1 // Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
14 document
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/2;function X(){return this.context_||(this.context_=new H(this))}var L=Array.prototype.slice;function Y(b,a){var c=L.call(arguments,2);return function(){return b.apply(a,c.concat(L.call(arguments)))}}var M={init:function(b){if(/MSIE
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15 b
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="canvas{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;text-align:left;width:300px;height:150px}g_vml_\\:*{behavior:url(#default#VML)}g_o_\\:*{behavior:url(#default#VML)}"}var c
16 initElement:function(b
.attachEvent("onresize",$);var a
+"px";else b
+"px";else b
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){var a
){case "width":a
17 break;case "height":a
.getContext().clearRect();break}}function $(b
){var a
.init();var N
++){var C
.toString(16)}function I(){return[[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]}function y(b
){var c
++){var f
++){var h
18 h
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){var a
.substring(0,3)=="rgb"){var d
19 1),h
="#";var g
[3]}else a
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){case "butt":return"flat";case "round":return"round";case "square":default:return"square"}}function H(b
20 var a
=1}var i
){var c
21 i
){var c
){var g
)};function Q(b
){var f
22 0.6666666666666666*(f
;var g
+=0.125;var n
23 a
){var f
){var f
24 a
){var f
=new D("gradient");f
;return f
){var g
=new D("gradientradial");g
;return g
){var a
="auto";var n
}else if(arguments
25 5){a
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[8]}else throw Error("Invalid number of arguments");var q
.push(" <g_vml_:group",' coordsize="',k
*10,'"',' coordorigin="0,0"',' style="width:',10,"px;height:",10,"px;position:absolute;");if(this.m_
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26 this.m_
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.push("padding:0 ",j(p
/k),"px ",j(p.y/k
),"px 0;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(",E
.join(""),", sizingmethod='clip');")}else t
.push(' ">','<g_vml_:image src="',b
27 '"',' style="width:',k
,"px;"," height:",k
,'px;"',' cropleft="',h
/n,'"',' croptop="',g/o,'"',' cropright="',(n
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){var a
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,'"',' style="position:absolute;width:',10,"px;height:",10,'px;"',' coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="',k
*10," ",k
*10,'"',' stroked="',
28 !b
,'"',' path="');var h
++){var e
){case "moveTo":a
.push(" m ",j(e
));break;case "lineTo":a
.push(" l ",j(e
));break;case "close":a
.push(" x ");e
=null;break;case "bezierCurveTo":a
.push(" c ",j(e
));break;case "at":case "wa":a
.push(" ",e
," ",j(e
29 " ",j(e
)," ",j(e
)," ",j(e
.push(' ">');if(b
)if(typeof this.fillStyle
=="object"){var m
=="gradient"){var t
30 z
)*180/Math.PI;if(r<0)r+=360;if(r<1.0E-6)r=0}else{var p=this.getCoords_(m.x0_,m.y0_),w=g.x-h.x,x=g.y-h.y;n={x:(p.x-h.x)/w
/=this.arcScaleY_*k;var R=s.max(w,x);o=2*m.r0_/R
}var u
){return ba
});var J
++){var T
31 o
+" "+T
.push('<g_vml_:fill type="',m
,'"',' method="none" focus="100%"',' color="',da
,'"',' color2="',ea
,'"',' colors="',S
.join(","),'"',' opacity="',ga
,'"',' g_o_:opacity2="',fa
,'"',' angle="',r
,'"',' focusposition="',n
,'" />')}else a
.push('<g_vml_:fill color="',d
,'" opacity="',f
,'" />');else{var K
.push("<g_vml_:stroke",' opacity="',f
,'"',' joinstyle="',this.lineJoin
,'"',' miterlimit="',this.miterLimit
,'"',' endcap="',aa(this.lineCap
32 '"',' weight="',K
,'px"',' color="',d
,'" />')}a
){var c
.save=function(){var b
33 this);this.m_
.pop()};function ha(b
){var a
++){var c
]))return false}return true}function A(b
){var a
34 0],[0,0,1]],this.m_
.createPattern=function(){return new U
};function D(b
})};function U(){}G_vmlCanvasManager
35 M