2 * ----------------------------- JSTORAGE -------------------------------------
3 * Simple local storage wrapper to save data on the browser side, supporting
4 * all major browsers - IE6+, Firefox2+, Safari4+, Chrome4+ and Opera 10.5+
6 * Author: Andris Reinman, andris.reinman@gmail.com
7 * Project homepage: www.jstorage.info
9 * Licensed under Unlicense:
11 * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
13 * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
14 * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
15 * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
18 * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
19 * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
20 * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
21 * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
22 * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
23 * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
24 * software under copyright law.
34 * For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org/>
41 /* jStorage version */
42 JSTORAGE_VERSION = '0.4.10',
44 /* detect a dollar object or create one if not found */
45 $ = window.jQuery || window.$ || (window.$ = {}),
47 /* check for a JSON handling support */
49 parse: window.JSON && (window.JSON.parse || window.JSON.decode) ||
50 String.prototype.evalJSON && function(str) {
51 return String(str).evalJSON();
55 stringify: Object.toJSON ||
56 window.JSON && (window.JSON.stringify || window.JSON.encode) ||
60 // Break if no JSON support was found
61 if (!('parse' in JSON) || !('stringify' in JSON)) {
62 throw new Error('No JSON support found, include //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/json2/20110223/json2.js to page');
66 /* This is the object, that holds the cached values */
73 /* Actual browser storage (localStorage or globalStorage['domain']) */
78 /* DOM element for older IE versions, holds userData behavior */
81 /* How much space does the storage take */
84 /* which backend is currently used */
87 /* onchange observers */
90 /* timeout to wait after onchange event */
91 _observer_timeout = false,
93 /* last update time */
96 /* pubsub observers */
97 _pubsub_observers = {},
99 /* skip published items older than current timestamp */
100 _pubsub_last = +new Date(),
102 /* Next check for TTL */
106 * XML encoding and decoding as XML nodes can't be JSON'ized
107 * XML nodes are encoded and decoded if the node is the value to be saved
108 * but not if it's as a property of another object
110 * $.jStorage.set('key', xmlNode); // IS OK
111 * $.jStorage.set('key', {xml: xmlNode}); // NOT OK
116 * Validates a XML node to be XML
117 * based on jQuery.isXML function
119 isXML: function(elm) {
120 var documentElement = (elm ? elm.ownerDocument || elm : 0).documentElement;
121 return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== 'HTML' : false;
125 * Encodes a XML node to string
126 * based on http://www.mercurytide.co.uk/news/article/issues-when-working-ajax/
128 encode: function(xmlNode) {
129 if (!this.isXML(xmlNode)) {
132 try { // Mozilla, Webkit, Opera
133 return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(xmlNode);
143 * Decodes a XML node from string
144 * loosely based on http://outwestmedia.com/jquery-plugins/xmldom/
146 decode: function(xmlString) {
147 var dom_parser = ('DOMParser' in window && (new DOMParser()).parseFromString) ||
148 (window.ActiveXObject && function(_xmlString) {
149 var xml_doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
150 xml_doc.async = 'false';
151 xml_doc.loadXML(_xmlString);
158 resultXML = dom_parser.call('DOMParser' in window && (new DOMParser()) || window, xmlString, 'text/xml');
159 return this.isXML(resultXML) ? resultXML : false;
164 ////////////////////////// PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////
167 * Initialization function. Detects if the browser supports DOM Storage
168 * or userData behavior and behaves accordingly.
171 /* Check if browser supports localStorage */
172 var localStorageReallyWorks = false;
173 if ('localStorage' in window) {
175 window.localStorage.setItem('_tmptest', 'tmpval');
176 localStorageReallyWorks = true;
177 window.localStorage.removeItem('_tmptest');
178 } catch (BogusQuotaExceededErrorOnIos5) {
179 // Thanks be to iOS5 Private Browsing mode which throws
180 // QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERRROR DOM Exception 22.
184 if (localStorageReallyWorks) {
186 if (window.localStorage) {
187 _storage_service = window.localStorage;
188 _backend = 'localStorage';
189 _observer_update = _storage_service.jStorage_update;
191 } catch (E3) { /* Firefox fails when touching localStorage and cookies are disabled */ }
193 /* Check if browser supports globalStorage */
194 else if ('globalStorage' in window) {
196 if (window.globalStorage) {
197 if (window.location.hostname == 'localhost') {
198 _storage_service = window.globalStorage['localhost.localdomain'];
200 _storage_service = window.globalStorage[window.location.hostname];
202 _backend = 'globalStorage';
203 _observer_update = _storage_service.jStorage_update;
205 } catch (E4) { /* Firefox fails when touching localStorage and cookies are disabled */ }
207 /* Check if browser supports userData behavior */
209 _storage_elm = document.createElement('link');
210 if (_storage_elm.addBehavior) {
212 /* Use a DOM element to act as userData storage */
213 _storage_elm.style.behavior = 'url(#default#userData)';
215 /* userData element needs to be inserted into the DOM! */
216 document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_storage_elm);
219 _storage_elm.load('jStorage');
221 // try to reset cache
222 _storage_elm.setAttribute('jStorage', '{}');
223 _storage_elm.save('jStorage');
224 _storage_elm.load('jStorage');
229 data = _storage_elm.getAttribute('jStorage');
233 _observer_update = _storage_elm.getAttribute('jStorage_update');
236 _storage_service.jStorage = data;
237 _backend = 'userDataBehavior';
244 // Load data from storage
250 // start listening for changes
253 // initialize publish-subscribe service
256 // handle cached navigation
257 if ('addEventListener' in window) {
258 window.addEventListener('pageshow', function(event) {
259 if (event.persisted) {
267 * Reload data from storage when needed
269 function _reloadData() {
272 if (_backend == 'userDataBehavior') {
273 _storage_elm.load('jStorage');
276 data = _storage_elm.getAttribute('jStorage');
280 _observer_update = _storage_elm.getAttribute('jStorage_update');
283 _storage_service.jStorage = data;
295 * Sets up a storage change observer
297 function _setupObserver() {
298 if (_backend == 'localStorage' || _backend == 'globalStorage') {
299 if ('addEventListener' in window) {
300 window.addEventListener('storage', _storageObserver, false);
302 document.attachEvent('onstorage', _storageObserver);
304 } else if (_backend == 'userDataBehavior') {
305 setInterval(_storageObserver, 1000);
310 * Fired on any kind of data change, needs to check if anything has
311 * really been changed
313 function _storageObserver() {
315 // cumulate change notifications with timeout
316 clearTimeout(_observer_timeout);
317 _observer_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
319 if (_backend == 'localStorage' || _backend == 'globalStorage') {
320 updateTime = _storage_service.jStorage_update;
321 } else if (_backend == 'userDataBehavior') {
322 _storage_elm.load('jStorage');
324 updateTime = _storage_elm.getAttribute('jStorage_update');
328 if (updateTime && updateTime != _observer_update) {
329 _observer_update = updateTime;
337 * Reloads the data and checks if any keys are changed
339 function _checkUpdatedKeys() {
340 var oldCrc32List = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_storage.__jstorage_meta.CRC32)),
344 newCrc32List = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_storage.__jstorage_meta.CRC32));
350 for (key in oldCrc32List) {
351 if (oldCrc32List.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
352 if (!newCrc32List[key]) {
356 if (oldCrc32List[key] != newCrc32List[key] && String(oldCrc32List[key]).substr(0, 2) == '2.') {
362 for (key in newCrc32List) {
363 if (newCrc32List.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
364 if (!oldCrc32List[key]) {
370 _fireObservers(updated, 'updated');
371 _fireObservers(removed, 'deleted');
375 * Fires observers for updated keys
377 * @param {Array|String} keys Array of key names or a key
378 * @param {String} action What happened with the value (updated, deleted, flushed)
380 function _fireObservers(keys, action) {
381 keys = [].concat(keys || []);
385 if (action == 'flushed') {
387 for (var key in _observers) {
388 if (_observers.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
394 for (i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
395 if (_observers[keys[i]]) {
396 for (j = 0, jlen = _observers[keys[i]].length; j < jlen; j++) {
397 _observers[keys[i]][j](keys[i], action);
400 if (_observers['*']) {
401 for (j = 0, jlen = _observers['*'].length; j < jlen; j++) {
402 _observers['*'][j](keys[i], action);
409 * Publishes key change to listeners
411 function _publishChange() {
412 var updateTime = (+new Date()).toString();
414 if (_backend == 'localStorage' || _backend == 'globalStorage') {
416 _storage_service.jStorage_update = updateTime;
418 // safari private mode has been enabled after the jStorage initialization
421 } else if (_backend == 'userDataBehavior') {
422 _storage_elm.setAttribute('jStorage_update', updateTime);
423 _storage_elm.save('jStorage');
430 * Loads the data from the storage based on the supported mechanism
432 function _load_storage() {
433 /* if jStorage string is retrieved, then decode it */
434 if (_storage_service.jStorage) {
436 _storage = JSON.parse(String(_storage_service.jStorage));
438 _storage_service.jStorage = '{}';
441 _storage_service.jStorage = '{}';
443 _storage_size = _storage_service.jStorage ? String(_storage_service.jStorage).length : 0;
445 if (!_storage.__jstorage_meta) {
446 _storage.__jstorage_meta = {};
448 if (!_storage.__jstorage_meta.CRC32) {
449 _storage.__jstorage_meta.CRC32 = {};
454 * This functions provides the 'save' mechanism to store the jStorage object
457 _dropOldEvents(); // remove expired events
459 _storage_service.jStorage = JSON.stringify(_storage);
460 // If userData is used as the storage engine, additional
462 _storage_elm.setAttribute('jStorage', _storage_service.jStorage);
463 _storage_elm.save('jStorage');
465 _storage_size = _storage_service.jStorage ? String(_storage_service.jStorage).length : 0;
466 } catch (E7) { /* probably cache is full, nothing is saved this way*/ }
470 * Function checks if a key is set and is string or numberic
472 * @param {String} key Key name
474 function _checkKey(key) {
475 if (typeof key != 'string' && typeof key != 'number') {
476 throw new TypeError('Key name must be string or numeric');
478 if (key == '__jstorage_meta') {
479 throw new TypeError('Reserved key name');
485 * Removes expired keys
487 function _handleTTL() {
488 var curtime, i, TTL, CRC32, nextExpire = Infinity,
492 clearTimeout(_ttl_timeout);
494 if (!_storage.__jstorage_meta || typeof _storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL != 'object') {
495 // nothing to do here
499 curtime = +new Date();
500 TTL = _storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL;
502 CRC32 = _storage.__jstorage_meta.CRC32;
504 if (TTL.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
505 if (TTL[i] <= curtime) {
511 } else if (TTL[i] < nextExpire) {
518 if (nextExpire != Infinity) {
519 _ttl_timeout = setTimeout(_handleTTL, Math.min(nextExpire - curtime, 0x7FFFFFFF));
526 _fireObservers(deleted, 'deleted');
531 * Checks if there's any events on hold to be fired to listeners
533 function _handlePubSub() {
535 if (!_storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub) {
539 _pubsubCurrent = _pubsub_last;
541 for (i = len = _storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
542 pubelm = _storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub[i];
543 if (pubelm[0] > _pubsub_last) {
544 _pubsubCurrent = pubelm[0];
545 _fireSubscribers(pubelm[1], pubelm[2]);
549 _pubsub_last = _pubsubCurrent;
553 * Fires all subscriber listeners for a pubsub channel
555 * @param {String} channel Channel name
556 * @param {Mixed} payload Payload data to deliver
558 function _fireSubscribers(channel, payload) {
559 if (_pubsub_observers[channel]) {
560 for (var i = 0, len = _pubsub_observers[channel].length; i < len; i++) {
561 // send immutable data that can't be modified by listeners
563 _pubsub_observers[channel][i](channel, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(payload)));
570 * Remove old events from the publish stream (at least 2sec old)
572 function _dropOldEvents() {
573 if (!_storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub) {
577 var retire = +new Date() - 2000;
579 for (var i = 0, len = _storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub.length; i < len; i++) {
580 if (_storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub[i][0] <= retire) {
581 // deleteCount is needed for IE6
582 _storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub.splice(i, _storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub.length - i);
587 if (!_storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub.length) {
588 delete _storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub;
594 * Publish payload to a channel
596 * @param {String} channel Channel name
597 * @param {Mixed} payload Payload to send to the subscribers
599 function _publish(channel, payload) {
600 if (!_storage.__jstorage_meta) {
601 _storage.__jstorage_meta = {};
603 if (!_storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub) {
604 _storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub = [];
607 _storage.__jstorage_meta.PubSub.unshift([+new Date(), channel, payload]);
615 * JS Implementation of MurmurHash2
617 * SOURCE: https://github.com/garycourt/murmurhash-js (MIT licensed)
619 * @author <a href='mailto:gary.court@gmail.com'>Gary Court</a>
620 * @see http://github.com/garycourt/murmurhash-js
621 * @author <a href='mailto:aappleby@gmail.com'>Austin Appleby</a>
622 * @see http://sites.google.com/site/murmurhash/
624 * @param {string} str ASCII only
625 * @param {number} seed Positive integer only
626 * @return {number} 32-bit positive integer hash
629 function murmurhash2_32_gc(str, seed) {
638 ((str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff)) |
639 ((str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 8) |
640 ((str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 16) |
641 ((str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 24);
643 k = (((k & 0xffff) * 0x5bd1e995) + ((((k >>> 16) * 0x5bd1e995) & 0xffff) << 16));
645 k = (((k & 0xffff) * 0x5bd1e995) + ((((k >>> 16) * 0x5bd1e995) & 0xffff) << 16));
647 h = (((h & 0xffff) * 0x5bd1e995) + ((((h >>> 16) * 0x5bd1e995) & 0xffff) << 16)) ^ k;
655 h ^= (str.charCodeAt(i + 2) & 0xff) << 16;
657 h ^= (str.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xff) << 8;
659 h ^= (str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff);
660 h = (((h & 0xffff) * 0x5bd1e995) + ((((h >>> 16) * 0x5bd1e995) & 0xffff) << 16));
664 h = (((h & 0xffff) * 0x5bd1e995) + ((((h >>> 16) * 0x5bd1e995) & 0xffff) << 16));
670 ////////////////////////// PUBLIC INTERFACE /////////////////////////
674 version: JSTORAGE_VERSION,
677 * Sets a key's value.
679 * @param {String} key Key to set. If this value is not set or not
680 * a string an exception is raised.
681 * @param {Mixed} value Value to set. This can be any value that is JSON
682 * compatible (Numbers, Strings, Objects etc.).
683 * @param {Object} [options] - possible options to use
684 * @param {Number} [options.TTL] - optional TTL value, in milliseconds
685 * @return {Mixed} the used value
687 set: function(key, value, options) {
690 options = options || {};
692 // undefined values are deleted automatically
693 if (typeof value == 'undefined') {
698 if (_XMLService.isXML(value)) {
701 xml: _XMLService.encode(value)
703 } else if (typeof value == 'function') {
704 return undefined; // functions can't be saved!
705 } else if (value && typeof value == 'object') {
706 // clone the object before saving to _storage tree
707 value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value));
710 _storage[key] = value;
712 _storage.__jstorage_meta.CRC32[key] = '2.' + murmurhash2_32_gc(JSON.stringify(value), 0x9747b28c);
714 this.setTTL(key, options.TTL || 0); // also handles saving and _publishChange
716 _fireObservers(key, 'updated');
721 * Looks up a key in cache
723 * @param {String} key - Key to look up.
724 * @param {mixed} def - Default value to return, if key didn't exist.
725 * @return {Mixed} the key value, default value or null
727 get: function(key, def) {
729 if (key in _storage) {
730 if (_storage[key] && typeof _storage[key] == 'object' && _storage[key]._is_xml) {
731 return _XMLService.decode(_storage[key].xml);
733 return _storage[key];
736 return typeof(def) == 'undefined' ? null : def;
740 * Deletes a key from cache.
742 * @param {String} key - Key to delete.
743 * @return {Boolean} true if key existed or false if it didn't
745 deleteKey: function(key) {
747 if (key in _storage) {
748 delete _storage[key];
749 // remove from TTL list
750 if (typeof _storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL == 'object' &&
751 key in _storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL) {
752 delete _storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL[key];
755 delete _storage.__jstorage_meta.CRC32[key];
759 _fireObservers(key, 'deleted');
766 * Sets a TTL for a key, or remove it if ttl value is 0 or below
768 * @param {String} key - key to set the TTL for
769 * @param {Number} ttl - TTL timeout in milliseconds
770 * @return {Boolean} true if key existed or false if it didn't
772 setTTL: function(key, ttl) {
773 var curtime = +new Date();
775 ttl = Number(ttl) || 0;
776 if (key in _storage) {
778 if (!_storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL) {
779 _storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL = {};
782 // Set TTL value for the key
784 _storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL[key] = curtime + ttl;
786 delete _storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL[key];
800 * Gets remaining TTL (in milliseconds) for a key or 0 when no TTL has been set
802 * @param {String} key Key to check
803 * @return {Number} Remaining TTL in milliseconds
805 getTTL: function(key) {
806 var curtime = +new Date(),
809 if (key in _storage && _storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL && _storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL[key]) {
810 ttl = _storage.__jstorage_meta.TTL[key] - curtime;
817 * Deletes everything in cache.
819 * @return {Boolean} Always true
829 _fireObservers(null, 'flushed');
834 * Returns a read-only copy of _storage
836 * @return {Object} Read-only copy of _storage
838 storageObj: function() {
840 F.prototype = _storage;
845 * Returns an index of all used keys as an array
846 * ['key1', 'key2',..'keyN']
848 * @return {Array} Used keys
853 for (i in _storage) {
854 if (_storage.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != '__jstorage_meta') {
862 * How much space in bytes does the storage take?
864 * @return {Number} Storage size in chars (not the same as in bytes,
865 * since some chars may take several bytes)
867 storageSize: function() {
868 return _storage_size;
872 * Which backend is currently in use?
874 * @return {String} Backend name
876 currentBackend: function() {
881 * Test if storage is available
883 * @return {Boolean} True if storage can be used
885 storageAvailable: function() {
890 * Register change listeners
892 * @param {String} key Key name
893 * @param {Function} callback Function to run when the key changes
895 listenKeyChange: function(key, callback) {
897 if (!_observers[key]) {
898 _observers[key] = [];
900 _observers[key].push(callback);
904 * Remove change listeners
906 * @param {String} key Key name to unregister listeners against
907 * @param {Function} [callback] If set, unregister the callback, if not - unregister all
909 stopListening: function(key, callback) {
912 if (!_observers[key]) {
917 delete _observers[key];
921 for (var i = _observers[key].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
922 if (_observers[key][i] == callback) {
923 _observers[key].splice(i, 1);
929 * Subscribe to a Publish/Subscribe event stream
931 * @param {String} channel Channel name
932 * @param {Function} callback Function to run when the something is published to the channel
934 subscribe: function(channel, callback) {
935 channel = (channel || '').toString();
937 throw new TypeError('Channel not defined');
939 if (!_pubsub_observers[channel]) {
940 _pubsub_observers[channel] = [];
942 _pubsub_observers[channel].push(callback);
946 * Publish data to an event stream
948 * @param {String} channel Channel name
949 * @param {Mixed} payload Payload to deliver
951 publish: function(channel, payload) {
952 channel = (channel || '').toString();
954 throw new TypeError('Channel not defined');
957 _publish(channel, payload);
961 * Reloads the data from browser storage
968 * Removes reference from global objects and saves it as jStorage
970 * @param {Boolean} option if needed to save object as simple 'jStorage' in windows context
972 noConflict: function(saveInGlobal) {
973 delete window.$.jStorage;
976 window.jStorage = this;
983 // Initialize jStorage