Localisation updates from https://translatewiki.net.
[mediawiki.git] / resources / src / mediawiki.tempUserBanner / tempUserBanner.js
1 /**
2  * Behavior related to the temporary user banner, specifically
3  * the tooltip. Design: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T330510
4  *
5  * @ignore
6  */
8 $( () => {
10         const config = require( './config.json' ),
11                 $tempUserBannerEl = $( '.mw-temp-user-banner ' ),
12                 $tempUserBannerTooltipEl = $( '.mw-temp-user-banner-tooltip ' ),
13                 $tempUserBannerTooltipButtonEl = $( '#mw-temp-user-banner-tooltip-button' ),
14                 TTL_DAY_MS = 86400000;
16         /**
17          * Get the time since the account was created
18          *
19          * @ignore
20          * @return {number} The duration since it was created until "now" in milliseconds
21          */
22         function getTemporaryAccountDurationMs() {
23                 return Date.now() - mw.user.getFirstRegistration().getTime();
24         }
26         /**
27          * Whether the account will expire within the period defined
28          * by notifyBeforeExpirationDays in AutoCreateTempUser configuration
29          *
30          * @ignore
31          * @return {boolean}
32          */
33         function isWithinExpirationNotificationPeriod() {
34                 const expirationDurationMs = TTL_DAY_MS * config.AutoCreateTempUser.expireAfterDays;
35                 const notificationDurationMs = TTL_DAY_MS * config.AutoCreateTempUser.notifyBeforeExpirationDays;
36                 return getTemporaryAccountDurationMs() > ( expirationDurationMs - notificationDurationMs );
37         }
39         /**
40          * Get the time until the account will expire
41          *
42          * @ignore
43          * @return {number} The duration from "now" until the account expiration in milliseconds
44          */
45         function getTimeToExpirationMs() {
46                 return ( TTL_DAY_MS * config.AutoCreateTempUser.expireAfterDays ) - getTemporaryAccountDurationMs();
47         }
49         /**
50          * Whether the expiration tooltip should be shown. The following criteria
51          * must be met:
52          *  - Expiration is set in AutoCreateTempUser configuration (expireAfterDays)
53          *  - The evaluated temporary account expiration is within the notification period
54          *  as defined in AutoCreateTempUser configuration (notifyBeforeExpirationDays)
55          *  - The user didn't proactively dismiss the tooltip clicking on the close button,
56          *  see showTooltip()
57          *
58          * @ignore
59          * @return {boolean}
60          */
61         function shouldShowExpirationAlert() {
62                 const tempUserExpirationAlertDismissed = localStorage.getItem( 'tempUserExpirationAlertDismissed' );
63                 const expirationIsSet = typeof config.AutoCreateTempUser.expireAfterDays === 'number';
64                 const notifyBeforeExpirationIsSet = typeof config.AutoCreateTempUser.notifyBeforeExpirationDays === 'number';
65                 return expirationIsSet &&
66                         notifyBeforeExpirationIsSet &&
67                         !tempUserExpirationAlertDismissed &&
68                         isWithinExpirationNotificationPeriod();
69         }
71         /**
72          * Retrieve the expiration descriptive text
73          *
74          * @ignore
75          * @return {string}
76          */
77         function getExpirationDescriptionText() {
78                 const timeToExpirationDays = Math.floor( getTimeToExpirationMs() / TTL_DAY_MS );
79                 const params = [ timeToExpirationDays ];
80                 let key = 'temp-user-banner-tooltip-description-expiration-soon';
81                 if ( timeToExpirationDays < 1 ) {
82                         key += '-day';
83                         params.pop();
84                 }
85                 // Messages that can be used here:
86                 // * temp-user-banner-tooltip-description-expiration-soon
87                 // * temp-user-banner-tooltip-description-expiration-soon-day
88                 return mw.message( key, params ).parseDom();
89         }
91         /**
92          * Retrieve the tooltip content
93          *
94          * @ignore
95          * @param {boolean} shouldShowExpiration
96          * @return {jQuery}
97          */
98         function getTooltipContent( shouldShowExpiration ) {
99                 const descriptionText = shouldShowExpiration ?
100                         getExpirationDescriptionText() :
101                         mw.message( 'temp-user-banner-tooltip-description-learn-more' ).parseDom();
102                 return $( '<div>' ).append(
103                         $( '<p>' ).append( descriptionText ),
104                         $( '<p>' ).append( mw.message( 'temp-user-banner-tooltip-description-login' ).parseDom() )
105                 );
106         }
108         /**
109          * Builds a tooltip which is part of a banner for temporary account (IP masking) users.
110          *
111          * @ignore
112          * @param {jQuery} $bannerEl
113          * @param {jQuery} $tooltipEl
114          * @param {jQuery} $buttonEl
115          */
116         function initTempUserBannerTooltip( $bannerEl, $tooltipEl, $buttonEl ) {
117                 if ( !$bannerEl.length || !$tooltipEl.length || !$buttonEl.length ) {
118                         return;
119                 }
121                 let popup;
123                 /**
124                  * Creates the tooltip if it doesn't already exist and toggles it.
125                  *
126                  * @ignore
127                  */
128                 function showTooltip() {
129                         return mw.loader.using( [
130                                 'codex-styles',
131                                 'oojs-ui-core',
132                                 'oojs-ui-widgets',
133                                 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-interactions'
134                         ] ).then( () => {
135                                 const shouldShowExpiration = shouldShowExpirationAlert();
136                                 if ( !popup ) {
137                                         popup = new OO.ui.PopupWidget( {
138                                                 icon: 'clock',
139                                                 padded: true,
140                                                 head: true,
141                                                 label: mw.msg( 'temp-user-banner-tooltip-title' ),
142                                                 $content: getTooltipContent( shouldShowExpiration ),
143                                                 autoClose: !shouldShowExpiration,
144                                                 $autoCloseIgnore: $buttonEl,
145                                                 $floatableContainer: $tooltipEl,
146                                                 position: 'below'
147                                         } );
148                                         $tooltipEl.append( popup.$element );
150                                         if ( shouldShowExpiration ) {
151                                                 popup.on( 'toggle', ( visible ) => {
152                                                         if ( !visible ) {
153                                                                 localStorage.setItem( 'tempUserExpirationAlertDismissed', true );
154                                                                 popup = null;
155                                                         }
156                                                 } );
157                                         }
158                                 }
159                                 popup.toggle();
160                         } );
161                 }
163                 $buttonEl.on( 'click', showTooltip );
165                 if ( shouldShowExpirationAlert() ) {
166                         showTooltip();
167                 }
168         }
170         initTempUserBannerTooltip( $tempUserBannerEl, $tempUserBannerTooltipEl, $tempUserBannerTooltipButtonEl );
172 } );