Import: Handle uploads with sha1 starting with 0 properly
[mediawiki.git] / tests / phpunit / data / media / Soccer_ball_animated.svg
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE svg>
3 <svg width="150" height="150" viewBox="-105 -105 210 210" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
4 <defs>
5 <clipPath id="ball">
6 <circle r="100" stroke-width="0"/>
7 </clipPath>
8 <radialGradient id="shadow1" cx=".4" cy=".3" r=".8">
9 <stop offset="0" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="1"/>
10 <stop offset=".4" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="1"/>
11 <stop offset=".8" stop-color="#EEEEEE" stop-opacity="1"/>
12 </radialGradient>
13 <radialGradient id="shadow2" cx=".5" cy=".5" r=".5">
14 <stop offset="0" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0"/>
15 <stop offset=".8" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0"/>
16 <stop offset=".99" stop-color="black" stop-opacity=".3"/>
17 <stop offset="1" stop-color="black" stop-opacity="1"/>
18 </radialGradient>
19 <g id="black_stuff" stroke-linejoin="round" clip-path="url(#ball)">
20 <g fill="black">
21 <path d="M 6,-32 Q 26,-28 46,-19 Q 57,-35 64,-47 Q 50,-68 37,-76 Q 17,-75 1,-68 Q 4,-51 6,-32"/>
22 <path d="M -26,-2 Q -45,-8 -62,-11 Q -74,5 -76,22 Q -69,40 -50,54 Q -32,47 -17,39 Q -23,15 -26,-2"/>
23 <path d="M -95,22 Q -102,12 -102,-8 V 80 H -85 Q -95,45 -95,22"/>
24 <path d="M 55,24 Q 41,41 24,52 Q 28,65 31,79 Q 55,78 68,67 Q 78,50 80,35 Q 65,28 55,24"/>
25 <path d="M 0,120 L -3,95 Q -25,93 -42,82 Q -50,84 -60,81"/>
26 <path d="M -90,-48 Q -80,-52 -68,-49 Q -52,-71 -35,-77 Q -35,-100 -40,-100 H -100"/>
27 <path d="M 100,-55 L 87,-37 Q 98,-10 97,5 L 100,6"/>
28 </g>
29 <g fill="none">
30 <path d="M 6,-32 Q -18,-12 -26,-2
31 M 46,-19 Q 54,5 55,24
32 M 64,-47 Q 77,-44 87,-37
33 M 37,-76 Q 39,-90 36,-100
34 M 1,-68 Q -13,-77 -35,-77
35 M -62,-11 Q -67,-25 -68,-49
36 M -76,22 Q -85,24 -95,22
37 M -50,54 Q -49,70 -42,82
38 M -17,39 Q 0,48 24,52
39 M 31,79 Q 20,92 -3,95
40 M 68,67 L 80,80
41 M 80,35 Q 90,25 97,5
42 "/>
43 </g>
44 </g>
45 </defs>
46 <circle r="100" fill="white" stroke="none"/>
47 <circle r="100" fill="url(#shadow1)" stroke="none"/>
48 <g><animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="rotate" from="0" to="360" begin="0s" dur="3s" repeatCount="indefinite"/>
49 <use xlink:href="#black_stuff" stroke="#EEE" stroke-width="7"/>
50 <use xlink:href="#black_stuff" stroke="#DDD" stroke-width="4"/>
51 <use xlink:href="#black_stuff" stroke="#999" stroke-width="2"/>
52 <use xlink:href="#black_stuff" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"/>
53 </g>
54 <circle r="100" fill="url(#shadow2)" stroke="none"/>
55 </svg>