-pls (simplify-svar-ldata (open-sub-scheme new-pls ii)))
88 (show ii (length (pls-data red-pls)))
89 (format t "Open history: ~A" (zopen-history (car (pls-opens current-pls))))
90 when (pls-data red-pls)
92 (cond (one-open (setq current-pls (open-sub-scheme new-pls ii)))
93 (t (setq current-pls new-pls)))
94 (format t "~%Taking the ~A open with history " ii)
95 (return 'done)
96 else do (format t "~%The ~A open is empty")
97 finally (return-from sue (append already-blown-up blew-up)))
98 finally (return (list (append already-blown-up blew-up) i)))))
100 ;(defun blowup-pls-using-choices (pls n &key (query-user t) (one-open t) already-blown-up
101 ; (number-to-reduce 3) &aux (current-pls pls) choice
103 ; (loop named sue for i from n while (pls-data current-pls)
104 ; with new-pls = current-pls
105 ;; with red-pls = current-pls
106 ; with first-time = t
107 ; when (null first-time)
108 ; do
109 ; (cond ((null query-user)
110 ; (vformat t "Going to blowup wrt to reduced pls:")
111 ; ;(vdes red-pls)))
112 ; (vformat t "homogeneous simplified pls:")))
114 ; ;;if keeping more than one open the current-pls will be simplified inside blowup
115 ; ;;since that way we only simplify opens blownup.
116 ; (cond (one-open (setq current-pls (simplify-svar-homogeneous current-pls))))
117 ; (vdes current-pls)
118 ;; (cond ((null (pls-data red-pls))
119 ;; (return (list blew-up i))))
120 ;; (multiple-value ( op codim)
121 ;; (high-dimensional-component red-pls))
122 ;; (show op codim)
123 ; (cond ((null query-user)
124 ; (format t "~%The ~A blowup: The coordinates and the equations" i)
125 ; (des (second choice)) (des (third choice))))
126 ; (setq new-pls (blowup-pls current-pls (second choice)
127 ; (ldata-eqns (third choice))
128 ; :simplify-homogeneous t))
129 ; and
130 ; collecting (list (format nil "Before the ~A blowup the homogeneous equations ~
131 ; on one of the nontrivial opens looked like :" i)current-pls)
132 ; into blew-up
133 ; and
134 ; collecting (list
135 ; (format nil "~%The ~A blowup was by :"
136 ; i ) (second choice) (third choice))
138 ; into blew-up
140 ; do
141 ; (setq first-time nil)
142 ; (setq choice
143 ; (provide-some-choices-to-blowup new-pls :query-user query-user :number-to-reduce number-to-reduce))
144 ; (cond ((null (third choice))(return-from sue (append already-blown-up blew-up))))
145 ; (cond (one-open
146 ; (loop for op in (pls-opens new-pls)
147 ; for op-num from 0
148 ; do (setq current-op-number op-num)
149 ; when (zopen-equal op (second choice))
150 ; do (setq current-pls (open-sub-scheme new-pls op-num))
151 ; (return 'done)
152 ; (finally (merror "could not find the open"))))
153 ; (t (setq current-pls new-pls)))
154 ; finally (return-from sue (append already-blown-up blew-up))))
155 (defvar *blew-up* nil)
156 (defvar *previous-blowups* nil)
160 (defun eliminate-empty-and-larger-opens ( pls &aux pairs)
161 (loop for v in (pls-opens pls)
162 for lis-dat in (pls-data pls)
163 when lis-dat
164 collecting (cons v lis-dat) into paired-dat
165 finally
166 ; (setq paired-dat (eliminate-smaller paired-dat :key 'car
167 ; :test 'zopen-special-subset))
168 (return (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves :opens (mapcar 'car paired-dat)
169 :data (mapcar 'cdr paired-dat)))))
170 (defvar *query-user* t)
172 (defun blowup-pls-using-choices (pls n &key (query-user t) (one-open t) already-blown-up
173 (number-to-reduce 3) &aux (current-pls pls) choice
174 current-op-number
175 choices )
176 (setq *query-user* query-user)
177 (loop named sue for i from n while (pls-data current-pls)
178 with new-pls = current-pls
179 with first-time = t
180 when (null first-time)
182 (cond ((null query-user)
183 (vformat t "Going to blowup wrt to reduced pls:")
184 ;(vdes red-pls)))
185 (vformat t "homogeneous simplified pls:")))
187 ;;if keeping more than one open the current-pls will be simplified inside blowup
188 ;;since that way we only simplify opens blownup.
189 ; (cond (one-open (setq current-pls (simplify-svar-homogeneous current-pls))))
190 (vdes current-pls)
191 (loop for vch on choices
192 do (setq choice (car vch))
193 (setq new-pls nil)
194 (cond ((null query-user)
195 (format t "~%The ~A blowup: The coordinates and the equations" i)
196 (des (second choice)) (des (third choice))))
197 (catch 'new-choice
198 (setq new-pls (blowup-pls current-pls (second choice)
199 (ldata-eqns (third choice))
200 :simplify-homogeneous t)))
201 (cond (new-pls
202 (setq new-pls (eliminate-empty-and-larger-opens new-pls))
203 (return 'done)))
204 finally (fsignal "Ran out of choices"))
206 collecting (list
207 (format nil "~%The ~A blowup was by equations on the ~A open :"
208 i current-op-number ) (second choice) (third choice))
209 into blew-up
211 collecting (list (format nil "After the ~A blowup the homogeneous equations ~
212 on one of the nontrivial opens looked like :" i)new-pls)
213 into blew-up
214 and do (setq *blew-up* blew-up)
215 do (push *blew-up* *previous-blowups*) (setq *blew-up* blew-up)
216 ; (user:write-object "Alonzo:wfs>blew-up.tem" (nthcdr (- (length *blew-up*) 2) *blew-up*))
217 (setq first-time nil)
218 (setq choices
219 (provide-some-choices-to-blowup new-pls
220 :query-user query-user
221 :number-to-reduce number-to-reduce))
222 (cond ((null choices)(return-from sue (append already-blown-up blew-up))))
223 (setq choice (car choices))
224 (loop for op in (pls-opens new-pls)
225 for op-num from 0
226 do (setq current-op-number op-num)
227 when (zopen-special-subset (second choice) op)
228 do (return 'done)
229 (finally (fsignal "could not find the open")))
230 (cond (one-open (setq current-pls (open-sub-scheme new-pls
231 current-op-number)))
232 (t (setq current-pls new-pls)))
233 finally (return-from sue (append already-blown-up blew-up))))
234 (defun restart-blowup ( &key part use-blewup one-open query-user (after 0) (number-to-reduce 3) &aux pls)
235 (cond (part (setq pls (second part))
236 (blowup-pls-using-choices pls after :query-user query-user :one-open one-open
237 :already-blown-up (list part) :number-to-reduce
238 number-to-reduce))
240 (use-blewup
241 (let ((las (nth (1- (length *blew-up*)) *blew-up*))
242 (blas (nth (- (length *blew-up*) 2) *blew-up*))
243 (n (quotient (length *blew-up*) 2)))
244 (cond ((search "after" (car las) :test #'char-equal) (setq pls (second las)))
245 (t (setq pls (second blas)) (setq *blew-up* (butlast *blew-up*))))
246 (blowup-pls-using-choices pls n :query-user query-user :one-open one-open
247 :number-to-reduce number-to-reduce
248 :already-blown-up *blew-up*)))))
251 ;(defun restart-blowup (&key one-open query-user after &aux pls)
252 ; (let ((las (nth (1- (length *blew-up*)) *blew-up*))
253 ; (blas (nth (- (length *blew-up*) 2) *blew-up*))
254 ; (n (quotient (length *blew-up*) 2)))
255 ; (cond ((search "after" (car las) :test #'char-equal) (setq pls (second las)))
256 ; (t (setq pls (second blas)) (setq *blew-up* (butlast *blew-up*))))
257 ; (blowup-pls-using-choices pls n :query-user query-user :one-open one-open
258 ; :already-blown-up *blew-up*)))
259 (defun gen-pcomplexity (lis)
260 (cond ((null lis) 0)
261 ((affine-polynomialp lis) (pcomplexity lis))
262 ((rational-functionp lis) (+ (pcomplexity (num lis))
263 (pcomplexity (denom lis))))
264 ((listp lis) (loop for v in lis summing (gen-pcomplexity v)))
265 (t (merror "don't know how complex"))))
267 ;(defmacro user-supply (var)
268 ; `(let ((*print-level* 3) ( prinlength 3) .new.)
269 ; (loop
270 ; do
271 ; (format t "~%The value of ~A is ~A ." ',var ,var)
272 ; (format t "~%Supply a form to evaluate to use for ~A or 'keep to keep same :" ',var)
273 ; (setq .new. (eval (read)))
274 ; (cond ((eq .new. 'keep)(return ,var))
275 ; (t
276 ; (format t "~%Use ~A?" .new.)
277 ; (cond ((y-or-n-p )(return (setq ,var .new.)))))))))
281 (defvar *reduced-history* nil)
282 ;;returns an ordered list of choices..
283 (defun provide-some-choices-to-blowup (new-pls &key (query-user t) (number-to-reduce 3)
284 &aux component-number an-open-number a-red-pls
285 n len red-pls choices red-choices pcomp min-pcomp some-red-pls the-min comp-eqns min-comp number-eqns opens-not-to-try the-max
286 opens-to-try (check-the-worst t) where-complex where-the-max answ)
287 (cond
288 ((or (null query-user)
289 (yes-or-no-p " Simplify and provide choices of open and equation "))
290 (loop for lis-ld in (pls-data new-pls)
291 when lis-ld
292 collecting (setq len (length (ldata-eqns (car lis-ld)))) into tem
294 collecting (setq pcomp
295 (gen-pcomplexity (ldata-eqns (car lis-ld))))
296 into tem1
297 else collecting 0 into tem
298 and collecting 0 into tem1
299 when lis-ld
300 minimize len into the-min1
302 maximize len into the-max1
304 minimize pcomp into min-pcomp1
306 maximize pcomp into max-pcomp1
307 finally (setq the-min the-min1 min-pcomp min-pcomp1 number-eqns tem
308 comp-eqns tem1 the-max the-max1)
309 (setq where-complex (find-position-in-list max-pcomp1 comp-eqns)))
310 (vformat t "%The number of equations are ~A and their complexity is ~A"
311 number-eqns comp-eqns)
312 (setq where-the-max (find-position-in-list the-max number-eqns))
313 (loop for v in number-eqns
314 for w in comp-eqns
315 for lis-ld in (pls-data new-pls)
316 for op in (pls-opens new-pls)
317 for i from 0
318 when (not (zerop v))
319 do (format t "~%On open ~A there are ~A equations of complexity ~A ." i v w)
320 when (equal v the-min)
321 do (push (list (format nil "Least homogeneous equations")
322 op (car lis-ld) ) choices)
323 when (eql w min-comp)
324 do (push (list (format nil "Least complex equations")
325 op (car lis-ld) ) choices))
326 (cond(query-user (user-supply check-the-worst)))
327 (cond (query-user (user-supply opens-not-to-try)
328 (user-supply opens-to-try)))
330 (loop for ii from 0
331 for op in (pls-opens new-pls)
332 when
333 (and (null (member ii opens-not-to-try :test #'equal))
335 (< (length some-red) number-to-reduce) (member ii opens-to-try :test #'equal)))
336 do (push ii opens-not-to-try) (format t "~%Reducing the ~A open" ii)
337 (show ii opens-not-to-try (member ii opens-not-to-try :test #'equal)
338 (null (member ii opens-not-to-try :test #'equal)))
339 (setq red-pls
340 (simplify-svar-ldata (open-sub-scheme new-pls ii)))
341 (push (car (make-component-history red-pls))(zopen-history op))
343 when (null (pls-data red-pls))
344 do (setf (nth ii (pls-data new-pls)) nil)
346 else collecting red-pls into some-red
347 finally
348 (show the-max opens-not-to-try where-the-max)
349 (cond ((and check-the-worst (null (mem where-the-max opens-not-to-try :test #'eq)))
350 (setq some-red-pls
351 (cons (simplify-svar-ldata
352 (open-sub-scheme new-pls where-the-max)) some-red)))
353 (t (setq some-red-pls some-red))))
354 (setq red-choices
355 (loop for red-pls in some-red-pls
356 appending
357 (loop for lis-ld in (pls-data red-pls)
358 for op in (pls-opens red-pls)
359 appending
360 (loop for ld in lis-ld
361 collecting (list "Reduced ld" op ld)))))
362 (setq red-choices (sort red-choices
363 #'(lambda (u v) (order-ldata (third u) (third v)))))
364 (setq choices (append red-choices choices))
365 (push some-red-pls *Reduced-history*)
366 (cond ( query-user
367 (loop while (yes-or-no-p "Show the reduced pls's?")
368 do (des some-red-pls))))
369 (cond (query-user
370 (loop named kay for v in choices while (y-or-n-p "show next?")
371 for i from 0
372 do (format t "~3% Number**** ~A :" i)
373 (show (length v))
374 (loop for ww in v do (des ww))
375 finally
376 (loop do
377 (format t "~%Type the number of the one do you want:")
378 (setq n (read))
379 (cond ((not (and (numberp n) (< n (length choices)))) nil)
380 (t (des (nth n choices))
381 (cond ((yes-or-no-p "~%Choosing this one?")
382 (return-from kay
383 (cons (nth n choices)
384 (delete-nth n choices))))
385 (t nil)))))
388 (t choices)))
390 (loop do
391 (format t "enter a form to evaluate giving (list nil open ldata-to-blowup) ~
392 or T to enter pls and component numbers: ")
394 (setq answ (eval (read)))
395 (cond ((atom answ)
396 (user-supply a-red-pls)
397 (user-supply an-open-number)
398 (user-supply component-number)
399 (setq answ
400 (list nil
401 (nth an-open-number (pls-opens a-red-pls))
402 (nth component-number (nth an-open-number (pls-data
403 a-red-pls)))))))
404 (iassert (and (eq (car (second answ)) 'zopen)))
405 (iassert (and (eq (car (third answ)) 'ldata)))
406 (des answ)
407 (cond ((y-or-n-p "Use it?")
408 (return (list answ))))))))
411 (defun sort-the-reduced-history (some-red-pls &aux red-choices)
412 (setq red-choices
413 (loop for red-pls in some-red-pls
414 appending
415 (loop for lis-ld in (pls-data red-pls)
416 for op in (pls-opens red-pls)
417 appending
418 (loop for ld in lis-ld collecting (list "Reduced ld" op ld)))))
419 (setq red-choices (sort red-choices #'(lambda (u v) (order-ldata (third u) (third v))))))
421 (defun order-ldata (u v)
422 (cond ((< (length (ldata-eqns u))
423 (length (ldata-eqns v))))
424 ((= (length (ldata-eqns u))
425 (length (ldata-eqns v)))
426 (< (gen-pcomplexity (ldata-eqns u))
427 (gen-pcomplexity (ldata-eqns v))))
428 (t nil)))
431 ;;;the following works to blow up following one open thru
432 ;(defun blowup-pls-using-high-dimensional-components (pls n &aux (current-pls pls)
433 ; op codim )
434 ; (loop named sue for i from n while (pls-data current-pls)
435 ; with new-pls = current-pls
436 ; with red-pls = current-pls
437 ; with first-time = t
438 ; when (null first-time)
439 ; do
440 ; (format t "reduced pls:")
441 ; (des red-pls)
442 ; (format t "homogeneous simplified pls:")
443 ; (setq current-pls (simplify-svar-homogeneous current-pls))
444 ; (des current-pls)
445 ; (cond ((null (pls-data red-pls))
446 ; (return (list blew-up i))))
447 ; (multiple-value ( op codim)
448 ; (high-dimensional-component red-pls))
449 ; (show op codim)
450 ; (format t "~%The ~A blowup: the ~A component of the ~A open of codimension ~A."
451 ; i (second op) (car op) codim)
453 ; (setq new-pls (blowup-pls current-pls (nth (car op) (pls-opens red-pls))
454 ; (nth (second op) (nth (car op) (pls-data red-pls)))))
456 ; and
457 ; collecting (list (format nil "Before the ~A blowup the homogeneous equations on one of the nontrivial opens looked like :" i)current-pls) into blew-up
458 ; and
459 ; collecting (list
460 ; (format nil "~%The ~A blowup was by the ~A ldata of the following open:" i (second op)) (open-sub-scheme red-pls (car op)))
461 ; into blew-up
462 ; do
463 ; (setq first-time nil)
464 ; (loop for ii from 0
465 ; for ope in (pls-opens new-pls)
466 ; do
467 ; (setq red-pls (simplify-svar-ldata
468 ; (open-sub-scheme new-pls ii)))
469 ; (show ii (length (pls-data red-pls)))
470 ; (format t "Open history" (zopen-history (car (pls-opens current-pls))))
471 ; when (pls-data red-pls)
472 ; do (setq current-pls (open-sub-scheme new-pls ii))
473 ; (format t "~%Taking the ~A open with history " ii)
474 ; (return 'done)
475 ; else do (format t "~%The ~A open is empty")
476 ; finally (return-from sue blew-up))
477 ; finally (return (list blew-up i))))
479 ;(defun blowup-pls-using-high-dimensional-components (pls n &aux (current-pls pls)
480 ; op codim)
481 ; (loop for i from n while (pls-data current-pls)
482 ; do (multiple-value ( op codim)
483 ; (high-dimensional-component pls))
484 ; (format t "~%The ~A blowup: the ~A component of the ~A open of codimension ~A."
485 ; i (second op) (car op) codim)
486 ; (setq current-pls (copy-tree (s-blow current-pls (car op) (second op))))))
489 ;;performs the transform of a list of equations into new equations on the
490 ;;ITH blowup of the FIRSTK coordinates AMBIENT-DIM space
491 ;(defun proper-transform (list-eqns ith firstk ambient-dim &aux
492 ; ichart fns subs trans answ gg)
493 ; (cond ((eq (car list-eqns) 'ldata)
494 ; (setq gg (ldata-inequality list-eqns))
495 ; (setq list-eqns (ldata-eqns list-eqns))))
496 ; (setq ichart (ichart ith firstk ambient-dim))
497 ; (setq fns (rmap-fns (zopen-inv ichart)))
498 ; (setq subs (my-pairlis *xxx* fns))
499 ; (setq trans (loop for v in list-eqns collecting (psublis subs 1 v)))
500 ; (cond (gg (setq gg (psublis subs 1 gg))))
501 ; (setq answ($cancel_factors_and_denominators (cons '(mlist)
502 ; trans) (list (xxx ith)) t))
503 ; (cond (gg (make-ldata :eqns answ :inequality gg))
504 ; (t answ)))
506 (defun proper-transform (ld ith firstk ambient-dim &aux
507 ichart trans answ )
508 (setq ichart (ichart ith firstk ambient-dim))
509 (setq ld (copy-list ld))
510 (setq trans (apply-rmap (zopen-inv ichart) ld))
511 (format t "~%Exceptional divisor is ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/." (xxx ith))
512 (setq answ
513 (cdr (eliminate-common-factors (cons (pexpt (xxx ith) 10) (ldata-eqns trans) ))))
516 ;(setq answ($cancel_factors_and_denominators (cons '(mlist)(ldata-eqns trans))
517 ; (list (xxx ith))
518 ;;homogeneous cancellation
519 ; t))
520 (setf (ldata-eqns trans ) answ)
521 trans)
526 ;(defun blowup-sheaf (pls firstk &key opens-not-to-blowup opens-to-blowup
527 ; simplify-homogeneous
528 ; throw-out-components-in-exceptional-divisor
529 ; (keep-history t)&aux answ tem pt)
531 ; (setq pls (copy-list-structure pls))
532 ; (let* ((svar (pls-s-var pls))
533 ; (data (pls-data pls))
534 ; (opens (sv-zopens svar))
535 ; dim)
536 ; (setq dim (zopen-dim (first (pls-opens pls))))
537 ; (loop for op in opens
538 ; for dl in data
539 ; for ii from 0
540 ; when (or (and (null opens-to-blowup) (not (member ii opens-not-to-blowup :test #'eq)))
541 ; (mem ii opens-to-blowup :test #'eq))
542 ; do (format t "~%Blowing up open number ~A " ii)
543 ; and
544 ; appending
545 ; (loop for i from 1 to firstk
546 ; do (setq tem (iblowup op i firstk))
547 ; (setq pt (loop for ldat in dl
548 ; collecting
549 ; (proper-transform ldat
550 ; i firstk dim)))
551 ; (iassert (eq (car tem) 'zopen))
552 ; (push (xxx i) (zopen-history tem))
553 ; when throw-out-components-in-exceptional-divisor
554 ; do (setq pt (loop for v in pt collecting
555 ; (copy-structure
556 ; v ldata-
557 ; eqns
558 ; (loop for f in (ldata-eqns v)
559 ; with mon = (pexpt (xxx i) 10)
560 ; collecting
561 ; (car (eliminate-common-factors
562 ; (list f mon)))))))
564 ; when simplify-homogeneous
565 ; do (setq pt (loop for v in pt appending (ldata-simplify-homogeneous v
566 ; (zopen-inequality tem))))
567 ; collecting (cons tem pt))
568 ; into paired-data
569 ; else
570 ; collecting (cons op dl) into paired-data
571 ; finally (return(setq answ (make-pre-ldata-sheaves
572 ; s-var (make-s-var zopens (mapcar 'car paired-data))
573 ; data (mapcar 'cdr paired-data)))))
574 ; (fsignal "hi")
575 ; (cond (keep-history (add-pls-zopen-history answ)))
576 ; answ))
578 (defun blowup-sheaf (pls firstk &key opens-not-to-blowup opens-to-blowup
579 simplify-homogeneous add-exceptional-divisor-ldata
580 (keep-history t)&aux answ tem pt)
581 (setq pls (copy-list-structure pls))
583 (let* ((svar (pls-s-var pls))
584 (data (pls-data pls))
585 (opens (sv-zopens svar))
586 dim)
587 (setq dim (zopen-dim (first (pls-opens pls))))
588 (loop for op in opens
589 for dl in data
591 for ii from 0
592 do (des dl)
593 when (or (and (null opens-to-blowup) (not (member ii opens-not-to-blowup :test #'eq)))
594 (member ii opens-to-blowup :test #'eq))
595 do (format t "~%Blowing up open number ~A " ii)
598 appending
599 (loop for i from 1 to firstk
600 do (setq tem (iblowup op i firstk))
601 (setq pt (loop for ldat in dl
602 do (iassert (ldatap ldat))
603 collecting
604 (proper-transform ldat
605 i firstk dim)))
606 (iassert (eq (car tem) 'zopen))
607 (push (xxx i) (zopen-history tem))
608 when simplify-homogeneous
609 do (setq pt (loop for v in pt appending (ldata-simplify-homogeneous v
610 (zopen-inequality tem))))
611 when add-exceptional-divisor-ldata
612 do (setq pt (append pt (list (make-ldata :eqns (list (xxx i))))))
613 collecting (cons tem pt))
614 into paired-data
615 else
616 collecting (progn (cond (add-exceptional-divisor-ldata
617 (setq dl (append dl (list
618 (make-ldata :eqns '(1)))))))
619 (cons op dl)) into paired-data
620 finally (return(setq answ (make-pre-ldata-sheaves
621 :s-var (make-s-var :zopens (mapcar 'car paired-data))
622 :data (mapcar 'cdr paired-data)))))
623 (cond (keep-history (add-pls-zopen-history answ)))
624 answ))
627 (defun linear-poly-solve (poly var)
628 (ratreduce (pminus (pcoeff poly 1 (list var))) (pcoeff poly (list var 1 1))))
630 (defun unused-variables (n &optional strin)
631 (cond (strin (setq strin (concatenate 'string (string strin) "NEW")))
632 (t (setq strin "NEW")))
633 (loop for i from 1 to n
634 collecting (add-newvar (intern (format nil "$~A~A" strin i)))))
636 ;(defun apply-rmap (rmap fns &key (coords-for-fn *xxx*) subs
637 ; &aux (the-denom (rmap-denom rmap)))
638 ; "Argument may be list of polys, or rat'l fns, result is always rat'l"
639 ; (cond(subs nil)
640 ; (t (setq subs(my-pairlis coords-for-fn (rmap-fns rmap)))))
641 ; (cond ((affine-polynomialp fns)
642 ; (rsublis subs the-denom fns :reduce t))
643 ; ((rational-functionp fns)
644 ; (ratquotient (rsublis subs the-denom (num fns) )
645 ; (rsublis subs the-denom (denom fns))))
646 ; ((eq (car fns) 'ldata)
647 ; (make-ldata eqns (loop for v in (ldata-eqns fns)
648 ; collecting (function-numerator (apply-rmap rmap v
649 ; :coords-for-fn
650 ; coords-for-fn
651 ; :subs subs)))
652 ; inequality (function-numerator(apply-rmap rmap (ldata-inequality fns)
653 ; :coords-for-fn
654 ; coords-for-fn
655 ; :subs subs))))
656 ; ((or (affine-polynomialp (car fns))
657 ; (rational-functionp (car fns))
658 ; (ldatap (car fns)))
659 ; (loop for v in fns
660 ; collecting (apply-rmap rmap v :coords-for-fn coords-for-fn
661 ; :subs subs)))
662 ; (t (merror "fns should be a polynomial, rat'l fn,ldata or list of such"))))
664 ;(defun apply-rmap (rmap fns &key (coords-for-fn *xxx*) subs
665 ; &aux )
666 ; "Argument may be list of polys, or rat'l fns, result is always rat'l"
667 ; (cond(subs nil)
668 ; (t (setq subs (subs-for-simple-rat-sublis
669 ; coords-for-fn
670 ; (loop for f in (rmap-fns rmap)
671 ; collecting (ratreduce
673 ; (rmap-denom rmap)))))))
674 ; (cond ((or (affine-polynomialp fns)(rational-functionp fns))
675 ; (simple-rat-sublis subs fns))
676 ; ((eq (car fns) 'ldata)
677 ; (make-ldata eqns (loop for v in (ldata-eqns fns)
678 ; collecting (function-numerator (apply-rmap rmap v
679 ; :coords-for-fn
680 ; coords-for-fn
681 ; :subs subs)))
682 ; inequality (function-numerator(apply-rmap rmap (ldata-inequality fns)
683 ; :coords-for-fn
684 ; coords-for-fn
685 ; :subs subs))))
686 ; ((or (affine-polynomialp (car fns))
687 ; (rational-functionp (car fns))
688 ; (ldatap (car fns)))
689 ; (loop for v in fns
690 ; collecting (apply-rmap rmap v :coords-for-fn coords-for-fn
691 ; :subs subs)))
692 ; (t (merror "fns should be a polynomial, rat'l fn,ldata or list of such"))))
694 (defun apply-rmap (rmap fns &key (coords-for-fn *xxx*) subs &aux answ)
695 "Argument may be list of polys, or rat'l fns, result is always rat'l"
696 (new-rmap rmap)
697 (cond (subs
698 nil)
700 (setq subs (subs-for-simple-rat-sublis coords-for-fn (rmap-fns rmap)))))
701 (cond ((or (affine-polynomialp fns) (rational-functionp fns))
702 (setq answ (simple-rat-sublis subs fns))
703 (process-sleep 5)
704 answ)
705 ((eq (car fns) 'ldata)
706 (make-ldata :eqns
707 (loop for v in (ldata-eqns fns)
708 collecting (function-numerator (apply-rmap rmap v
709 :coords-for-fn
710 coords-for-fn
711 :subs subs)))
712 :inequality (function-numerator(apply-rmap rmap (ldata-inequality fns)
713 :coords-for-fn
714 coords-for-fn
715 :subs subs))))
716 ((or (affine-polynomialp (car fns))
717 (rational-functionp (car fns))
718 (ldatap (car fns)))
719 (loop for v in fns
720 collecting (apply-rmap rmap v :coords-for-fn coords-for-fn
721 :subs subs)))
722 (t (merror "fns should be a polynomial, rat'l fn,ldata or list of such"))))
724 (defun ldatap (obj)
725 (and (consp obj)(eq (car obj) 'ldata)))
727 ;;;;idea is to take the eqns in ldata and
728 ;;;;construct an rmap to a coordinate system where the
729 ;;;;elements of ldata are transformed to the first n
730 ;;;;eqns where n is the number of eqns in ldata
731 ;;;;we need the ldata since the gg is necessary to figure out which
732 ;;;;variables were linear and should be solved for.
733 ;;(defun normalize-zopen (ldata dim &aux (gg (ldata-inequality ldata))
734 ;; (eqns (ldata-eqns ldata))
735 ;; vari all-eqns all-vari lis map fns
736 ;; other newvars new-eqns denom
737 ;; n tem)
738 ;; (setq vari (loop for v in eqns
739 ;; when (setq tem (any-linearp v gg ))
740 ;; do (show tem) and
741 ;; collecting tem
742 ;; else do (merror "Hey this is not linear ~A" v)))
743 ;; (setq other (loop for w in *xxx*
744 ;; for i below dim
745 ;; when (not (member w vari :test #'eq))
746 ;; collecting w))
747 ;; (setq all-vari (append vari other))
748 ;; (setq newvars (unused-variables dim))
749 ;; (cond ((not (eql (length all-vari) dim)) (merror "Some variables are wrong in vari")))
750 ;; (setq new-eqns
751 ;; (loop for v in eqns
752 ;; for u in newvars
753 ;; for va in vari
754 ;; collecting (linear-poly-solve (pdifference v (list u 1 1)) va)))
755 ;; (setq fns (append eqns other))
756 ;; (setq all-eqns (append new-eqns (loop for u in (nthcdr (length eqns) newvars)
757 ;; collecting (list u 1 1))))
758 ;; (setq all-eqns (gen-psublis (append vari other) newvars all-eqns))
759 ;;; (setq all-eqns
760 ;;; (gen-psublis other (nthcdr (length eqns) newvars)
761 ;;; all-eqns))
762 ;; (setq all-eqns
763 ;; (sublis (pairlis newvars *xxx*)
764 ;; all-eqns))
765 ;; (setq lis (make-list dim))
766 ;; (loop for v in all-vari
767 ;; for u in all-eqns
768 ;; do (setq n (find-position-in-list v *xxx*))
769 ;; (setf (nth n lis) u))
770 ;; (setq map (construct-rmap lis))
771 ;; (setq gg (num (apply-rmap map gg)))
772 ;; (setq fns (construct-rmap fns))
773 ;; (make-zopen coord fns inv (construct-rmap lis) inequality gg))
775 ;;;idea is to take the eqns in ldata and
776 ;;;construct an rmap to a coordinate system where the
777 ;;;elements of ldata are transformed to the first n
778 ;;;eqns where n is the number of eqns in ldata
779 ;;;we need the ldata since the gg is necessary to figure out which
780 ;;;variables were linear and should be solved for.
782 ;(defun normalize-zopen
783 ; (ldata dim &aux (gg (ldata-inequality ldata))
784 ; (eqns (ldata-eqns ldata))
785 ; vari fns all-new
786 ; other newvars new-eqns subs rest-new map denom
787 ; n tem)
788 ; (setq vari (loop for v in eqns
789 ; when (setq tem (any-linearp v gg ))
790 ; do (show tem) and
791 ; collecting tem
792 ; else do (merror "Hey this is not linear ~A" v)))
793 ; (setq other (loop for w in *xxx*
794 ; for i below dim
795 ; when (not (member w vari :test #'eq))
796 ; collecting w))
797 ; (setq vari (append vari other))
798 ; (setq newvars (unused-variables dim))
799 ; (cond ((not (eql (length vari) dim)) (merror "Some variables are wrong in vari")))
800 ; (setq new-eqns
801 ; (loop for v in eqns
802 ; for u in newvars
803 ; for va in vari
804 ; collecting (linear-poly-solve (pdifference v (list u 1 1)) va)))
805 ; (setq rest-new (loop for i from (length eqns) below dim
806 ; collecting (nth i newvars)))
807 ; (setq all-new (append new-eqns rest-new))
808 ; (setq subs (subs-for-psublis other rest-new ))
809 ; (setq new-eqns
810 ; (loop for w in new-eqns
811 ; collecting (cons (psublis subs 1 (car w))
812 ; (psublis subs 1 (cdr w)))))
813 ;; (setq all-subs (append subs (my-pairlis vari new-eqns)))
814 ; (setq new-eqns (append new-eqns rest-new))
815 ;; (make-zopen coord vari inv (append new-eqns rest-new)
816 ; (setq map (construct-rmap new-eqns))
817 ; ;;assumes denom in x1,x2,.. coords
818 ;; (setq denom (apply-rmap map gg))
819 ; (setq fns (rmap-fns map))
820 ; (setq new-eqns
821 ; (loop for v in vari
822 ; do (setq n (find-position-in-list v vari))
823 ; collecting (nth n fns)))
824 ; (show newvars)
825 ; (show (subs-for-psublis newvars *xxx*))
826 ; (setq new-eqns (gen-psublis newvars *xxx* new-eqns))
827 ; (setf (rmap-fns map) new-eqns)
828 ; (setf (rmap-denom map) (gen-psublis newvars *xxx* (rmap-denom map)))
829 ; map)
833 ; "takes as arguments a list of polys or rat'l fns and tries to make
834 ; these into the first coordinates. It tries to find the inverse.
835 ; It will check whether it has found the inverse, and error if not
837 ; some variable. It collects these linear variables and then completes
838 ; them to get a list up to the dimension of the space. (f1,f2, ..
839 ; fm,xi1,xi2,..) is then the set of coordinates, and it calculates the
840 ; inverse of this set. It returns the open with inequality gg and coord
841 ; (f1,...) and inverse These are to become the first nwhich are to be the
842 ; first in the list of coordinates of some open. It then completes the
843 ; list of "
845 (defun make-normal-zopen (eqns dim gg &aux (check-inverse t)
846 variables fns tem all-variables answ
847 coords newvar coord-eqns solu dif-eqns other-monoms other-variables)
848 (setq newvar (unused-variables dim))
849 (setq dif-eqns (loop for v in eqns
850 for u in newvar
851 collecting
852 (function-numerator (n- v (list u 1 1)))))
853 (setq variables (linear-ldatap (make-ldata :eqns eqns) :open-g gg))
854 (cond ((null variables)
855 (setq variables
856 (loop for v in dif-eqns
857 collecting (setq tem (any-linearp v gg :variables-to-exclude newvar))
858 when (null tem) do
859 (merror "this equation contains no linear " (sh v))))))
860 (setq other-variables (loop for v in *xxx*
861 for i below dim
862 when (not (member v variables :test #'eq))
863 collecting v))
864 (setq all-variables (append variables other-variables))
865 (setq other-monoms
866 (loop for v in other-variables
867 collecting (list v 1 1)))
869 (setq coord-eqns (loop for v in (setq coords (append eqns other-monoms))
870 for u in newvar
871 collecting (function-numerator (n- v (list u 1 1)))))
872 (setq solu (solve-simple-system (mapcar 'function-numerator coord-eqns) all-variables
873 :invertible gg))
874 ; (setq solu (loop for v in all-variables
875 ; for eqn in coord-eqns
876 ; collecting (linear-poly-solve eqn v)))
877 ; (setq solu (gen-psublis other-variables (nthcdr (length eqns) newvar) solu))
878 (setq solu (gen-psublis newvar *xxx* solu))
879 (setq fns (make-list dim))
880 (setq fns (loop for v in all-variables
881 for f in solu
882 collecting (nth (find-position-in-list v *xxx*) solu)))
883 (loop for v in all-variables
884 for f in solu
885 do (setf (nth (find-position-in-list v *xxx*) fns) f))
886 (setq answ (make-zopen :coord
887 (construct-rmap coords) :inv (construct-rmap fns) :inequality gg))
888 (cond (check-inverse (check-zopen-inv answ)))
889 answ)
891 ;(defun make-normal-zopen (eqns dim gg &aux (check-inverse t)
892 ; variables fns tem all-variables answ
893 ; coords
894 ; newvar coord-eqns solu other-monoms other-variables)
896 ; "takes as arguments a list of polys f1,f2,..each of which is linear in
897 ; some variable. It collects these linear variables and then completes
898 ; them to get a list up to the dimension of the space. (f1,f2, ..
899 ; fm,xi1,xi2,..) is then the set of coordinates, and it calculates the
900 ; inverse of this set. It returns the open with inequality gg and coord
901 ; (f1,...) and inverse These are to become the first nwhich are to be the
902 ; first in the list of coordinates of some open. It then completes the
903 ; list of "
904 ; (setq variables
905 ; (loop for v in eqns
906 ; collecting (setq tem (any-linearp v gg))
907 ; when (null tem) do
908 ; (merror "this equation contains no linear " (sh v))))
909 ; (setq other-variables (loop for v in *xxx*
910 ; for i below dim
911 ; when (not (member v variables :test #'eq))
912 ; collecting v))
913 ; (setq all-variables (append variables other-variables))
914 ; (setq other-monoms
915 ; (loop for v in other-variables
916 ; collecting (list v 1 1)))
917 ; (setq newvar (unused-variables dim))
918 ; (setq coord-eqns (loop for v in (setq coords (append eqns other-monoms))
919 ; for u in newvar
920 ; collecting (pdifference v (list u 1 1))))
921 ; (setq solu (solve-simple-system (mapcar 'function-numerator coord-eqns) all-variables
922 ; :invertible gg))
923 ;; (setq solu (loop for v in all-variables
924 ;; for eqn in coord-eqns
925 ;; collecting (linear-poly-solve eqn v)))
926 ;; (setq solu (gen-psublis other-variables (nthcdr (length eqns) newvar) solu))
927 ; (setq solu (gen-psublis newvar *xxx* solu))
928 ; (setq fns (make-list dim))
929 ; (setq fns (loop for v in all-variables
930 ; for f in solu
931 ; collecting (nth (find-position-in-list v *xxx*) solu)))
932 ; (loop for v in all-variables
933 ; for f in solu
934 ; do (setf (nth (find-position-in-list v *xxx*) fns) f))
935 ; (setq answ (make-zopen coord
936 ; (construct-rmap coords) inv (construct-rmap fns) inequality gg))
937 ; (cond (check-inverse (check-zopen-inv answ)))
938 ; answ)
941 (defun check-zopen-inv (zopen &aux ma)
942 (setq ma (compose-rmap (zopen-inv zopen) (zopen-coord zopen)))
943 (loop for v in (rmap-fns ma)
944 for u in *xxx*
945 when (not (eql (caar v) u))
946 do (return (merror "not the inverse")))
947 'ok)
949 (defun solve-simple-system (eqns variables
950 &key (invertible 1) &aux used-up simpl-eqns
951 (all (copy-list eqns)) tem v)
952 (setq simpl-eqns
953 (loop while all
954 do (setq v (car all))
955 when (setq tem (any-linearp v invertible :among-variables variables))
956 do (setq all (replace-functions all v tem :invertible-g invertible))
957 (setq used-up (cons v (replace-functions
958 used-up v tem :invertible-g invertible)))
959 finally (return (append used-up all))))
960 (loop for v in variables
961 collecting
962 (loop for w in simpl-eqns
963 when (eql (pdegree w v) 1)
964 ;;(poly-linearp w v invertible) the variables get replaced
965 do (return (linear-poly-solve w v)))))
967 (defun normalize-zopen (zopen eqns &key inequality data &aux op answ)
968 ; (declare (values norm-open data))
969 (cond ((null inequality) (setq inequality (zopen-inequality zopen))))
970 (setq op (make-normal-zopen eqns (zopen-dim zopen) inequality ))
971 (setq answ (copy-list zopen))
972 (set-slots answ zopen- coord (compose-rmap (zopen-coord op) (zopen-coord zopen))
973 inv (compose-rmap (zopen-inv zopen) (zopen-inv op))
974 inequality (function-numerator (apply-rmap (zopen-inv op) inequality)))
975 (cond (data (setq data (apply-rmap (zopen-inv op) data))))
976 (values answ data))
979 (defun normalize-zopen-in-pls (pls zopen-number eqns
980 &key copy &aux new-open opens open lis-dat MAPL )
982 (cond (copy (setq pls (copy-tree pls)))
983 (t (setq pls (copy-list-structure pls))))
984 (setq opens (pls-opens pls))
985 (setq open (nth zopen-number opens))
986 (setq lis-dat (nth zopen-number (pls-data pls)))
987 (setq new-open (normalize-zopen open eqns))
988 (setq MAPL (find-ring-map open new-open))
989 (setf (nth zopen-number opens) new-open)
990 (setf (nth zopen-number (pls-data pls))
991 (apply-rmap MAPL lis-dat))
992 pls)
993 (defun copy-list-structure (expr)
994 (cond ((atom expr) expr)
995 ((member (car expr) '(zopens pre-ldata-sheaves rmap s-var ldata) :test #'eq)
996 (copy-list expr))
997 (t (loop for v on expr
998 do (setf (car v) (copy-list-structure (car v)))))))
1000 ;(defun open-all-refinement ( list-eqns open-g )
1001 ; (loop for v in list-eqns
1002 ; when (setq tem (all-linearp v open-g))
1003 ; collecting v into lin-eqns
1004 ; collecting lin-vars into lin-vars
1005 ; else
1006 ; collecting v into fns
1007 ; collecting (setq tem (gm-all-prepared v :inequal open-g)) into prep-vars
1008 ; finally
1009 ; (loop for v in prep-vars
1010 ; for w in fns when (null v)do (fsignal "Not gm-prepared ~A" w))
1012 ;;(setq vtree (gm-all-prepared (st-rat #$x*y+x^2*w+s*t+1$)))
1013 ;((#:S #:W #:Y . OK) (#:S #:Y #:W . OK)
1014 ; (#:T #:W #:Y . OK)
1015 ; (#:T #:Y #:W . OK)
1016 ; (#:W #:S #:Y . OK)
1017 ; (#:W #:T #:Y . OK)
1018 ; (#:W #:Y #:S . OK)
1019 ; (#:W #:Y #:T . OK)
1020 ; (#:Y #:S #:W . OK)
1021 ; (#:Y #:T #:W . OK)
1022 ; (#:Y #:W #:S . OK)
1023 ; (#:Y #:W #:T . OK))
1024 ;;now check refinements wrt to different ones for lower complexity
1025 ;;will get for each f a list of lists of cofs that need inverting to make
1026 ;;covering. We can factor them and use eliminate-larger to find the best
1027 ;;cove;
1030 ;;should return an open cover such that the functions are all linear
1031 ;;they should start out well prepared. You shortest such covering
1032 ;;Note some functions depend on the fact that the first
1033 ;;element returned by best-open-cover is the function itself and
1034 (defun best-open-cover (list-fns open-g &aux tem inv-list prep-fns)
1035 (cond ((all-linearp list-fns open-g)
1036 (list open-g))
1037 (t (setq prep-fns (loop for v in list-fns
1038 when (setq tem (gm-prepared v :inequal open-g))
1039 collecting v ))
1040 (cond ((eql (length prep-fns) 1)
1041 (best-open-cover1 prep-fns open-g))
1042 (t (loop for v in prep-fns
1044 (show v)
1045 (setq tem ( best-open-cover1 (list v) open-g))
1046 (setq inv-list
1047 (loop for gg in tem
1048 appending
1049 (best-open-cover (delete v (copy-list prep-fns) :test #'equal)
1050 (sftimes open-g gg))))
1051 (show inv-list)
1052 (setq inv-list (eliminate-multiples inv-list))
1053 collecting inv-list into possible
1054 minimize (length inv-list) into min
1055 do (show min)
1057 finally
1058 (return
1059 (loop for v in possible
1060 when (eql (length v) min)
1061 do (return v)))))))))
1063 (defun eliminate-multiples (list-fns &key (square-free t) &aux tem facts)
1064 (setq facts (loop for v in list-fns
1065 collecting (setq tem (non-constant-factors v))
1066 when square-free
1067 do (loop for v on tem by #'cddr do (setf (second v) 1))))
1068 (mapcar #'multiply-out-factorization (eliminate-larger facts :test 'a-factor)))
1070 ;;this works for a list of one function..
1071 (defun best-open-cover1 (list-fns open-g &aux tem compl-tem the-prep-fns answ possible-refs lis-prep-cofs lis-prep-var)
1072 (loop for f in list-fns
1073 when (any-linearp f open-g)
1074 collecting f into lins
1075 else collecting f into prep-fns
1076 finally (setq the-prep-fns prep-fns)
1077 (setq lis-prep-var
1078 (loop for f in prep-fns
1079 collecting (nsubst nil 'ok (gm-all-prepared f :inequal open-g))))
1081 (setq lis-prep-cofs
1082 (loop for f in prep-fns
1083 for lis in lis-prep-var
1084 collecting
1085 (loop for varl in lis
1086 collecting
1087 (loop for v in varl
1088 collecting
1089 (setq tem (non-constant-factors (pcoeff f (list v 1 1 ))))
1090 do (loop for v on tem by #'cddr
1091 do (setf (second v) 1)))))))
1092 (setq possible-refs (all-perms lis-prep-cofs))
1093 (loop for v in possible-refs
1094 collecting (setq tem (eliminate-larger v :test 'a-factor)) into facts
1095 minimize (length tem) into min
1096 finally
1097 (loop for v in facts
1098 for i from 0
1099 when (eql (length v) min)
1100 collecting(setq compl-tem (cons i (gen-pcomplexity tem))) into compl
1101 minimize (cdr compl-tem) into min-compl
1102 finally (loop for v in compl-tem
1103 when (eq (cdr compl-tem) min-compl)
1104 ;;return the factors for refinement
1105 do (return (setq answ(nth (car compl-tem) facts))))))
1106 (loop for w in (append the-prep-fns (mapcar 'multiply-out-factorization answ))
1107 collecting (nplcm open-g w)))
1109 (defun all-perms (list-lists)
1110 (cond ((eql (length list-lists) 1) (car list-lists))
1111 (t (loop for v in (car list-lists)
1112 appending
1113 (loop for w in (all-perms (cdr list-lists))
1114 collecting
1115 (append v w))))))
1117 (defun open-refinement (zopen gmprep-poly m &aux mzopens next-open cofs)
1118 "Will return m+1 opens covering the zopen. It is gm-prepared wrt the
1119 inequality g of zopen."
1120 (let* ((gg (zopen-inequality zopen))
1121 (vari (gm-prepared gmprep-poly :m m :inequal gg)))
1122 (check-arg zopen (eq (car zopen) 'zopen) "a zopen")
1123 (check-arg gmprep-poly affine-polynomialp "poly")
1124 (setq cofs (loop for v in vari
1125 collecting (pcoeff gmprep-poly (list v 1 1))))
1126 (setq mzopens
1127 (loop
1128 for cof in cofs
1129 collecting
1130 (zl-copy-structure zopen
1131 zopen- inequality (nplcm cof gg)
1132 coord (zopen-coord zopen)
1133 inv (zopen-inv zopen))))
1134 (setq next-open
1136 (zl-copy-structure zopen zopen- inequality (nplcm gg
1137 gmprep-poly)))
1138 (cons next-open mzopens)))
1140 ;(defun ldata-refinement (ldata gmprep-poly m &key (inequality 1)
1141 ; &aux all-ldata cofs)
1142 ; "Will return m ldata covering the zopen. It is gm-prepared wrt the
1143 ; inequality g of zopen."
1144 ; (let* ((gg (nplcm inequality (ldata-inequality ldata)))
1145 ;; (m (length (any-gm-prepared gmprep-poly gg)))
1146 ; (vari (gm-prepared gmprep-poly :m m :inequal gg)))
1147 ; (check-arg gmprep-poly affine-polynomialp "poly")
1148 ; (setq cofs (loop for v in vari
1149 ; collecting (pcoeff gmprep-poly (list v 1 1))))
1150 ; (setq all-ldata
1151 ; (loop
1152 ; for cof in cofs
1153 ; collecting
1154 ; (copy-structure ldata
1155 ; ldata- inequality (nplcm cof gg))))
1156 ; all-ldata))
1158 (defun ldata-refinement (ldata gmprep-poly m &key (inequality 1)
1159 &aux all-ldata cofs)
1160 "Will return m ldata covering the ldata. The open-gs can
1161 be used as the open number for the simplification."
1162 ; (declare (values all-data open-gs))
1163 (let* (;;(gg (nplcm inequality (ldata-inequality ldata)))
1164 ; (m (length (any-gm-prepared gmprep-poly gg)))
1165 (vari (gm-prepared gmprep-poly :m m :inequal inequality)))
1166 (check-arg gmprep-poly affine-polynomialp "poly")
1167 (setq cofs (loop for v in vari
1168 collecting (pcoeff gmprep-poly (list v 1 1))))
1169 (eliminate-multiples cofs)
1170 (setq cofs (mapcar 'square-free cofs))
1171 (setq all-ldata
1172 (loop
1173 for cof in cofs
1174 collecting
1175 (zl-copy-structure ldata
1176 ldata- inequality (nplcm cof (ldata-inequality ldata)))))
1177 (values all-ldata cofs)))
1179 ;(defun ldata-refinement (ldata gmprep-poly m &key (inequality 1)
1180 ; &aux all-ldata cofs)
1181 ; "Will return m ldata covering the ldata. The open-gs can
1182 ; be used as the open number for the simplification."
1183 ; (declare (values all-data open-gs))
1184 ; (check-arg gmprep-poly affine-polynomialp "poly")
1185 ; (setq cofs (best-open-cover gmprep-poly inequality))
1186 ; (iassert (may-invertp gmprep-poly (car cofs)))
1187 ; (setq cofs (cdr cofs))
1188 ; (setq all-ldata
1189 ; (loop
1190 ; for cof in cofs
1191 ; collecting
1192 ; (copy-structure ldata
1193 ; ldata- inequality (sftimes cof (ldata-inequality ldata)))))
1194 ; (values all-ldata cofs))
1195 ;;; the following would have been empty:
1196 ; (setq next-ld
1197 ; (copy-structure ldata ldata- inequality (nplcm gg
1198 ; gmprep-poly)))
1199 ; (cons next-ld all-ldata)))
1201 ;;want s-var-ldata-simplifications to take
1202 ;;a pre-ldata-sheaves and simplify it.
1203 ;; this may involve adding more opens if we meet m-prepared's in
1204 ;;the ldata, it will return a pre-ldata-sheaves
1206 ;;notes add an argument to (ldata-simplifications ldata gg)
1207 ;;to allow passing the gg from the current open. The
1208 ;;computation of the mpreprared should be wrt that gg.
1209 ;;still have to modify the ldata-simplifications to return
1210 ;; in *stop-simplify* the mprepared fn and m. (and to stop work )
1212 (defun simplify-svar-ldata (pls &key keep-opens-with-empty-ldata
1213 (check-containment t)
1214 (set-ldata-inequalities-to-one t)
1215 (refine-opens t)
1216 (keep-history t) opens-not-to-simplify &aux simped-ld w refs
1217 ;;to make the gm-prepared
1218 (*refine-opens* refine-opens)
1219 some-ld gg a-list answ)
1220 (setq pls (copy-list-structure pls))
1221 (loop for i in opens-not-to-simplify
1222 collecting (nth i (pls-opens pls)) into tem
1223 finally (setq opens-not-to-simplify tem))
1224 (let ((svar (pls-s-var pls))
1225 (data (pls-data pls))
1226 (*inside-simplify-svar-ldata* t))
1227 (setq a-list (loop for op in (sv-zopens svar )
1228 for dl in data
1229 collecting (cons op dl)))
1230 (loop for v on a-list
1231 for ii from 0
1233 (setq w (car v))
1234 (format t "~%Open Number : ~A"(find-position-in-list (car w) (pls-opens pls)))
1235 (setq gg (zopen-inequality (car w)))
1236 (setq *stop-simplify* nil)
1237 when (not (member (car w) opens-not-to-simplify :test #'equal))
1239 (loop for ld on (cdr w)
1240 do (setq some-ld (LDATA-SIMPLIFICATIONS (car ld) :open-g gg))
1241 ; (des (car w))
1242 appending some-ld into tem
1243 when *stop-simplify*
1245 (show *stop-simplify*)
1247 ;;set v so that (cdr v) will be the rest of
1248 ;;the pairs (zopen . (list ldata1 ldata2..))
1249 (setq refs (open-refinement (car w) (first *stop-simplify*)
1250 (second *stop-simplify*)))
1251 (format t "~%Refining open number ~D into ~D opens with inequalities ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/"
1252 (find-position-in-list (car w) (pls-opens pls))
1253 (length refs) (loop for v in refs collecting
1254 (zopen-inequality v)))
1255 (iassert (not (null *refine-opens*)))
1256 (loop for vv in tem do (check-arg vv (eq (car vv)'ldata) "an ldata"))
1257 (setq v (cons nil
1258 (append
1259 (loop for open in refs
1260 collecting (cons open
1261 (copy-tree (append tem
1262 (cdr ld)))))
1263 (cdr v))))
1264 (return 'stopped)
1265 finally (setq simped-ld
1266 (delete-redundant-ldata tem :ignore-ldata-inequalities t
1267 :gg (zopen-inequality
1268 (car w)))))
1269 (show (length v))
1270 else do (setq simped-ld (cdr w))
1271 when (and (null *stop-simplify*) (or (member (car w) opens-not-to-simplify :test #'equal)
1272 keep-opens-with-empty-ldata simped-ld))
1274 (cond (simped-ld
1275 (setq simped-ld (delete-redundant-ldata
1276 simped-ld :gg (zopen-inequality (car w))))
1278 (cond (check-containment
1279 (check-component-containment (cdr w)
1280 simped-ld
1281 (zopen-inequality (car w)))))))
1285 collecting
1286 (car w) into opens
1288 collecting simped-ld into ldata-list
1289 finally
1290 (return (setq answ (make-pre-ldata-sheaves
1291 :s-var (make-s-var :zopens opens)
1292 :data ldata-list)))))
1293 (cond (set-ldata-inequalities-to-one
1294 (set-inequalities-to-one answ) answ))
1295 (cond (keep-history (add-pls-zopen-history answ)))
1296 answ)
1299 (defmacro desn (x)
1300 `(let (*give-coordinates*)
1301 (des ,x)))
1303 ;(defun set-inequalities-to-one (lis)
1304 ; (cond ((atom lis) lis)
1305 ; ((eq (car lis) 'ldata) (setf (ldata-inequality lis) 1))
1306 ; (t
1307 ; (loop for v on lis while (not (atom v))
1309 ; do (set-inequalities-to-one v)))))
1311 ;(defun set-inequalities-to-one (lis)
1312 ; (cond ((listp lis)
1313 ; (cond ((and (listp lis)(eq (car lis) 'ldata))
1314 ; (setf (ldata-inequality lis) 1))
1315 ; (t
1316 ; (loop for v in lis
1317 ; do
1318 ; (set-inequalities-to-one v)))))))
1319 (defun set-inequalities-to-one (form)
1320 (cond ((null form) nil)
1321 ((atom form ) form)
1322 ((eq (car form ) 'ldata)
1323 (setf (ldata-inequality form) 1)
1324 form)
1325 (t (do ((r form (cdr r)))
1326 ((not (consp r)) form)
1327 (setf (car r) (set-inequalities-to-one (car r))))
1328 form)))
1330 (defvar *signal-component-error* nil)
1332 (defun check-component-containment (orig-ldata-list list-ldat &optional (open-g 1) &aux bad-components
1333 answ unit (use-ldata-inverse t) gg)
1334 (cond ((null open-g) (setq open-g 1)))
1335 (cond ((ldatap orig-ldata-list)(setq orig-ldata-list (list orig-ldata-list))))
1336 (loop for v in list-ldat
1337 for i from 0
1339 (loop for ld in orig-ldata-list
1340 when use-ldata-inverse
1341 do(setq gg (plcm open-g (ldata-inequality v)))
1342 else do (setq gg open-g)
1344 (multiple-value-setq
1345 (answ unit)(grobner-subset (ldata-eqns ld) (ldata-eqns v) gg))
1346 when unit do (format t "~%**The component is empty***")
1347 when (or unit answ)
1349 (format t "~% Component ~D verified:" i) (des v) (return 'ok)
1352 finally (push i bad-components)
1353 (format t "**The component ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/ ~%does not contain the original data***** " v)
1354 (cond (*signal-component-error* (fsignal "not contained" v)))))
1355 bad-components)
1357 (defun check-components-contain-original (ldata list-ldat &aux bad-components answ)
1358 (loop for v in list-ldat
1359 for i from 0
1361 (setq answ (catch 'took-too-long (grobner-remember (ldata-eqns v))))
1363 (loop for u in (ldata-eqns ldata)
1364 when (not ($zerop (polysimp u)))
1365 do (mshow u (polysimp u))
1367 (format t "**The ideal: ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/ ~%does not contain the original one *** : ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/"
1368 v ldata)
1369 (push-new i bad-components)
1370 (return (break t)))
1371 (format t "~% Component ~D verified:" i)
1372 (des v))
1373 (cond (bad-components (format t "~%All but components ~A contained the originals." bad-components)))
1374 bad-components)
1376 (defun variable-doesnt-occur (var &rest lists-fns)
1377 (loop for v in lists-fns
1378 when (member var (list-variables v :test #'eq))
1379 do (return nil)
1380 finally (return t)))
1382 ;(defun simplify-svar-ldata (pls &aux simped-dat-list some-ld gg ref the-partial-ldat answ)
1383 ; (let ((svar (pls-s-var pls))
1384 ; (data (pls-data pls))
1385 ; ( *inside-simplify-svar-ldata* t))
1386 ; (loop for op on (sv-zopens svar)
1387 ; for dat-list on data
1388 ; do
1389 ; (show op)
1390 ; (show dat-list)
1391 ; (setq gg (zopen-inequality (car op)))
1392 ; (show gg)
1393 ; (setq *stop-simplify* nil)
1394 ; (loop for ld in (car dat-list)
1395 ; do (setq some-ld (ldata-simplifications ld gg ))
1396 ; when (null *stop-simplify*)
1397 ; appending some-ld into tem
1398 ; else
1399 ; do
1400 ; (setq ref (apply 'refinement
1401 ; (cons (car op) *stop-simplify*)))
1402 ; (setq op (cons nil (append ref (cdr op))))
1403 ; (setq the-partial-ldat (append tem some-ld (cdr ld)))
1404 ; (setq dat-list (cons nil (append
1405 ; (make-list (length ref)
1406 ; :initial-value
1407 ; the-partial-ldat)
1408 ; (cdr dat-list))))
1409 ; (show dat-list)
1410 ; (return 'stopped)
1411 ; finally (setq simped-dat-list tem)(show simped-dat-list))
1412 ; ;;otherwise the open will be picked up next trip through the loop
1413 ; when (null *stop-simplify*)
1414 ; collecting (car op) into ops
1415 ; and
1416 ; collecting simped-dat-list into dats
1417 ; finally (return (setq answ (make-pre-ldata-sheaves :s-var
1418 ; (make-s-var zopens ops)
1419 ; data dats)))))
1420 ; answ)
1422 ;;the following is for converting back things which have been dumped to file.
1423 ;;or after we have reset the genvar
1424 (defun replace-rmaps-by-new-ones (form)
1425 (cond ((null form) nil)
1426 ((atom form ) form)
1427 ((eq (car form ) 'rmap)
1428 (convert-rmap-to-new form))
1429 (t (do ((r form (cdr r)))
1430 ((not (consp r)) form)
1431 (setf (car r) (replace-rmaps-by-new-ones (car r)))))))
1433 (defun rerat (form)
1434 (cond ((null form) nil)
1435 ((and (symbolp form)
1436 (not (member form '(ldata s-var zopens rmap zopen pre-ldata-sheaves
1437 quote inequality eqns) :test #'eq)))
1438 (add-newvar (intern (string-append "$" (string form)))))
1439 (t (do ((r form (cdr r)))
1440 ((not (consp r)) form)
1441 (setf (car r) (rerat (car r)))))))
1444 ;(setq pl
1445 ;(construct-pre-ldata-sheaves :s-var
1446 ; (make-s-var :zopens (list (affine-open (firstn 2 *xxx*) )))
1447 ; :data (list (list
1448 ; (make-ldata :eqns
1449 ; (loop for v in '(1 2)
1450 ; collecting (nth v (grobner-monomials #$[x1,x2]$ 3)))
1452 ; inequality 1)))))
1455 ;(setq test
1456 ; (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves
1457 ; :s-var
1458 ; (make-s-var zopens (list (affine-open (firstn 8 *xxx*) #$1$)))
1459 ; :data (list (list
1460 ; (make-ldata eqns (st-rat
1461 ; #$[x1*x2+1+x3*x4,x3^2+x1^2]$)
1462 ; inequality 1)))))
1464 (defun affine-svar (&key dim eqns (inequality 1) (ld-inequality 1) list-ldata)
1465 (cond ((null list-ldata)
1466 (setq list-ldata (list (make-ldata :eqns eqns :inequality ld-inequality)))))
1467 (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves
1468 :s-var
1469 (make-s-var :zopens (list (affine-open (subseq *xxx* 0 dim) inequality)))
1470 :data (list list-ldata)))
1472 (defun affine-ldata (n eqns inequality)
1473 (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves
1474 :s-var
1475 (make-s-var :zopens (list (affine-open (subseq *xxx* 0 n) inequality)))
1476 :data (list (list
1477 (make-ldata :eqns eqns
1478 :inequality inequality)))))
1482 (defmacro for-editor (&body body)
1483 `(let ((linel 75)
1484 $display2d)
1485 ,@ body))
1488 (defmacro desn-editor (expr &aux me)
1489 (setq me `(setq ,expr (rerat (quote ,(symbol-value expr)))))
1490 (for-editor (desn (symbol-value expr)))
1491 (format t "~A" me)
1492 (values ))
1494 (defun change-strings-to-symbols (tree)
1495 (cond ((stringp tree) (make-symbol tree))
1496 ((atom tree) tree)
1498 (loop for v on tree
1499 do (setf (car v) (change-strings-to-symbols (car v)))
1500 finally (return tree)))))
1503 (defun des-file (expr file-name)
1504 (with-open-file (st file-name :direction :output)
1505 (let ((linel 75)(*standard-output* st)
1506 $display2d)
1507 (des expr ))))
1510 ;(defmacro des-editor (expr &optional slash &aux me)
1511 ; (setq me `(setq ,expr (rerat (quote ,(eval expr)))))
1512 ; (time:print-current-time)
1513 ; (for-editor (des (symbol-value expr)))
1514 ; (cond (slash
1515 ; (format t "~%~s" me))
1516 ; (t (format t "~%~a" me)))
1517 ; (values ))
1520 (defun sh-comp (com)
1521 (loop for v in (car com )do (format t "~%~A" v)))
1523 ;(defun des-editor (expr)
1524 ; (for-editor (format t "~A" expr)))
1525 ;(defun find-map (open1 open2 &aux answ)
1526 ; "produces a map so that g so that g(coord open1) = (coord open2)"
1527 ; (let ((subs (subs-for-psublis *xxx* (rmap-fns (zopen-inv open1))))
1528 ; (coord2 (zopen-coord open2)))
1529 ; (setq answ (loop for v in (rmap-fns coord2)
1530 ; collecting (psublis subs 1 v) into tem
1531 ; finally (return (make-rmap fns tem denom
1532 ; (psublis subs 1 (rmap-denom coord2))))))
1533 ; (setq answ (reduce-rational-map answ))))
1535 (defun find-ring-map (from-open to-open)
1536 (compose-rmap (zopen-coord from-open) (zopen-inv to-open)))
1540 (defun translate-component (from-open to-open ldata &key pls &aux MAPL )
1541 (cond (pls
1542 (setq to-open (nth to-open (pls-opens pls)))
1543 (setq ldata (nth ldata (nth from-open (pls-data pls))))
1544 (setq from-open (nth from-open (pls-opens pls)))))
1545 (show (car ldata))
1546 (cond ((equal from-open to-open) ldata)
1548 (setq MAPL (find-ring-map from-open to-open))
1549 (show (length (ldata-eqns ldata)))
1550 (apply-rmap MAPL ldata))))
1552 ;(defun translate-component-and-reduce (from-open to-open ldata
1553 ; &aux *refine-opens* hh gg red-transl transl map )
1554 ; (setq map (find-ring-map from-open to-open))
1555 ; (setq transl (apply-rmap map ldata))
1556 ; (setq red-transl (ldata-simplifications transl
1557 ; (setq gg (zopen-inequality to-open))))
1558 ; (show red-transl)
1559 ; (setq hh (nplcm (rmap-denom map) gg))
1560 ; (setq hh (nplcm (function-numerator (apply-rmap map (zopen-inequality from-open)))
1561 ; hh))
1563 ; (loop for v in red-transl
1564 ; when (not (unit-idealp (ldata-eqns v) hh))
1565 ; collecting v into tem
1566 ; finally (return (cond ((> (length tem) 1)
1567 ; (format t
1568 ; "~%The image had two components meet the intersection.")
1569 ; (des tem) (break 'two))
1570 ; ((= (length tem) 1) (car tem))
1571 ; (t nil)))))
1573 (defun sftimes (f g)
1574 (square-free (ptimes f g)))
1577 ;;;works
1578 (defun apply-rmap-to-square-free-factors (mapl pol &aux answ)
1579 (let ((facts (non-constant-factors pol)))
1580 (cond ((null facts) (cons pol 1))
1582 (loop named sue
1583 for v in facts by #'cddr
1584 collecting v into tem
1585 finally (setq answ (apply-rmap mapl tem))
1586 (loop for v in answ
1587 with answer = (cons 1 1)
1588 do (setq answer (rattimes answer v t))
1589 finally (return-from sue answer)))))))
1591 ;;;did not need to compute the translated ldata except on the intersection
1592 (defun translate-component-and-reduce (from-open to-open ldata &key (use-inverse-inequal t)
1593 &aux *refine-opens* hh gg red-transl answ
1594 inv inv-denom transl MAPL )
1595 ; (declare (values ldata intersection-inequality-on-to-open))
1596 (setq MAPL (find-ring-map from-open to-open))
1597 (process-sleep 20)
1598 (setq gg (zopen-inequality to-open))
1599 (cond (use-inverse-inequal
1600 (setq inv (find-ring-map to-open from-open))
1601 (setq inv-denom (function-numerator (apply-rmap-to-square-free-factors
1602 MAPL (rmap-denom inv))))
1603 (setq hh (sftimes gg inv-denom))
1604 (process-sleep 20))
1605 (t (setq hh gg)))
1607 (setq transl (apply-rmap MAPL ldata))
1608 (setq hh (sftimes (rmap-denom MAPL) hh))
1609 (setq hh (sftimes (function-numerator (apply-rmap MAPL (zopen-inequality from-open)))
1610 hh))
1611 ;;calculate on open intersection (possibly using the inv-denom !!)
1612 (setq red-transl (ldata-simplifications transl :open-g hh))
1613 (show red-transl)
1614 (setq answ
1615 (loop for v in red-transl
1616 when (not (unit-idealp (ldata-eqns v) hh))
1617 collecting v into tem
1618 finally (return (cond ((> (length tem) 1)
1619 (format t
1620 "~%The image had two components meet the intersection.")
1621 (des tem) (fsignal 'two-components))
1622 ((= (length tem) 1) (car tem))
1623 (t nil)))))
1624 (values answ hh))
1626 ;(defun translate-reduced-component-and-reduce (from-open to-open ldata &aux leng)
1627 ; (multiple-value-bind ( answ hh)
1628 ; (translate-component-and-reduce from-open to-open ldata
1629 ; :use-inverse-inequal nil)
1630 ; (show answ)
1631 ; (cond ((null answ) (values answ hh))
1632 ; ((equal leng (length (ldata-eqns ldata)))
1633 ; (cond ((null use-inverse-inequal)
1635 ; (translate-component-and-reduce from-open to-open ldata
1636 ; :use-inverse-inequal t
1637 ; ))))
1638 ; (t (values answ hh)))))
1640 (defun ldata-codim (ldata)
1641 (length (ldata-eqns ldata)))
1642 ;;to hell with the expense: use translate the correct intersection inequality.
1643 (defun translate-reduced-component-and-reduce (from-open to-open ldata
1644 &key homogeneous-ldata-on-to-open
1645 &aux answer int-transl
1646 contract simp-contract)
1647 (multiple-value-bind ( answ hh)
1648 (translate-component-and-reduce from-open to-open ldata
1649 :use-inverse-inequal t)
1650 (cond ((null answ)(values answ hh))
1652 (setq
1653 answer
1654 (cond ((or
1655 (linear-solvedp (ldata-eqns answ))
1656 (linear-ldatap answ :open-g (zopen-inequality to-open)))
1657 answ)
1658 (t (setq contract
1659 (contract-ideal-localization (ldata-eqns answ)
1660 hh))
1661 (mshow contract)
1662 (setq simp-contract (simplify-ldata (make-ldata :eqns contract)
1663 :open-g
1664 (zopen-inequality to-open)))
1665 (cond ((null simp-contract) (values simp-contract hh))
1666 ((> (length simp-contract) 2)
1667 (loop for v in simp-contract
1668 when (and (null (unit-idealp (ldata-eqns v) hh))
1669 (equal (ldata-codim v)
1670 (ldata-codim ldata)))
1671 collecting v into some-ld
1672 finally (cond ((> (length some-ld) 1)
1673 (fsignal "Too many components"))
1674 ((eql (length some-ld) 1)
1675 (car some-ld))
1676 (t nil))))
1677 (t (setq simp-contract (car simp-contract)))))))
1678 (cond ((not (equal (length (ldata-eqns answer))
1679 (length (ldata-eqns ldata))))
1680 (cond ((null *query-user*)
1681 (throw 'new-choice nil))
1682 (homogeneous-ldata-on-to-open
1683 (setq int-transl
1684 (intersect-ldata homogeneous-ldata-on-to-open
1685 answ :open-g hh))
1686 (fsignal "Wrong dimension or not complete intersection ~
1687 look at the value of int-transl "))
1688 (t (setq answer answ)))
1690 ))))
1691 (cond ((and *query-user* answer
1692 (loop for v in (ldata-eqns answer)
1693 when (not (or (any-linearp v (zopen-inequality to-open))
1694 (gm-prepared v :inequal (zopen-inequality to-open))))
1695 do (return 'bad)))
1696 (fsignal "not linear or well prepared on to open")))
1697 (values answer hh)))
1699 ;(defun translate-reduced-component (from-open to-open ldata pls
1700 ; &key( break-bad-component t)
1701 ; &aux map gg hh answer
1702 ; image answ cont unit *stop-simplify*)
1703 ; "Takes eqns (which one might want to turn into coordinates) and translates them
1704 ; around to the other opens. For example if one had an ldata of some one open
1705 ; and wanted to blow it up one would need the translates of this, before blowing up."
1708 ; (cond ((eq from-open to-open) ldata)
1709 ; (t
1710 ; (setq to-open (nth to-open (pls-opens pls)))
1711 ; (setq from-open (nth from-open (pls-opens pls)))
1712 ; (setq hh (zopen-inequality to-open ))
1713 ; (setq gg (zopen-inequality from-open ))
1714 ; (cond ((ldatap ldata) nil)
1715 ; (t (setq ldata (make-ldata :eqns ldata :inequality
1716 ; 1 ))))
1717 ; (setq map (find-ring-map from-open to-open))
1718 ; (setq image (apply-rmap map ldata))
1719 ; (setq gg (function-numerator (apply-rmap map gg)))
1720 ; (setq hh (nplcm hh gg))
1721 ; (setq hh (nplcm (rmap-denom map) hh))
1722 ; (setq answ (ldata-simplifications image))
1723 ; (loop for v in answ
1724 ; do (multiple-value
1725 ; (cont unit)
1726 ; (grobner-subset (ldata-eqns v)
1727 ; (ldata-eqns image)
1728 ; hh))
1729 ; (cond (unit (format t "%intersection is empty") (return 'empty))
1730 ; (cont (return (setq answer v))))
1731 ; finally (cond (answ (return
1732 ; (cond (break-bad-component
1733 ; (merror "bad-comp")
1734 ; (break 'bad-component))
1735 ; (t (format t "****Bad component: not trivial****")))))))
1736 ; answer)))
1740 (defun ldata-subset (ld ldd)
1741 (grobner-subset (ldata-eqns ld) (ldata-eqns ldd) (ldata-inequality ldd)))
1743 ;(defun test (pl n m l &aux opens im (ldata (nth n (nth m (pls-data pl)))))
1744 ; (setq opens (pls-opens pl))
1745 ; (setq im (translate-component (nth m opens) (nth l opens) ldata))
1746 ;; (setq denom (apply-rmap ma (rmap-denom (coord
1747 ; (loop for ld in (nth l (pls-data pl))
1748 ; when (grobner-subset ld im)
1749 ; do (format t "image is:") (shl im)
1750 ; (format t" containing")(des ld)
1751 ; (des (nth l (pls-data pl)))))
1754 (defun pls-ldata (pls OPEN &key ldata-number &aux answer)
1755 "Gets the list of ldata corresponding to OPEN"
1756 (cond ((numberp open)(setq open (nth open (pls-opens pls)))))
1757 (check-arg open (eq (car open) 'zopen) "an open")
1758 (setq answer (loop for v in (pls-opens pls)
1759 for w in (pls-data pls)
1760 when (equal open v)
1761 do (return w)))
1762 (cond (ldata-number (nth ldata-number answer))
1763 (t answer)))
1765 ;(defun function-numerator (f)
1766 ; (cond ((affine-polynomialp f) f)
1767 ; ((rational-functionp f) (num f))
1768 ; (t (num (new-rat f)))))
1770 ;(defun match-components (pls nth-open &aux map opens open gg image cont unit answ)
1771 ; (setq opens (pls-opens pls))
1772 ; (setq open (nth nth-open opens))
1773 ; (setq answ
1774 ; (loop for ld in (pls-ldata pls open)
1775 ; for ii from 0
1776 ; collecting
1777 ; (loop for op in opens
1778 ; for i from 0
1779 ; for lis-ld in (pls-data pls)
1780 ; when (not (eql i nth-open))
1781 ; collecting
1782 ; (progn
1783 ; (setq map (find-ring-map open op))
1784 ; (setq image (apply-rmap map ld))
1785 ; (setq gg (function-numerator (apply-rmap map (zopen-inequality open))))
1786 ; (setq gg (plcm (rmap-denom map) gg))
1787 ; (loop for ldd in lis-ld
1788 ; for j from 0
1789 ; do
1790 ; (multiple-value (cont unit)
1791 ; (grobner-subset (ldata-eqns ldd)
1792 ; (ldata-eqns image)
1793 ; (plcm (zopen-inequality op) gg)))
1795 ; (cond (unit
1796 ; (format
1798 ; "~%The intersection with the ~D open is empty."
1799 ; i)))
1800 ; (cond ((and (null unit) cont)
1801 ; (cond ((null (grobner-subset
1802 ; (ldata-eqns image)
1803 ; (ldata-eqns ldd)
1804 ; (plcm (zopen-inequality op) gg)))
1806 ; (merror "containment only one way!!")))))
1807 ; when unit do (return nil)
1808 ; when (and (null unit)cont)
1809 ; collecting (cons i j) into tem
1810 ; finally
1811 ; (cond ((and lis-ld (null tem))
1812 ; (merror "this component not trivial")))
1813 ; (return tem))))))
1814 ; (loop for u in answ
1815 ; do (des (car u))
1816 ; (loop for vv in (cdr u)
1817 ; do
1818 ; (loop for v in vv
1819 ; do
1820 ; (format t
1821 ; "~%on open ~A the ~D component is contained in its image"
1822 ; (car v)(cdr v)))))
1823 ; answ)
1826 (defun union-equal (&rest lists &aux result)
1827 (loop for l in lists do
1828 (loop for w in l do
1829 (pushnew w result :test #'equal)))
1830 (nreverse result))
1832 (defun intersection-equal1 (&rest l)
1833 (cond ((eql (length l) 1) (car l))
1834 (t (apply #'intersection-equal (loop for v in (car l)
1835 when (member v (second l) :test #'equal)
1836 collecting v)
1837 (cddr l)))))
1839 (defun intersectp (a b &key test)
1840 (loop named sue for v in a
1841 do (loop for w in b
1842 when (funcall test v w)
1843 do (return-from sue t))))
1846 ;;;doesn 't work!! eg if str1 is nil
1847 ;(defun build-equivalence-relation1 (str1 str2 &aux str3)
1848 ; (setq str3
1849 ; (loop for v in str1
1850 ; collecting
1851 ; (loop for w in str2
1852 ; when (intersectp v w :test 'equal)
1853 ; appending (union-equal v w) into tem))))
1855 (defun build-equiv (lis &key (test #'equal))
1856 (block sue
1857 (loop for v in lis
1858 do (loop for w in lis
1859 when (and (not (eql v w)) (intersectp v w :test test))
1861 (setq lis (cons (union-equal v w)
1862 (delete w (delete v lis :test #'equal) :test #'equal)))
1863 (return-from sue (build-equiv lis :test test)))
1864 finally (return (mapcar #'union-equal lis)))))
1866 (defun check-equivalence-relation (lis-equiv-classes)
1867 (block sue
1868 (loop for v in lis-equiv-classes
1869 do (loop for w in lis-equiv-classes
1870 when (intersectp v w :test 'equal)
1871 do (cond ((not (eql v w)) (return-from sue nil))))
1872 finally (return t))))
1874 (defun add-zopen-history (zopen n)
1875 (cond ((>= (length zopen) 5)
1876 (zl-copy-structure zopen zopen- history (cons n (zopen-history zopen))))
1877 (t (setq zopen (nconc zopen (copy-list (list nil) )))
1878 (add-zopen-history zopen n))))
1880 (defvar *bad-components* nil)
1882 ;(defun new-match-components (pls open-number)
1883 ; (declare (special str))
1884 ; (loop for ld in (pls-ldata open-number)
1885 ; for ii from 0
1886 ; do
1887 ; (new-match-component pls open-number ii)))
1889 ;(defun new-match-component (pls open ld-number &aux (opens (pls-opens pls)) hh nth-open
1890 ; ok map image gg simped images cont unit *bad-components* ld)
1891 ; (setq nth-open (find-position-in-list opens))
1892 ; (setq ld (pls-ldata 0 :ldata-number ld-number))
1893 ; (loop for op in (pls-opens pls)
1894 ; for i from 0
1895 ; for lis-ld in (pls-data pls)
1896 ; when (equal op open)
1897 ; do (push (cons nth-open ld-number ) str)
1898 ; else
1899 ; do (setq map (find-ring-map op open))
1900 ; (setq image (apply-rmap map ld))
1901 ; (setq gg (function-numerator (apply-rmap map (zopen-inequality open))))
1902 ; (setq gg (plcm (rmap-denom map) gg))
1903 ; (setq images (list image))
1904 ; (setq ok nil)
1905 ; (setq simped nil)
1906 ; (loop while images
1907 ; do (setq image (car images))
1908 ; (setq images (cdr images))
1909 ; (loop for an-ld in lis-ld
1910 ; for j from 0
1911 ; do
1912 ; (multiple-value (cont unit)
1913 ; (grobner-subset (ldata-eqns an-ld)
1914 ; (ldata-eqns image)
1915 ; (setq hh (plcm (zopen-inequality op) gg))))
1916 ; when cont
1917 ; do (setq ok t) (push (cons nth-open j) str)
1918 ; when unit
1919 ; do (push (cons nth-open nil) str)
1920 ; (setq ok t) (return 'empty))
1921 ; finally (cond ((and lis-ld (null ok))
1922 ; (cond ((null simped)
1923 ; (setq images (ldata-simplifications image))
1924 ; (setq simped t)
1925 ; (cond ((equal (ldata-eqns (car images))
1926 ; (ldata-eqns image))
1927 ; (setq images nil))))
1928 ; (t
1930 ; (push (list nth-open i ld-number) *bad-components*)
1931 ; (format t "~%Bad component ~A" (car *bad-components*)))))))))
1933 (defun final-check-contained-in (lis-ld orig-image hh current-open
1934 current-ld-number nth-open
1935 &aux images cont unit *refine-opens*)
1936 (setq images (ldata-simplifications orig-image :open-g hh))
1937 (loop named sue for image in images
1939 (loop for v in lis-ld
1940 for i from 0
1942 (multiple-value (cont unit)
1943 (grobner-subset (ldata-eqns v) (ldata-eqns image) hh))
1944 when unit
1945 do (return 'unit)
1946 when
1947 cont do (cond ((eql (length (ldata-eqns v))
1948 (length (ldata-eqns image)))
1949 (return-from sue (cons current-open i)))
1950 (t (format t "image properly contains zl-SOME part"))))
1952 finally (push (list nth-open current-open
1953 current-ld-number) *bad-components*)
1954 (format t "~%Bad component ~A" (car *bad-components*))
1955 (break t)))
1957 ;(defun match-components (pls nth-open &key check-equal break-on-bad ignore-empty-opens
1958 ; ldata-number &aux map opens open gg hh image cont unit answ found-one str lis-dat rev-cont)
1959 ; (setq opens (pls-opens pls))
1960 ; (setq open (nth nth-open opens))
1961 ; (setq lis-dat (pls-ldata pls open) )
1962 ; (cond (ldata-number (setq lis-dat (list (nth ldata-number lis-dat)))))
1963 ; (setq answ
1964 ; (loop for ld in lis-dat
1965 ; for ii from 0
1966 ; ;;str will be ( (open number . ld number) ...)
1967 ; when ldata-number
1968 ; do (setq str (list (cons nth-open ldata-number)))
1969 ; else
1970 ; do
1971 ; (setq str (list (cons nth-open ii)))
1972 ; do
1973 ; (loop for op in opens
1974 ; for i from 0
1975 ; for lis-ld in (pls-data pls)
1976 ; when (and (not (eql i nth-open)) (or lis-ld (null ignore-empty-opens)))
1977 ; do (setq found-one nil)
1978 ; (progn
1979 ; (setq map (find-ring-map open op))
1980 ; (setq image (apply-rmap map ld))
1981 ; (setq gg (function-numerator (apply-rmap map (zopen-inequality open))))
1982 ; (setq gg (nplcm (rmap-denom map) gg))
1983 ; (loop for ldd in lis-ld
1984 ; for j from 0
1985 ; do
1986 ; (multiple-value (cont unit)
1987 ; (grobner-subset (ldata-eqns ldd)
1988 ; (ldata-eqns image)
1989 ; (setq hh (nplcm (zopen-inequality op) gg))))
1990 ; (cond ((and cont check-equal (null unit))
1991 ; (setq rev-cont (grobner-subset (ldata-eqns ldd)
1992 ; (ldata-eqns image)
1993 ; hh))
1994 ; (cond ((null rev-cont)
1995 ; (cond (break-on-bad (break 'not-equal)))))))
1997 ; (cond (unit
1998 ; (format
2000 ; "~%The intersection with the ~D open is empty."
2001 ; i)))
2002 ;; (cond ((and (null unit) cont)
2003 ;; (cond ((null (grobner-subset
2004 ;; (ldata-eqns image)
2005 ;; (ldata-eqns ldd)
2006 ;; (nplcm (zopen-inequality op) gg)))
2008 ;; (merror "containment only one way!!")))))
2009 ; when unit do (push (cons i nil) str)(setq found-one t)
2010 ; when (and (null unit)cont)
2011 ; do (push (cons i j) str) (setq found-one t)
2012 ; finally
2013 ; (cond ((and lis-ld (null found-one))
2014 ; (push (list nth-open ii i open ld) *bad-components*)
2015 ; (format t "~%*****Bad component..****")
2016 ; (format t " original open and component are:")
2017 ; (des open) (des ld)
2018 ; (format t "%On the image open the components are:")
2019 ; (loop for l in lis-ld do (des l))
2020 ; (format t "while image is :")
2021 ; (des image)
2022 ; (cond (break-on-bad (break t))))
2023 ; ))))
2024 ;; (merror
2025 ; ; "this component not trivial but doesn't seem to be here"))))))
2026 ; collecting str))
2027 ; answ)
2031 (defun match-components (pls nth-open &key check-equal break-on-bad ignore-empty-opens
2032 ldata-number &aux MAPL opens open gg hh tem
2033 image cont unit answ found-one str lis-dat rev-cont)
2034 (setq opens (pls-opens pls))
2035 (setq open (nth nth-open opens))
2036 (setq lis-dat (pls-ldata pls open) )
2037 (cond (ldata-number (setq lis-dat (list (nth ldata-number lis-dat)))))
2038 (setq answ
2039 (loop for ld in lis-dat
2040 for ii from 0
2041 ;;str will be ( (open number . ld number) ...)
2042 when ldata-number
2043 do (setq str (list (cons nth-open ldata-number)))
2044 else
2046 (setq str (list (cons nth-open ii)))
2048 (loop for op in opens
2049 for i from 0
2050 for lis-ld in (pls-data pls)
2051 when (and (not (eql i nth-open)) (or lis-ld (null ignore-empty-opens)))
2052 do (setq found-one nil)
2053 (progn
2054 (setq MAPL (find-ring-map open op))
2055 (setq image (apply-rmap MAPL ld))
2056 (setq gg (function-numerator (apply-rmap MAPL (zopen-inequality open))))
2057 (setq gg (nplcm (rmap-denom MAPL) gg))
2058 (loop for ldd in lis-ld
2059 for j from 0
2061 (multiple-value (cont unit)
2062 (grobner-subset (ldata-eqns ldd)
2063 (ldata-eqns image)
2064 (setq hh (nplcm (zopen-inequality op) gg))))
2065 (cond ((and cont check-equal (null unit))
2066 (setq rev-cont (grobner-subset (ldata-eqns ldd)
2067 (ldata-eqns image)
2068 hh))
2069 (cond ((null rev-cont)
2070 (cond (break-on-bad (break 'not-equal)))))))
2072 (cond (unit
2073 (format
2075 "~%The intersection with the ~D open is empty."
2076 i)))
2077 ; (cond ((and (null unit) cont)
2078 ; (cond ((null (grobner-subset
2079 ; (ldata-eqns image)
2080 ; (ldata-eqns ldd)
2081 ; (nplcm (zopen-inequality op) gg)))
2083 ; (merror "containment only one way!!")))))
2084 when unit do (push (cons i nil) str)(setq found-one t)
2085 when (and (null unit)cont)
2086 do (push (cons i j) str) (setq found-one t)
2087 finally
2088 (cond ((and lis-ld (null found-one))
2089 (setq tem (final-check-contained-in
2090 lis-ld image hh i j nth-open))
2091 (cond (tem (push tem str))))
2092 ; (push (list nth-open ii i open ld) *bad-components*)
2093 ; (format t "~%*****Bad component..****")
2094 ; (format t " original open and component are:")
2095 ; (des open) (des ld)
2096 ; (format t "%On the image open the components are:")
2097 ; (loop for l in lis-ld do (des l))
2098 ; (format t "while image is :")
2099 ; (des image)
2100 ; (cond (break-on-bad (break t))))
2101 ))))
2102 ; (merror
2103 ; "this component not trivial but doesn't seem to be here"))))))
2104 collecting str))
2105 answ)
2111 (defun list-opens1 (components &aux answ)
2112 (loop for com in components
2113 do (loop for v in com do
2114 (push-new (car v) answ))
2115 finally (return answ)))
2117 (defun short-list-open-numbers ( components-to-cover &optional opens-used
2118 &aux where an-answ ops)
2119 (cond ((null components-to-cover ) opens-used)
2120 (t (setq ops(list-opens1 components-to-cover))
2121 (loop for op in ops
2122 with prev-min = 10000000
2124 (setq an-answ
2125 (loop for com in components-to-cover
2126 when (not (assoc op com :test #'eq))
2127 collecting com into tem
2128 finally (return (short-list-open-numbers tem
2129 (cons op opens-used)))))
2130 when (< (length an-answ) prev-min)
2131 do (setq prev-min (length an-answ)) (setq where an-answ)
2132 finally (return where)))))
2136 (defun fast-match-components (pls &aux components-to-cover transl hh to-open to-lis-dat
2137 components all-codims ops bad-one)
2138 "we assume that the pls has been reduced"
2139 (loop for op in (pls-opens pls)
2140 for op-num from 0
2141 for lis-dat in (pls-data pls)
2143 (setq components-to-cover nil)
2144 (loop for ld in lis-dat
2145 for i from 0
2146 when (not (or (linear-solvedp (ldata-eqns ld))
2147 (linear-ldatap ld)))
2148 do (setq bad-one ld)
2149 (setq components-to-cover components) (return 'done)
2150 else
2152 (loop for dim in all-codims
2153 for comp in components
2154 when (equal dim (length (ldata-eqns ld)))
2155 do (push-new comp components-to-cover)))
2156 (setq ops (short-list-open-numbers components-to-cover ))
2157 (setq ops (ml-sort ops ))
2158 (show op-num ops)
2159 (loop for to-op-num in ops
2160 with accounted-for
2161 do (setq to-open (nth to-op-num (pls-opens pls)))
2162 (setq to-lis-dat (nth to-op-num (pls-data pls)))
2163 (loop for lld in lis-dat
2164 for lld-num from 0
2165 when (not (member lld accounted-for :test #'eq))
2167 (multiple-value-setq
2168 (transl hh) (translate-reduced-component-and-reduce
2169 op to-open lld))
2170 when transl
2172 (loop for ld in to-lis-dat
2173 for ld-num from 0
2174 when
2175 (and (not (unit-idealp (ldata-eqns ld) hh))
2176 (variety-ldata-subset ld transl :open-g hh
2177 :ignore-ldata-inequalities t))
2179 (cond
2180 ((variety-ldata-subset
2181 transl ld :open-g hh
2182 :ignore-ldata-inequalities t)
2183 (nconc (get-component components (cons to-op-num ld-num))
2184 (list (cons op-num lld-num)))
2185 (push lld accounted-for))
2186 (t (fsignal "containment one way")))))
2187 finally (loop for lld in lis-dat
2188 for lld-num from 0
2189 when (not (member lld accounted-for :test #'eq))
2190 do (show to-op-num lld-num)
2192 collecting (list (cons op-num lld-num)) into comps
2194 collecting (length (ldata-eqns lld)) into dims
2195 finally (setq components (nconc components comps))
2196 (setq all-codims (append all-codims dims)))))
2197 (values components all-codims))
2199 (defun get-component (components cons-op-ld)
2200 (loop for com in components
2201 when (member cons-op-ld com :test #'equal)
2202 do (return com)))
2203 (defun list-opens-with-component (pls open-num compon-num &aux answ)
2204 (setq answ (nth compon-num (match-components pls open-num)))
2205 (des (nth compon-num (nth open-num (pls-data pls))))
2206 (format t "~%is in opens: ")
2207 (loop for op in (pls-opens pls)
2208 for i from 0
2209 when (eq (cdr (assoc i answ :test #'equal)) compon-num)
2210 collecting i))
2212 (defun match-all-components (pls &key (ignore-empty-opens t)
2213 &aux all equiv opens *bad-components*)
2215 (setq opens (pls-opens pls))
2216 (setq all (loop for i below (length opens)
2217 appending (match-components pls i :ignore-empty-opens ignore-empty-opens)))
2218 (setq equiv (build-equiv all :test #'(lambda (u v)
2219 (and (equal u v) (cdr v)))))
2221 ; (cond ((check-equivalence-relation equiv) equiv)
2222 ; (t (merror "some components don't match up ~A" equiv)))
2223 (setq equiv (loop for v in equiv
2224 collecting (sort v #'(lambda (u v) (< (car u) (car v))))))
2225 (list 'components equiv *bad-components*))
2227 (defun verify-simplification (pl1 pl2simp)
2228 (loop for open in (sv-zopens (pls-s-var pl1))
2229 for i from 0
2230 for lis-dat in (pls-data pl1)
2232 (format t "~%**For the original ~:R open" i)
2233 (loop for op2 in (sv-zopens (pls-s-var pl2simp))
2234 for j from 0
2235 for lis-dat2 in (pls-data pl2simp)
2236 when (equal (zopen-coord open) (zopen-coord op2))
2237 ;; should really look at inequal when (equal open op2)
2238 do (format t " whose coordinates are equal to those on open ~D" j)
2239 (cond (lis-dat2
2240 (check-component-containment lis-dat lis-dat2))
2241 ; (check-components-contain-original (car lis-dat) lis-dat2))
2242 (t (format t "the data was empty"))))))
2245 ;;the following system of equations does not admit a nice solution using the above.
2246 ;;maybe we have to add another divide-dichotomy machine:
2247 ;;If have two polynomials with leading term x6 could do a dichotomy:
2248 ;;f=y^i*a+.. g=y^j*b+.. then do
2249 ;; while y is the main variable you make dichotomy
2250 ;;between (third (vdivide f g))=0 and (third (vdivide f g)) invertible.
2251 ;;in the latter system you have the additional ldata of remainder.
2253 ;;(LDATA ((X7 1 1) (X8 1 1) (X5 2 1 1 (X4 2 -2 0 (X3 1 (X2 1 1))) 0 (X4 4 1 2 (X3 1 (X2 1 1)) 1 (X3 1 (X1 1 2)))) (X6 1 (X5 1 (X2 1 1) 0 (X4 2 (X2 1 1) 1 (X1 1 2))) 0 (X5 1 (X4 1 (X2 1 3) 0 (X1 1 2)) 0 (X4 3 (X2 1 -1)))) (X6 1 (X5 1 1 0 (X4 2 -1)) 0 (X5 1 (X4 1 -1) 0 (X4 3 1 1 (X3 1 (X2 1 -1)) 0 (X3 1 (X1 1 -1))))) (X5 1 (X2 2 1) 0 (X1 2 -1))) 1 2)
2254 (defmacro minimize ( for v in a-list quantity)
2255 ; (declare (values where-its-miniminum))
2256 (iassert (and (eq for 'for) in 'in))
2257 `(loop for ,v in ,a-list
2258 with .prev-min. = 10000000
2259 with .where.
2260 do (setq .tem. ,quantity)
2261 when (< .tem. .prev-min.)
2262 do (setq .where. ,v)
2263 (setq .prev-min. .tem.)
2264 finally (return .where.)))
2266 (defmacro for (v in-or-on a-list &rest body &aux when-clause operation quantity pred op init)
2267 "operation may be :minimize, maximize, general-summing, or general-product;
2268 and the the quantity will ususually involve the variable v. The result of the
2269 minimize is where the minimum is"
2270 (iassert (member in-or-on '(in on) :test #'eq))
2271 (cond ((equal (car body) 'when)
2272 (setq when-clause (subseq body 0 2) body (cddr body)))
2273 (t (iassert (eql (length body) 2))))
2274 (setq operation (first body) quantity (second body))
2275 (cond ((member operation '(minimize maximize) :test #'equal)
2276 (cond ((eq operation 'minimize)
2277 (setq pred '<)
2278 (setq init 10000000))
2279 (t (setq pred '>) (setq init -100000000)))
2280 `(loop for ,v ,in-or-on ,a-list
2281 with .prev-min. = ,init
2282 with .where.
2283 ,@ when-clause
2285 (setq .tem. ,quantity)
2286 ,@ (cond (when-clause '(and))(t nil))
2287 when (,pred .tem. .prev-min.)
2288 do (setq .where. ,v)
2289 (setq .prev-min. .tem.)
2290 finally (return .where.)))
2291 ((member operation '(general-summing general-product) :test #'equal)
2292 (cond ((eq operation 'general-summing)
2293 (setq op 'N+) (setq init 0))
2294 ((eq operation 'general-product)
2295 (setq op 'n*) (setq init 1)))
2296 `(loop for ,v ,in-or-on ,a-list
2297 with .answer. = ,init
2298 ,@ when-clause
2299 do (setq .answer. (,op ,quantity .answer.))
2300 finally (return .answer.)))
2301 (t (fsignal "The operation was not one of minimize, maximize, general-summing, or general-product"))))
2305 ;;(for v in '(-1 -3 -.5 2 3) when (< v 0) minimize (abs v ))
2307 ;;(for v in '(-1 $x -3 -.5 2 3) general-product v )
2308 ;;(for v in '(-1 $x -3 -.5 2 3) when (> v 0) general-product v )
2311 ;(defun good-order-variables (eqns &aux variable-occurs (varl (list-variables eqns)))
2312 ; (declare (special mult))
2313 ; (declare (values . (list ordered-list variable-occurs-in)))
2314 ; (setq variable-occurs (mapcar 'list-variables eqns))
2315 ; (setq mult
2316 ; (loop for v in
2317 ; varl
2318 ; collecting
2319 ; (cons v
2320 ; (loop for w in variable-occurs
2321 ; for f in eqns
2322 ; when (member v w :test #'eq)
2323 ; count 1 ))))
2324 ; (setq mult (sort mult #'(lambda (u v)
2325 ; (< (cdr u) (cdr v)))))
2326 ; (list (mapcar 'car mult) variable-occurs))
2329 ;;this allowed me to do the troublesome ldata
2330 ;;it tries to order the variables so that the variables belonging to
2331 ;;simpler and less equations come first.
2332 ;(defun good-order-variables (eqns &aux variable-occurs (varl (list-variables eqns))
2333 ; compl)
2334 ; (declare (special mult))
2335 ; (declare (values . (list ordered-list variable-occurs-in)))
2336 ; (setq variable-occurs (mapcar 'list-variables eqns))
2337 ; (setq compl (loop for v in eqns collecting (gen-pcomplexity v)))
2338 ; (setq mult
2339 ; (loop for v in
2340 ; varl
2341 ; collecting
2342 ; (cons v
2343 ; (loop for w in variable-occurs
2344 ; for f in eqns
2345 ; when (member v w :test #'eq)
2346 ; count 1 into the-mult
2347 ; finally (return (* the-mult (loop for com in compl
2348 ; for ww in variable-occurs
2349 ; when (member v ww :test #'eq)
2350 ; minimize com)))))))
2351 ; (setq mult (sort mult #'(lambda (u v)
2352 ; (< (cdr u) (cdr v)))))
2353 ; (list (mapcar 'car mult) variable-occurs))
2355 (defun good-order-variables (ldata &aux variable-occurs varl order eqns
2356 compl)
2357 (declare (special mult))
2358 ; (declare (values . (list ordered-list variable-occurs-in)))
2359 (cond ((ldatap ldata)
2360 (cond ((ldata-variables ldata)(list (ldata-variables ldata) (mapcar 'list-variables
2361 (ldata-eqns ldata))))
2362 (t (setq order (good-order-variables (ldata-eqns ldata)))
2363 (setf (ldata-variables ldata) (car order))
2364 order)))
2365 (t (setq eqns ldata)
2366 (setq varl (list-variables eqns))
2367 (setq variable-occurs (mapcar 'list-variables eqns))
2368 (setq compl (loop for v in eqns collecting (gen-pcomplexity v)))
2369 (setq mult
2370 (loop for v in varl
2371 collecting
2372 (cons v
2373 (loop for w in variable-occurs
2374 for f in eqns
2375 when (member v w :test #'eq)
2376 count 1 into the-mult
2377 finally (return (* the-mult (loop for com in compl
2378 for ww in variable-occurs
2379 when (member v ww :test #'eq)
2380 minimize com)))))))
2381 (setq mult (sort mult #'(lambda (u v)
2382 (< (cdr u) (cdr v)))))
2383 (list (mapcar 'car mult) variable-occurs))))
2386 (defun charactaristic-setp (eqns &aux lis answ ordered-vars highest-vars occurs )
2387 (setq lis (good-order-variables eqns))
2388 (setq ordered-vars (first lis))
2389 (setq highest-vars
2390 (loop for v in (setq occurs (second lis))
2391 collecting (loop for u in ordered-vars
2392 when (member u v :test #'eq)
2393 do (return u))))
2394 (setq answ (loop for v on highest-vars
2395 when (member (car v) (cdr v) :test #'eq)
2396 do (return nil)
2397 finally (return t)))
2398 (values answ ordered-vars occurs highest-vars))
2402 ;(defun order-equations (eqns variables &optional occurs &aux all-eqns)
2403 ; (cond ((null occurs) (setq occurs (mapcar 'list-variables eqns))))
2404 ; (loop for va in variables
2405 ; appending
2406 ; (loop for eqn in eqns
2407 ; for oc in occurs
2408 ; when (member va oc :test #'eq)
2409 ; do (push-new eqn all-eqns)))
2410 ; (nreverse all-eqns))
2412 (defun order-equations (eqns &aux tem)
2413 ; (declare (values eqns ch-set))
2414 (multiple-value-bind (ch-set vars ignore highest-vars)
2415 (charactaristic-setp eqns)
2416 (setq eqns (cond (ch-set
2417 (loop for v in vars
2418 when (setq tem (find-position-in-list v highest-vars))
2419 collecting (nth tem eqns)))
2420 (t eqns)))
2421 (values eqns ch-set)))
2423 (defun highest-variables (variables occurs)
2424 (loop for oc in occurs
2425 collecting (loop for v in variables
2426 when (member v oc :test #'eq) do (return v))))
2428 (defun all-linear-variables (f &optional g &aux varl)
2429 (setq varl (degree-one-variables f))
2430 (loop for v in varl when (may-invertp (pcoeff f (list v 1 1 ) ) g)
2431 collecting v))
2433 (defun poly-relations-from-simplifications (&optional (simps *poly-simplifications*))
2434 (loop for (seq repl) on simps by #'cddr
2435 when (numberp seq) do (return '( 1))
2436 collecting
2437 (pdifference
2438 (ptimes (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial seq)
2439 (denom repl))
2440 (num repl))))
2442 (defun simplify-ldata (ldata &key (open-g 1) refine-opens error-check-containments
2443 &aux answ result changed)
2444 (let ((*refine-opens* refine-opens) *stop-simplify*)
2445 (setq answ (ldata-simplifications ldata :open-g open-g :error-check-containments
2446 error-check-containments))
2448 (setq answ (loop for ld in answ
2449 when (linear-ldatap ld :open-g open-g)
2450 collecting ld
2451 else
2452 do (loop for fn in (ldata-eqns ld)
2453 when (> (length (non-constant-factors fn)) 2)
2454 do(setq changed t)
2455 (return (setq result (make-dichotomy ld :open-g open-g)))
2456 finally (setq result (list ld)))
2457 appending result))
2458 (cond (changed (setq answ (delete-redundant-ldata answ :gg open-g))))
2459 answ))
2461 ;;this is hoky. It should try much harder!!
2462 (defvar *dont-try-factor-irreducible-ldata* nil)
2464 (defun try-factor-irreducible-ldata (ldata &optional (open-g 1) &aux answ orig-ldata answer
2465 lin-vars eqn varl comp new-ldata tem (eqns (ldata-eqns ldata)))
2466 (declare (special *already-tried*))
2467 (cond ((not (boundp '*already-tried*)) (setq *already-tried* nil)))
2468 (setq orig-ldata ldata)
2469 ;;should be wrt open-g
2470 (cond ((member(setq tem (list ldata open-g)) *already-tried* :test #'equal)
2471 (list ldata))
2472 (*dont-try-factor-irreducible-ldata* (list ldata))
2474 (setq answer
2475 (catch 'took-too-long
2476 (push tem *already-tried*)
2477 (cond
2478 ((setq varl (linear-ldatap ldata :open-g open-g))
2479 (setq eqns(reduce-linear-ldata ldata varl :open-g open-g))
2480 (cond ((grobner-subset '(1) eqns open-g) nil)
2481 (t (list (zl-copy-structure ldata ldata- eqns eqns)))))
2482 ((< (setq comp (gen-pcomplexity (ldata-eqns ldata))) 200)
2483 (LET (*poly-simplifications*)
2484 (grobner-remember (ldata-eqns ldata))
2485 (cond (*poly-simplifications*
2486 (setq new-ldata (make-ldata :eqns (poly-relations-from-simplifications)
2487 :inequality (plcm open-g (ldata-inequality ldata)))))))
2488 (cond ((< (gen-pcomplexity (ldata-eqns new-ldata)) (* 1.1 comp))
2489 (setq ldata new-ldata)))
2491 (setq lin-vars (loop for f in eqns collecting (all-linear-variables f open-g)))
2492 (show lin-vars)
2493 (setq answ
2494 (block sue
2495 (loop for v in lin-vars
2496 for f in eqns
2497 when (null v)
2498 do (setq varl (list-variables f))
2499 (loop for w in lin-vars
2500 for ff in eqns
2501 when (setq tem (intersection w varl))
2503 (loop for uu in tem
2504 do (setq eqn (gen-prem f ff uu))
2505 when (> (length (non-constant-factors eqn open-g)) 2)
2506 do (return-from sue (make-dichotomy
2507 (zl-copy-structure ldata ldata- eqns (subst eqn f eqns))
2508 :open-g open-g))))
2509 finally (return (list ldata)))))
2510 (loop for ld in answ
2511 minimize (length (ldata-eqns ld)) into min
2512 finally (cond ((> min (length (ldata-eqns orig-ldata)))
2513 (setq answ (list orig-ldata)))
2514 (t nil)))
2515 answ)
2516 (t (list ldata)))))
2517 (cond ((eq answer 'took-too-long)
2518 (list ldata))
2519 (t answer)))))
2521 (defun matrix-to-sparse-matrix (mat &key (re-use-sparse-matrix *sparse-matrix*))
2522 (convert-to-sparse-matrix (matrix-rows mat) :re-use-sparse-matrix re-use-sparse-matrix
2525 (defun matrix-rank (mat &aux sp)
2526 (setq sp (matrix-to-sparse-matrix mat))
2527 (sp-reduce sp)
2528 (sp-number-of-pivots sp))
2531 (defun show-matrix (mat)
2532 (cond ((arrayp mat)
2533 (let* ((dimensions (array-dimensions mat))
2534 (number-dims (length dimensions)))
2535 (cond ((eql number-dims 2)
2536 (loop for i below (car dimensions)
2537 do (format t "~%")
2538 (loop for j below (second dimensions)
2539 do (format t "~3D" (aref mat i j)))))
2540 ((eql number-dims 3)
2541 (loop for i below (car dimensions)
2542 do (format t "~%~%Block ~D " i)
2543 (loop for j below (second dimensions)
2544 do (format t "~%")
2545 (loop for k below (third dimensions)
2546 do (format t "~3D" (aref mat i j k)))))))))
2547 ((matrix-p mat)
2548 (loop for v in (matrix-rows mat)
2549 do (format t "~% ~A " v)))))
2551 (defun jacobian-matrix (list-eqns &optional variables &aux mat)
2552 (cond ((null variables)(setq variables (ml-sort (list-variables list-eqns)))))
2553 (setq mat (loop for f in list-eqns
2554 collecting (loop
2555 for v in variables
2556 collecting (pderivative f v))))
2557 (make-matrix :rows mat))
2561 ;(defun divide-dichotomy (ldata &key (open-g 1) &aux (eqns (ldata-eqns ldata)) f new-eqns
2562 ; occurs vars highest-vars orig-rep repeat eqns-rep gg ld1 ld2)
2564 ; "endeavors to turn ldata into an triangular list of eqns
2565 ; so that each equation has possibly one more variable occurring than the
2566 ; previous. It takes a good order for the variables and then takes the first variable
2567 ; to be highest in two succeeding eqns, and does a division to try to correct this. If
2568 ; the leading variable is not invertible it does a dichotomy. This dichotomy must be
2569 ; at the level of open sets, since otherwise we will not get component containment."
2570 ; ;;ordering should take into account open-g
2571 ; (setq vars (good-order-variables eqns))
2572 ; (setq occurs (second vars))
2573 ; (setq vars (first vars))
2574 ; (setq highest-vars
2575 ; (loop for v in occurs
2576 ; collecting (loop for u in vars
2577 ; when (member u v :test #'eq)
2578 ; do (return u))))
2579 ; (show vars highest-vars)
2580 ; (setq repeat
2581 ; (loop named rep for v in vars
2582 ; do
2583 ; (loop for w on highest-vars
2584 ; when (and (eq (car w) v)
2585 ; (member v (cdr w) :test #'eq))
2586 ; do (return-from rep v))))
2587 ; (cond
2588 ; (repeat
2589 ; (setq eqns-rep (loop for v in eqns
2590 ; for u in highest-vars
2591 ; when (eq u repeat)
2592 ; collecting v))
2593 ; (setq orig-rep (copy-list eqns-rep))
2594 ; (show (length eqns-rep))
2595 ; (setq eqns-rep (sort-key eqns-rep '< 'pdegree repeat))
2596 ;; (progn (declare (special repeat))
2597 ;; (setq eqns-rep (sort eqns-rep
2598 ;; #'(lambda (u v) (< (pdegree u repeat) (pdegree v repeat))))
2599 ; (show (length eqns-rep))
2601 ; (cond ((eq ( pdegree (first eqns-rep) repeat)
2602 ; (pdegree (second eqns-rep) repeat))
2603 ; ;;choose the least complex leading coefficient to divide by
2604 ; (setq eqns-rep
2605 ; (sort-key (firstn 2 eqns-rep) '<
2606 ; #'(lambda (u var) (pcomplexity
2607 ; (leading-coefficient u var)))
2608 ; repeat))))
2609 ; (setq f (second eqns-rep))
2611 ; (show repeat)
2613 ; (multiple-value-bind (rem c-reqd)
2614 ; (gen-prem f (first eqns-rep) repeat)
2616 ; (shl (list f (first eqns-rep)))
2617 ; (setq new-eqns (delete f
2618 ; (copy-list eqns)))
2619 ; (cond (($zerop rem) nil)
2620 ; (t (setq new-eqns ;;these have f replaced by rem
2621 ; (append new-eqns (list rem)))))
2622 ;; (setq gg (nplcm open-g (ldata-inequality ldata)))
2623 ;; (cond ((may-invertp c-reqd gg)
2624 ;; (setq ld2 (make-ldata eqns new-eqns
2625 ;; inequality gg )))
2626 ;; ;;make two ldata one where c-reqd is invertible and f replaced by rem
2627 ;; ;; and other where its zero and f is still there.
2628 ;; (t (setq ld2 (make-ldata eqns new-eqns
2629 ;; inequality (nplcm gg c-reqd)))
2630 ;; (setq ld1 (make-ldata eqns
2631 ;; (cons c-reqd eqns)
2632 ;; inequality gg))))
2633 ;; (cond (ld1
2634 ;; (format t "~%Breaking into dichotomy on:")
2635 ;; (sh c-reqd)
2636 ;; (format t "%original ldata followed by consequents:" )
2637 ;; (des ldata)(des ld1) (des ld2 )
2639 ;; (append (ldata-simplifications ld1)
2640 ;; (ldata-simplifications ld2)))
2641 ;; (t
2642 ;; (format t "~%The c-reqd was invertible: ")
2643 ;; (sh c-reqd)
2644 ;; (ldata-simplifications ld2)))))
2645 ;; (t (list ldata))))
2648 ;;;I hope this was the one to keep
2649 ;(defun divide-dichotomy (ldata &key (open-g 1) &aux answ (eqns (ldata-eqns ldata)) f new-eqns
2650 ; occurs vars highest-vars orig-rep repeat eqns-rep gg ld1 ld2)
2652 ; "endeavors to turn ldata into an triangular list of eqns
2653 ; so that each equation has possibly one more variable occurring than the
2654 ; previous. It takes a good order for the variables and then takes the first variable
2655 ; to be highest in two succeeding eqns, and does a division to try to correct this. If
2656 ; the leading variable is not invertible it does a dichotomy. This dichotomy must be
2657 ; at the level of open sets, since otherwise we will not get component containment."
2658 ; ;;ordering should take into account open-g
2659 ; (setq vars (good-order-variables eqns))
2660 ; (setq occurs (second vars))
2661 ; (setq vars (first vars))
2662 ; (setq highest-vars
2663 ; (loop for v in occurs
2664 ; collecting (loop for u in vars
2665 ; when (member u v :test #'eq)
2666 ; do (return u))))
2667 ; (show vars highest-vars)
2668 ; (setq repeat
2669 ; (loop named rep for v in vars
2670 ; do
2671 ; (loop for w on highest-vars
2672 ; when (and (eq (car w) v)
2673 ; (member v (cdr w) :test #'eq))
2674 ; do (return-from rep v))))
2675 ; (cond
2676 ; (repeat
2677 ; (setq eqns-rep (loop for v in eqns
2678 ; for u in highest-vars
2679 ; when (eq u repeat)
2680 ; collecting v))
2681 ; (setq orig-rep (copy-list eqns-rep))
2682 ; (show (length eqns-rep))
2683 ; (setq eqns-rep (sort-key eqns-rep '< 'pdegree repeat))
2684 ;; (progn (declare (special repeat))
2685 ;; (setq eqns-rep (sort eqns-rep
2686 ;; #'(lambda (u v) (< (pdegree u repeat) (pdegree v repeat))))
2687 ; (show (length eqns-rep))
2689 ; (cond ((eq ( pdegree (first eqns-rep) repeat)
2690 ; (pdegree (second eqns-rep) repeat))
2691 ; ;;choose the least complex leading coefficient to divide by
2692 ; (setq eqns-rep
2693 ; (sort-key (firstn 2 eqns-rep) '<
2694 ; #'(lambda (u var) (pcomplexity
2695 ; (leading-coefficient u var)))
2696 ; repeat))))
2697 ; (setq f (second eqns-rep))
2698 ; (cond ((not (equal (ml-sort (copy-list eqns-rep))
2699 ; (ml-sort (copy-list orig-rep))))
2700 ; (merror "not sorted but destroyed!!")))
2701 ; (show repeat)
2703 ; (multiple-value-bind (rem c-reqd)
2704 ; (gen-prem f (first eqns-rep) repeat)
2705 ; (shl (list f (first eqns-rep)))
2706 ; (setq new-eqns (delete f
2707 ; (copy-list eqns)))
2708 ; (cond (($zerop rem) nil)
2709 ; (t (setq new-eqns ;;these have f replaced by rem
2710 ; (append new-eqns (list rem)))))
2711 ; (setq gg (nplcm open-g (ldata-inequality ldata)))
2712 ; (mshow open-g)
2713 ; (cond ((may-invertp c-reqd gg)
2714 ; (list (ldata-simplifications (make-ldata eqns new-eqns
2715 ; inequality gg ) open-g)))
2716 ; (t
2717 ; (setq ld1 (make-ldata eqns (cons f new-eqns) inequality (plcm c-reqd gg)))
2718 ; (setq ld2 (make-ldata eqns (cons c-reqd (ldata-eqns ldata)) inequality gg))
2719 ; (check-component-containment ldata (list ld1 ld2) open-g)
2720 ; (setq answ(append
2721 ; (ldata-simplifications ld1 open-g)
2722 ; (ldata-simplifications ld2 open-g)))
2723 ; (check-component-containment ldata answ open-g)
2724 ; answ))))
2725 ; (t (list ldata))))
2728 ;;from version 7 ;;this worked on orig so be careful about modifying it!!!.
2729 ;;watch out for the use-inverse in delete redundant switch.
2731 (defvar *used-divisors* nil)
2733 (defun find-repeats (highest-variables eqns &aux first-repeat repeat-eqns)
2734 (setq first-repeat
2735 (loop for v on highest-variables
2736 for eqnss on eqns
2737 when (member (car v) (cdr v) :test #'eq)
2738 do (cond ((cddr (setq repeat-eqns
2739 (loop for eqn in eqnss
2740 for va in v
2741 when (and (eq va v)
2742 (not (member eqn *used-divisors* :test #'equal)))
2743 collecting v)))
2744 (return (car v))))))
2745 (cond ((null (cddr repeat-eqns)) (setq repeat-eqns nil)))
2746 (values repeat-eqns first-repeat))
2749 ;(defun new-divide-dichotomy (ldata &key (open-g 1) &aux var-and-occurs variables eqns occurs highest-variables
2750 ; divisor ld1 ld2
2751 ; repeated-eqns high-var)
2752 ; (setq var-and-occurs (good-order-variables ldata))
2753 ; (setq variables (car var-and-occurs) occurs (second var-and-occurs))
2754 ; (setq eqns (order-equations (ldata-eqns ldata) variables occurs))
2755 ; (setq occurs (mapcar 'list-variables eqns))
2756 ; (setq highest-variables (highest-variables variables occurs))
2757 ; (multiple-value-setq (repeated-eqns high-var)
2758 ; (find-repeats highest-variables eqns))
2759 ; (cond
2760 ; (repeated-eqns
2761 ; (setq repeated-eqns (sort-key repeated-eqns '< 'pdegree high-var))
2763 ; (setq divisor
2764 ; (loop for v in repeated-eqns
2765 ; find v minimizing (+ (* 1000 (pdegree v high-var))
2766 ; (pcomplexity v))))
2767 ; (multiple-value-bind (rem c-reqd)
2768 ; (gen-prem (second repeated-eqns) divisor high-var)
2769 ; (setq ld1 (copy-list-structure ldata))
2770 ; (setf (ldata-eqns ld1)
2771 ; (cons rem (delete (second repeated-eqns) (copy-list eqns))))
2772 ; (iassert (not (member (second repeated-eqns) (ldata-eqns ld1))))
2773 ; (mshow divisor (second repeated-eqns) rem c-reqd)
2774 ; (cond ((may-invertp c-reqd open-g)
2775 ; (format t " which was invertible")
2776 ; (ldata-simplifications
2777 ; ld1 :open-g open-g))
2778 ; (t
2779 ; (setq ld2 (copy-list-structure ldata))
2780 ; (setf (ldata-eqns ld2) (cons c-reqd (ldata-eqns ldata)))
2781 ; (setf (ldata-inequality ld1) (nplcm (ldata-inequality ldata)
2782 ; c-reqd))
2783 ; (des ld1)(des ld2)
2784 ; (append
2785 ; (ldata-simplifications
2786 ; ld1 :open-g open-g)
2787 ; (ldata-simplifications
2788 ; ld2 :open-g open-g))))))
2789 ; (t (list ldata))))
2797 (defun divide-dichotomy (ldata &key (open-g 1) &aux answer used
2798 (eqns (ldata-eqns ldata)) f new-eqns
2799 occurs vars highest-vars orig-rep repeat eqns-rep gg ld1 ld2)
2801 "endeavors to turn ldata into an triangular list of eqns
2802 so that each equation has possibly one more variable occurring than the
2803 previous. It takes a good order for the variables and then takes the first variable
2804 to be highest in two succeeding eqns, and does a division to try to correct this. If
2805 the leading variable is not invertible it does a dichotomy "
2807 ;;ordering should take into account open-g
2809 (setq ldata (copy-list-structure ldata))
2810 (setq vars (copy-tree (good-order-variables eqns)))
2811 (setq occurs (second vars))
2812 (setq vars (first vars))
2813 (setq highest-vars
2814 (loop for v in occurs
2815 collecting (loop for u in vars
2816 when (member u v :test #'eq)
2817 do (return u))))
2818 (show vars highest-vars)
2820 (multiple-value-setq (eqns-rep repeat)
2821 (find-repeats vars eqns))
2822 (unwind-protect
2823 (progn
2824 (cond
2825 (repeat
2826 (setq orig-rep (copy-list eqns-rep))
2827 (show (length eqns-rep))
2828 (setq eqns-rep (sort-key eqns-rep '< 'pdegree repeat))
2829 (setq used (cons repeat (pdegree (first eqns-rep) repeat)))
2830 ; (push repeat *used-divisors*)
2831 (show (length eqns-rep))
2832 (cond ((eql (pdegree (first eqns-rep) repeat)
2833 (pdegree (second eqns-rep) repeat))
2834 ;;choose the least complex leading coefficient to divide by
2835 (setq eqns-rep
2836 (sort-key (subseq eqns-rep 0 2) '<
2837 #'(lambda (u var) (pcomplexity
2838 (leading-coefficient u var)))
2839 repeat))))
2840 (setq f (second eqns-rep))
2841 (show repeat)
2842 (multiple-value-bind (zl-REM c-reqd)
2843 (gen-prem f (first eqns-rep) repeat)
2844 (push f *used-divisors*)
2845 (mshow f (first eqns-rep))
2846 (setq new-eqns (delete f (copy-list eqns)))
2847 (cond (($zerop zl-REM) nil)
2848 (t (setq new-eqns ;;these have f replaced by rem
2849 (append new-eqns (list zl-REM)))))
2850 (setq gg (nplcm open-g (ldata-inequality ldata)))
2851 (cond ((may-invertp c-reqd gg)
2852 (setq ld2 (make-ldata :eqns new-eqns
2853 :inequality gg :variables vars )))
2854 ;;make two ldata one where c-reqd is invertible and f replaced by rem
2855 ;; and other where its zero and f is still there.
2856 (t (setq ld2 (make-ldata :eqns new-eqns
2857 :inequality (nplcm gg c-reqd)
2858 :variables vars))
2859 (setq ld1 (make-ldata :eqns
2860 (cons c-reqd eqns)
2861 :inequality gg
2862 :variables vars))))
2863 (setq answer
2865 (cond
2866 (ld1
2867 (format t "~%Breaking into dichotomy on:")
2868 (sh c-reqd)
2869 (format t "%original ldata followed by consequents:" )
2870 (des ldata)(des ld1) (des ld2 )
2871 ; (loop for v in (list ld1 ld2)
2872 ; when (not (unit-idealp (ldata-eqns v) (ldata-inequality v)))
2873 ; appending (ldata-simplifications v )))
2875 (append (ldata-simplifications ld1
2876 :open-g open-g :recursive-p t)
2877 (ldata-simplifications
2878 ld2 :open-g open-g :recursive-p t)))
2880 (format t "~%The c-reqd was invertible: ")
2881 (sh c-reqd)
2882 (iassert (not (member f (ldata-eqns ld2) :test #'equal)))
2883 (des ld2)
2884 (ldata-simplifications
2885 ld2 :open-g open-g :recursive-p t))))))
2886 (t (setq answer (list ldata)))))
2887 (setq *used-divisors* nil))
2889 answer)
2893 ;;;;;the following was the divide-dichotomy in force at XMAS 84
2894 ;(defun divide-dichotomy (ldata &key (open-g 1) &aux answer used
2895 ; (eqns (ldata-eqns ldata)) f new-eqns
2896 ; occurs vars highest-vars orig-rep repeat eqns-rep gg ld1 ld2)
2898 ; "endeavors to turn ldata into an triangular list of eqns
2899 ; so that each equation has possibly one more variable occurring than the
2900 ; previous. It takes a good order for the variables and then takes the first variable
2901 ; to be highest in two succeeding eqns, and does a division to try to correct this. If
2902 ; the leading variable is not invertible it does a dichotomy "
2904 ; ;;ordering should take into account open-g
2906 ; (setq ldata (copy-list-structure ldata))
2907 ; (setq vars (copy-tree (good-order-variables eqns)))
2908 ; (setq occurs (second vars))
2909 ; (setq vars (first vars))
2910 ; (setq highest-vars
2911 ; (loop for v in occurs
2912 ; collecting (loop for u in vars
2913 ; when (member u v :test #'eq)
2914 ; do (return u))))
2915 ; (show vars highest-vars)
2916 ; (setq repeat
2917 ; (loop named rep for v in vars
2918 ; do
2919 ; (loop for w on highest-vars
2920 ; when (and (eq (car w) v)
2921 ; (member v (cdr w) :test #'eq))
2922 ; do (return-from rep v))))
2924 ; (unwind-protect
2925 ; (progn
2926 ; (cond
2927 ; (repeat
2928 ; (setq eqns-rep (loop for v in eqns
2929 ; for u in highest-vars
2930 ; when (eq u repeat)
2931 ; collecting v))
2932 ; (setq orig-rep (copy-list eqns-rep))
2933 ; (show (length eqns-rep))
2934 ; (setq eqns-rep (sort-key eqns-rep '< 'pdegree repeat))
2935 ; (setq used (cons repeat (pdegree (first eqns-rep) repeat)))
2936 ;; (push repeat *used-divisors*)
2937 ; (show (length eqns-rep))
2938 ; (cond ((eq ( pdegree (first eqns-rep) repeat)
2939 ; (pdegree (second eqns-rep) repeat))
2940 ; ;;choose the least complex leading coefficient to divide by
2941 ; (setq eqns-rep
2942 ; (sort-key (firstn 2 eqns-rep) '<
2943 ; #'(lambda (u var) (pcomplexity
2944 ; (leading-coefficient u var)))
2945 ; repeat))))
2946 ; (setq f (second eqns-rep))
2947 ; (show repeat)
2948 ; (multiple-value-bind (rem c-reqd)
2949 ; (gen-prem f (first eqns-rep) repeat)
2950 ; (push f *used-divisors*)
2951 ; (mshow f (first eqns-rep))
2952 ; (setq new-eqns (delete f
2953 ; (copy-list eqns)))
2954 ; (cond (($zerop rem) nil)
2955 ; (t (setq new-eqns ;;these have f replaced by rem
2956 ; (append new-eqns (list rem)))))
2957 ; (setq gg (nplcm open-g (ldata-inequality ldata)))
2958 ; (cond ((may-invertp c-reqd gg)
2959 ; (setq ld2 (make-ldata eqns new-eqns
2960 ; inequality gg variables vars )))
2961 ; ;;make two ldata one where c-reqd is invertible and f replaced by rem
2962 ; ;; and other where its zero and f is still there.
2963 ; (t (setq ld2 (make-ldata eqns new-eqns
2964 ; inequality (nplcm gg c-reqd)
2965 ; variables vars))
2966 ; (setq ld1 (make-ldata eqns
2967 ; (cons c-reqd eqns)
2968 ; inequality gg
2969 ; variables vars))))
2970 ; (setq answer
2972 ; (cond
2973 ; (ld1
2974 ; (format t "~%Breaking into dichotomy on:")
2975 ; (sh c-reqd)
2976 ; (format t "%original ldata followed by consequents:" )
2977 ; (des ldata)(des ld1) (des ld2 )
2978 ;; (loop for v in (list ld1 ld2)
2979 ;; when (not (unit-idealp (ldata-eqns v) (ldata-inequality v)))
2980 ;; appending (ldata-simplifications v )))
2982 ; (append (ldata-simplifications ld1
2983 ; :open-g open-g :recursive-p t)
2984 ; (ldata-simplifications
2985 ; ld2 :open-g open-g :recursive-p t)))
2986 ; (t
2987 ; (format t "~%The c-reqd was invertible: ")
2988 ; (sh c-reqd)
2989 ; (iassert (not (member f (ldata-eqns ld2))))
2990 ; (des ld2)
2991 ; (ldata-simplifications
2992 ; ld2 :open-g open-g :recursive-p t))))))
2993 ; (t (setq answer (list ldata)))))
2994 ; (setq *used-divisors* nil))
2996 ; answer)
2997 ;;attempt to repeat use of the variable order
2998 ;(defun divide-dichotomy (ldata &key (open-g 1) &aux answer used
2999 ; (eqns (ldata-eqns ldata)) f new-eqns
3000 ; occurs vars highest-vars orig-rep repeat eqns-rep gg ld1 ld2)
3002 ; "endeavors to turn ldata into an triangular list of eqns
3003 ; so that each equation has possibly one more variable occurring than the
3004 ; previous. It takes a good order for the variables and then takes the first variable
3005 ; to be highest in two succeeding eqns, and does a division to try to correct this. If
3006 ; the leading variable is not invertible it does a dichotomy "
3008 ; ;;ordering should take into account open-g
3010 ; (setq ldata (copy-list-structure ldata))
3011 ; (setq vars (good-order-variables eqns))
3012 ; (setq occurs (second vars))
3013 ; (setq vars (first vars))
3014 ; (loop for v in *used-divisors*
3015 ; do (setq vars (delete v vars)))
3016 ; (setq highest-vars
3017 ; (loop for v in occurs
3018 ; collecting (loop for u in vars
3019 ; when (member u v :test #'eq)
3020 ; do (return u))))
3021 ; (show vars highest-vars)
3022 ; (setq repeat
3023 ; (loop named rep for v in vars
3024 ; do
3025 ; (loop for w on highest-vars
3026 ; when (and (eq (car w) v)
3027 ; (member v (cdr w) :test #'eq))
3028 ; do (return-from rep v))))
3030 ; (unwind-protect
3031 ; (progn
3032 ; (cond
3033 ; (repeat
3034 ; (setq eqns-rep (loop for v in eqns
3035 ; for u in highest-vars
3036 ; when (eq u repeat)
3037 ; collecting v))
3038 ; (setq orig-rep (copy-list eqns-rep))
3039 ; (show (length eqns-rep))
3040 ; (setq eqns-rep (sort-key eqns-rep '< 'pdegree repeat))
3041 ; (setq used (cons repeat (pdegree (first eqns-rep) repeat)))
3042 ;; (push repeat *used-divisors*)
3043 ; (show (length eqns-rep))
3044 ; (cond ((eq ( pdegree (first eqns-rep) repeat)
3045 ; (pdegree (second eqns-rep) repeat))
3046 ; ;;choose the least complex leading coefficient to divide by
3047 ; (setq eqns-rep
3048 ; (sort-key (firstn 2 eqns-rep) '<
3049 ; #'(lambda (u var) (pcomplexity
3050 ; (leading-coefficient u var)))
3051 ; repeat))))
3052 ; (setq f (second eqns-rep))
3053 ; (show repeat)
3054 ; (multiple-value-bind (rem c-reqd)
3055 ; (gen-prem f (first eqns-rep) repeat)
3056 ; (push f *used-divisors*)
3057 ; (mshow f (first eqns-rep))
3058 ; (setq new-eqns (delete f
3059 ; (copy-list eqns)))
3060 ; (cond (($zerop rem) nil)
3061 ; (t (setq new-eqns ;;these have f replaced by rem
3062 ; (append new-eqns (list rem)))))
3063 ; (setq gg (nplcm open-g (ldata-inequality ldata)))
3064 ; (cond ((may-invertp c-reqd gg)
3065 ; (setq ld2 (make-ldata eqns new-eqns
3066 ; inequality gg variables vars )))
3067 ; ;;make two ldata one where c-reqd is invertible and f replaced by rem
3068 ; ;; and other where its zero and f is still there.
3069 ; (t (setq ld2 (make-ldata eqns new-eqns
3070 ; inequality (nplcm gg c-reqd)
3071 ; variables vars))
3072 ; (setq ld1 (make-ldata eqns
3073 ; (cons c-reqd eqns)
3074 ; inequality gg
3075 ; variables vars))))
3076 ; (setq answer
3077 ; (cond (ld1
3078 ; (format t "~%Breaking into dichotomy on:")
3079 ; (sh c-reqd)
3080 ; (format t "%original ldata followed by consequents:" )
3081 ; (des ldata)(des ld1) (des ld2 )
3082 ;; (loop for v in (list ld1 ld2)
3083 ;; when (not (unit-idealp (ldata-eqns v) (ldata-inequality v)))
3084 ;; appending (ldata-simplifications v )))
3086 ; (append (ldata-simplifications ld1
3087 ; :open-g open-g :recursive-p t)
3088 ; (ldata-simplifications
3089 ; ld2 :open-g open-g :recursive-p t)))
3090 ; (t
3091 ; (format t "~%The c-reqd was invertible: ")
3092 ; (sh c-reqd)
3093 ; (iassert (not (member f (ldata-eqns ld2))))
3094 ; (des ld2)
3095 ; (ldata-simplifications
3096 ; ld2 :open-g open-g :recursive-p t))))))
3097 ; (t (setq answer (list ldata)))))
3098 ; (setq *used-divisors* nil))
3100 ; answer)
3103 ;;evaluates the key function only once for each term
3104 ;;orders by (pred (key u) (key v)) true ==> u earlier than v in sorted list
3106 (defun triangularp (ldata &aux vars (eqns (ldata-eqns ldata)) occurs highest-vars repeat)
3107 (setq vars (good-order-variables eqns))
3108 (setq occurs (second vars))
3109 (setq vars (first vars))
3110 (loop for v in *used-divisors*
3111 do (setq vars (delete v vars :test #'equal)))
3112 (setq highest-vars
3113 (loop for v in occurs
3114 collecting (loop for u in vars
3115 when (member u v :test #'eq)
3116 do (return u))))
3117 (show vars highest-vars)
3118 (setq repeat
3119 (loop named rep for v in vars
3121 (loop for w on highest-vars
3122 when (and (eq (car w) v)
3123 (member v (cdr w) :test #'eq))
3124 do (return-from rep v)))))
3126 (defun sort-expensive-key (a-list pred key &aux clist)
3127 (declare (special pred))
3128 (setq clist (copy-list a-list))
3129 (loop for v on clist do (setf (car v)
3130 (cons (funcall key (car v)) (car v))))
3131 (setq clist (sort clist #'(lambda (u v) (funcall pred (car u) (car v)))))
3132 (loop for v on clist do (setf (car v) (cdar v)))
3133 clist)
3135 ;;one should do divide dichot on the simplest functions and
3136 ;;the lowest degree variables..
3138 ;(defun second-divide-dichotomy (ldata &key (open-g 1) &aux tem
3139 ; variables-to-exclude non-lin-eqns)
3140 ; (unwind-protect
3141 ; (progn
3142 ; (loop for eqn in (ldata-eqns ldata)
3143 ; when (setq tem (any-linearp eqn open-g :variables-to-exclude
3144 ; variables-to-exclude))
3145 ; do (push tem variables-to-exclude)
3146 ; and
3147 ; collecting eqn into lin-eqn
3148 ; else
3149 ; collecting eqn into non-lin
3150 ; finally (setq non-lin-eqns non-lin))
3151 ; (setq non-lin-eqns (sort-expensive-key
3152 ; non-lin-eqns #'< #'gen-pcomplexity))
3153 ; (loop for eqn in non-lin-eqns
3154 ; collecting (degree-one-variables eqn) into deg-1
3155 ; collecting (list-variables eqn) into all-vars
3156 ; finally
3157 ; (setq deg1-divisions
3158 ; (loop for d1 in deg-1
3159 ; for f in non-lin-eqns
3160 ; for i from 0
3161 ; appending
3162 ; (loop for al in all-vars
3163 ; for j from 0
3164 ; for g in non-lin-eqns
3165 ; when (and (not (eql i j))
3166 ; (setq tem(intersect d1 al)))
3167 ; collecting (list tem g f ) into possible-1)))
3168 ; (setq higher-divisions
3169 ; (loop for d1 in all-vars
3170 ; for f in non-lin-eqns
3171 ; for i from 0
3172 ; appending
3173 ; (loop for al in all-vars
3174 ; for j from 0
3175 ; for g in non-lin-eqns
3176 ; when (and (not (eql i j))
3177 ; (setq tem(intersect d1 al)))
3178 ; collecting (list tem g f ) into possible-1)))
3179 ; (setq
3180 ; some-quotients
3181 ; (loop for try in deg1-divisions
3182 ; appending
3183 ; (loop for va in (third try)
3184 ; when (not (member (cons va (cdr try))
3185 ; *used-divisors*))
3186 ; collecting (append
3187 ; (multiple-value-list (gen-prem (first try)
3188 ; (second try)
3189 ; va)) try))))
3190 ; (loop for f in non-lin-eqns
3191 ; when (may-invertp (second v) open-g))))
3194 ; (setq *used-divisors* nil)))
3196 (defun linear-dichotomy (ldata &key (open-g 1) in-linear-dich &aux answer varl fns ans1 ans2)
3197 (mshow ldata)
3198 (cond
3199 (in-linear-dich (list ldata))
3200 ((multiple-value-setq (varl fns) (linear-solvedp (ldata-eqns ldata) :order-functions t))
3201 (cond ((linear-ldatap ldata :open-g open-g) (list ldata))
3202 (t (loop for va in varl
3203 for f in fns
3204 with answ = 1
3205 do (setq answ (ptimes answ (pcoeff f (list va 1 1))))
3206 finally
3207 (return
3208 (cond ((may-invertp answ open-g)(list ldata))
3210 (setq answer
3211 (append
3212 (setq ans1
3213 (ldata-simplifications
3214 (make-ldata :eqns (ldata-eqns ldata)
3215 :inequality (sftimes answ
3216 (ldata-inequality
3217 ldata)))
3218 :open-g open-g :recursive-p t))
3219 (setq ans2 (ldata-simplifications
3220 (make-ldata :eqns (cons answ (ldata-eqns ldata))
3221 :inequality (ldata-inequality
3222 ldata))
3223 :open-g open-g :recursive-p t))))
3224 (setq ans1
3225 (loop for v in ans1
3226 collecting
3227 (make-ldata :eqns
3228 (contract-ideal-localization (ldata-eqns v)
3229 (ldata-inequality v)))))
3230 (setq answer (append ans1 ans2))
3231 (setq answer (delete-redundant-ldata answer :gg open-g))
3232 (mshow answer)
3233 )))))))
3235 (t (format t "~%**Unchanged")
3236 (list ldata))))
3238 (defun simplify-affine-ldata (ldata &key (open-g 1) &aux vari sheaf op)
3239 (setq vari (ml-sort (list-variables (ldata-eqns ldata)) ))
3240 (setq op (let ((*xxx* vari))(make-normal-zopen nil (length vari) open-g)))
3241 (setq sheaf (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves :opens (list op) :data (list (list ldata))))
3242 (simplify-svar-ldata sheaf))
3244 (defvar *answer* nil)
3245 (defun simplify-affine-ldata-write (ldata &key (open-g 1) (pathname "haskell:>wfs>answer.lisp") &aux answ)
3246 (setq *answer* (setq answ (simplify-affine-ldata ldata :open-g open-g)))
3247 (with-open-file (st pathname :direction :output)
3248 (let ((*standard-output* st) *print-radix*)
3249 (for-editor (des answ))
3250 (format st "~%(setq (answ (rerat '~A)))" answ))))