Bug 20489 Configure illegal file characters https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug...
[mediawiki.git] / js2 / mwEmbed / libClipEdit / pixastic-editor / uidata.js
1 (function($) {
3 var PE = PixasticEditor;
5 PE.UI.data = {
6         tabs : [
7                 {
8                         title : "Reshape",
9                         id : "reshape",
10                         actions : [
11                                 {
12                                         title : "Resize",
13                                         id : "resize",
14                                         isAction : true,
15                                         controls : [
16                                                 {
17                                                         type : "output",
18                                                         content : "Enter new dimensions below."
19                                                 },
20                                                 {
21                                                         label : "Width",
22                                                         labelRight : "px",
23                                                         option : "width",
24                                                         type : "number", 
25                                                         range : [1,10000], 
26                                                         step : 1,
27                                                         defaultValue : function() { return PE.getImageWidth(); },
28                                                         ui : "text"
29                                                 },
30                                                 {
31                                                         label : "Height",
32                                                         labelRight : "px",
33                                                         option : "height",
34                                                         type : "number", 
35                                                         range : [1,10000], 
36                                                         step : 1,
37                                                         defaultValue : function() { return PE.getImageHeight(); },
38                                                         ui : "text"
39                                                 }
40                                         ]
41                                 },
42                                 {
43                                         title : "Crop",
44                                         id : "crop",
45                                         isAction : true,
46                                         controls : [
47                                                 {
48                                                         type : "output",
49                                                         content : "Enter new crop values below or use mouse to select crop area."
50                                                 },
51                                                 {
52                                                         label : "X",
53                                                         labelRight : "px",
54                                                         option : "left",
55                                                         type : "number", 
56                                                         range : [0,10000], 
57                                                         step : 1,
58                                                         defaultValue : 0,
59                                                         ui : "text"
60                                                 },
61                                                 {
62                                                         label : "Y",
63                                                         labelRight : "px",
64                                                         option : "top",
65                                                         type : "number", 
66                                                         range : [0,10000], 
67                                                         step : 1,
68                                                         defaultValue : 0,
69                                                         ui : "text"
70                                                 },
71                                                 {
72                                                         label : "Width",
73                                                         labelRight : "px",
74                                                         option : "width",
75                                                         type : "number", 
76                                                         range : [1,10000], 
77                                                         step : 1,
78                                                         defaultValue : function() { return PE.getImageWidth(); },
79                                                         ui : "text"
80                                                 },
81                                                 {
82                                                         label : "Height",
83                                                         labelRight : "px",
84                                                         option : "height",
85                                                         type : "number", 
86                                                         range : [1,10000], 
87                                                         step : 1,
88                                                         defaultValue : function() { return PE.getImageHeight(); },
89                                                         ui : "text"
90                                                 }
91                                         ],
92                                         onactivate : function() {
93                                                 var $canvas = PE.getDisplayCanvas();
94                                                 var onchange = function(c) {
95                                                         var doc = PE.getDocument();
96                                                         $j("#input-numeric-crop-left", doc).val(c.x).change();
97                                                         $j("#input-numeric-crop-top", doc).val(c.y).change();
98                                                         $j("#input-numeric-crop-width", doc).val(c.w).change();
99                                                         $j("#input-numeric-crop-height", doc).val(c.h).change();
100                                                         $j("#input-hidden-crop-left", doc).val(c.x).change();
101                                                         $j("#input-hidden-crop-top", doc).val(c.y).change();
102                                                         $j("#input-hidden-crop-width", doc).val(c.w).change();
103                                                         $j("#input-hidden-crop-height", doc).val(c.h).change();
104                                                 }
105                                                 $canvas.data("Jcrop-onchange", onchange);
106                                                 $canvas.Jcrop({onChange:onchange}, PE.getDocument());
107                                         },
108                                         ondeactivate : function() {
109                                                 var $canvas = PE.getDisplayCanvas();
110                                                 if ($canvas.data("Jcrop") && $canvas.data("Jcrop").destroy)
111                                                         $canvas.data("Jcrop").destroy();
112                                         },
113                                         onafteraction : function(action, isPreview) {
114                                                 action.ondeactivate();
115                                                 action.onactivate();
116                                                 /*
117                                                 var $canvas = PE.getDisplayCanvas();
118                                                 if ($canvas.data("Jcrop") && $canvas.data("Jcrop").destroy)
119                                                         $canvas.data("Jcrop").destroy();
120                                                 var onchange = $canvas.data("Jcrop-onchange");
121                                                 $canvas.Jcrop({onChange:onchange});
122                                                 */
123                                         }
124                                 },
125                                 {
126                                         title : "Rotate",
127                                         id : "rotate",
128                                         isAction : true,
129                                         preview : true,
130                                         forcePreview : true,
131                                         controls : [
132                                                 {
133                                                         type : "output",
134                                                         content : "Enter the angle (-180° to 180°) you want to rotate the picture. Use negative values for clockwise rotation, positive for counterclockwise."
135                                                 },
136                                                 {
137                                                         label : "Angle",
138                                                         labelRight : "°",
139                                                         option : "angle",
140                                                         type : "number", 
141                                                         range : [-180,180], 
142                                                         step : 1,
143                                                         defaultValue : 0,
144                                                         ui : "text"
145                                                 }
146                                         ],
147                                         onactivate : function() {
148                                                 var doc = PE.getDocument();
149                                                 var $displayCanvas = PE.getDisplayCanvas();
150                                                 var dim = Math.min($displayCanvas.attr("height"), 200);
151                                                 var $canvas = $j("<canvas></canvas>", doc);
152                                                 PE.getOverlay().append($canvas);
154                                                 $canvas.attr("width", dim);
155                                                 $canvas.attr("height", dim);
156                                                 $canvas.width(dim);
157                                                 $canvas.height(dim);
159                                                 $canvas.css("marginTop", (($displayCanvas.attr("height") - dim) * 0.5) + "px");
161                                                 var lineWidth = 20;
162                                                 var radius = dim/2 - lineWidth;
163                                                 if (radius < 1) radius = 1;
165                                                 var ctx = $canvas.get(0).getContext("2d");
166                                                 ctx.beginPath()
167                                                 ctx.arc(dim/2, dim/2, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
168                                                 ctx.closePath();
169                                                 ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(200,200,200,0.2)";
170                                                 ctx.fill();
171                                                 ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(200,200,200,0.5)";
172                                                 ctx.lineWidth = 20;
173                                                 ctx.stroke();
175                                                 $j("#image-area", doc).css("cursor", "move");
177                                                 $overlay = PE.getOverlay();
179                                                 $canvas.get(0).ondragstart = function() {return false;}
180                                                 $canvas.get(0).onselectstart = function() {return false;}
182                                                 var mx = 0, my = 0;
183                                                 var startMouseAngle = 0;
184                                                 var startAngle = 0;
185                                                 var deltaAngle = 0;
186                                                 var angle = 0;
188                                                 var mouseIsDown = false;
189                                                 var onmousedown = function(e) {
190                                                         mouseIsDown = true;
191                                                         var offset = $displayCanvas.offset();
192                                                         mx = (e.pageX - offset.left) - $displayCanvas.attr("width")*0.5;
193                                                         my = (e.pageY - offset.top) - $displayCanvas.attr("height")*0.5;
194                                                         startMouseAngle = Math.atan2(my, mx);
195                                                         startAngle = parseInt($j("#input-numeric-rotate-angle", doc).val(), 10) * Math.PI / 180;
196                                                 }
197                                                 var onmousemove = function(e) {
198                                                         if (!mouseIsDown) return;
200                                                         var offset = $displayCanvas.offset();
201                                                         mx = (e.pageX - offset.left) - $displayCanvas.attr("width")*0.5;
202                                                         my = (e.pageY - offset.top) - $displayCanvas.attr("height")*0.5;
203                                                         deltaAngle = Math.atan2(my, mx) - startMouseAngle;
204                                                         angle = startAngle - deltaAngle;
205                                                         if (angle < -Math.PI) angle += 2*Math.PI;
206                                                         if (angle > Math.PI) angle -= 2*Math.PI;
207                                                         $j("#input-numeric-rotate-angle", doc).val(Math.round(angle * 180 / Math.PI));
208                                                         $j("#input-numeric-rotate-angle", doc).change();
209                                                 }
210                                                 var onmouseup = function() {
211                                                         mouseIsDown = false;
212                                                 }
214                                                 $j("#image-area", doc).bind("mousedown", onmousedown);
215                                                 $j("#image-area", doc).bind("mousemove", onmousemove);
216                                                 $j("#image-area", doc).bind("mouseup", onmouseup);
217                                                 $canvas.data("onmousedown", onmousedown);
218                                                 $canvas.data("onmousemove", onmousemove);
219                                                 $canvas.data("onmouseup", onmouseup);
220                                                 $displayCanvas.data("rotateCanvas", $canvas);
221                                         },
222                                         ondeactivate : function() {
223                                                 var doc = PE.getDocument();
224                                                 var $displayCanvas = PE.getDisplayCanvas();
225                                                 $overlay = PE.getOverlay();
226                                                 $j("#image-area", doc).css("cursor", "default");
228                                                 var $canvas = $displayCanvas.data("rotateCanvas");
230                                                 $j("#image-area", doc).unbind("mousedown", $canvas.data("onmousedown"));
231                                                 $j("#image-area", doc).unbind("mousemove", $canvas.data("onmousemove"));
232                                                 $j("#image-area", doc).unbind("mouseup", $canvas.data("onmouseup"));
233                                                 $displayCanvas.removeData("rotateCanvas");
234                                                 $canvas.remove();
235                                         },
236                                         onafteraction : function(action, isPreview) {
237                                                 if (!isPreview) { // rebuild the rotate widget
238                                                         action.ondeactivate();
239                                                         action.onactivate();
240                                                 }
241                                         },
242                                         onoverlayupdate : function() {
243                                                 var $canvas = PE.getDisplayCanvas().data("rotateCanvas");
244                                                 if ($canvas) {
245                                                         $canvas.css("marginTop", ((PE.getDisplayCanvas().get(0).height - $canvas.get(0).height) * 0.5) + "px");
246                                                 }
247                                         }
248                                 },
249                                 {
250                                         title : "Flip",
251                                         id : "flip",
252                                         isAction : true,
253                                         controls : [
254                                                 {
255                                                         label : "Axis",
256                                                         option : "axis",
257                                                         type : "string", 
258                                                         values : [
259                                                                 {name:"Horizontal", value:"horizontal"},
260                                                                 {name:"Vertical", value:"vertical"}
261                                                         ],
262                                                         defaultValue : "vertical",
263                                                         ui : "select"
264                                                 }
265                                         ]
266                                 }
267                         ]
268                 },
269                 {
270                         title : "Develop",
271                         id : "develop",
272                         actions : [
273                                 {
274                                         title : "Brightness & Contrast",
275                                         id : "brightness",
276                                         isAction : true,
277                                         preview : true,
278                                         controls : [
279                                                 {
280                                                         type : "output",
281                                                         content : "Use the sliders below to adjust the brightness and/or contrast of the image."
282                                                 },
283                                                 {
284                                                         label : "Brightness",
285                                                         option : "brightness",
286                                                         type : "number", 
287                                                         range : [-100,100], 
288                                                         defaultValue : 0,
289                                                         ui : "slider",
290                                                         step : 1
291                                                 },
292                                                 {
293                                                         label : "Contrast",
294                                                         option : "contrast",
295                                                         type : "number", 
296                                                         range : [-1,1], 
297                                                         defaultValue : 0,
298                                                         ui : "slider",
299                                                         step : 0.01
300                                                 },
301                                                 {
302                                                         label : "Legacy mode",
303                                                         option : "legacy",
304                                                         type : "boolean", 
305                                                         defaultValue : false,
306                                                         ui : "checkbox"
307                                                 }
308                                         ]
309                                 },
310                                 {
311                                         title : "Hue/Saturation/Lightness",
312                                         id : "hsl",
313                                         isAction : true,
314                                         preview : true,
315                                         controls : [
316                                                 {
317                                                         type : "output",
318                                                         content : "Use the sliders below to adjust the hue, saturation and/or lightness of the image."
319                                                 },
320                                                 {
321                                                         label : "Hue",
322                                                         option : "hue",
323                                                         type : "number", 
324                                                         range : [-180,180], 
325                                                         defaultValue : 0,
326                                                         ui : "slider",
327                                                         step : 1
328                                                 },
329                                                 {
330                                                         label : "Saturation",
331                                                         option : "saturation",
332                                                         type : "number", 
333                                                         range : [-100,100], 
334                                                         defaultValue : 0,
335                                                         ui : "slider",
336                                                         step : 1
337                                                 },
338                                                 {
339                                                         label : "Lightness",
340                                                         option : "lightness",
341                                                         type : "number", 
342                                                         range : [-100,100], 
343                                                         defaultValue : 0,
344                                                         ui : "slider",
345                                                         step : 1
346                                                 }
347                                         ]
348                                 },
349                                 {
350                                         title : "Adjust colors",
351                                         id : "coloradjust",
352                                         isAction : true,
353                                         preview : true,
354                                         controls : [
355                                                 {
356                                                         type : "output",
357                                                         content : "Use the sliders below to shift the R, G and B channels of the image."
358                                                 },
359                                                 {
360                                                         label : "Red",
361                                                         option : "red",
362                                                         type : "number", 
363                                                         range : [-1,1], 
364                                                         defaultValue : 0,
365                                                         ui : "slider",
366                                                         step : 0.01
367                                                 },
368                                                 {
369                                                         label : "Green",
370                                                         option : "green",
371                                                         type : "number", 
372                                                         range : [-1,1], 
373                                                         defaultValue : 0,
374                                                         ui : "slider",
375                                                         step : 0.01
376                                                 },
377                                                 {
378                                                         label : "Blue",
379                                                         option : "blue",
380                                                         type : "number", 
381                                                         range : [-1,1], 
382                                                         defaultValue : 0,
383                                                         ui : "slider",
384                                                         step : 0.01
385                                                 }
386                                         ]
387                                 },
388                                 {
389                                         title : "Desaturate",
390                                         id : "desaturate",
391                                         isAction : true,
392                                         preview : true,
393                                         controls : [
394                                                 {
395                                                         type : "output",
396                                                         content : "This will desaturate the image. Select \"Use average\" to use the average value of the R, G and B channels rather than the default mix of 30% red, 59% green and 11% blue."
397                                                 },
398                                                 {
399                                                         label : "Use average",
400                                                         option : "average",
401                                                         type : "boolean", 
402                                                         defaultValue : false,
403                                                         ui : "checkbox"
404                                                 }
405                                         ]
406                                 },
407                                 {
408                                         title : "Sepia toning",
409                                         id : "sepia",
410                                         isAction : true,
411                                         preview : true,
412                                         controls : [
413                                                 {
414                                                         type : "output",
415                                                         content : "Applies a sepia toning effect to the image."
416                                                 }
417                                         ]
418                                 },
419                                 {
420                                         title : "Invert",
421                                         id : "invert",
422                                         isAction : true,
423                                         preview : true,
424                                         controls : [
425                                                 {
426                                                         type : "output",
427                                                         content : "This will invert the colors of the image."
428                                                 }
429                                         ]
430                                 },
431                                 {
432                                         title : "Lighten",
433                                         id : "lighten",
434                                         isAction : true,
435                                         preview : true,
436                                         controls : [
437                                                 {
438                                                         type : "output",
439                                                         content : "Use the slider below to lighten or darken the image."
440                                                 },
441                                                 {
442                                                         label : "Amount",
443                                                         option : "amount",
444                                                         type : "number", 
445                                                         range : [-1,1], 
446                                                         defaultValue : 0,
447                                                         ui : "slider",
448                                                         step : 0.01
449                                                 }
450                                         ]
451                                 },
452                                 {
453                                         title : "Unsharp mask",
454                                         id : "unsharpmask",
455                                         isAction : true,
456                                         preview : true,
457                                         controls : [
458                                                 {
459                                                         type : "output",
460                                                         content : "Use the sliders below to adjust the unsharp mask parameters."
461                                                 },
462                                                 {
463                                                         label : "Amount",
464                                                         option : "amount",
465                                                         type : "number", 
466                                                         range : [0,500], 
467                                                         defaultValue : 200,
468                                                         ui : "slider",
469                                                         step : 2
470                                                 },
471                                                 {
472                                                         label : "Radius",
473                                                         option : "radius",
474                                                         type : "number", 
475                                                         range : [0,5], 
476                                                         defaultValue : 2,
477                                                         ui : "slider",
478                                                         step : 0.1
479                                                 },
480                                                 {
481                                                         label : "Threshold",
482                                                         option : "amount",
483                                                         type : "number", 
484                                                         range : [0,255], 
485                                                         defaultValue : 25,
486                                                         ui : "slider",
487                                                         step : 1
488                                                 }
489                                         ]
490                                 }
492                         ]
493                 },
494                 {
495                         title : "Effects",
496                         id : "effects",
497                         actions : [
498                                 {
499                                         title : "Blur",
500                                         id : "blurfast",
501                                         isAction : true,
502                                         preview : true,
503                                         controls : [
504                                                 {
505                                                         type : "output",
506                                                         content : "Use the slider to set the blur amount."
507                                                 },
508                                                 {
509                                                         label : "Amount",
510                                                         option : "amount",
511                                                         type : "number", 
512                                                         range : [0,1], 
513                                                         defaultValue : 0.5,
514                                                         ui : "slider",
515                                                         step : 0.01
516                                                 }
517                                         ]
519                                 },
520                                 {
521                                         title : "Edge detection",
522                                         id : "edges",
523                                         isAction : true,
524                                         preview : true,
525                                         controls : [
526                                                 {
527                                                         type : "output",
528                                                         content : "Performs edge detection on the image."
529                                                 },
530                                                 {
531                                                         label : "Greyscale",
532                                                         option : "mono",
533                                                         type : "boolean", 
534                                                         defaultValue : false,
535                                                         ui : "checkbox"
536                                                 },
537                                                 {
538                                                         label : "Invert",
539                                                         option : "invert",
540                                                         type : "boolean", 
541                                                         defaultValue : false,
542                                                         ui : "checkbox"
543                                                 }
544                                         ]
545                                 },
546                                 {
547                                         title : "Emboss",
548                                         id : "emboss",
549                                         isAction : true,
550                                         preview : true,
551                                         controls : [
552                                                 {
553                                                         type : "output",
554                                                         content : "Adds an emboss-like effect to the image. Use the controls below to control the appearance of the effect. Choose \"Blend\" to blend the effect with the original image."
555                                                 },
556                                                 {
557                                                         label : "Strength",
558                                                         option : "strength",
559                                                         type : "number", 
560                                                         range : [0,10], 
561                                                         defaultValue : 1,
562                                                         ui : "slider",
563                                                         step : 0.1
564                                                 },
565                                                 {
566                                                         label : "Grey level",
567                                                         option : "greyLevel",
568                                                         type : "number", 
569                                                         range : [0,255], 
570                                                         defaultValue : 180,
571                                                         ui : "slider",
572                                                         step : 1
573                                                 },
574                                                 {
575                                                         label : "Direction",
576                                                         option : "direction",
577                                                         type : "string", 
578                                                         values : [
579                                                                 {name:"Top left", value:"topleft"},
580                                                                 {name:"Top", value:"top"},
581                                                                 {name:"Top right", value:"topright"},
582                                                                 {name:"Right", value:"right"},
583                                                                 {name:"Bottom right", value:"bottomright"},
584                                                                 {name:"Bottom", value:"bottom"},
585                                                                 {name:"Bottom left", value:"bottomleft"},
586                                                                 {name:"Left", value:"left"}
587                                                         ],
588                                                         defaultValue : "topleft",
589                                                         ui : "select"
590                                                 },
591                                                 {
592                                                         label : "Blend",
593                                                         option : "blend",
594                                                         type : "boolean", 
595                                                         defaultValue : false,
596                                                         ui : "checkbox"
597                                                 }
598                                         ]
600                                 },
601                                 {
602                                         title : "Glow",
603                                         id : "glow",
604                                         isAction : true,
605                                         preview : true,
606                                         controls : [
607                                                 {
608                                                         type : "output",
609                                                         content : "Creates a glowing effect on the image."
610                                                 },
611                                                 {
612                                                         label : "Amount",
613                                                         option : "amount",
614                                                         type : "number", 
615                                                         range : [0,1], 
616                                                         defaultValue : 0.5,
617                                                         ui : "slider",
618                                                         step : 0.01
619                                                 },
620                                                 {
621                                                         label : "Radius",
622                                                         option : "radius",
623                                                         type : "number", 
624                                                         range : [0,1], 
625                                                         defaultValue : 0.5,
626                                                         ui : "slider",
627                                                         step : 0.01
628                                                 }
629                                         ]
630                                 },
631                                 {
632                                         title : "Add noise",
633                                         id : "noise",
634                                         isAction : true,
635                                         preview : true,
636                                         controls : [
637                                                 {
638                                                         type : "output",
639                                                         content : "Add random noise to the image."
640                                                 },
641                                                 {
642                                                         label : "Amount",
643                                                         option : "amount",
644                                                         type : "number", 
645                                                         range : [0,1], 
646                                                         defaultValue : 0.5,
647                                                         ui : "slider",
648                                                         step : 0.01
649                                                 },
650                                                 {
651                                                         label : "Strength",
652                                                         option : "strength",
653                                                         type : "number", 
654                                                         range : [0,1], 
655                                                         defaultValue : 0.5,
656                                                         ui : "slider",
657                                                         step : 0.01
658                                                 },
659                                                 {
660                                                         label : "Greyscale",
661                                                         option : "mono",
662                                                         type : "boolean", 
663                                                         defaultValue : false,
664                                                         ui : "checkbox"
665                                                 }
666                                         ]
667                                 },
668                                 {
669                                         title : "Remove noise",
670                                         id : "removenoise",
671                                         isAction : true,
672                                         preview : true,
673                                         controls : [
674                                                 {
675                                                         type : "output",
676                                                         content : "Attempts to remove noise from the image. Works best for getting rid of single pixels that stand out."
677                                                 }
678                                         ]
679                                 },
680                                 {
681                                         title : "Pointillize",
682                                         id : "pointillize",
683                                         isAction : true,
684                                         preview : true,
685                                         controls : [
686                                                 {
687                                                         type : "output",
688                                                         content : "Paints the picture with circular points."
689                                                 },
690                                                 {
691                                                         label : "Point radius",
692                                                         option : "radius",
693                                                         type : "number", 
694                                                         range : [1,50], 
695                                                         defaultValue : 5,
696                                                         ui : "slider",
697                                                         step : 1
698                                                 },
699                                                 {
700                                                         label : "Density",
701                                                         option : "density",
702                                                         type : "number", 
703                                                         range : [0,5], 
704                                                         defaultValue : 1,
705                                                         ui : "slider",
706                                                         step : 0.01
707                                                 },
708                                                 {
709                                                         label : "Noise",
710                                                         option : "noise",
711                                                         type : "number", 
712                                                         range : [0,2], 
713                                                         defaultValue : 1,
714                                                         ui : "slider",
715                                                         step : 0.01
716                                                 },
717                                                 {
718                                                         label : "Transparent",
719                                                         option : "transparent",
720                                                         type : "boolean", 
721                                                         defaultValue : false,
722                                                         ui : "checkbox"
723                                                 }
724                                         ]
725                                 },
726                                 {
727                                         title : "Posterize",
728                                         id : "posterize",
729                                         isAction : true,
730                                         preview : true,
731                                         controls : [
732                                                 {
733                                                         type : "output",
734                                                         content : "Reduces the number of colours to a specified number of levels."
735                                                 },
736                                                 {
737                                                         label : "Levels",
738                                                         option : "levels",
739                                                         type : "number", 
740                                                         range : [1,32], 
741                                                         defaultValue : 5,
742                                                         ui : "slider",
743                                                         step : 1
744                                                 }
745                                         ]
746                                 },
747                                 {
748                                         title : "Solarize",
749                                         id : "solarize",
750                                         isAction : true,
751                                         preview : true,
752                                         controls : [
753                                                 {
754                                                         type : "output",
755                                                         content : "Applies a solarize effect to the image."
756                                                 }
757                                         ]
758                                 },
759                                 {
760                                         title : "Mosaic",
761                                         id : "mosaic",
762                                         isAction : true,
763                                         preview : true,
764                                         controls : [
765                                                 {
766                                                         type : "output",
767                                                         content : "Creates a pixelated look."
768                                                 },
769                                                 {
770                                                         label : "Block size",
771                                                         option : "blockSize",
772                                                         type : "number", 
773                                                         range : [1,100], 
774                                                         defaultValue : 5,
775                                                         ui : "slider",
776                                                         step : 1
777                                                 }
778                                         ]
779                                 }
782                         ]
783                 },
784                 {
785                         title : "Done",
786                         id : "done",
787                         actions : [
788                                 {
789                                         title : "Save to page",
790                                         id : "savepage",
791                                         content : function($ctr) {
792                                                 var doc = PE.getDocument();
793                                                 $j("<div></div>", doc)
794                                                         .addClass("action-output-text")
795                                                         .html("This will save the image to the page.")
796                                                         .appendTo($ctr);
798                                                 var $buttonCtr = $j("<div></div>", doc).appendTo($ctr);
799                                                 var $saveButton = $j("<button></button>", doc)
800                                                         .html("Save image")
801                                                         .appendTo($buttonCtr)
802                                                         .click(function() {
803                                                                 PE.saveToPage();
804                                                         });
806                                         }
807                                 },
808                                 {
809                                         title : "Save to file",
810                                         id : "savefile",
811                                         content : function(ctr) {
812                                                 var doc = PE.getDocument();
813                                                 $j("<div></div>", doc)
814                                                         .addClass("action-output-text")
815                                                         .html("This will save the image to your local computer.")
816                                                         .appendTo(ctr);
818                                                 var formats = PE.validSaveFormats();
820                                                 var selectHtml = "<select>";
821                                                 for (var i=0;i<formats.length;i++) {
822                                                         selectHtml += "<option value='" + formats[i].mime + "'>" + formats[i].name + "</option>";
823                                                 }
824                                                 selectHtml += "</select>";
826                                                 var selectCtr = $j("<div></div>", doc)
827                                                         .addClass("ui-select-container");
830                                                 var label = $j("<div></div>", doc)
831                                                         .addClass("ui-select-label")
832                                                         .html("Format:")
833                                                         .appendTo(selectCtr);
835                                                 var formatSelect = $j(selectHtml, doc).appendTo(selectCtr);
838                                                 selectCtr.appendTo(ctr);
840                                                 var buttonCtr = $j("<div></div>", doc).appendTo(ctr);
841                                                 var saveButton = $j("<button></button>", doc)
842                                                         .html("Save file")
843                                                         .appendTo(buttonCtr)
845                                                 saveButton.click(function() {
846                                                         var selectElement = formatSelect.get(0);
847                                                         var formatMime = selectElement.options[selectElement.selectedIndex].value;
848                                                         var dataString = PE.getDataURI(formatMime);
850                                                         var dialog = $j("<div></div>", doc)
851                                                                 .attr("id", "save-dialog")
852                                                                 .attr("title", "Download file")
853                                                                 .html(
854                                                                         "Right click the link below and select \"Save as...\" to save your file.<br/>"
855                                                                         + "<br/>"
856                                                                         + "<a href=\"" + dataString + "\">Image Link</a>"
857                                                                 )
858                                                                 .dialog();
860                                                         // the dialog is added outside the Pixastic container, so get it back in.
861                                                         var dialogParent = $j(dialog.get(0).parentNode);
862                                                         $j("#pixastic-editor", doc).append(dialogParent);
863                                                 });
864                                         }
865                                 },
866                                 /*
867                                 {
868                                         title : "Upload to Flickr",
869                                         id : "flickrupload",
870                                         content : function($ctr) {
871                                                 var doc = PE.getDocument();
873                                                 function flickrAuthed() {
874                                                         var $text = $j("<div />", doc)
875                                                                 .addClass("action-output-text")
876                                                                 .html("Authorized as: " + PE.Flickr.getAuthName());
878                                                         var $buttonCtr = $j("<div></div>", doc);
879                                                         var $uploadButton = $j("<button></button>", doc)
880                                                                 .html("Upload image")
881                                                                 .appendTo($buttonCtr)
883                                                         $uploadButton.click(function() {
884                                                                 PE.Flickr.uploadImage(PE.getDataURI());
885                                                         });
887                                                         $ctr.append($text, $buttonCtr);
888                                                 }
890                                                 var $authCtr = $j("<div />", doc).appendTo($ctr);
892                                                 $j("<div />", doc)
893                                                         .addClass("action-output-text")
894                                                         .html("If you have a Flickr account you can now upload your image to Flickr. You will need to give access to your account first. Click the button below to open an authorization window.")
895                                                         .appendTo($authCtr);
897                                                 var $buttonCtr = $j("<div></div>", doc).appendTo($authCtr);
898                                                 var $authButton = $j("<button></button>", doc)
899                                                         .html("Authenticate")
900                                                         .appendTo($buttonCtr)
902                                                 var checkButtonAdded = false;
903                                                 $authButton.click(function() {
904                                                         PE.Flickr.auth();
905                                                         if (!checkButtonAdded) {
906                                                                 checkButtonAdded = true;
908                                                                 var $text = $j("<div />", doc)
909                                                                         .addClass("action-output-text")
910                                                                         .html("Now click the button below when you have authorized access to your Flickr account.");
912                                                                 var $buttonCtr = $j("<div></div>", doc);
914                                                                 $authCtr.append($text, $buttonCtr);
916                                                                 var $checkButton = $j("<button></button>", doc)
917                                                                         .html("I have authenticated!")
918                                                                         .appendTo($buttonCtr);
920                                                                 $checkButton.click(function() {
921                                                                         PE.Flickr.checkAuth(function(res) {
922                                                                                 if (res.stat == "ok") {
923                                                                                         $authCtr.remove();
924                                                                                         flickrAuthed();
925                                                                                 }
926                                                                         });
927                                                                 });
928                                                         }
930                                                 });
931                                         }
932                                 },
933                                 */
934                                 {
935                                         title : "Quit",
936                                         id : "quit", 
937                                         content : function(ctr) {
938                                                 var doc = PE.getDocument();
940                                                 $j("<div>Are you sure you want to quit?</div>", doc)
941                                                         .addClass("action-output-text")
942                                                         .appendTo(ctr);
943                                                 var $buttonCtr = $j("<div></div>", doc).appendTo(ctr);
945                                                 var $quitButton = PE.UI.makeButton("Yes, quit now!")
946                                                         .appendTo($buttonCtr)
948                                                 $quitButton.click(function() {
949                                                         PE.unload();
950                                                 });
952                                                 var $saveButton = PE.UI.makeButton("Save to page and quit")
953                                                         .appendTo($buttonCtr)
954                                                         .click(function() {
955                                                                 PE.saveToPage();
956                                                                 PE.unload();
957                                                         });
958                                         }
959                                 }
960                         ]
961                 }
962         ]
966 })(PixasticEditor.jQuery);