vm: fix failed alloc condition
[minix.git] / commands / mt / mt.c
1 /* mt 1.3 - magnetic tape control Author: Kees J. Bot
2 * 4 Apr 1993
3 */
4 #define nil NULL
5 #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
6 #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1
7 #endif
8 #include <sys/types.h>
9 #include <stdio.h>
10 #include <stdlib.h>
11 #include <errno.h>
12 #include <unistd.h>
13 #include <fcntl.h>
14 #include <string.h>
15 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
16 #include <sys/mtio.h>
18 /* Device status. */
19 #define DS_OK 0
20 #define DS_ERR 1
21 #define DS_EOF 2
23 /* SCSI Sense key bits. */
24 #define SENSE_KEY 0x0F /* The key part. */
25 #define SENSE_ILI 0x20 /* Illegal block size. */
26 #define SENSE_EOM 0x40 /* End-of-media. */
27 #define SENSE_EOF 0x80 /* Filemark reached. */
29 /* Supported operations: */
31 typedef struct tape_operation {
32 int op; /* Opcode for MTIOCTOP ioctl (if any). */
33 char *cmd; /* Command name. */
34 int lim; /* Limits on count. */
35 } tape_operation_t;
37 #define SELF -1 /* Not a simple command, have to interpret. */
38 #define IGN -1 /* Ignore count field (or accept anything.) */
39 #define NNG 0 /* Nonnegative count field. */
40 #define POS 1 /* Positive count field. */
42 tape_operation_t tapeops[] = {
43 { MTWEOF, "eof", POS }, /* Write EOF mark */
44 { MTWEOF, "weof", POS }, /* Same */
45 { MTFSF, "fsf", POS }, /* Forward Space File */
46 { MTFSR, "fsr", POS }, /* Forward Space Record */
47 { MTBSF, "bsf", NNG }, /* Backward Space File */
48 { MTBSR, "bsr", POS }, /* Backward Space Record */
49 { MTEOM, "eom", IGN }, /* To End-Of-Media */
50 { MTREW, "rewind", IGN }, /* Rewind */
51 { MTOFFL, "offline", IGN }, /* Rewind and take offline */
52 { MTOFFL, "rewoffl", IGN }, /* Same */
53 { SELF, "status", IGN }, /* Tape Status */
54 { MTRETEN, "retension",IGN }, /* Retension the tape */
55 { MTERASE, "erase", IGN }, /* Erase the tape */
56 { MTMODE, "density", NNG }, /* Select density */
57 { MTBLKZ, "blksize", NNG }, /* Select block size */
58 { MTBLKZ, "blocksize",NNG }, /* Same */
61 #define arraysize(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0]))
62 #define arraylimit(a) ((a) + arraysize(a))
64 /* From aha_scsi.c: */
65 char *dev_state[] = {
66 "OK", "ERR", "EOF"
69 char *scsi_sense[] = {
76 void usage(void)
78 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: mt [-f device] command [count]\n");
79 exit(1);
82 int main(int argc, char **argv)
84 char *tape;
85 char *cmd;
86 int count= 1;
87 int fd, r;
88 tape_operation_t *op, *found;
89 struct mtop mtop;
90 struct mtget mtget;
92 tape= getenv("TAPE");
94 /* -f tape? */
95 if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-' && argv[1][1] == 'f') {
96 tape= argv[1] + 2;
98 if (*tape == 0) {
99 if (--argc < 2) usage();
100 argv++;
101 tape= argv[1];
103 argc--;
104 argv++;
107 if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) usage();
109 if (argc == 3) {
110 /* Check and convert the 'count' argument. */
111 char *end;
113 errno= 0;
114 count= strtol(argv[2], &end, 0);
115 if (*end != 0) usage();
116 if (errno == ERANGE || (mtop.mt_count= count) != count) {
117 fprintf(stderr, "mt: %s: count too large, overflow\n",
118 argv[2]);
119 exit(1);
123 if (tape == nil) {
124 fprintf(stderr,
125 "mt: tape device not specified by -f or $TAPE\n");
126 exit(1);
129 cmd= argv[1];
130 if (strcmp(cmd, "rew") == 0) cmd= "rewind"; /* aha! */
131 found= nil;
133 /* Search for an operation that is unambiguously named. */
134 for (op= tapeops; op < arraylimit(tapeops); op++) {
135 if (strncmp(op->cmd, cmd, strlen(cmd)) == 0) {
136 if (found != nil) {
137 fprintf(stderr, "mt: %s: ambiguous\n", cmd);
138 exit(1);
140 found= op;
144 if ((op= found) == nil) {
145 fprintf(stderr, "mt: unknown command '%s'\n", cmd);
146 exit(1);
149 /* Check count. */
150 switch (op->lim) {
151 case NNG:
152 if (count < 0) {
153 fprintf(stderr, "mt %s: count may not be negative\n",
154 op->cmd);
155 exit(1);
157 break;
158 case POS:
159 if (count <= 0) {
160 fprintf(stderr,
161 "mt %s: count must be greater than zero\n",
162 op->cmd);
163 exit(1);
165 break;
168 if (strcmp(tape, "-") == 0) {
169 fd= 0;
170 } else
171 if ((fd= open(tape, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
172 fprintf(stderr, "mt: %s: %s\n", tape, strerror(errno));
173 exit(1);
176 if (op->op != SELF) {
177 /* A simple tape operation. */
179 mtop.mt_op= op->op;
180 mtop.mt_count= count;
181 r= ioctl(fd, MTIOCTOP, &mtop);
182 } else
183 if (strcmp(op->cmd, "status") == 0) {
184 /* Get status information. */
186 if ((r= ioctl(fd, MTIOCGET, &mtget)) == 0) {
187 printf("\
188 SCSI tape drive %s:\n\
189 drive status = 0x%02x (%s), sense key = 0x%02x (%s%s%s%s)\n\
190 file no = %ld, block no = %ld, residual = %ld, block size = ",
191 tape, mtget.mt_dsreg,
192 mtget.mt_dsreg > 2 ? "?" :
193 dev_state[mtget.mt_dsreg],
194 mtget.mt_erreg,
195 mtget.mt_erreg & SENSE_EOF ? "EOF + " : "",
196 mtget.mt_erreg & SENSE_EOM ? "EOM + " : "",
197 mtget.mt_erreg & SENSE_ILI ? "ILI + " : "",
198 scsi_sense[mtget.mt_erreg & SENSE_KEY],
199 (long) mtget.mt_fileno,
200 (long) mtget.mt_blkno,
201 (long) mtget.mt_resid);
202 printf(mtget.mt_blksize == 0 ? "variable\n" : "%ld\n",
203 mtget.mt_blksize);
206 if (r < 0) {
207 if (errno == ENOTTY) {
208 fprintf(stderr, "mt: %s: command '%s' not supported\n",
209 tape, op->cmd);
210 exit(2);
212 fprintf(stderr, "mt: %s: %s\n", tape, strerror(errno));
213 exit(1);
215 exit(0);