2 * Special:Preferences skin section enhancements.
3 * When the skin tab is infused by OOUI, toggle skin preferences based on skin state.
7 function invalidateSkinPrefsDisplay( $root ) {
9 // The skin preferences section. Skins with preferences should use the
10 // section `rendering/skin/skin-prefs` toa dd skin specific preferences
11 // in their onGetPreferences() hook.
12 // At time of writing, this functionality is only used by Vector and Monobook.
13 $skinPrefs = $root.find( '#mw-prefsection-rendering-skin-skin-prefs' ),
14 // oo-ui-fieldLayout is the wrapper class name for each preference. When all wrappers are
15 // disabled by hide-if (oo-ui-fieldLayout-disabled), the whole section should be hidden.
16 show = !!$skinPrefs.find( '.oo-ui-fieldLayout' ).not( '.oo-ui-fieldLayout-disabled' ).length;
18 $skinPrefs.parent().css( 'display', show ? '' : 'none' );
21 function onHTMLFormEnhance( $root ) {
22 const $skins = $root.find( '#mw-input-wpskin' );
23 // Don't kick in before this tab panel is infused and hide-if executed (T352358).
24 if ( !$skins.length || $skins.closest( '.mw-htmlform-autoinfuse-lazy' ).length ) {
28 // No need to listen for subsequent events.
29 mw.hook( 'htmlform.enhance' ).remove( onHTMLFormEnhance );
31 // Set the initial skin preference display state based on the skin selected.
32 invalidateSkinPrefsDisplay( $root );
34 // Observe skin radio state selection changes.
35 OO.ui.infuse( $skins ).on( 'change', () => {
36 invalidateSkinPrefsDisplay( $root );
40 // Wait for the tab to be infused by OOUI before manipulating it further. htmlform.enhance is
41 // emitted on page load by resources/src/mediawiki.htmlform/htmlform.js, again for each tab
42 // infused by resources/src/mediawiki.special.preferences.ooui/tabs.js, and possibly other
44 mw.hook( 'htmlform.enhance' ).add( onHTMLFormEnhance );