2 Copyright (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
3 Code licensed under the BSD License:
4 http://developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt
8 if(typeof YAHOO
=="undefined"){var YAHOO
.namespace=function(){var a
10 return o
){var l
){return l
);}else{return false;}};YAHOO
){var mods
11 var m
;for(var i
12 if(mainClass
.log("mainClass is undefined for module "+name
){return YAHOO
.ua=function(){var o
:0};var ua
13 m
14 if(!o
15 return o
.namespace("util","widget","example");if(typeof YAHOO_config
!="undefined"){var l
16 if(unique
){var l
;return l
17 return false;},isBoolean:function(o
){return typeof o
){return typeof o
){return o
){return typeof o
&&(typeof o
){return typeof o
){return typeof o
){return o
18 return!YAHOO
){var add
+1){var fname
){throw new Error("YAHOO.lang.extend failed, please check that "+"all dependencies are included.");}
19 var F=function(){};F
.prototype=new F();subc
20 if(overrides
){for(var i
in overrides
){throw new Error("Absorb failed, verify dependencies.");}
22 var a
in s
){throw new Error("Augment failed, verify dependencies.");}
24 var a
.prototype];for(var i
){var l
=', ',ARROW
=' => ';if(!l
instanceof Date
||("nodeType"in o
&&"tagName"in o
)){return o
;}else if(l
)){return FUN
26 d
28 if(s
29 s
in o
31 if(s
33 return s
){var i
34 j
35 token
36 v
37 if(l
||"";var dump
38 if(v
.toString();}}}else if(!l
39 s
40 for(i
.replace(new RegExp("~-"+i
41 return s
){try{return s
){return s
;}},merge:function(){var o
42 return o
){var l
43 (function(){var Y
={};var isOpera
;var patterns
:/^body|html$/i};var toCamel=function(property
)){return property
44 if(propertyCache
]){return propertyCache
45 var converted
46 propertyCache
;return converted
;};var getClassRegEx=function(className
){var re
=new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)'+className
47 return re
){var value
48 var computed
49 return el
;};}else if(document
)){case'opacity':var val
50 return val
='styleFloat';default:var value
){return el
51 if(isIE
52 break;case'float':property
53 el
54 var testElement=function(node
){return node
){return el
55 if(YAHOO
)){return document
56 if(el
){var c
=[];for(var i
58 return el
);var f=function(element
){return getStyle(element
);};return Y
);var f=function(element
){var f=function(el
){return false;}
59 var parentNode
=null;var pos
=[];var box
;var doc
60 else{pos
;var hasAbs
61 parentNode
62 if(isSafari
63 parentNode
64 {if(Y
65 parentNode
66 return pos
;};return Y
){var f=function(el
){return Y
)[0];};return Y
){var f=function(el
){return Y
)[1];};return Y
){var f=function(el
){var style_pos
67 var pageXY
===false){return false;}
68 var delta
69 if(isNaN(delta
70 if(pos
71 if(pos
72 if(!noRetry
){var newXY
){var f=function(el
){return false;}
73 var region
);return region
;};return Y
,true);},getClientWidth:function(){return Y
.getViewportWidth();},getClientHeight:function(){return Y
74 var nodes
);for(var i
75 return nodes
){var re
);var f=function(el
){return re
);};return Y
){var f=function(el
)){return false;}
76 el
].join(' '));return true;};return Y
){var re
);var f=function(el
)){return false;}
77 var c
,' ');if(this.hasClass(el
78 el
);return true;};return Y
){return false;}
79 var re
);var f=function(el
);return true;}
80 el
,' '+newClassName
+' ');if(this.hasClass(el
81 el
);return true;};return Y
||'yui-gen';var f=function(el
){return el
82 var id
83 return id
;};return Y
){return false;}
84 var f=function(node
){return haystack
85 else if(haystack
)&16);}else if(node
){return el
86 return false;};return Y
){var f=function(el
){return true;}}
88 return this.isAncestor(document
);};return Y
89 var nodes
);for(var i
90 return nodes
){return false;}
91 var scope
)){return method
92 var collection
=[];for(var i
93 return collection
;},getDocumentHeight:function(){var scrollHeight
;var h
.getViewportHeight());return h
;},getDocumentWidth:function(){var scrollWidth
;var w
.getViewportWidth());return w
;},getViewportHeight:function(){var height
;var mode
94 return height
;},getViewportWidth:function(){var width
;var mode
95 return width
)){return node
96 return null;},getAncestorByClassName:function(node
){return null;}
97 var method=function(el
){return Y
);};return Y
){return null;}
98 var method=function(el
){return el
.toUpperCase();};return Y
)){return node
99 return null;},getPreviousSibling:function(node
){return null;}
100 return Y
)){return node
101 return null;},getNextSibling:function(node
){return null;}
102 return Y
){var child
:null;return child
){return null;}
103 return Y
){return null;}
104 var child
:null;return child
);return Y
){var child
);var children
105 return false;});return children
106 return Y
;return Math
;return Math
){return null;}
107 return referenceNode
){return null;}
108 if(referenceNode
){return referenceNode
);}else{return referenceNode
){var t
);var r
);var b
);var l
){return new YAHOO
);}else{return null;}};YAHOO
){var t
);var r
);var b
);var l
);return new YAHOO
.prototype.toString=function(){return("Region {"+"top: "+this.top
+", right: "+this.right
+", bottom: "+this.bottom
+", left: "+this.left
){var p
);var t
[1];var r
;var b
;var l
[0];return new YAHOO
109 this.x
.prototype=new YAHOO
111 var onsubscribeType
=new YAHOO
){throw new Error("Invalid callback for subscriber to '"+this.type
112 if(this.subscribeEvent
113 this.subscribers
.push(new YAHOO
){return this.unsubscribeAll();}
114 var found
=false;for(var i
){var s
115 return found
;},fire:function(){var len
){return true;}
116 var args
117 var argslength
118 for(i
){var s
119 var scope
){var param
120 ret
121 if(false===ret
123 if(rebuild
){var newlist
124 this.subscribers
125 return true;},unsubscribeAll:function(){for(var i
126 this.subscribers
=[];return i
){var s
){delete s
;delete s
127 this.subscribers
]=null;},toString:function(){return"CustomEvent: "+"'"+this.type
+"', "+"scope: "+this.scope
===true){return this.obj
;}else{return this.override
128 return defaultScope
.prototype.toString=function(){return"Subscriber { obj: "+this.obj
+", override: "+(this.override
||"no")+" }";};if(!YAHOO
.Event=function(){var loadComplete
=false;var DOMReady
=false;var listeners
=[];var unloadListeners
=[];var legacyEvents
=[];var legacyHandlers
=[];var retryCount
=0;var onAvailStack
=[];var legacyMap
=[];var counter
=0;var webkitKeymap
){var self
=this;var callback=function(){self
){setTimeout(function(){var s
129 p_fn
){return false;}
130 if(this._isValidCollection(el
)){var ok
=true;for(var i
131 return ok
;}else if(YAHOO
)){var oEl
);});return true;}}
132 if(!el
){return false;}
133 if("unload"==sType
];return true;}
134 var scope
135 var wrappedFn=function(e
){return fn
);};var li
];var index
)){var legacyIndex
136 legacyHandlers
);return false;}}
137 return true;},fireLegacyEvent:function(e
){var ok
];for(var i
138 le
139 return ok
){var key
;if(typeof legacyMap
]=="undefined"){return-1;}else{return legacyMap
)){var v
<418){return true;}}
140 return false;},removeListener:function(el
){var i
;if(typeof el
);}else if(this._isValidCollection(el
)){var ok
142 if(!fn
){return this.purgeElement(el
143 if("unload"==sType
++){var li
]=null;return true;}}
145 var cacheItem
=null;var index
[3];if("undefined"==typeof index
146 if(index
147 if(!el
){return false;}
148 if(this.useLegacyEvent(el
)){var legacyIndex
);var llist
;return false;}}
149 delete listeners
];delete listeners
]=null;return true;},getTarget:function(ev
){var t
;return this.resolveTextNode(t
){return node
;}else{return node
){var x
150 return x
){var y
151 return y
){var t
;}else if(ev
152 return this.resolveTextNode(t
){var t
=new Date().getTime();try{ev
;return t
153 return ev
){var ev
){var c
155 return ev
){var code
in webkitKeymap
156 return code
){for(var i
){var li
){return i
157 return-1;},generateId:function(el
){var id
158 return id
&&typeof o
&&typeof o
){return false;}},elCache
){return document
:new YAHOO
=true;var EU
=true;var EU
){return false;}
159 if(this.isIE
){this.startInterval();return false;}}
160 this.locked
=true;var tryAgain
161 var notAvail
=[];var executeItem=function(el
){var scope
162 item
);};var i
163 for(i
164 retryCount
165 this.locked
=false;return true;},purgeElement:function(el
){var elListeners
){for(var i
){var l
166 if(recurse
){var results
];}else if(sType
167 for(var j
){var searchList
>0){for(var i
){var l
168 return(results
){var EU
){var scope
169 l
170 unloadListeners
172 l
173 for(i
174 legacyEvents
);},_getScrollLeft:function(){return this._getScroll()[1];},_getScrollTop:function(){return this._getScroll()[0];},_getScroll:function(){var dd
];}else if(db
){return function(el
));};}else if(window
){return function(el
);};}else{return function(){};}}(),_simpleRemove:function(){if(window
){return function(el
));};}else if(window
){return function(el
);};}else{return function(){};}}()};}();(function(){var EU
,true);var el
;if(("undefined"!==typeof YAHOO_config
.createElement("script");var p
.write('<scr'+'ipt id="_yui_eu_dr" defer="true" src="//:"><'+'/script>');el
175 if(el
176 el
=null;}else if(EU
=setInterval(function(){var rs
177 EU
||{};var ce
||{};var subs
179 subs
||{};var evts
){var ce
){return ce
);}}else{for(var i
in evts
){var ret
181 return false;},unsubscribeAll:function(p_type
){return this.unsubscribe(p_type
||{};var opts
||{};var events
]){}else{var scope
||this;var silent
);var ce
=new YAHOO
182 this.__yui_subscribers
||{};var qs
){for(var i
183 return events
||{};var ce
){return null;}
184 var args
=[];for(var i
185 return ce
]){return true;}}
186 return false;}};YAHOO
){}else if(!keyData
){}else if(!handler
187 if(!event
188 var keyEvent
=new YAHOO
=new YAHOO
=new YAHOO
.CustomEvent("disabled");if(typeof attachTo
189 if(typeof handler
190 function handleKeyPress(e
191 if(!keyData
192 if(!keyData
193 if(e
){var dataItem
;var keyPressed
instanceof Array
){for(var i
);break;}else if(dataItem
);}else if(dataItem
194 this.enable=function(){if(!this.enabled
195 this.enabled
196 this.enabled
=false;};this.toString=function(){return"KeyListener ["+keyData
+"] "+attachTo
197 (attachTo
.register("yahoo-dom-event", YAHOO
, {version
: "2.3.0", build
: "442"});