reports: Fix id of custom date selector
[ninja.git] / application / media / js / jquery.jgrowl.js
1 /**
2  * jGrowl 1.2.0
3  *
4  * Dual licensed under the MIT (
5  * and GPL ( licenses.
6  *
7  * Written by Stan Lemon <>
8  * Last updated: 2009.05.11
9  *
10  * jGrowl is a jQuery plugin implementing unobtrusive userland notifications.  These
11  * notifications function similarly to the Growl Framework available for
12  * Mac OS X (
13  *
14  * To Do:
15  * - Move library settings to containers and allow them to be changed per container
16  *
17  * Changes in 1.2.0
18  * - Added message pooling to limit the number of messages appearing at a given time.
19  * - Closing a notification is now bound to the notification object and triggered by the close button.
20  *
21  * Changes in 1.1.2
22  * - Added iPhone styled example
23  * - Fixed possible IE7 bug when determining if the ie6 class shoudl be applied.
24  * - Added template for the close button, so that it's content could be customized.
25  *
26  * Changes in 1.1.1
27  * - Fixed CSS styling bug for ie6 caused by a mispelling
28  * - Changes height restriction on default notifications to min-height
29  * - Added skinned examples using a variety of images
30  * - Added the ability to customize the content of the [close all] box
31  * - Added jTweet, an example of using jGrowl + Twitter
32  *
33  * Changes in 1.1.0
34  * - Multiple container and instances.
35  * - Standard $.jGrowl() now wraps $.fn.jGrowl() by first establishing a generic jGrowl container.
36  * - Instance methods of a jGrowl container can be called by $.fn.jGrowl(methodName)
37  * - Added glue preferenced, which allows notifications to be inserted before or after nodes in the container
38  * - Added new log callback which is called before anything is done for the notification
39  * - Corner's attribute are now applied on an individual notification basis.
40  *
41  * Changes in 1.0.4
42  * - Various CSS fixes so that jGrowl renders correctly in IE6.
43  *
44  * Changes in 1.0.3
45  * - Fixed bug with options persisting across notifications
46  * - Fixed theme application bug
47  * - Simplified some selectors and manipulations.
48  * - Added beforeOpen and beforeClose callbacks
49  * - Reorganized some lines of code to be more readable
50  * - Removed unnecessary this.defaults context
51  * - If corners plugin is present, it's now customizable.
52  * - Customizable open animation.
53  * - Customizable close animation.
54  * - Customizable animation easing.
55  * - Added customizable positioning (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, center)
56  *
57  * Changes in 1.0.2
58  * - All CSS styling is now external.
59  * - Added a theme parameter which specifies a secondary class for styling, such
60  *   that notifications can be customized in appearance on a per message basis.
61  * - Notification life span is now customizable on a per message basis.
62  * - Added the ability to disable the global closer, enabled by default.
63  * - Added callbacks for when a notification is opened or closed.
64  * - Added callback for the global closer.
65  * - Customizable animation speed.
66  * - jGrowl now set itself up and tears itself down.
67  *
68  * Changes in 1.0.1:
69  * - Removed dependency on metadata plugin in favor of .data()
70  * - Namespaced all events
71  */
72 (function($) {
74         /** jGrowl Wrapper - Establish a base jGrowl Container for compatibility with older releases. **/
75         $.jGrowl = function( m , o ) {
77                 // Because jgrowl is jgrowl
78                 $.notify( m );
80                 // To maintain compatibility with older version that only supported one instance we'll create the base container.
81                 //if ( $('#jGrowl').size() == 0 ) $('<div id="jGrowl"></div>').addClass($.jGrowl.defaults.position).appendTo('body');
82                 // Create a notification on the container.
83                 //$('#jGrowl').jGrowl(m,o);
85         };
88         /** Raise jGrowl Notification on a jGrowl Container **/
89         $.fn.jGrowl = function( m , o ) {
90                 if ( $.isFunction(this.each) ) {
91                         var args = arguments;
93                         return this.each(function() {
94                                 var self = this;
96                                 /** Create a jGrowl Instance on the Container if it does not exist **/
97                                 if ( $(this).data('jGrowl.instance') == undefined ) {
98                                         $(this).data('jGrowl.instance', new $.fn.jGrowl());
99                                         $(this).data('jGrowl.instance').startup( this );
100                                 }
102                                 /** Optionally call jGrowl instance methods, or just raise a normal notification **/
103                                 if ( $.isFunction($(this).data('jGrowl.instance')[m]) ) {
104                                         $(this).data('jGrowl.instance')[m].apply( $(this).data('jGrowl.instance') , $.makeArray(args).slice(1) );
105                                 } else {
106                                         $(this).data('jGrowl.instance').create( m , o );
107                                 }
108                         });
109                 };
110         };
112         $.extend( $.fn.jGrowl.prototype , {
114                 /** Default JGrowl Settings **/
115                 defaults: {
116                         pool:                   0,
117                         header:                 '',
118                         group:                  '',
119                         sticky:                 false,
120                         position:               'top-right', // Is this still needed?
121                         glue:                   'after',
122                         theme:                  'default',
123                         corners:                '10px',
124                         check:                  250,
125                         life:                   5000,
126                         speed:                  'normal',
127                         easing:                 'swing',
128                         closer:                 true,
129                         closeTemplate: '&times;',
130                         closerTemplate: '<div>[ close all ]</div>',
131                         log:                    function(e,m,o) {},
132                         beforeOpen:     function(e,m,o) {},
133                         open:                   function(e,m,o) {},
134                         beforeClose:    function(e,m,o) {},
135                         close:                  function(e,m,o) {},
136                         animateOpen:    {
137                                 opacity:        'show'
138                         },
139                         animateClose:   {
140                                 opacity:        'hide'
141                         }
142                 },
144                 notifications: [],
146                 /** jGrowl Container Node **/
147                 element:        null,
149                 /** Interval Function **/
150                 interval:   null,
152                 /** Create a Notification **/
153                 create:         function( message , o ) {
154                         var o = $.extend({}, this.defaults, o);
156                         this.notifications[ this.notifications.length ] = { message: message , options: o };
158                         o.log.apply( this.element , [this.element,message,o] );
159                 },
161                 render:                 function( notification ) {
162                         var self = this;
163                         var message = notification.message;
164                         var o = notification.options;
166                         var notification = $('<div class="jGrowl-notification' + (( != undefined && != '') ? ' ' + : '') + '"><div class="close">' + o.closeTemplate + '</div><div class="header">' + o.header + '</div><div class="message">' + message + '</div></div>')
167                                 .data("jGrowl", o).addClass(o.theme).children('div.close').bind("click.jGrowl", function() {
168                                         $(this).parent().trigger('jGrowl.close');
169                                 }).parent();
171                         ( o.glue == 'after' ) ? $('div.jGrowl-notification:last', this.element).after(notification) : $('div.jGrowl-notification:first', this.element).before(notification);
173                         /** Notification Actions **/
174                         $(notification).bind("mouseover.jGrowl", function() {
175                                 $(this).data("jGrowl").pause = true;
176                         }).bind("mouseout.jGrowl", function() {
177                                 $(this).data("jGrowl").pause = false;
178                         }).bind('jGrowl.beforeOpen', function() {
179                                 o.beforeOpen.apply( self.element , [self.element,message,o] );
180                         }).bind('', function() {
181                        self.element , [self.element,message,o] );
182                         }).bind('jGrowl.beforeClose', function() {
183                                 o.beforeClose.apply( self.element , [self.element,message,o] );
184                         }).bind('jGrowl.close', function() {
185                                 $(this).trigger('jGrowl.beforeClose').animate(o.animateClose, o.speed, o.easing, function() {
186                                         $(this).remove();
187                                         o.close.apply( self.element , [self.element,message,o] );
188                                 });
189                         }).trigger('jGrowl.beforeOpen').animate(o.animateOpen, o.speed, o.easing, function() {
190                                 $(this).data("jGrowl").created = new Date();
191                         }).trigger('');
193                         /** Optional Corners Plugin **/
194                         if ( $.fn.corner != undefined ) $(notification).corner( o.corners );
196                         /** Add a Global Closer if more than one notification exists **/
197                         if ( $('div.jGrowl-notification:parent', this.element).size() > 1 && $('div.jGrowl-closer', this.element).size() == 0 && this.defaults.closer != false ) {
198                                 $(this.defaults.closerTemplate).addClass('jGrowl-closer').addClass(this.defaults.theme).appendTo(this.element).animate(this.defaults.animateOpen, this.defaults.speed, this.defaults.easing).bind("click.jGrowl", function() {
199                                         $(this).siblings().children('div.close').trigger("click.jGrowl");
201                                         if ( $.isFunction( self.defaults.closer ) ) self.defaults.closer.apply( $(this).parent()[0] , [$(this).parent()[0]] );
202                                 });
203                         };
204                 },
206                 /** Update the jGrowl Container, removing old jGrowl notifications **/
207                 update:  function() {
208                         $(this.element).find('div.jGrowl-notification:parent').each( function() {
209                                 if ( $(this).data("jGrowl") != undefined && $(this).data("jGrowl").created != undefined && ($(this).data("jGrowl").created.getTime() + $(this).data("jGrowl").life)  < (new Date()).getTime() && $(this).data("jGrowl").sticky != true &&
210                                          ($(this).data("jGrowl").pause == undefined || $(this).data("jGrowl").pause != true) ) {
211                                         $(this).trigger('jGrowl.close');
212                                 }
213                         });
215                         if ( this.notifications.length > 0 && (this.defaults.pool == 0 || $(this.element).find('div.jGrowl-notification:parent').size() < this.defaults.pool) ) {
216                                 this.render( this.notifications.shift() );
217                         }
219                         if ( $(this.element).find('div.jGrowl-notification:parent').size() < 2 ) {
220                                 $(this.element).find('div.jGrowl-closer').animate(this.defaults.animateClose, this.defaults.speed, this.defaults.easing, function() {
221                                         $(this).remove();
222                                 });
223                         };
224                 },
226                 /** Setup the jGrowl Notification Container **/
227                 startup:        function(e) {
228                         this.element = $(e).addClass('jGrowl').append('<div class="jGrowl-notification"></div>');
229                         this.interval = setInterval( function() {
230                                 jQuery(e).data('jGrowl.instance').update();
231                         }, this.defaults.check);
233                         if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 7 && !window["XMLHttpRequest"]) $(this.element).addClass('ie6');
234                 },
236                 /** Shutdown jGrowl, removing it and clearing the interval **/
237                 shutdown:   function() {
238                         $(this.element).removeClass('jGrowl').find('div.jGrowl-notification').remove();
239                         clearInterval( this.interval );
240                 }
241         });
243         /** Reference the Defaults Object for compatibility with older versions of jGrowl **/
244         $.jGrowl.defaults = $.fn.jGrowl.prototype.defaults;
246 })(jQuery);