reports: Remove some unused code
[ninja.git] / application / views / reports / js / common.js
1 var sla_month_error_color    = 'red';
2 var sla_month_disabled_color = '#cdcdcd';
3 var sla_month_enabled_color  = '#fafafa';
4 var current_obj_type = false; // keep track of what we are viewing
5 $(document).ready(function() {
6         // handle the move-between-lists-button (> + <) and double click events
7         function move_right() {
8                 var selects = $(this).parent().parent().find('select');
9                 moveAndSort(selects.filter(':first'), selects.filter(':last'));
10         }
11         function move_left() {
12                 var selects = $(this).parent().parent().find('select');
13                 moveAndSort(selects.filter(':last'), selects.filter(':first'));
14         }
15         $('.arrow-right').click(move_right);
16         $('.arrow-left').click(move_left);
17         $('#hostgroup_tmp, #servicegroup_tmp, #host_tmp, #service_tmp, #objects_tmp').dblclick(move_right);
18         $('#hostgroup, #servicegroup, #host_name, #service_description, #objects').dblclick(move_left);
20         $('#response').on('click', "#hide_response", function() {
21                 $('#response').hide('slow');
22         });
24         $(".fancybox").fancybox({
25                 'overlayOpacity'        :       0.7,
26                 'overlayColor'          :       '#ffffff',
27                 'hideOnContentClick' : false,
28                 'autoScale':true,
29                 'autoDimensions': true,
30         });
32         init_regexpfilter();
33         $('#filter_field').keyup(function() {
34                 if ($(this).attr('value') == '') {
35                         MyRegexp.resetFilter($("select[id$=_tmp]").filter(":visible").attr('id'));
36                         return;
37                 }
38                 MyRegexp.selectFilter($("select[id$=_tmp]").filter(":visible").attr('id'), this.value);
39         });
41         $('#clear_filter').click(function() {
42                 $('#filter_field').attr('value', '');
43                 MyRegexp.resetFilter($("select[id$=_tmp]").filter(":visible").attr('id'));
44                 $('#filter_field').focus();
45         });
47         var direct_link_visible = false;
48         $('#current_report_params').click(function() {
49                 // make sure we always empty the field
50                 $('#link_container').html('');
51                 // .html('<form><input type="text" size="200" value="' + $('#current_report_params').attr('href') + '"></form>')
52                 if (!direct_link_visible) {
53                         $('#link_container')
54                                 .html('<form>'+_label_direct_link+' <input class="wide" type="text" value="'
55                                         + document.location.protocol + '//'
56                                         +
57                                         + $('#current_report_params').attr('href')
58                                         + '"></form>')
59                                 .css('position', 'absolute')
60                                 .css('top', this.offsetHeight + this.offsetTop + 5)
61                                 .css('right', '0')
62                                 .show();
63                                 direct_link_visible = true;
64                 } else {
65                         $('#link_container').hide();
66                         direct_link_visible = false;
67                 }
68                 return false;
69         });
71         $('#save_report').click(function() {
72                 if (!direct_link_visible) {
73                         $('#save_report_form')
74                                 .css('position', 'absolute')
75                                 .css('top', this.offsetHeight + this.offsetTop + 5)
76                                 .css('right', '0')
77                                 .show()
78                                 .find('input[name=report_name]')
79                                         .map(function() {
80                                                 var input = this;
81                                                 if(input.value == "") {
82                                                         input.focus();
83                                                 }
84                                         });
85                                 direct_link_visible = true;
86                 } else {
87                         $('#save_report_form').hide();
88                         direct_link_visible = false;
89                 }
90                 return false;
91         });
93         $("#report_id").bind('change', function() {
94                 $("#saved_report_form").trigger('submit');
95         });
97         $('.save_report_btn').parents('form').submit(function(ev) {
98                 ev.preventDefault();
99                 loopElements();
100                 var form = $(this);
101                 if (!(check_form_values(this[0]))) {
102                         return;
103                 }
104                 var btn = form.find('.save_report_btn');
105                 btn.after(loadimg_sml);
106                 $.ajax({
107                         url: form[0].action,
108                         type: form[0].method,
109                         data: form.serialize(),
110                         complete: function() {
111                                 btn.parent().find('img:last').remove();
112                         },
113                         success: function(data, status_msg, xhr) {
114                                 if (data == null) {
115                                         $.notify(_reports_error + ": " + xhr.responseText, {'sticky': true});
116                                         return;
117                                 }
118                                 jgrowl_message(data.status_msg, _reports_success);
119                                 if (!btn[0].form.report_id)
120                                         $('form').append('<input type="hidden" name="report_id" value="'+data.report_id+'"/>');
121                                 else
122                                         $('#save_report_form').hide();
123                         },
124                         error: function(data) {
125                                 var resp;
126                                 try {
127                                         resp = $.parseJSON(data.responseText).error;
128                                 } catch (ex) {
129                                         resp = "Unknown error";
130                                 }
131                                 $.notify(_reports_error + ": " + resp, {'sticky': true});
132                                 btn.parent().find('img:last').remove();
133                         },
134                         dataType: 'json'
135                 });
136         });
138         $('select[name=report_type]').on('change', function() {
139                 var value = this.value;
140                 set_selection(value);
141                 get_members(value, function(all_names) {
142                         populate_options($('#objects_tmp'), $('#objects'), all_names);
143                 });
144         }).each(function() {
145                 var value = this.value;
146                 set_selection(value);
147                 get_members(value, function(all_names) {
148                         populate_options($('#objects_tmp'), $(), all_names);
149                         var tmp = $('#objects_tmp');
150                         var mo = new missing_objects();
151                         var objs = $('#objects');
152                         var elems = objs.children();
153                         for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
154                                 var prop = elems[i];
155                                 if (tmp.containsOption(prop.value)) {
156                                         tmp.removeOption(prop.value);
157                                 } else {
158                                         mo.add(prop.value);
159                                         objs.removeOption(prop.value);
160                                 }
161                         }
162                         mo.display_if_any();
163                 });
164         });
165         $('#sel_report_type').on('click', function() {
166                 var value = this.form.report_type.value;
167                 set_selection(value);
168                 get_members(value, function(all_names) {
169                         populate_options($('#objects_tmp'), $('#objects'), all_names);
170                 });
171         });
173         $('#start_year, #end_year').on('change', function () {
174                 var start = 0;
175                 var end = 11;
176                 // check_custom_months is supposedly initialized by the onload
177                 // handler in application/views/reports/js/reports.js or equivalent.
178                 if (check_custom_months.start_date == undefined || check_custom_months.end_date == undefined) {
179                         return;
180                 }
181                 if (this.value == check_custom_months.start_date.getFullYear()) {
182                         start = check_custom_months.start_date.getMonth();
183                 }
184                 if (this.value == check_custom_months.end_date.getFullYear()) {
185                         end = check_custom_months.end_date.getMonth();
186                 }
187                 var html = '<option></option>';
188                 for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
189                         html += '<option value="' + (i+1) + '">' + Date.monthNames[i] + '</option>';
190                 }
191                 if ( == 'start_year')
192                         $('#start_month').html(html);
193                 else
194                         $('#end_month').html(html);
195         });
197         $('#start_year, #end_year, #start_month, #end_month').on('change', check_custom_months);
198         $("#delete_report").click(confirm_delete_report);
200         $(".report_form").on('submit', function() {
201                 loopElements();
202                 return check_form_values();
203         });
206 function init_datepicker()
208         // datePicker Jquery plugin
209         var datepicker_enddate = (new Date()).asString();
210         $('.date-pick').datePicker({clickInput:true, startDate:_start_date, endDate:datepicker_enddate});
211         $('#cal_start').on(
212                 'dpClosed',
213                 function(e, selectedDates)
214                 {
215                         var d = selectedDates[0];
216                         if (d) {
217                                 d = new Date(d);
218                                 $('#cal_end').dpSetStartDate(d.asString());
219                         }
220                 }
221         );
222         $('#cal_end').on(
223                 'dpClosed',
224                 function(e, selectedDates)
225                 {
226                         var d = selectedDates[0];
227                         if (d) {
228                                 d = new Date(d);
229                                 $('#cal_start').dpSetEndDate(d.asString());
230                         }
231                 }
232         );
235 function show_calendar(val, update) {
236         if (val=='custom') {
237                 $("#custom_time").show();
239                 init_datepicker();
240                 init_timepicker();
242                 if (update == '') {
243                         $('input[name=start_time]').attr('value', '');
244                         $('input[name=end_time]').attr('value', '');
245                 }
246         } else {
247                 $("#custom_time").hide();
248         }
249         disable_sla_fields(val);
252 function set_selection(val) {
253         if ($.inArray(val, ['servicegroups', 'hostgroups', 'services', 'hosts']) === -1)
254                 val = 'hostgroups'; // Why? Because I found it like this
255         $('.object-list-type').text(val);
256         $('*[data-show-for]').hide()
257         $('*[data-show-for~='+val+']').show()
260 function get_members(type, cb) {
261         if (!type)
262                 return;
263         var field_name = false;
264         var empty_field = false;
266         show_progress('progress', _wait_str);
267         $.ajax({
268                 url: _site_domain + _index_page + '/ajax/group_member',
269                 data: {type: type},
270                 error: function(data) {
271                         $.notify("Unable to fetch objects: " + data.responseText, {'sticky': true});
272                 },
273                 success: function(all_names) {
274                         if(typeof cb == 'function')
275                                 cb(all_names);
276                         $('#progress').css('display', 'none');
277                 },
278                 dataType: 'json'
279         });
283 *       Populate HTML select list with supplied JSON data
285 function populate_options(tmp_field, field, json_data)
287         tmp_field.empty();
288         field.empty();
289         show_progress('progress', _wait_str);
290         var available = document.createDocumentFragment();
291         var selected = document.createDocumentFragment();
292         for (i = 0; i < (json_data ? json_data.length : 0); i++) {
293                 var option = document.createElement("option");
294                 option.appendChild(document.createTextNode(json_data[i]));
295                 available.appendChild(option);
296         }
297         tmp_field.append(available);
298         field.append(selected);
302 *       Loop through all elements of a form
303 *       Verify that all multiselect fields (right hand side)
304 *       are set to selected
306 function loopElements(f) {
307         // select all elements that doesn't contain the nosave_suffix
308         $('.multiple:not([id$=_tmp])').each(function() {
309                 if ($(this).is(':visible')) {
310                         $(this).children('option').attr('selected', 'selected');
311                 } else {
312                         $(this).children('option').attr('selected', false);
313                 }
314         });
317 function check_form_values(form)
319         if (!form)
320                 form = document.documentElement;
321         var errors = 0;
322         var err_str = '';
323         var cur_start = '';
324         var cur_end = '';
326         var rpt_type = $("select[name=report_type]", form).val();
327         if ($("#report_period", form).val() == 'custom') {
328                 if ($('input[name=type]', form).val() != 'sla') {
329                         // date validation
330                         cur_start = Date.fromString($("input[name=cal_start]", form).val());
331                         var time =  $(".time_start", form).val().split(':');
332                         cur_start.addHours(time[0]);
333                         cur_start.addMinutes(time[1]);
334                         cur_end = Date.fromString($("input[name=cal_end]", form).val());
335                         time = $(".time_end", form).val().split(':');
336                         cur_end.addHours(time[0]);
337                         cur_end.addMinutes(time[1]);
338                         var now = new Date();
339                         if (!cur_start || !cur_end) {
340                                 if (!cur_start) {
341                                         errors++;
342                                         err_str += "<li>" + _reports_invalid_startdate + ".</li>";
343                                 }
344                                 if (!cur_end) {
345                                         errors++;
346                                         err_str += "<li>" + _reports_invalid_enddate + ".</li>";
347                                 }
348                         } else {
349                                 if (cur_end > now) {
350                                         if (!confirm(_reports_enddate_infuture)) {
351                                                 return false;
352                                         } else {
353                                                 cur_end = now;
354                                         }
355                                 }
356                         }
358                         if (cur_end < cur_start) {
359                                 errors++;
360                                 err_str += "<li>" + _reports_enddate_lessthan_startdate + ".</li>";
361                                 $(".datepick-start", form).addClass("time_error");
362                                 $(".datepick-end", form).addClass("time_error");
363                         } else {
364                                 $(".datepick-start", form).removeClass("time_error");
365                                 $(".datepick-end", form).removeClass("time_error");
366                         }
367                 } else {
368                         // verify that we have years and month fields
369                         if ($('#start_year', form).val() == '' || $('#start_month', form).val() == ''
370                         || $('#end_year', form).val() == '' || $('#end_month', form).val() == '') {
371                                 errors++;
372                                 //@@@Fixme: Add translated string
373                                 err_str += "<li>Please select year and month for both start and end. ";
374                                 err_str += "<br />Please note that SLA reports can only be generated for previous months</li>";
375                         }
376                         else {
377                                 // remember: our months are 1-indexed
378                                 cur_start = new Date(0);
379                                 cur_start.setYear($("select[name=start_year]", form).val());
380                                 cur_start.addMonths(Number($("select[name=start_month]", form).val()) - 1);
382                                 cur_end = new Date(0);
383                                 cur_end.setYear($("select[name=end_year]", form).val());
384                                 cur_end.addMonths(Number($("select[name=end_month]", form).val()));
385                         }
387                         if (cur_end < cur_start) {
388                                 errors++;
389                                 err_str += "<li>" + _reports_enddate_lessthan_startdate + ".</li>";
390                                 $(".datepick-start", form).addClass("time_error");
391                                 $(".datepick-end", form).addClass("time_error");
392                         } else {
393                                 $(".datepick-start", form).removeClass("time_error");
394                                 $(".datepick-end", form).removeClass("time_error");
395                         }
396                 }
397         }
399         if ($('input[name=report_mode]:checked', form).val() != 'standard' && !$('#show_all', form).is(':checked') && $("#objects", form).is('select') && $('#objects option', form).length == 0) {
400                 errors++;
401                 err_str += "<li>" + _reports_err_str_noobjects + ".</li>";
402         }
404         if ($("#enter_sla", form).is(":visible")) {
405                 // check for sane SLA values
406                 var red_error = false;
407                 var max_val = 100;
408                 var nr_of_slas = 0;
410                 for (i=1;i<=12;i++) {
411                         var field_name = 'month_' + i;
412                         var input = $('input[id="' + field_name + '"]', form);
413                         var value = input.attr('value');
414                         value = value.replace(',', '.');
415                         if (value > max_val || isNaN(value)) {
416                                 input.css('background', sla_month_error_color);
417                                 errors++;
418                                 red_error = true;
419                         } else {
420                                 if (value != '') {
421                                         nr_of_slas++;
422                                 }
423                                 if (input.attr('disabled'))
424                                         input.css('background', sla_month_disabled_color);
425                                 else
426                                         input.css('background', sla_month_enabled_color);
427                         }
428                 }
429                 if (red_error) {
430                         err_str += '<li>' + _reports_sla_err_str + '</li>';
431                 }
433                 if (nr_of_slas == 0 && !red_error) {
434                         errors++;
435                         err_str += "<li>" + _reports_no_sla_str + "</li>";
436                 }
437         }
439         // display err_str if any
440         if (!errors) {
441                 $('#response', form).html('');
443                 $('#response', form).hide();
444                 return true;
445         }
447         // clear all style info from progress
448         var resp = $('#response', form);
449         if (!resp.length)
450                 resp = $('#response');
451         resp.attr("style", "");
452         resp.html("<ul class='alert error'>" + err_str + "</ul>");
453         window.scrollTo(0,0); // make sure user sees the error message
454         return false;
457 function moveAndSort(from, to)
459         from.find('option:selected').remove().appendTo(to);
460         to.sortOptions();
463 // init timepicker once it it is shown
464 function init_timepicker()
466         $("#time_start, #time_end").timePicker();
469 function disable_sla_fields(report_period)
471         if (!$('#month_1').length)
472                 return;
473         var now = new Date();
474         var this_month = now.getMonth()+1;
475         switch (report_period) {
476                 case 'thisyear':
477                         // weird as it seems, the following call actually ENABLES
478                         // all months. If not, we could end up with all months being
479                         // disabled for 'thisyear'
480                         disable_months(0, 12);
481                         for (i=this_month + 1;i<=12;i++)
482                         {
483                                 $('.report_form #month_' + i).val('').attr('disabled', true).css('background-color', sla_month_disabled_color);
484                         }
485                         break;
486                 case 'custom':
487                         check_custom_months();
488                         break;
489                 case 'lastmonth':
490                         enable_last_months(1);
491                         break;
492                 case 'last3months':
493                         enable_last_months(3);
494                         break;
495                 case 'last6months':
496                         enable_last_months(6);
497                         break;
498                 case 'lastyear':
499                 case 'last12months':
500                         disable_months(0, 12);
501                         break;
502                 case 'lastquarter':
503                         if(this_month <= 3){
504                                 from = 10;
505                                 to = 12;
506                         } else if (this_month <= 6) {
507                                 from = 1;
508                                 to = 3;
509                         } else if (this_month <= 9){
510                                 from = 4;
511                                 to = 6;
512                         } else {
513                                 from = 7;
514                                 to = 9;
515                         }
516                         disable_months(from, to);
517                         break;
518                 default:
519                         for (i=1;i<=12;i++)
520                         {
521                                 $('#month_' + i).attr('disabled', false).css('bgcolor', sla_month_enabled_color);
522                         }
523         }
527 function disable_months(start, end)
529         var disabled_state              = false;
530         var not_disabled_state  = false;
531         var col                                 = false;
532         start   = Number(start);
533         end     = Number(end);
534         for (i=1;i<=12;i++) {
535                 var cell = $('.report_form #month_' + i);
536                 if (start>end) {
537                         if ( i >= start || i <= end) {
538                                 cell.attr('disabled', false).css('background-color', sla_month_enabled_color);
539                         } else {
540                                 cell.val('').attr('disabled', true).css('background-color', sla_month_disabled_color);
541                         }
542                 } else {
543                         if ( i>= start && i <= end) {
544                                 cell.attr('disabled', false).css('background-color', sla_month_enabled_color);
545                         } else {
546                                 cell.val('').attr('disabled', true).css('background-color', sla_month_disabled_color);
547                         }
548                 }
549         }
553 function check_custom_months()
555         var f                   = $('.report_form').get(0);
556         // not SLA?
557         if (!f['start_month'])
558                 return;
560         if (check_custom_months.start_date == undefined) {
561                 check_custom_months.start_date = new Date(0);
562                 check_custom_months.end_date = new Date();
563                 $.ajax({
564                         url:  _site_domain + _index_page + '/sla/custom_start/',
565                         type: 'GET',
566                         dataType: 'json',
567                         success: function(data) {
568                                 if (!data.timestamp) {
569                                         $.notify("Unable to fetch oldest report timestamp: " + data.responseText, {'sticky': true});
570                                 }
571                                 check_custom_months.start_date.setTime(data.timestamp * 1000);
572                                 var html = '<option></option>';
573                                 for (i = check_custom_months.start_date.getFullYear(); i <= check_custom_months.end_date.getFullYear(); i++) {
574                                         html += '<option>' + i + '</option>';
575                                 }
576                                 $('#start_year').html(html);
577                                 $('#end_year').html(html);
578                         }
579                 });
580         }
582         var start_year  = f.start_year.value;
583         var start_month = f.start_month.value;
584         var end_year    = f.end_year.value;
585         var end_month   = f.end_month.value;
586         if (start_year == '' || end_year == '' || start_month == '' || end_month == '') {
587                 disable_months(0, 0);
588         } else if (start_year == end_year - 1 || start_year == end_year) {
589                 disable_months(start_month, end_month);
590         } else {
591                 disable_months(0, 0);
592         }
593         $('#progress').hide();
597  * Generic function to enable month_ fields
598  * depending on if selection is last 1, 3 or 6 months.
599  */
600 function enable_last_months(mnr)
602         var now = new Date();
603         var this_month = now.getMonth()+1;
604         var from = this_month - mnr;
605         var to = this_month - 1;
606         if (from <= 0)
607                 from += 12;
608         if (to <= 0)
609                 to += 12;
610         disable_months(from, to);
613 function missing_objects()
615         this.objs = [];
618 missing_objects.prototype.add = function(name)
620         if (name != '*')
621                 this.objs.push(name);
624 missing_objects.prototype.display_if_any = function()
626         if (!this.objs.length)
627                 return;
629         var info_str = _reports_missing_objects + ": ";
630         info_str += "<ul><li><img src=\"" + _site_domain + "application/views/icons/arrow-right.gif" + "\" /> " + this.objs.join('</li><li><img src="' + _site_domain + 'application/views/icons/arrow-right.gif' + '" /> ') + '</li></ul>';
631         info_str += _reports_missing_objects_pleaseremove;
632         info_str += '<a href="#" id="hide_response" style="position:absolute;top:8px;left:700px;">Close <img src="' + _site_domain + '' + 'application/views/icons/12x12/cross.gif" /></a>';
633         $('#response')
634                 .css('background','#f4f4ed url(' + _site_domain + 'application/views/icons/32x32/shield-info.png) 7px 7px no-repeat')
635                 .css("position", "relative")
636                 .css('top', '0px')
637                 .css('width','748px')
638                 .css('left', '0px')
639                 .css('padding','15px 2px 5px 50px')
640                 .css('margin-left','5px')
641                 .html(info_str);
644 function confirm_delete_report()
646         var id = $("#report_id").attr('value')
648         var is_scheduled = $('#is_scheduled').text()!='' ? true : false;
649         var msg = _reports_confirm_delete + "\n";
650         var type = $('input[name=type]').attr('value');
651         if (!id)
652                 return;
653         if (is_scheduled) {
654                 msg += _reports_confirm_delete_warning;
655         }
656         msg = msg.replace("this saved report", "the saved report '"+$('#report_id option[selected=selected]').text()+"'");
657         if (confirm(msg)) {
658                 $(this).after(loadimg_sml);
659                 $.ajax({
660                         url: _site_domain + _index_page + '/' + _controller_name + '/delete/',
661                         type: 'POST',
662                         data: {'report_id': id},
663                         complete: function() {
664                                 $(loadimg_sml).remove();
665                         },
666                         success: function(data) {
667                                 var a = document.createElement("a");
668                                 a.href = window.location.href;
669                                 if( &&"report_id="+id) !== -1) {
670                                         window.location.href = RegExp("report_id="+id+"&?"), "");
671                                 }
672                         },
673                         error: function(data) {
674                                 var msg;
675                                 try {
676                                         msg = $.parseJSON(data.responseText).error;
677                                 } catch (ex) {
678                                         msg = "Unknown error";
679                                 }
680                                 $.notify("Failed to delete report: " + msg, {'sticky': true});
681                         },
682                         dataType: 'json'
683                 });
684         }
687 jQuery.extend(
688         jQuery.expr[':'], {
689                 regex: function(a, i, m, r) {
690                         var r = new RegExp(m[3], 'i');
691                         return r.test(jQuery(a).text());
692                 }
693         }
697 *       Regexp filter that (hopefully) works for all browsers
698 *       and not just FF
700 function init_regexpfilter() {
701         MyRegexp = new Object();
702         MyRegexp.selectFilterData = new Object();
703         MyRegexp.selectFilter = function(selectId, filter) {
704                 var list = document.getElementById(selectId);
705                 if(!MyRegexp.selectFilterData[selectId]) {
706                         //if we don't have a list of all the options, cache them now'
707                         MyRegexp.selectFilterData[selectId] = new Array();
708                         for(var i = 0; i < list.options.length; i++)
709                                 MyRegexp.selectFilterData[selectId][i] = list.options[i];
710                 }
711                 list.options.length = 0;   //remove all elements from the list
712                 var r = new RegExp(filter, 'i');
713                 for(var i = 0; i < MyRegexp.selectFilterData[selectId].length; i++) {
714                         //add elements from cache if they match filter
715                         var o = MyRegexp.selectFilterData[selectId][i];
716                         //if(o.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.toLowerCase()) >= 0) list.add(o, null);
717                         if(!o.parentNode && r.test(o.text)) list.add(o, null);
718                 }
719         }
720         MyRegexp.resetFilter = function(selectId) {
721                 if (typeof MyRegexp.selectFilterData[selectId] == 'undefined' || !MyRegexp.selectFilterData[selectId].length)
722                         return;
723                 var list = document.getElementById(selectId);
724                 list.options.length = 0;   //remove all elements from the list
725                 for(var i = 0; i < MyRegexp.selectFilterData[selectId].length; i++) {
726                         //add elements from cache if they match filter
727                         var o = MyRegexp.selectFilterData[selectId][i];
728                         if (!o.parentNode)
729                                 list.add(o, null);
730                 }
732         };