Drop main() prototype. Syncs with NetBSD-8
[minix.git] / minix / share / beaglebone / weather / weatherstation.js
1 // Main javascript for the BeagleBone Weather Cape demo.
2 //
3 // This code handles drawing the thermometer, gauges, and light level dot.
4 // Most of this code is from the original weatherstation demo. There is some
5 // room for improvement (i.e. changing the scale on the gauges requires a lot
6 // of tweaking, not just changing pmax and pmin), but it gets the job done.
8 // global vars
9 var PI = 3.14;
10 var HALF_PI = 1.57;
11 var TWO_PI = 6.28;
13 // set defaults
14 var pressure = 0;
15 var pmax = 1200;
16 var pmin = 200;
17 var pdata = 0;
18 var punit = "hPa";
20 var temp = 0.0;
21 var tmax = 40.0;
22 var tmin = -20.0;
23 var tunit = "C";
25 var humidity = 0.0;
26 var hmax = 100.0;
27 var hmin = 0.0;
28 var hdata = 0.0;
29 var hunit = "% Humidity";
31 var lux = 0;
32 var lmax = 2000;
33 var lmin = 0;
34 var lunit = "lux";
36 var setWidth = function() {
37 var canvasWidth = window.innerWidth * 0.9;
38 if ( canvasWidth > (0.8 * window.innerHeight)) {
39 canvasWidth = 1.8 * window.innerHeight;
40 $('#heading').hide();
41 } else
42 $('#heading').show();
44 barometerWidth = canvasWidth*0.5;
45 barometerHeight = barometerWidth;
46 thermometerWidth = canvasWidth*0.25;
47 lightWidth = canvasWidth*0.25;
49 setWidth();
51 var barometerSketchProc = function(p) {
52 p.size(barometerWidth, barometerWidth);
53 p.draw = function() {
54 p.size(barometerWidth, barometerWidth);
55 barometerWidth=p.width;
56 p.background(0,0);
58 // barometer
59 p.fill(220);
60 p.noStroke();
61 // Angles for sin() and cos() start at 3 o'clock;
62 // subtract HALF_PI to make them start at the top
63 p.ellipse(barometerWidth/2, barometerWidth/2, barometerWidth*0.8, barometerWidth*0.8);
65 var angle = -HALF_PI + HALF_PI / 3;
66 var inc = TWO_PI / 12;
67 p.stroke(0);
68 p.strokeWeight(barometerWidth*0.015);
69 p.arc(barometerWidth/2, barometerWidth/2, barometerWidth*0.8, barometerWidth*0.8, -(4/3)*PI, PI/3);
71 // we want a range from 200 hPa to 1200 hPa
72 // we want a range from ±950 - ±1050 milibar
73 // 1-5=1010-1050, 7-12=950-1000
74 p.textSize(Math.round(barometerWidth*0.04));
75 for ( i = 1; i <= 12; i++, angle += inc ) {
76 if(i!=6) {
77 p.line(barometerWidth/2 + Math.cos(angle) * barometerWidth*0.35,barometerWidth/2 + Math.sin(angle) * barometerWidth*.35,barometerWidth/2 + Math.cos(angle) * barometerWidth*0.4,barometerWidth/2 + Math.sin(angle) * barometerWidth*.4);
78 if (i < 6) {
79 myText = 700 + 100*i;
80 } else {
81 myText = 100*i - 500;
83 myWidth = p.textWidth(myText);
84 p.fill(0, 102, 153);
85 p.text(myText, Math.round(barometerWidth/2 + Math.cos(angle) * barometerWidth*0.3 - myWidth/2),Math.round(barometerWidth/2 + Math.sin(angle) * barometerWidth*0.3));
86 } else {
87 myText = pdata + ' ' + punit;
88 myWidth = p.textWidth(myText);
89 p.fill(0, 102, 153);
90 p.text(myText, Math.round(barometerWidth/2 + Math.cos(angle) * barometerWidth*0.3 - myWidth/2),Math.round(barometerWidth/2 + Math.sin(angle) * barometerWidth*0.3));
95 // RH scale
96 p.fill(220);
97 p.stroke(0);
98 p.strokeWeight(barometerWidth*0.005);
99 p.arc(barometerWidth/2, barometerWidth/2, barometerWidth*0.4, barometerWidth*0.4, -(4/3)*PI, PI/3);
101 // we want a range from 0 - 100%
102 // 1-5=60-100, 7-12=0-50
103 p.textSize(Math.round(barometerWidth*0.02));
104 for ( i = 1; i <= 12; i++, angle += inc ) {
105 if(i!=6) {
106 p.line(barometerWidth/2 + Math.cos(angle) * barometerWidth*0.18,barometerWidth/2 + Math.sin(angle) * barometerWidth*.18,barometerWidth/2 + Math.cos(angle) * barometerWidth*0.2,barometerWidth/2 + Math.sin(angle) * barometerWidth*.2);
107 if (i < 6) {
108 myText = 50 +10*i;
109 } else {
110 myText = 10*i - 70;
112 myWidth = p.textWidth(myText);
113 p.fill(0, 102, 153);
114 p.text(myText, Math.round(barometerWidth/2 + Math.cos(angle) * barometerWidth*0.16 - myWidth/2),Math.round(barometerWidth/2 + Math.sin(angle) * barometerWidth*0.16));
115 } else {
116 myText = hdata + ' ' + hunit;
117 myWidth = p.textWidth(myText);
118 p.fill(0, 102, 153);
119 p.text(myText, Math.round(barometerWidth/2 + Math.cos(angle) * barometerWidth*0.12 - myWidth/2),Math.round(barometerWidth/2 + Math.sin(angle) * barometerWidth*0.12));
123 //humidity needle
124 p.stroke(60);
125 p.strokeWeight(barometerWidth*0.005);
126 p.line(-Math.cos(humidity) * barometerWidth*0.05 + barometerWidth/2, -Math.sin(humidity) * barometerWidth*0.05 + barometerWidth/2, Math.cos(humidity) * barometerWidth*0.15 + barometerWidth/2, Math.sin(humidity) * barometerWidth*0.15 + barometerWidth/2);
127 //p.ellipse(barometerWidth/2, barometerWidth/2, barometerWidth/20, barometerWidth/20);
129 // pressure needle
130 p.stroke(60);
131 p.strokeWeight(barometerWidth*0.015);
132 p.line(-Math.cos(pressure) * barometerWidth*0.05 + barometerWidth/2, -Math.sin(pressure) * barometerWidth*0.05 + barometerWidth/2, Math.cos(pressure) * barometerWidth*0.35 + barometerWidth/2, Math.sin(pressure) * barometerWidth*0.35 + barometerWidth/2);
133 p.ellipse(barometerWidth/2, barometerWidth/2, barometerWidth/20, barometerWidth/20);
136 p.noLoop();
139 var thermometerSketchProc = function(p) {
140 p.size(thermometerWidth, barometerHeight);
141 p.draw = function() {
142 p.size(thermometerWidth, barometerHeight);
143 thermometerWidth=p.width;
144 p.background(0,0);
146 // thermometer
147 // contour
148 p.stroke(0);
149 p.strokeWeight(thermometerWidth*0.27);
150 p.line(thermometerWidth/2,thermometerWidth*1.75,thermometerWidth/2,thermometerWidth/4);
151 p.ellipse(thermometerWidth/2, thermometerWidth*1.75, thermometerWidth/5, thermometerWidth/5);
153 p.strokeWeight(thermometerWidth*0.22);
154 p.stroke(255);
155 p.line(thermometerWidth/2,thermometerWidth*1.75,thermometerWidth/2,thermometerWidth/4);
156 // mercury bubble
157 if(temp > 0) {
158 p.stroke(255,0,0);
159 } else {
160 p.stroke(0,0,255)
162 p.ellipse(thermometerWidth/2, thermometerWidth*1.75, thermometerWidth/5, thermometerWidth/5);
163 // temperature line
164 if (temp < 44) {
165 p.strokeCap("butt");
166 } else {
167 // don't exceed thermometer bounds.
168 temp = 44;
169 p.strokeCap("round");
171 p.line(thermometerWidth/2,thermometerWidth*1.75,thermometerWidth/2,thermometerWidth*1.1 - (thermometerWidth/50) * temp);
172 // scale
173 p.strokeCap("round");
174 p.stroke(0);
175 p.strokeWeight(thermometerWidth*0.03);
176 var theight = thermometerWidth*1.5;
177 var inc = thermometerWidth/5;
179 p.textSize(Math.round(thermometerWidth*0.06));
181 for ( i = 1; i <= 7; i++, theight -= inc ) {
182 // longer bar at zero degrees C
183 if(i==3) {
184 extra = thermometerWidth/10;
185 } else {
186 extra = thermometerWidth/20;
188 p.line((thermometerWidth/2) - thermometerWidth/8,theight,(thermometerWidth/2) - thermometerWidth/8 + extra, theight );
190 myText = -30 + i*10;
191 p.fill(0, 0, 0);
192 p.text(myText, (thermometerWidth/2) - thermometerWidth*0.09 + extra, theight + 4);
194 // min/max marks
195 p.strokeWeight(thermometerWidth*0.01);
196 p.line((thermometerWidth/2) + thermometerWidth/8,thermometerWidth*1.1 - (thermometerWidth/50) * tmin,(thermometerWidth/2) + thermometerWidth/8 - thermometerWidth/20, thermometerWidth*1.1 - (thermometerWidth/50) * tmin );
197 p.line((thermometerWidth/2) + thermometerWidth/8,thermometerWidth*1.1 - (thermometerWidth/50) * tmax,(thermometerWidth/2) + thermometerWidth/8 - thermometerWidth/20, thermometerWidth*1.1 - (thermometerWidth/50) * tmax );
198 p.strokeWeight(thermometerWidth*0.03);
200 myText = temp + ' ' + tunit;
201 p.fill(0, 0, 0);
202 p.textSize(Math.round(thermometerWidth*0.09));
203 myWidth = p.textWidth(myText);
204 p.text(myText, thermometerWidth/2 - myWidth/2, thermometerWidth*1.75 + thermometerWidth*0.045);
206 p.noLoop();
210 var lightSketchProc = function(p) {
211 var fill_lux;
212 p.size(lightWidth, barometerHeight);
213 p.draw = function() {
214 p.size(lightWidth, barometerHeight);
215 lightWidth=p.width;
216 p.background(0,0);
218 // contour
219 p.stroke(0);
220 p.strokeWeight(lightWidth*0.01);
221 fill_lux = lux;
222 if(fill_lux > (3*255 - 10))
223 fill_lux = (3*255 - 10);
224 p.fill(fill_lux/3 + 10);
225 p.ellipse(lightWidth/2,lightWidth,lightWidth/2,lightWidth/2);
227 myText = lux + ' ' + lunit;
228 p.fill(0, 0, 0);
229 p.textSize(Math.round(lightWidth*0.09));
230 myWidth = p.textWidth(myText);
231 p.text(myText, lightWidth/2 - myWidth/2, lightWidth*1.4 + lightWidth*0.045);
233 p.noLoop();
236 var canvas = document.getElementById("barometerCanvas");
237 var thermometerCanvas = document.getElementById("thermometerCanvas");
238 var lightCanvas = document.getElementById("lightCanvas");
239 var barometer = new Processing(canvas, barometerSketchProc);
240 var thermometer = new Processing(thermometerCanvas, thermometerSketchProc);
241 var light = new Processing(lightCanvas, lightSketchProc);
243 function set_pressure(data) {
245 var myData = parseFloat(data);
247 // Angles for sin() and cos() start at 3 o'clock;
248 // subtract HALF_PI to make them start at the top
249 pressure = ((myData - 700) / 10) * (TWO_PI / 120) - HALF_PI;
250 pdata = myData;
252 if (myData > pmax) pmax = myData;
253 if (myData < pmin) pmin = myData;
255 barometer.redraw();
258 function set_humidity(data) {
260 var myData = parseFloat(data);
262 // Angles for sin() and cos() start at 3 o'clock;
263 // subtract HALF_PI to make them start at the top
264 // 30% = HALF_PI
265 humidity = (myData - 50) * (TWO_PI / 120) - HALF_PI;
266 hdata = myData;
268 if (myData > hmax) hmax = myData;
269 if (myData < hmin) hmin = myData;
271 barometer.redraw();
274 function set_temp(data) {
276 var myData = parseFloat(data);
278 temp = myData;
280 if (myData > tmax) tmax = myData;
281 if (myData < tmin) tmin = myData;
283 thermometer.redraw();
286 function set_lux(data) {
288 var myData = parseFloat(data);
290 lux = myData;
291 light.redraw();
294 function resizeHandler() {
296 setWidth();
297 barometer.redraw();
298 thermometer.redraw();
299 light.redraw();
302 window.onresize=resizeHandler;