Merge "Remove not used private member variable mParserWarnings from OutputPage"
[mediawiki.git] / resources / lib / jquery.i18n / src / languages / os.js
1 /**
2  * Ossetian (Ирон) language functions
3  *
4  * @author Santhosh Thottingal
5  */
7 ( function ( $ ) {
8         'use strict';
10         $.i18n.languages.os = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
11                 convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
12                         var endAllative, jot, hyphen, ending;
14                         // Ending for allative case
15                         endAllative = 'мæ';
16                         // Variable for 'j' beetwen vowels
17                         jot = '';
18                         // Variable for "-" for not Ossetic words
19                         hyphen = '';
20                         // Variable for ending
21                         ending = '';
23                         if ( word.match( /тæ$/i ) ) {
24                                 // Checking if the $word is in plural form
25                                 word = word.substring( 0, word.length - 1 );
26                                 endAllative = 'æм';
27                         } else if ( word.match( /[аæеёиоыэюя]$/i ) ) {
28                                 // Works if word is in singular form.
29                                 // Checking if word ends on one of the vowels: е, ё, и, о, ы, э, ю,
30                                 // я.
31                                 jot = 'й';
32                         } else if ( word.match( /у$/i ) ) {
33                                 // Checking if word ends on 'у'. 'У' can be either consonant 'W' or
34                                 // vowel 'U' in cyrillic Ossetic.
35                                 // Examples: {{grammar:genitive|аунеу}} = аунеуы,
36                                 // {{grammar:genitive|лæппу}} = лæппуйы.
37                                 if ( !word.substring( word.length - 2, word.length - 1 )
38                                                 .match( /[аæеёиоыэюя]$/i ) ) {
39                                         jot = 'й';
40                                 }
41                         } else if ( !word.match( /[бвгджзйклмнопрстфхцчшщьъ]$/i ) ) {
42                                 hyphen = '-';
43                         }
45                         switch ( form ) {
46                         case 'genitive':
47                                 ending = hyphen + jot + 'ы';
48                                 break;
49                         case 'dative':
50                                 ending = hyphen + jot + 'æн';
51                                 break;
52                         case 'allative':
53                                 ending = hyphen + endAllative;
54                                 break;
55                         case 'ablative':
56                                 if ( jot === 'й' ) {
57                                         ending = hyphen + jot + 'æ';
58                                 } else {
59                                         ending = hyphen + jot + 'æй';
60                                 }
61                                 break;
62                         case 'superessive':
63                                 ending = hyphen + jot + 'ыл';
64                                 break;
65                         case 'equative':
66                                 ending = hyphen + jot + 'ау';
67                                 break;
68                         case 'comitative':
69                                 ending = hyphen + 'имæ';
70                                 break;
71                         }
73                         return word + ending;
74                 }
75         } );
76 }( jQuery ) );