2 Copyright (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
3 Code licensed under the BSD License:
4 http://developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt
.Color=function(){var HCHARS
){return Math
)){return this.hsv2rgb
9 var r
){case 0:r
;break;case 1:r
;break;case 2:r
;break;case 3:r
;break;case 4:r
;break;case 5:r
10 var fn
)){return this.rgb2hsv
11 r
/255;var min,max,delta,h,s,v;min=Math.min(Math.min(r,g),b);max=Math.max(Math.max(r,g),b);delta=max-min;switch(max){case min:h=0;break;case r:h=60*(g-b)/delta;if(g
12 break;case g
)/delta)+120;break;case b:h=(60*(r-g)/delta)+240;break;}
13 s
);var hsv
];return hsv
)){return this.rgb2hex
14 var f
;return f(r
;return HCHARS
){var f=function(c
){return HCHARS
.toUpperCase());};var s
){var f
)){return this.websafe
15 var f=function(v
),255);var i
16 return v
)];}};}();(function(){var pickercount
17 if(!el
);var proto
;var b
:"Illegal hex value entered",SHOW_CONTROLS
:"Show color details",HIDE_CONTROLS
:"Hide color details",CURRENT_COLOR
:"Currently selected color: {rgb}",CLOSEST_WEBSAFE
:"Closest websafe color: {rgb}. Click to select.",R
=null;var _getH=function(){var size
.getValue())/size;h=Math.round(h*360);return(h===360)?0:h;};var _getS=function(){return this.pickerSlider.getXValue()/this.get(this.OPT
);};var _getV=function(){var size
;};var _updateSwatch=function(){var rgb
)});};var _getValuesFromSliders=function(){var h
);var websafe
);var hex
);};var _updateFormFields=function(){this.getElement(this.ID
);};var _onHueSliderChange=function(newOffset
){var h
,true);var rgb
,1,1);var styleDef
19 _updateFormFields
.call(this);};var _onPickerSliderChange=function(newOffset
){var s
20 _updateFormFields
.call(this);};var _getCommand=function(e
){var c
===38){return 3;}else if(c
===13){return 6;}else if(c
===40){return 4;}else if(c
<=57){return 1;}else if(c
<=102){return 2;}else if(c
<=70){return 2;}else if("8, 9, 13, 27, 37, 39".indexOf(c
)>-1){return 5;}else{return 0;}};var _rgbFieldKeypress=function(e
){var command
);var inc
){case 6:_useFieldValue
);break;case 3:this.set(prop
.call(this);break;case 4:this.set(prop
.call(this);break;default:}};var _hexFieldKeypress=function(e
){var command
);}};var _useFieldValue=function(e
){var val
21 if(val
);}};var _numbersOnly=function(e
){return _hexOnly(e
,true);};var _hexOnly=function(e
){var command
){case 6:case 5:case 1:break;case 2:if(numbersOnly
22 default:Event
);return false;}};proto
){return this.get(this.OPT
]];};_createElements=function(){var el
){var n
23 return n
){var o
;return new Elem(type
);};var p
=new Elem("div",{id
=new Elem("div",{id
=new Elem("img",{src
=new Elem("div",{id
=new Elem("div",{id
=new Elem("img",{src
=new Elem("div",{id
=new Elem("div",{className
=new Elem("a",{id
=new Elem("div",{className
=new Elem("ul",{id
=new Elem("li");child
+" "));fld
=new RGBElem("input",{id
=new Elem("li");child
+" "));fld
=new RGBElem("input",{id
=new Elem("li");child
+" "));fld
=new RGBElem("input",{id
=new Elem("ul",{id
=new Elem("li");child
+" "));fld
=new RGBElem("input",{id
.createTextNode(" "+txt
=new Elem("li");child
+" "));fld
=new RGBElem("input",{id
.createTextNode(" "+txt
=new Elem("li");child
+" "));fld
=new RGBElem("input",{id
.createTextNode(" "+txt
=new Elem("ul",{id
=new Elem("li",{id
=new Elem("li",{id
=new Elem("li",{id
=new Elem("div",{id
+" "));child
=new RGBElem("input",{id
=new Elem("div",{id
=new Elem("div",{id
.initPicker=function(){var o
in this.ID
24 el
25 for(i
in ids
26 els
27 var s
[2],true);var websafe
,true);var hex
,true);var hsv
>1){for(var i
in ids
28 this.setAttributeConfig(this.OPT
){var el
){var el
,this,true);this.initPicker();};var _updateRGB=function(){var rgb
.call(this);};var _updateRGBFromHSV=function(){var hsv
)/100,this.get(this.OPT.VALUE)/100];var rgb
.call(this);};var _updateHex=function(){var hex
===3){var c
30 if(hex
!==6){return false;}
31 var rgb
);};var _updateSliders=function(){_updateHueSlider
.call(this);};var _updateHueSlider=function(){var size
32 this.hueSlider
);};var _updatePickerSlider=function(){var size
);};var _createHostElement=function(){var el
33 return el