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1 <head>
3 <title>Moodle Docs: Installation</title>
5 <link rel="stylesheet" href="docstyles.css" type="TEXT/CSS">
7 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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11 <h1>Installing Moodle</h1>
12 <blockquote>
13 <p>This guide explains how to install Moodle for the first time. It goes into some detail
14 about some of the steps, in order to cover the wide variety of small differences between
15 web server setups, so this document may look long and complicated. Don't be put off by this
16 - I usually set Moodle up in a few minutes!</p>
17 <p>Take your time and work through this document carefully - it will save you time later on.</p>
18 <p>Sections in this document:</p>
19 <ol>
20 <li><a href="#requirements">Requirements</a></li>
21 <li><a href="#downloading">Download</a></li>
22 <li><a href="#site">Site structure</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#data">Create a data directory</a></li>
24 <li><a href="#database">Create a database</a></li>
25 <li><a href="#webserver">Check web server settings</a></li>
26 <li><a href="#config">Edit config.php</a></li>
27 <li><a href="#admin">Go to the admin page</a></li>
28 <li><a href="#cron">Set up cron</a></li>
29 <li><a href="#course">Create a new course</a></li>
30 </ol>
31 <p>&nbsp;</p>
32 </blockquote>
33 <h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="requirements"></a>1. Requirements</h3>
34 <blockquote>
35 <p>Moodle is primarily developed in Linux using Apache, MySQL and PHP (also
36 sometimes known as the LAMP platform), but is also regularly tested with PostgreSQL
37 and on Windows XP, Mac OS X and Netware 6 operating systems</p>
38 <p>The requirements for Moodle are as follows:</p>
39 <ol>
40 <li>Web server software. Most people use <a href="" target="_blank">Apache</a>,
41 but Moodle should work fine under any web server that supports PHP, such
42 as IIS on Windows platforms.</li>
43 <li><a href="" target="_blank">PHP</a> scripting language (version 4.1.0
44 or later), with the following settings:
45 <ul>
46 <li><a href="" target="_blank">GD library</a>
47 turned ON, with support for JPG and PNG formats</li>
48 <li>zlib library turned ON (if you want to use backup/restore on Windows)</li>
49 <li>Sessions support turned ON</li>
50 <li>File uploading turned ON</li>
51 <li>Safe Mode must be turned OFF (see the forums on for problems
52 caused by Safe Mode)</li>
53 </ul>
54 </li>
55 <li>a working database server: <a href="" target="_blank">MySQL</a>
56 or <a href="" target="_blank">PostgreSQL</a> are
57 completely supported and recommended for use with Moodle 1.1. All other
58 databases will be supported fully in the next release.</li>
59 </ol>
60 <p>Most web hosts support all of this by default. If you are signed up with
61 one of the few webhosts that does not support these features ask them why,
62 and consider taking your business elsewhere.</p>
63 <p>If you want to run Moodle on your own computer and all this looks a bit daunting,
64 then please see our guide: <a href="">Installing
65 Apache, MySQL and PHP</a>. It provides some step-by-step instructions to install
66 all this on most popular platforms.</p>
67 <p>&nbsp;</p>
68 </blockquote>
69 <h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="downloading"></a>2. Download</h3>
70 <blockquote>
71 <p>There are two ways to get Moodle, as a compressed package and via CVS. These
72 are explained in detail on the download page: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
73 <p>After downloading and unpacking the archive, or checking out the files via
74 CVS, you will be left with a directory called &quot;moodle&quot;, containing
75 a number of files and folders. </p>
76 <p>You can either place the whole folder in your web server documents directory,
77 in which case the site will be located at <b></b>,
78 or you can copy all the contents straight into the main web server documents
79 directory, in which case the site will be simply <b></b>.</p>
80 </blockquote>
81 <p>&nbsp;</p>
82 <h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="site"></a>3. Site structure</h3>
83 <blockquote>
84 <p>Here is a quick summary of the contents of the Moodle folder, to help get
85 you oriented:</p>
86 <blockquote>
87 <p>config.php - the ONLY file you need to edit to get started<br />
88 version.php - defines the current version of Moodle code<br />
89 index.php - the front page of the site</p>
90 <ul>
91 <li>admin/ - code to administrate the whole server </li>
92 <li>auth/ - plugin modules to authenticate users </li>
93 <li>course/ - code to display and manage courses </li>
94 <li>doc/ - help documentation for Moodle (eg this page)</li>
95 <li>files/ - code to display and manage uploaded files</li>
96 <li>lang/ - texts in different languages, one directory per language </li>
97 <li>lib/ - libraries of core Moodle code </li>
98 <li>login/ - code to handle login and account creation </li>
99 <li>mod/ - all Moodle course modules</li>
100 <li>pix/ - generic site graphics</li>
101 <li>theme/ - theme packs/skins to change the look of the site.</li>
102 <li>user/ - code to display and manage users</li>
103 </ul>
104 <p>&nbsp;</p>
105 </blockquote>
106 </blockquote>
107 <h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="data"></a>4. Create a data directory</h3>
108 <blockquote>
109 <p>Moodle will also need some space on your hard disk to store uploaded files,
110 such as course documents and user pictures.</p>
111 <p>Create a directory for this purpose somewhere. For security, it's best that
112 this directory is NOT accessible directly via the web. The easiest way to do this
113 is to simply locate it OUTSIDE the web directory, otherwise protect it
114 by creating a file in the data directory called .htaccess, containing this line:
115 <blockquote>
117 <pre>deny from all</pre>
118 </blockquote>
119 <p>To make sure that Moodle can save uploaded files in this directory, check that
120 the web server software (eg Apache) has permission to write
121 to this directory. On Unix machines, this means setting the owner of the directory
122 to be something like &quot;nobody&quot; or &quot;apache&quot;.</p>
123 <p>On many shared hosting servers, you will probably need to restrict all file access
124 to your "group" (to prevent other webhost customers from looking at or changing your files),
125 but provide full read/write access to everyone else (which will allow the web server
126 to access your files). Speak to your server administrator if you are having
127 trouble setting this up securely.</p>
128 </blockquote>
129 <p>&nbsp;</p>
130 <h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="database"></a>5. Create a database</h3>
131 <blockquote>
132 <p>You need to create an empty database (eg "moodle") in your database system
133 along with a special user (eg "moodleuser") that has access to that database
134 (and that database only). You could use the "root" user if you wanted to, but
135 this is not recommended for a production system: if hackers manage to discover
136 the password then your whole database system would be at risk, rather than
137 just one database.
138 </p>
139 <p>Example command lines for MySQL: </p>
140 <pre>
141 # mysql -u root -p
142 > CREATE DATABASE moodle;
144 TO moodleuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';
145 > quit
146 # mysqladmin -p reload
147 </pre>
148 <p>Example command lines for PostgreSQL: </p>
149 <pre>
150 # su - postgres
151 > psql -c "create user moodleuser createdb;" template1
152 > psql -c "create database moodle;" -U moodleuser template1
153 > psql -c "alter user moodleuser nocreatedb;" template1
154 </pre>
155 <p>(For MySQL I highly recommend the use of <a href="">phpMyAdmin</a>
156 to manage your databases - you can do all this via a web interface).</p>
157 <p>As of version 1.0.8, Moodle now supports table prefixes, and so can safely share
158 a database with tables from other applications.</p>
159 </blockquote>
160 <p>&nbsp;</p>
161 <h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="webserver" id="webserver"></a>6. Check your web server settings</h3>
162 <blockquote>
163 <p>Firstly, make sure that your web server is set up to use index.php as a default
164 page (perhaps in addition to index.html, default.htm and so on).</p>
165 <p>In Apache, this is done using a DirectoryIndex parameter in your httpd.conf
166 file. Mine usually looks like this:</p>
167 <blockquote>
168 <pre><strong>DirectoryIndex</strong> index.php index.html index.htm </pre>
169 </blockquote>
170 <p>Just make sure index.php is in the list (and preferably towards the start
171 of the list, for efficiency).</p>
172 <p>Secondly, <b>if you are using Apache 2</b>, then you should turn on the <i>AcceptPathInfo</i>
173 variable, which allows scripts to be passed arguments like http://server/file.php/arg1/arg2.
174 This is essential to allow relative links between your resources, and also
175 provides a performance boost for people using your Moodle web site. You can
176 turn this on by adding these lines to your httpd.conf file.</p>
177 <blockquote>
178 <pre><strong>AcceptPathInfo</strong> on </pre>
179 </blockquote>
180 <p>Thirdly, Moodle requires a number of PHP settings to be active for it to
181 work. <b>On most servers these will already be the default settings.</b>
182 However, some PHP servers (and some of the more recent PHP versions) may
183 have things set differently. These are defined in PHP's configuration
184 file (usually called php.ini):</p>
185 <blockquote>
187 <pre>magic_quotes_gpc = 1 (preferred but not necessary)
188 magic_quotes_runtime = 0 (necessary)
189 file_uploads = 1
190 session.auto_start = 0
191 session.bug_compat_warn = 0
192 </pre>
193 </blockquote>
194 <p>If you don't have access to httpd.conf or php.ini on your server, or you
195 have Moodle on a server with other applications that require different settings,
196 then don't worry, you can still OVERRIDE all of the default settings.
197 <p>To do this, you need to create a file called <b>.htaccess</b> in Moodle's
198 main directory that contains definitions for these settings.
199 This only works on Apache servers and only when Overrides have been allowed.
201 <blockquote>
202 <pre>
203 DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
205 &lt;IfDefine APACHE2>
206 <b>AcceptPathInfo</b> on
207 &lt;/IfDefine>
209 php_flag magic_quotes_gpc 1
210 php_flag magic_quotes_runtime 0
211 php_flag file_uploads 1
212 php_flag session.auto_start 0
213 php_flag session.bug_compat_warn 0</pre>
214 </blockquote>
215 <p>You can also do things like define the maximum size for uploaded files:
217 <blockquote>
218 <pre>
219 LimitRequestBody 0
220 php_value upload_max_filesize 2M
221 php_value post_max_size 2M
222 </pre>
223 </blockquote>
224 <p>The easiest thing to do is just copy the sample file from lib/htaccess
225 and edit it to suit your needs. It contains further instructions. For
226 example, in a Unix shell:
227 <blockquote>
228 <pre>cp lib/htaccess .htaccess</pre>
229 </blockquote>
230 </blockquote>
231 <p>&nbsp;</p>
232 <h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="config"></a>7. Edit config.php</h3>
233 <blockquote>
234 <p>Now you can edit the configuration file, <strong>config.php</strong>, using a
235 text editor. This file is used by all other files in Moodle.</p>
236 <p>To start with, make a copy of <strong>config-dist.php</strong> and name it
237 config.php. We do this so that your config.php won't be overwritten in case
238 you upgrade Moodle later on. </p>
239 <p>Edit <strong>config.php</strong> to specify the database details that you
240 just defined (including a table prefix - notice that this is REQUIRED for
241 PostgreSQL), as well as the site address, file system directory and data directory.
242 The config file itself has detailed directions and examples.</p>
243 <p>Once you have done this the rest of the installation is via a web interface.
244 For the rest of this installation document we will assume your site is at:
245 <u></u></p>
246 </blockquote>
247 <p>&nbsp;</p>
248 <h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="admin"></a>8. Go to the admin page</h3>
249 <blockquote>
250 <p>The admin page should now be working at: <u></u>.
251 If you try and access the front page of your site you'll be taken there automatically
252 anyway. The first time you access this admin page, you will be presented with
253 a GPL &quot;shrinkwrap&quot; agreement with which you must agree before you
254 can continue with the setup.</p>
255 <p>(Moodle will also try to set some cookies in your browser. If you have your
256 browser set up to let you choose to accept cookies, then you <b>must</b> accept
257 the Moodle cookies, or Moodle won't work properly.)
258 <p>Now Moodle will start setting up your database and creating tables to store
259 data. Firstly, the main database tables are created. You should see a number
260 of SQL statements followed by status messages (in green or red) that look
261 like this:</p>
262 <blockquote>
263 <p>CREATE TABLE course ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, category
264 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', password varchar(50) NOT NULL default
265 '', fullname varchar(254) NOT NULL default '', shortname varchar(15) NOT
266 NULL default '', summary text NOT NULL, format tinyint(4) NOT NULL default
267 '1', teacher varchar(100) NOT NULL default 'Teacher', startdate int(10)
268 unsigned NOT NULL default '0', enddate int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default
269 '0', timemodified int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id))
270 TYPE=MyISAM</p>
271 <p><font color="#006600">SUCCESS</font></p>
272 <p>...and so on, followed by: <font color="#006600">Main databases set up
273 successfully.</font> </p>
274 </blockquote>
275 <p>If you don't see these, then there must have been some problem with the database
276 or the configuration settings you defined in config.php. Check that PHP isn't
277 in a restricted "Safe Mode" (commercial web hosts sometimes have safe mode
278 turned on). You can check PHP variables by creating a little file containing
279 &lt? phpinfo() ?&gt and looking at it through a browser. Check all these and
280 try this page again.</p>
281 <p>Scroll down the very bottom of the page and press the &quot;Continue&quot;
282 link.</p>
283 <p>Next you will see a similar page that sets up all the tables required by
284 each Moodle module. As before, they should all be <font color="#006600">green</font>.</p>
285 <p>Scroll down the very bottom of the page and press the &quot;Continue&quot;
286 link.</p>
287 <p>You should now see a form where you can define more configuration variables
288 for your installation, such as the default language, SMTP hosts and so on.
289 Don't worry too much about getting everything right just now - you can always
290 come back and edit these later on using the admin interface. Scroll down to
291 the bottom and click &quot;Save changes&quot;.</p>
292 <p>If (and only if) you find yourself getting stuck on this page, unable to
293 continue, then your server probably has what I call the "buggy referrer" problem.
294 This is easy to fix: just turn off the &quot;secureforms&quot; setting, then
295 try to continue again.</p>
296 <p>The next page is a form where you can define parameters for your Moodle site
297 and the front page, such as the name, format, description and so on. Fill
298 this out (you can always come back and change these later) and then press
299 &quot;Save changes&quot;.</p>
300 <p>Finally, you will then be asked to create a top-level administration user
301 for future access to the admin pages. Fill out the details with your own name,
302 email etc and then click &quot;Save changes&quot;. Not all the fields are
303 required, but if you miss any important fields you'll be re-prompted for them.
304 </p>
305 <blockquote>
306 <blockquote>
307 <blockquote>
308 <blockquote>
309 <blockquote>
310 <p><strong>Make sure you remember the username and password you chose
311 for the administration user account, as they will be necessary to
312 access the administration page in future.</strong></p>
313 </blockquote>
314 </blockquote>
315 </blockquote>
316 </blockquote>
317 </blockquote>
318 <p>(If for any reason your install is interrupted, or there is a system error
319 of some kind that prevents you from logging in using the admin account, you
320 can usually log in using the default username of &quot;<strong>admin</strong>&quot;,
321 with password &quot;<strong>admin</strong>&quot;.)</p>
322 <p>Once successful, you will be returned to home page of your site. Note the
323 administration links that appear down the left hand side of the page (these
324 items also appear on a separate Admin page) - these items are only visible
325 to you because you are logged in as the admin user. All your further administration
326 of Moodle can now be done using this menu, such as:</p>
327 <ul>
328 <li>creating and deleting courses</li>
329 <li>creating and editing user accounts</li>
330 <li>administering teacher accounts</li>
331 <li>changing site-wide settings like themes etc</li>
332 </ul>
333 </blockquote>
334 <p>&nbsp;</p>
335 <h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="cron"></a>9. Set up cron</h3>
336 <blockquote>
337 <p>Some of Moodle's modules require continual checks to perform tasks. For example,
338 Moodle needs to check the discussion forums so it can mail out copies of posts
339 to people who have subscribed.</p>
340 <p>The script that does all this is located in the admin directory, and is called
341 cron.php. However, it can not run itself, so you need to set up a mechanism
342 where this script is run regularly (eg every five or ten minutes). This provides
343 a &quot;heartbeat&quot; so that the script can perform functions at periods
344 defined by each module.</p>
345 <p>Note that the machine performing the cron <b>does not need to be the same
346 machine that is running Moodle</b>. For example, if you have a limited web
347 hosting service that does not have cron, then you can might choose to run
348 cron on another server or on your home computer. All that matters is that
349 the cron.php file is called regularly. </p>
350 <p>The load of this script is not very high, so 5 minutes is usually reasonable,
351 but if you're worried about it you can reduce the time period to something
352 like 15 minutes or even 30 minutes. It's best not to make the time period
353 too long, as delaying mail-outs can slow down activity within the course.</p>
354 <p>First, test that the script works by running it directly from your browser:</p>
355 <blockquote>
356 <pre></pre>
357 </blockquote>
358 <p>Now, you need to set up some of way of running the script automatically and
359 regularly. </p>
360 <h4> Running the script from a command line</h4>
361 <p>You can call the page from the command line just as you did in the example
362 above. For example, you can use a Unix utility like 'wget':</p>
363 <blockquote>
364 <pre>wget -q -O /dev/null</pre>
365 </blockquote>
366 <p>Note in this example that the output is thrown away (to /dev/null).</p>
367 <p>The same thing using lynx:</p>
368 <blockquote>
369 <pre>lynx -dump &gt; /dev/null</pre>
370 </blockquote>
371 <p>Alternatively you could use a standalone version of PHP, compiled to be run
372 on the command line. The advantage with doing this is that your web server
373 logs aren't filled with constant requests to cron.php. The disadvantage is
374 that you need to have access to a command-line version of php.</p>
375 <blockquote>
376 <pre>/opt/bin/php /web/moodle/admin/cron.php
379 (Windows) C:\apache\php\php.exe C:\apache\htdocs\moodle\admin\cron.php
381 </pre>
382 </blockquote>
383 <h4>Automatically running the script every 5 minutes</h4>
384 <p><b>On Unix systems</b>: Use <b>cron</b>. Edit your cron settings from the commandline
385 using &quot;crontab -e&quot; and add a line like:</p>
386 <blockquote>
387 <pre>*/5 * * * * wget -q -O /dev/null</pre>
388 </blockquote>
389 <p>Usually, the "crontab" command will put you into the 'vi' editor. You enter
390 "insert mode" by pressing "i", then type in the line as above, then exit insert mode by
391 pressing ESC. You save and exit by typing ":wq", or quit without saving using ":q!" (without the quotes).</p>
392 <p><b>On Windows systems</b>: The simplest way is to use this little package <a href="" title="Click to download this package (150k)" target="_blank"></a>
393 which makes this whole thing very easy. You can also explore using the built-in
394 Windows feature for "Scheduled Tasks".</p>
395 <p>On web hosts: Your web-based control panel may have a web page that allows
396 you to set up this cron process. Ask your administrator for details on how
397 it works.</p>
398 <p></p>
399 </blockquote>
400 <h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="course"></a>10. Create a new course</h3>
401 <blockquote>
402 <p>Now that Moodle is running properly, you can create a course. </p>
403 <p>Select &quot;Create a new course&quot; from the Admin page (or the admin
404 links on the home page).</p>
405 <p>Fill out the form, paying special attention to the course format. You don't
406 have to worry about the details too much at this stage, as everything can
407 be changed later by the teacher.</p>
408 <p>Press &quot;Save changes&quot;, and you will be taken to a new form where
409 you can assign teachers to the course. You can only add existing user accounts
410 from this form - if you want to create a new teacher account then either ask
411 the teacher to create one for themselves (see the login page), or create one
412 for them using the &quot;Add a new user&quot; on the Admin page.</p>
413 <p>Once done, the course is ready to customise, and is accessible via the &quot;Courses&quot;
414 link on the home page.</p>
415 <p>See the &quot;<a href="./?file=teacher.html">Teacher Manual</a>&quot; for more details
416 on course-building.</p>
417 </blockquote>
418 <p>&nbsp;</p>
419 <p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
420 <p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
421 </body>