Merge "Fix Selenium tests"
[mediawiki.git] / resources / src / mediawiki.rcfilters / ui / mw.rcfilters.ui.FilterWrapperWidget.js
1 ( function ( mw ) {
2         /**
3          * List displaying all filter groups
4          *
5          * @extends OO.ui.Widget
6          * @mixins OO.ui.mixin.PendingElement
7          *
8          * @constructor
9          * @param {mw.rcfilters.Controller} controller Controller
10          * @param {} model View model
11          * @param {Object} config Configuration object
12          * @cfg {Object} [filters] A definition of the filter groups in this list
13          */
14         mw.rcfilters.ui.FilterWrapperWidget = function MwRcfiltersUiFilterWrapperWidget( controller, model, config ) {
15                 config = config || {};
17                 // Parent
18        this, config );
19                 // Mixin constructors
20        this, config );
22                 this.controller = controller;
23                 this.model = model;
24                 this.filtersInCapsule = [];
26                 this.filterPopup = new mw.rcfilters.ui.FiltersListWidget(
27                         this.controller,
28                         this.model,
29                         {
30                                 label: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-filterlist-title' )
31                         }
32                 );
34                 this.textInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( {
35                         classes: [ 'mw-rcfilters-ui-filterWrapperWidget-search' ],
36                         icon: 'search',
37                         placeholder: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-search-placeholder' )
38                 } );
40                 this.capsule = new mw.rcfilters.ui.FilterCapsuleMultiselectWidget( this.textInput, {
41                         popup: {
42                                 $content: this.filterPopup.$element,
43                                 classes: [ 'mw-rcfilters-ui-filterWrapperWidget-popup' ]
44                         }
45                 } );
47                 // Events
48                 this.model.connect( this, {
49                         initialize: 'onModelInitialize',
50                         itemUpdate: 'onModelItemUpdate'
51                 } );
52                 this.textInput.connect( this, {
53                         change: 'onTextInputChange'
54                 } );
55                 this.capsule.connect( this, {
56                         remove: 'onCapsuleRemoveItem'
57                 } );
59                 this.$element
60                         .addClass( 'mw-rcfilters-ui-filterWrapperWidget' )
61                         .append( this.capsule.$element, this.textInput.$element );
62         };
64         /* Initialization */
66         OO.inheritClass( mw.rcfilters.ui.FilterWrapperWidget, OO.ui.Widget );
67         OO.mixinClass( mw.rcfilters.ui.FilterWrapperWidget, OO.ui.mixin.PendingElement );
69         /**
70          * Respond to text input change
71          *
72          * @param {string} newValue Current value
73          */
74         mw.rcfilters.ui.FilterWrapperWidget.prototype.onTextInputChange = function ( newValue ) {
75                 // Filter the results
76                 this.filterPopup.filter( this.model.findMatches( newValue ) );
77         };
79         /**
80          * Respond to an event where an item is removed from the capsule.
81          * This is the case where a user actively removes a filter box from the capsule widget.
82          *
83          * @param {string[]} filterNames An array of filter names that were removed
84          */
85         mw.rcfilters.ui.FilterWrapperWidget.prototype.onCapsuleRemoveItem = function ( filterNames ) {
86                 var filterItem,
87                         widget = this;
89                 filterNames.forEach( function ( filterName ) {
90                         // Go over filters
91                         filterItem = widget.model.getItemByName( filterName );
92                         filterItem.toggleSelected( false );
93                 } );
94         };
96         /**
97          * Respond to model update event and set up the available filters to choose
98          * from.
99          */
100         mw.rcfilters.ui.FilterWrapperWidget.prototype.onModelInitialize = function () {
101                 var items,
102                         filters = this.model.getItems();
104                 // Reset
105                 this.capsule.getMenu().clearItems();
107                 // Insert hidden options for the capsule to get its item data from
108                 items = function ( filterItem ) {
109                         return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( {
110                                 data: filterItem.getName(),
111                                 label: filterItem.getLabel()
112                         } );
113                 } );
115                 this.capsule.getMenu().addItems( items );
116         };
118         /**
119          * Respond to model item update
120          *
121          * @param {} item Filter item that was updated
122          */
123         mw.rcfilters.ui.FilterWrapperWidget.prototype.onModelItemUpdate = function ( item ) {
124                 if ( item.isSelected() ) {
125                         this.capsule.addItemsFromData( [ item.getName() ] );
126                 } else {
127                         this.capsule.removeItemsFromData( [ item.getName() ] );
128                 }
129         };
130 }( mediaWiki ) );