Avail feature updated
[ninja.git] / application / views / rotation / js / rotation.js
2 (function () {
4         function ucwords (str) {
5                 return (str + '').replace(/^([a-z])|\s+([a-z])/g, function ($1) {
6                         return $1.toUpperCase();
7                 });
8         }
10         function arrayRemoveValue(arr){
11                 var what, a= arguments, L= a.length, ax;
12                 while(L> 1 && arr.length){
13                         what= a[--L];
14                         while((ax= arr.indexOf(what))!= -1){
15                                 arr.splice(ax, 1);
16                         }
17                 }
18                 return arr;
19         }
21         var STATUS_PAUSED = 0,
22                 STATUS_PLAYING = 1;
24         var RotationalView = function () {
26                 var self = Object.create(RotationalView.prototype);
28                 self.config = {
30                         basepath: _site_domain + _index_page,
32                         max_interval: 30000,
33                         min_interval: 5000,
34                         interval_increment: 1000,
35                         interval: 10000
37                 };
39                 self.showing = false;
40                 self.status = STATUS_PAUSED;
41                 self.hideTimer;
43                 self.frame = $('#rotation-frame');
44                 self.help = $('#page-rotation-initial');
46                 self.x_css = [];
47                 self.x_scripts = [];
49                 self.pages = [];
50                 self.current = -1;
51                 self.timer;
53                 $.ajax(self.config.basepath + '/ajax/get_setting', {
55                         data: {
56                                 'type': 'rotation_queue',
57                                 'page': 'page_rotation'
58                         },
60                         type: 'POST',
62                         success: function (obj) {
64                                 var pages = obj['rotation_queue'] || [];
66                                 if (pages.length >= 1) {
67                                         $('#page-rotation-play').css('opacity','1.0');
68                                 }
70                                 for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i += 1) {
71                                         self.add(pages[i]);
72                                 }
74                         }
75                 });
77                 self.events();
79                 return self;
81         };
83         RotationalView.prototype = {
85                 page: function () {
86                         return this.pages[this.current];
87                 },
89                 hoisting: function hoisting (frame) {
91                         var self = this;
93                         frame.load(function () {
95                                 var contents = frame.contents().find('body').children(),
97                                         scripts = frame.contents().find('script'),
98                                         css = frame.contents().find('link[rel="stylesheet"]'),
100                                         cscripts = $('head').find('script'),
101                                         ccss = $('head').find('link[rel="stylesheet"]');
103                                 scripts.each(function () {
105                                         var i = cscripts.length,
106                                                 insert = true;
108                                         if (this.src) {
110                                                 for (i; i--;)
111                                                         insert = (this.src == cscripts[0].src) ? false : insert;
113                                                 if (insert) {
114                                                         $('head').prepend($(this));
115                                                         addedscripts.push($(this));
116                                                 }
117                                         }
119                                 });
121                                 css.each(function () {
123                                         var i = ccss.length,
124                                                 insert = true;
126                                         if (this.href) {
128                                                 for (i; i--;)
129                                                         insert = (this.href == ccss[i].href) ? false : insert;
131                                                 if (insert) {
132                                                         $('head').prepend($(this));
133                                                         addedcss.push($(this));
134                                                 }
136                                         }
138                                 });
140                                 self.frame.html('').
141                                         append(contents).
142                                         css({'margin': '1% auto'}).
143                                         animate({'opacity': 'show'}, 1000);
145                                 clearTimeout(self.timer);
146                                 self.timer = setTimeout(function () {
147                                         self.rotate();
148                                 }, self.config.interval);
150                         });
151                 },
153                 interpret: function interpret (request) {
155                         var tmp = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("tmp"),
156                                 self = this,
157                                 doc = null;
159                         tmp.documentElement.innerHTML = request.responseText;
160                         doc = $(tmp);
162                         for (var i = 0; i < this.x_scripts.length; i += 1)
163                                 this.x_scripts[i].remove();
165                         for (var i = 0; i < this.x_css.length; i += 1)
166                                 this.x_css[i].remove();
168                         this.x_scripts = [];
169                         this.x_css = [];
170                         this.frame.html('');
172                         if (this.page().indexOf('widget') > 0) {
174                                 var name = this.page().split(' ')[0];
175                                         widget = doc.find("[id*=" + name + "]");
177                                 if (widget) {
178                                         this.frame.append(widget.children());
179                                 } else {
180                                         this.frame.html('Could not resolve widget ' + name);
181                                 }
183                         } else {
185                                 this.frame.append(
186                                         doc.find('.content').children()
187                                 );
189                                 var frame = this.frame.find('iframe');
191                                 if (frame.length > 0) {
193                                         this.hoisting(frame);
195                                 } else {
197                                         this.frame.css({'margin': '0'});
198                                         this.frame.animate({'opacity': 'show'}, 1000);
200                                         clearTimeout(this.timer);
201                                         this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
202                                                 self.rotate();
203                                         }, this.config.interval);
205                                 }
207                         }
208                 },
210                 rotate: function rotate () {
212                         var self = this,
213                                 callback = function (request) {
214                                         if (request.status != 200) {
215                                                 self.note('The requested frame did not return status 200, ' +
216                                                                 'jumping to next in 3 seconds', self.rotate);
217                                         }
218                                         self.interpret(request);
219                                 },
220                                 path;
222                         this.help.css('display', 'none');
223                         this.current = (this.current === this.pages.length - 1) ? 0 : this.current + 1;
224                         this.frame.animate({'opacity': 'hide'}, 400);
226                         if (this.page().indexOf('widget') > 0) {
227                                 path = this.config.basepath + '/tac';
228                         } else {
229                                 path = this.config.basepath + this.pages[this.current];
230                         }
232                         $.ajax(path, {
233                                 crossDomain: true,
234                                 complete: callback
235                         });
237                 },
239                 note: function note (message, ref) {
240                         if (typeof(ref) == 'function') {
241                                 $('#page-rotation-note').html(message).fadeIn(500).delay(2000).fadeOut(1000, ref);
242                         } else {
243                                 $('#page-rotation-note').html(message).fadeIn(500).delay(2000).fadeOut(1000);
244                         }
245                 },
247                 hide: function () {
248                         $('#page-rotation-opts').fadeOut(400);
249                         $('#page-rotation-views').fadeOut(400);
250                         $('#content').animate({'margin-top': '0px'}, {'duration': 800, 'queue': false});
251                         $('#header').fadeOut(400, function () {
252                                 optsstick = false;
253                         });
254                 },
256                 show: function () {
257                         $('#page-rotation-opts').fadeIn(400);
258                         $('#page-rotation-views').fadeIn(400);
259                         $('#content').animate({'margin-top': '48px'}, {'duration': 200, 'queue': false});
260                         $('#header').fadeIn(400);
261                 },
263                 add: function add (uri) {
265                         var self = this,
266                                 value = uri;
268                         if (value.indexOf('widget') > 0) {
270                                 // Holder for widgets
272                         } else {
274                                 if (value.indexOf('index.php') > 0)
275                                         value = value.split('index.php')[1];
277                                 if (value[0] != '/')
278                                         value = '/' + value;
280                                 value += ( value.indexOf('rotation_token') > 0 ) ? "" : 
281                                         ( value.indexOf('?') > 0 ) ? 
282                                         '&rotation_token=' + (new Date()).getTime() : 
283                                         '?rotation_token=' + (new Date()).getTime();
285                                 $.ajax(this.config.basepath + value, {
286                                         type: 'GET',
287                                         crossDomain: true,
288                                         complete: function (request) {
290                                                 var title = request.responseText,
291                                                         i1 = title.indexOf('<title>') + 7,
292                                                         i2 = title.indexOf('</title>') - i1;
294                                                 title = title.substr(i1, i2);
296                                                 if (request.status == 200) {
298                                                         $('#page-rotation-fields-list').append(
299                                                                 $('<li>').append(
300                                                                         $('<input type="checkbox" checked="true" value="' + value + '" />').bind('click', function (e) {
301                                                                                 arrayRemoveValue(self.pages, $(e.target).val());
302                                                                         })
303                                                                 ).append(
304                                                                         $('<span>').text(' ' + title)
305                                                                 )
306                                                         );
308                                                         self.pages.push(value);
310                                                 } else {
312                                                         self.note('HEAD test of the given URI could not be resolved!<br /><br />' +
313                                                                 'This is either due to a faulty URI or the request is targetting a ' +
314                                                                 'page outside of Op5 Monitors Web Interface.<br />' +
315                                                                 'Try copying URI\'s from existing pages in Op5 Monitors Web Interface.');
317                                                 }
318                                         }
319                                 });
321                         }
323                 },
325                 save: function save () {
327                         var button = $('#page-rotation-save');
328                         button.css('opacity', '0.4');
330                         $.ajax(this.config.basepath + '/ajax/save_page_setting', {
331                                 data: {
332                                         'type': 'rotation_queue',
333                                         'page': 'page_rotation',
334                                         'setting': JSON.stringify(this.pages)
335                                 },
336                                 type: 'POST',
337                                 complete: function (request) {
338                                         button.css('opacity', '1.0');
339                                 }
340                         });
342                 },
344                 gotoPage: function () {
345                         if (this.page().indexOf('widget') > 0) {
346                                 window.location.href = this.config.basepath + '/tac';
347                         } else {
348                                 window.location.href = this.config.basepath + this.page();
349                         }
350                 },
352                 element: function (btn) {
353                         return $('#page-rotation-' + btn);
354                 },
356                 events: function () {
358                         var self = this,
360                                 reveal = function () {
362                                         if (!self.showing) {
363                                                 self.show();
364                                                 self.showing = true;
365                                         }
367                                         if (self.hideTimer)
368                                                 clearTimeout(self.hideTimer);
369                                         self.hideTimer = setTimeout(function () {
370                                                 self.hide();
371                                                 self.showing = false;
372                                         }, 2000);
374                                 };
376                         this.show();
378                         $('#page-rotation-add').bind('click', function () {self.add($('#page-rotation-new').attr('value'));});
379                         $('#page-rotation-save').bind('click', function () {self.save();});
381                         $('#page-rotation-prev').bind('click', function () {
382                                 self.current -= 2;
383                                 self.current = (self.current < -1) ? self.pages.length - 2 : self.current;
384                                 self.rotate();
385                         });
387                         $('#page-rotation-next').bind('click', function () {
388                                 self.rotate();
389                         });
391                         $('#page-rotation-play').bind('click', function () {
393                                 self.status = STATUS_PLAYING;
394                                 self.rotate();
396                                 clearTimeout(self.hideTimer);
397                                 $(window).unbind('mousemove', reveal);
398                                 $(window).bind('mousemove', reveal);
400                                 $('#page-rotation-play').css('display', 'none');
401                                 $('#page-rotation-pause').css('display', 'inline-block');
402                         });
404                         $('#page-rotation-pause').bind('click', function () {
406                                 self.status = STATUS_PAUSED;
407                                 clearTimeout(self.timer);
409                                 clearTimeout(self.hideTimer);
410                                 $(window).unbind('mousemove', reveal);
412                                 $('#page-rotation-play').css('display', 'inline-block');
413                                 $('#page-rotation-pause').css('display', 'none');
414                         });
416                         self.element('goto').bind('click', function () {
417                                 self.gotoPage();
418                         });
420                         self.element('slower').bind('click', function () {
421                                 if (self.config.interval + self.config.interval_increment <= self.config.max_interval)
422                                         self.config.interval += self.config.interval_increment;
423                                 self.element('speed').val(self.config.interval / 1000);
424                         });
426                         self.element('faster').bind('click', function () {
427                                 if (self.config.interval - self.config.interval_increment >= self.config.min_interval)
428                                         self.config.interval -= self.config.interval_increment;
429                                 self.element('speed').val(self.config.interval / 1000);
430                         });
432                 }
434         }
436         $(window).bind('load', function onmainload () {
437                 RotationalView();
438         });
440 }());