2 * Ossetian (Ирон) language functions
4 * @author Santhosh Thottingal
10 $.i18n.languages.os = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages[ 'default' ], {
11 convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
12 var endAllative, jot, hyphen, ending;
14 // Ending for allative case
16 // Variable for 'j' beetwen vowels
18 // Variable for "-" for not Ossetic words
20 // Variable for ending
23 if ( word.match( /тæ$/i ) ) {
24 // Checking if the $word is in plural form
25 word = word.slice( 0, -1 );
27 } else if ( word.match( /[аæеёиоыэюя]$/i ) ) {
28 // Works if word is in singular form.
29 // Checking if word ends on one of the vowels: е, ё, и, о, ы, э, ю,
32 } else if ( word.match( /у$/i ) ) {
33 // Checking if word ends on 'у'. 'У' can be either consonant 'W' or
34 // vowel 'U' in cyrillic Ossetic.
35 // Examples: {{grammar:genitive|аунеу}} = аунеуы,
36 // {{grammar:genitive|лæппу}} = лæппуйы.
37 if ( !word.slice( -2, -1 ).match( /[аæеёиоыэюя]$/i ) ) {
40 } else if ( !word.match( /[бвгджзйклмнопрстфхцчшщьъ]$/i ) ) {
46 ending = hyphen + jot + 'ы';
49 ending = hyphen + jot + 'æн';
52 ending = hyphen + endAllative;
56 ending = hyphen + jot + 'æ';
58 ending = hyphen + jot + 'æй';
62 ending = hyphen + jot + 'ыл';
65 ending = hyphen + jot + 'ау';
68 ending = hyphen + 'имæ';