jquery.placeholder: Take placeholder text as parameter
[mediawiki.git] / resources / jquery / jquery.placeholder.js
1 /**
2  * HTML5 placeholder emulation for jQuery plugin
3  *
4  * This will automatically use the HTML5 placeholder attribute if supported, or emulate this behavior if not.
5  *
6  * @author Trevor Parscal <tparscal@wikimedia.org>, 2012
7  * @author Krinkle <krinklemail@gmail.com>, 2012
8  * @version 0.2.0
9  * @license GPL v2
10  */
11 ( function ( $ ) {
13         $.fn.placeholder = function ( text ) {
14                 // Check whether supplied argument is a string
15                 var textIsValid = ( typeof text === 'string' );
17                 return this.each( function () {
18                         var placeholder, $input;
21                         // If the HTML5 placeholder attribute is supported, use it
22                         if ( this.placeholder && 'placeholder' in document.createElement( this.tagName ) ) {
23                                 if ( textIsValid ) {
24                                         this.setAttribute( 'placeholder', text );
25                                 }
26                                 return;
27                         }
29                         placeholder = textIsValid ? text : this.getAttribute( 'placeholder' );
30                         $input = $(this);
32                         // Show initially, if empty
33                         if ( this.value === '' || this.value === placeholder ) {
34                                 $input.addClass( 'placeholder' ).val( placeholder );
35                         }
37                         $input
38                                 // Show on blur if empty
39                                 .blur( function () {
40                                         if ( this.value === '' ) {
41                                                 this.value = placeholder;
42                                                 $input.addClass( 'placeholder' );
43                                         }
44                                 } )
46                                 // Hide on focus
47                                 // Also listen for other events in case $input was
48                                 // already focused when the events were bound
49                                 .on( 'focus drop keydown paste', function ( e ) {
50                                         if ( $input.hasClass( 'placeholder' ) ) {
51                                                 if ( e.type === 'drop' && e.originalEvent.dataTransfer ) {
52                                                         // Support for drag&drop. Instead of inserting the dropped
53                                                         // text somewhere in the middle of the placeholder string,
54                                                         // we want to set the contents of the search box to the
55                                                         // dropped text.
57                                                         // IE wants getData( 'text' ) but Firefox wants getData( 'text/plain' )
58                                                         // Firefox fails gracefully with an empty string, IE barfs with an error
59                                                         try {
60                                                                 // Try the Firefox way
61                                                                 this.value = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData( 'text/plain' );
62                                                         } catch ( exception ) {
63                                                                 // Got an exception, so use the IE way
64                                                                 this.value = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData( 'text' );
65                                                         }
67                                                         // On Firefox, drop fires after the dropped text has been inserted,
68                                                         // but on IE it fires before. If we don't prevent the default action,
69                                                         // IE will insert the dropped text twice.
70                                                         e.preventDefault();
71                                                 } else {
72                                                         this.value = '';
73                                                 }
74                                                 $input.removeClass( 'placeholder' );
75                                         }
76                                 } );
78                         // Blank on submit -- prevents submitting with unintended value
79                         if ( this.form ) {
80                                 $( this.form ).submit( function () {
81                                         // $input.trigger( 'focus' ); would be problematic
82                                         // because it actually focuses $input, leading
83                                         // to nasty behavior in mobile browsers
84                                         if ( $input.hasClass( 'placeholder' ) ) {
85                                                 $input
86                                                         .val( '' )
87                                                         .removeClass( 'placeholder' );
88                                         }
89                                 });
90                         }
92                 });
93         };
95 }( jQuery ) );